Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics Traditional Option Secondary Teaching Preparation Option Educational Effectiveness Assessment Plan Version X Revised June 2012 Version X will be reviewed by the by the Mathematics faculty in August 2012 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission Statement ________________________________________________________________ 2 Program Introduction _____________________________________________________________ 3 Assessment Process Introduction ____________________________________________________ 3 Mathematics Baccalaureate Degree Student Learning Outcomes _________________________ 4 Table 1: Association of Assessment Measures to Student Learning Outcomes ________________ 5 Assessment Measures _____________________________________________________________ 6 Table 2: Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Measures and Administration _____ 6 Assessment Implementation & Analysis for Program Improvement ________________________ General Implementation Strategy ______________________________________________ Method of Data Analysis and Formulation of Recommendations for Program _________ Improvement Modification of the Assessment Plan ____________________________________________ 7 7 7 Appendix A: Senior Exit Survey ____________________________________________________ Measure Description: ________________________________________________________ Factors that affect the collected data: ___________________________________________ How to interpret the data: ____________________________________________________ Exit Survey _______________________________________________________________ 8 8 8 8 9 7 Appendix B: ETS Major Field Test__________________________________________________ 12 Appendix C: Alumni Information___________________________________________________ 13 How to interpret the information collected:______________________________________ 14 MISSION STATEMENT 2 Mathematics Program Mission The mission of the Mathematics program is to inspire our students to develop the knowledge and skills to understand, communicate and apply mathematical ideas, through excellence in instruction, quality research and scholarly activities, valuable and expert resources to the community, curriculum, and academic advising. PROGRAM INTRODUCTION There is no special accreditation available for mathematics programs in the United States. The CUPM (Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics) under the umbrella of the Mathematical Association of America developed guidelines for Mathematics Programs (2004). Revised guidelines have been under discussion for several years. A useful reference is "CUPM Discussion Papers about Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences in 2010: What Should Students Know?" ASSESSMENT PROCESS INTRODUCTION This document defines the expected student learning outcomes for the Mathematics program and outlines a plan for assessing the achievement of the stated student learning outcomes. The assessment uses three tools: student program portfolios, the Senior Exit Survey, and the ETS Major Field Test. Mathematics Program Assessment in its current form began in Fall 2001 with the distribution of the Senior Exit Survey to graduating seniors. The Senior Exit Survey was intended to determine how graduating seniors perceived the department, its faculty, academic advising, and the quality of the program. Minor modifications to the survey have been made to provide more useful information to the department. As a result of survey responses with respect to academic advising, a Mathematics faculty member is assigned as an advisor to every mathematics major as soon as the student declares a mathematics major. The section on future plans for graduate school and other careers has been expanded, and a question on logic-based and computational methods was added in Fall 2011. The program requirement that a mathematics major must take a standardized test of knowledge in order to graduate became effective as of the 2002-2003 catalog. During 2002-2004, students took a variety of tests: Praxis II, GRE Mathematics Subject Test, and the ETS Mathematics Major Field Test. In September 2003, the mathematics faculty decided to require one test, i.e. the ETS Mathematics Major Field test to obtain more meaningful data. The ETS Mathematics Major Field Test is administered by over 300 mathematics programs in the United States. The use of student program portfolios began in Fall 2011. These portfolios collect over time evidence of student achievement of the ability to understand, communicate, and apply mathematics. Descriptions of their philosophy of learning and interest in continuing to learn and use their skills are collected in required portfolio elements. The mid-year and end-of-year reports and the final plan are written by the CIP (Mark Fitch) with assistance from various mathematics faculty. Various documents published by professional associations in the discipline, including the Mathematical Association of America, are reviewed by the CIP as they become available. 3 The mathematics faculty met and accepted the current student learning outcomes and assessment process in September 2012, and has accepted the process, report, and plan each fall semester. The plan is reviewed each academic year. The development of the student learning outcomes was made after a review of professional standards published by the Mathematical Association of America and other professional organizations, and faculty discussion. The program student learning outcomes were significantly revised in fall 2012. It should be noted that the Mathematics program at UAA has traditionally followed national standards. In fact, UAA was requiring a Computer Science course and a Statistics course before they were recommended by the Mathematical Association of America. MATHEMATICS BACCALAUREATE DEGREE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Demonstrate knowledge of the techniques of modern mathematical subjects including calculus, linear algebra, modern algebra, and probability and statistics. Demonstrate an ability to construct proofs and solve problems using deductive logic, data analysis, computation, modeling, and connections. Demonstrate an ability to read, write, and speak mathematics. Demonstrate cognizance of their mathematical knowledge, of mathematics around them, and their need for life-long learning. Program Goal: Mathematics majors should receive high quality timely advising from mathematics faculty. 