Health and Safety Training Course Schedule 2014 – 2015 The Health and Safety Training Course schedule is outlined in the table below. Beneath the table are the course descriptions. The courses are offered to all staff free of charge. Please note we will however consider charging Schools / Professional Services for non-attendance of delegates booked onto courses. Booking procedure To book on to the courses listed in the Training Schedule go to the Core Portal and login using your normal University username and password. Select the development tab and search for health and safety courses or the specific course name, select the date of the course you wish to attend and book accordingly. Each booking will need to be approved by your line manager before the place on the course is actually booked so please make sure you book in advance to allow time for the approval to be made. If you have any problems booking or queries regarding the courses please email Course Day Date Time Venue Portable Appliance Testing Wednesday 5th November 2014 9.30 – 12.30pm 47 Park Place Display Screen Assessors Course Tuesday 11 November 2014 9.30 – 3.30pm 47 Park Place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Monday 17th November 2014 9.00 – 12.30pm 47 Park Place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Monday 17th November 2014 1.00 – 4.30pm 47 Park Place Manual Handling Thursday 4th December 2014 9.30 – 12.00noon 47 Park Place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Wednesday 10th December 2014 9.00 – 12.30pm Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Wednesday 10th December 2014 1.00 – 4.30pm Room 0.31a Bute Building Display Screen Assessors Course Wednesday 14th January 2015 9.30 – 3.30pm 47 Park Place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Thursday 15th January 2015 9.00 – 12.30pm 47 Park Place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Thursday 15th January 2015 1.00 – 4.30pm 47 Park Place Portable Appliance Testing Thursday 29th January 2015 1.30 – 4.30pm 47 Park place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Friday 6th February 2015 9.00 – 12.30pm 47 Park place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Friday 6th February 2015 1.00 – 4.30pm 47 Park place Fire Warden Wednesday 11th February 2015 2.00 – 4.00pm 47 Park place Manual Handling Thursday 12th February 2015 1.30-4.30pm 47 Park Place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Tuesday 3rd March 2015 9.00 – 12.30pm 47 Park place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Tuesday 3rd March 2015 1.00 – 4.30pm 47 Park place Manual Handling Monday 23rd March 2015 9.30 – 12.00pm 47 Park place Portable Appliance Testing Tuesday 31st March 2015 9.30 – 12.30 47 Park place Display Screen Assessors Friday 10th April 2015 9.30 – 3.30pm 47 Park Place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Monday 20th April 2015 9.00 – 12.30pm 47 Park place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Monday 20th April 2015 1.00 – 4.30pm 47 Park place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Thursday 7th May 2015 9.00 – 12.30pm 47 Park place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Thursday 7th May 2015 1.00 – 4.30pm 47 Park place Manual Handling Wednesday 13th May 2015 1.30 – 4.00 47 Park Place Room 0.31a Bute Building Fire Warden Thursday 4th June 2015 10.00 – 12.00 47 Park Place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Wednesday 10th June 2015 9.00 – 12.30pm 47 Park place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Wednesday 10th June 2015 1.00 – 4.30pm 47 Park place Display Screen Assessors Thursday 18th June 2015 9.30 – 3.30pm 47 Park place Portable Appliance Testing Friday 19th June 2015 9.30 – 12.30pm 47 Park place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Friday 26th June 2015 9.00 – 12.30pm 47 Park place Fundamentals of Safety Health and Environmental Management Friday 26th June 2015 1.00 – 4.30pm 47 Park place Manual Handling Thursday 9th July 2015 9.30 – 12.00 47 Park Place Fire Safety Awareness Laboratory Gases Dates to be announced. Lecture theatre availability will not be known until timetabling has been completed. Dates should be available in mid September. Cryogenic Gas Course Descriptions Cryogenic Gas Course See outline on other page Display Screen Equipment Assessors (DSE Course) The course enables those with a responsibility for office health and safety to firstly appraise, and then undertake a formal DSE assessment. Factors are outlined that need consideration when undertaking a Display Screen Assessment, (DSE Assessment), of computer users. Appropriate legislation is outlined briefly, with the aim that participants can then explain to others the safe layout and operation of a workstation to help prevent occupational health issues. 