Grade 11 Celebration of Learning Review October

Grade 11 Celebration of Learning Review October, 2015
“ Labour Day is a dreaded bell in the schoolyard of the mind” by Harry Bruce
What did we emphasize? Hyperbole, compare and contrast
Content? Speaker expresses sadness over the end of summer, especially returning to school.
Essay Title: “ Blasting music to drown out reality” Author? Sydney J. Harris
What did we emphasize? Bias, hyperbole
Content: Speaker expresses a somewhat elitist view of modern music. He shows a definite bias.
Language is condescending.
Essay Title: “The great person-hole cover debate” Author? Lindsy Van Gelder
What did we emphasize? Feminism, tone (humour), gender specific language
Content? Speaker make slight-hearted commentary on justification of gender-biased language
used in Fishing guide.
Essay Title? “Competing with cool” Author? Robert Brody
What did we emphasize? Anecdotes, Step-by-step advice, sport jargon (several sport
Content?Speaker admits to having had difficulty with remaining clam and “sportsmanlike”
during sport activities, even as an adult. He goes on to give advice as to how a participant can
keep his/her cool.
Essay Title? “The time factor” Author? Gloria Steinem
What did we emphasize? Traditional gender roles, class structure (ex// rich and poor)
Content? Speaker addresses the differences in attitudes that different groups of people have
towards “Time”. She also equates time with control or power in our society. (Practice essay
was written in schribbler.)
Article Title? “Why time is a feminist issue Author?” Brigid Schulte
What did we emphasize? Compare and contrast The time factor”) , how much have things really
changed? Time confetti . More personal experience than general experience.
Essay Title? Individual liberty and public control Author? Bertrand Russell
Paradox of Innovation vs law and order.