4 TABLE 1: ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSMENT MEASURES TO STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES This table is intended to help organize the student learning outcomes and the measures that are used to assess them. Each measure contributes information on the students’ achievement of a different set of student learning outcomes. That contribution is tracked in this table. Standardized Test Student Learning Outcomes Exit Survey Student Program Portfolios This table also forms the basis of the template for reporting and analyzing the combined data gathered from these measures. That is shown in the report section. Solve mathematical problems using logic-based and computational methods. Demonstrate knowledge of the techniques of modern mathematical subjects including calculus, linear algebra, modern algebra, and probability and statistics. 1 0 1 Demonstrate an ability to construct proofs and solve problems using deductive logic, data analysis, computation, modeling, and connections. 1 0 1 Demonstrate an ability to read, write, and speak mathematics. 1 0 0 Demonstrate cognizance of their mathematical knowledge, of mathematics around them, and their need for life-long learning. 1 1 0 0 = Measure is not used to measure the associated outcome. 1 = Measure is used to measure the associated outcome. 5 ASSESSMENT MEASURES A description of the measures used in the assessment of the program student learning outcomes and their implementation are summarized in Table 2 below. The measures and their relationships to the program student learning outcomes are listed in Table 1 (above). There is a separate appendix for each measure that shows the measure itself and describes its use and the factors that affect the results. TABLE 2: PROGRAM STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT MEASURES AND ADMINISTRATION Measure Student Program Portfolios Senior Exit Survey ETS Major Field Test Frequency/ Start Date Collection Method Students begin to construct their portfolio in Math A215. Portfolios are collected and reviewed each semester. Students submit the portfolios to faculty of Math A215 and upper division courses. All mathematics faculty The survey consists of fourteen questions and is administered to students in their senior year Administered every fall and spring semester. Start date: Fall 2001 The surveys are distributed in class or mailed to graduating seniors in two stamped addressed envelopes in order to separate the student/contact information and the survey. Assessment Coordinator National standardized test Administered every fall and spring semester. Start date: Fall 2002 for students graduating under the 2002-2003 catalog Supervised by a Mathematics faculty member. Completed tests are sent to the Educational Testing Services by the Assessment Coordinator Assessment Coordinator Description Portfolios contain statements of goals, reflections on classes and materials from classes. 6 Administered by ASSESSMENT IMPLEMENTATION & ANALYSIS FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT General Implementation Strategy Implementation of the plan revolves around the Student Program Portfolios, the Senior Exit Survey for graduating seniors, and the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Major Field Test. The Student Program Portfolios are collected every semester from all majors who have or are taking Math A215. The Senior Exit Survey and the standardized Major Field Test are administered every fall and spring semester. Students graduating in the summer semester receive the Senior Exit Survey in the previous spring semester. All mathematics majors must take the ETS Major Field Test in order to graduate with a degree in Mathematics, and all graduating seniors receive the Senior Exit Survey. Method of Data Analysis and Formulation of Recommendations for Program Improvement Early in the Fall semester, the mathematics program faculty are asked to review the assessment plan, tools, and report. ETS provides a Comparative Data Guide for the Subject Test. The faculty review may result in recommendations for modification of the tools and/or plan. It may also result in program changes that are designed to enhance performance relative to the program’s student learning outcomes. The recommended programmatic changes are forwarded to the CAS Program Assessment Coordinator in October. The revised assessment plan and report, and the recommended programmatic changes are forwarded to the CAS Program Assessment Coordinator and the Office of Academic Affairs by June 15 each year. A plan for implementing any recommended changes to the academic curriculum will take into consideration existing UAA policies, procedures and deadlines for such changes. The proposed programmatic changes may be any action or change in policy that the faculty deems as being necessary to improve performance relative to program student learning outcomes. Recommended changes should also consider workload (faculty, staff, and students), budgetary, facilities, and other relevant constraints. A few examples of changes made by the mathematics programs at UAA include: o Additional degree options, changes in course content, more flexibility in selective courses, prefixes, scheduling, sequencing, prerequisites, delivery methods. o changes in faculty assignments o changes in advising methods and requirements o addition and/or replacement of equipment o changes to facilities Modification of the Assessment Plan The mathematics program faculty, after reviewing the assessment plan and report, and the processes used to collect the data, may decide to alter the assessment plan. Changes may be made to any component of the plan, including the program student learning outcomes, assessment tools, or any other aspect of the plan. The changes are to be approved by the faculty of the program. The modified assessment plan will be forwarded to the CAS Program Assessment Coordinator and the Office of Academic Affairs. 