1 day Fire Safety Awareness This course is for CU staff (although not those based in UHB buildings) and covers a range of issues such as precautions necessary to prevent fires occurring, actions upon discovering a fire, raising the alarm, maintaining safe evacuation routes, and roles and responsibilities. 1 hour Fire Warden This course is for CU staff (although not those based in UHB buildings) and focuses on the pro-active and key role of Fire Wardens during an emergency evacuation. Areas covered are workplace checks, actions upon discovering a fire, raising the alarm, maintaining safe evacuation routes, and roles and responsibilities. (NB Fire Wardens attending this course DO NOT need to attend the Fire Safety Awareness course above). 2 hours Fundamentals of Safety Health & Environmental Management This is a highly interactive workshop which aims to outline the key areas of safety, health and environmental responsibility that managers within the University have. It will provide a practical overview of how safety, health and environment should be managed within a College /School / Directorate. Delegates will discuss some of the key tools and techniques that are available to help managers ensure that safety, health and environment issues are properly addressed. NB. this course requires some pre-learning prior to attending which will be sent to delegates when they have a confirmed booking on a course. ½ day LABORATORY COMPRESSED GASES See outline on other page Manual Handling This course is for all personnel who routinely undertake manual handling tasks. The course aims to provide delegates with knowledge and skills to ensure manual handling tasks are undertaken safely, with the minimum risk of injury. The requirements of the Manual Handling Regulations are explained, and advice given on making an assessment. Manual Handling techniques will also be discussed and practised. ½ day Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) This course is for personnel who will be required to safety inspect and test portable electrical equipment. The course assumes no previous electrical knowledge, and aims to attain the required competency to inspect and undertake basic safety testing of portable electrical appliances. The content is in line with the requirements of The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. ½ day LABORATORY COMPRESSED GASES SAFETY COURSE A half-day safety awareness seminar, for all those Involved in the use, handling and storage of compressed [cylinder] gases. INTRODUCTION: Including, aim & objective, legal background & guidance. GAS CLASSIFICATION & PACKAGING: Including, cylinder design and construction, supplier responsibilities, cylinder valves, leakage and cylinder identification. BEFORE USE SAFETY CHECKS GAS CONTROL EQUIPMENT: Including selection, care, requirements for maintenance and setting up of gas pressure regulators, flashback arrestors, etc. SAFETY IN THE STORAGE AND HANDLING OF GAS CYLINDERS: To include a short practical session if required. THE PROPERTIES & POTENTIAL HAZARDS OF THE GASES ON SITE: As per your listing of gases &/or gas mixtures in use on site. ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY: Incidents & accidents examples to illustrate the key hazards associated with cylinder gases. OPEN FORUM & CLOSING COMMENTS Tutor – David Bayliss – Gas Safety UK CRYOGENIC GASES SAFETY COURSE 1. INTRODUCTION Aims & objectives Legislation applicable & guidance available 2. PRODUCTION & SUPPLY How cryogenic liquid gases are manufactured and shipped 3. VESSELS Design, construction and function of vessels, [pressurised] liquid cylinders and dewars Recommended checks and maintenance 4. THE PROPERTIES Liquid nitrogen Liquid helium Liquid argon, etc. 5. THE POTENTIAL HAZARDS 'Contact vs. non-contact' Oxygen deficiency Oxygen enrichment Cryogenic burns, frostbite & hypothermia 6. SAFETY IN VESSEL HANDLING Assessment Selection of PPE Key issues 7. SAFETY IN CRYOGENIC GAS STORAGE Worst possible scenario Ventilation & gas detection Key issues 8. INERT GAS RESCUE MODULE Course delegates explore how best to respond to an oxygen deficiency incident 9. COURSE QUESTIONNAIRE Multiple-choice questionnaire for delegates to check understanding of the key learning issues. OPEN FORUM & CLOSING COMMENTS Tutor – David Bayliss – Gas Safety UK