Considerations for Specially Designed Instruction This document is intended to serve as guidance for IEP teams, administrators, parents, educators and practitioners as they determine the need for, plan, and implement specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities who require an individualized education program (IEP). The majority of students with disabilities spend 80% or more of the school day in general education settings where the delivery of SDI can be blurred by regular instruction. Further, with the evolution of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) in North Carolina, clarification on the distinctive features of SDI—or what makes special education “special”—is offered to promote common understanding for all stakeholders. The following content is a synthesis of NC DPI EC Division staff members’ input and literature review. WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, SPECIALLY DESIGNED or delivery of instruction-INSTRUCTION? (i) To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child's disability; and (ii) To ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public agency that apply to all children. IDEA Part 300(A)300.39; NC 1500-2.34(b)(3) WHAT IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION? Responsive, systematic instruction in addition to and different from high quality differentiated instruction and universal design for learning (UDL) made available to all students Customized, individualized instruction described in an IEP that is informed by: o Current/existing student performance data o Evidence based Instruction and intervention to the extent practicable o Best available evidence for instruction and interventions known to be effective with students with disabilities Instruction addressing student academic, behavioral, and/or functional needs arising from a disability that, in general education, inhibits proficient knowledge and skill: o Acquisition o Retention o Expression o Application Not accommodations and modifications alone Required rather than beneficial to access the standard course of study WHY IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION PROVIDED TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES? To meet the individualized needs of students with disabilities as described in the IEP To address gaps and/or accelerate academic, behavioral, and functional progress toward age- and grade-level standards WHERE AND WHEN IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION DELIVERED? HOW IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION DELIVERED? WHO SHALL DESIGN AND MONITOR SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION? WHO CAN PROVIDE SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION? HOW IS SPECIALLY To ensure a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE) To ensure students with disabilities graduate with a diploma To ensure all school programs, activities, and environments are accessible Any place school-sponsored activities occur, as defined in the student’s IEP Any time during school-sponsored activities occur, as defined in the student’s IEP To the maximum extent appropriate, with students who are not disabled, based on individual student need described in the IEP Within environments which are most conducive to student progress Delivered more urgently, more relentlessly, more intensely, more precisely, more directly, in a more highly structured manner, and in a more carefully monitored manner Adaptations to instruction designed to meet the unique needs of the student arising from his/her disability which may include changes to: o the purpose and appropriateness of the task o the complexity of the task o the size of the task o the time allotted o the pace o the environment o the order of learning o the procedures and routines o the resources and materials o the application and demonstration of knowledge o the level of support o independence, participation, and motivation Highly qualified special education teachers, including BK certified teachers, and related service providers with specialized training (e.g., license, education, and/or credentials), in collaboration with regular education teachers, and having demonstrated competency in the area of need Highly qualified special education teachers, including BK certified teachers, and related service providers with specialized training (e.g., license, education, and/or credentials), in collaboration with regular education teachers, and demonstrated competency in the area of need IEP team member or person to whom instruction has been delegated who: o Has demonstrated competence in delivering the specially designed instruction or intervention o Is routinely monitored for fidelity and effectiveness by the special instruction/intervention designer Through a specially designed progress monitoring plan DESIGNED INSTRUCTION MONITORED FOR EFFECTIVENESS? Through analysis of repeated individual student assessment data that indicates: o Student rate of catch-up growth on IEP goals results in improved proficiency on grade-level standards Through analysis of multiple data sources that include common formative assessments, interim/benchmark assessments, outcome assessments and universal screening that indicates: o Special education is responsive and resulting in positive outcomes for the majority of students o Students in special education are experiencing reduced risk over time o Instruction is being delivered with fidelity, using curriculum and practices consistently and accurately, as they were intended to be used Through collaborative, systematic data review, analysis, and problem-solving by the IEP team to determine when/if: o SDI needs to be modified o Goals need to be advanced or adjusted o SDI is no longer required Through stakeholder feedback Through teacher/service provider performance evaluation Through self-reflection by teachers and service providers WHAT IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION WITHIN A MULTI-TIERED SYSTEM OF SUPPORT? Specially designed instruction can be designed for and delivered within any tier of a multi-tiered system of support to meet the unique needs of the student Special education is designed to accelerate student progress beyond that which occurred during the provision of multi-tier supports in general education Students receiving special education should show greater growth towards age or grade level standards than what they were attaining with general education alone Tiered supports are available to all students, including students with disabilities; SDI is available only to students with identified disabilities under IDEA with an IEP SDI can be provided and embedded at any tier when content, methodology, and/or delivery are adapted according to the IEP Intensive support provided to any student should be in addition to not instead of Supplemental and Core instruction