7 APPENDIX A: SENIOR EXIT SURVEY Measure Description: A fourteen question survey is administered to graduating seniors to gather information about the quality of the Mathematics programs, academic minors obtained, department, faculty, academic advising, preparation for careers, and why the student selected the major. Changes have been made to the survey including information about logic-based and computational methods, future plans, and a request for an email address, so that alumni can be contacted more easily in the future. Factors that affect the collected data: The the response rate to the survey affect the representative nature of the data. How to interpret the data: The data provides information on whether students are satisfied with the educational experience provided by the program, and whether they consider themselves prepared for a career. 8 Senior Exit Survey Contact Information This page will be placed in a separate envelope from the Senior Exit Survey to ensure anonymity for the student. In case we need to contact you at some future date for further feedback, we would appreciate if you would provide us with your preferred contact information. Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________ Email address: ____________________________________________ We also appreciate if you would provide the name and contact information of a person who may be able to help us contact you in the event that your contact information changes. Contact Person: ____________________________________________ Contact Person email:________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________ 9 Senior Exit Survey Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. We plan to use the results to help us evaluate the quality of our undergraduate program. Your responses are confidential. The survey should be returned to the Mathematical Sciences Department in SSB 154. The responses will be analyzed by the Department of Mathematical Sciences for assessment purposes. 1. Please check the type of undergraduate degree you will be receiving. Bachelor of Arts Mathematics, Traditional Option _______ Bachelor of Arts Mathematics, Secondary Teaching Preparation Option _____ Bachelor of Science Mathematics, Traditional Option _______ Bachelor of Science Mathematics, Secondary Teaching Preparation Option_____ 2. Please list any academic minors for which you have applied. 3. Why did you decide to major in math? 4. Would you choose the same major if you were starting your undergraduate education over? Yes_____ No_____ Why or why not? 5. What are the major strengths of the department? 6. In what areas could the department improve? 7. Are you satisfied with the overall quality of your computer science, statistics, and mathematics courses? Very Satisfied_____ Satisfied_____ Please elaborate. 10 Dissatisfied_____ 8. Did you develop logic skills based on your mathematics/statistics courses at UAA?_ Please elaborate. 9. Did you develop computational skills based on your mathematics/statistics courses at UAA? Please elaborate. 10. Are there mathematics or statistics courses that you would like taught at UAA which are not currently offered? Yes_____ No_____ If your answer to this question is "yes", please list the courses and give reasons as to why you would like them offered. 11. Did you have adequate access to the department faculty (e.g. office hours, informal discussion, etc.)? Yes_____ No_____ Please elaborate. 12. How would you describe the quality of undergraduate advising in the department? Excellent______ 13. 14. Adequate______ Needs Improvement_______ a) What are your short and long term career plans after you graduate? b) Do you have plans to attend graduate or professional school? If so, in which area/field? c) Would you be interested in obtaining a graduate degree in mathematical sciences at UAA if such a degree was offered? d) What contribution do you expect your mathematics background will make in your career? e) Do you think you have the mathematical knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in your chosen career path(s)? If there are any additional comments that you would like to make concerning your undergraduate education, please add them, below. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. 11 APPENDIX B: ETS MAJOR FIELD TEST Tool Description: The ETS Major Field Test in Mathematics is designed to measure the basic knowledge and understanding achieved by senior undergraduates in mathematics. In addition to factual knowledge, the test evaluates students’ abilities to analyze and solve problems, understand relationships, and interpret material. The ETS Major Field Test can be used by program faculty to evaluate their curricula and to measure the progress of their students. The tests also provide students with an assessment of their own level of achievement within the discipline of mathematics compared to that of students in their program and to national comparative data. Content areas covered on the test include Calculus (30%), Linear and Abstract Algebra (30%), Advanced Calculus, Real and Complex Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Dynamical Systems, Topology, Geometry, Differential Equations, and Numerical Analysis (40%). Changes are made to the ETS tests periodically to reflect current curriculum trends. ETS major field tests are confidential, and sample tests are not permitted to be viewed except under strict security conditions. Factors that affect the collected data: Student motivation. There is currently no requirement that students have to obtain a specific grade on the standardized test. This raises the possibility that students will not spend time preparing for the test or take the test seriously. How to interpret the data: A Comparative Data Guide, published each year, contains tables of scale scores and percentiles for individual student scores, departmental mean scores, and any sub scores or group assessment indicators that the tests may support. Overall student scores are reported on a scale of 120-200; sub scores are reported on a scale of 20-100. The Subject Test has been required as a graduation requirement since the 2002-2003 catalogs. The number of students taking the test each semester has not been large enough for sub scores to be provided by ETS except for Spring 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006 and Spring 2007. The test is administered during the ninth or tenth week of the fall and spring semesters, so that the information is available for graduation audits to be completed. 12 APPENDIX C: ALUMNI INFORMATION Alumni information is obtained by mathematics program faculty who keep in contact with alumni. The narrative provides information on whether mathematics graduates obtain meaningful jobs, have successful careers, and whether they pursue graduate degrees in mathematics or another field. 13