#16Find the vertex, line of symmetry, maximum or minimum value of

#16Find the vertex, line of symmetry, maximum or minimum value of the quadratic
function, and graph the function. F(x)=-2x^2+2x+3
Vertex is (1/2,7/2);line: x=1/2;max/min is 7/2;(maximum)
#17Factor completely. 180v^2+300vt+125t^2
#18Convert to decimal notation. 8.53*107
#19Factor the trinomial. b^3-2b^2-63b
#20In a right triangle, find the length of the side not given. b=1,c=squr10
Answer: a=3
#21Subtract the polynomials. (-7w^2+4w+3)-(6w^2+3)
#22If a pro basketball player has a vertical leap of about 25 inches, what is his hang time?
Use the hand-time V=48 T2
Answer: 0.7
#23Rewrite the following expression with positive exponents. (47xy)-1/5
#24Multiply. (v+t)(v^2-vt+t^2)
#25Find the x-intercepts of the graph of the equation y=x^2-2x-8
(4,0) ,(-2,0)
#26Rationalize the denominator. Assume that all expressions under radicals represent
positive numbers. squr a – squr b / squr a + squr b
#27Factor completely. 16w^2-25
#28Evaluate the polynomial for x=4. 3x^2-3x+5
#29Use rational exponents to write x1/3*y1/8*z1/4 as a single radical expression.
#30Divide and simplify. d6/d14
#31Subtract. Simplify, if possible. 1-z/z-3 – 4z-7/3-z
(3z-6)/(z-3) (you don´t have to put ( ) )
#32Multiply. (w+1/4)(w+1/2)
w2 + 3/4 w +1/8
#33Find the vertex, line of symmetry, and the maximum or minimum value of f(x). graph
the function. f(x)=1/4(x+9)^4+4
Vertex is (-9,4); line: x=-9; max/min is 4; minimum
#34Solve. x^2+6x-4=0
-3+13, -3-13
#35If the sides of a square are lengthened by 6 cm, the area becomes 144 cm2. Find the
length of a side of the original square.
#36Simplify by removing factors of 1. 5p^2+5p/10p^2+25p
(p+1)/(2p+5) (you don´t have to put () )
#37Multiply. (7x+5)(6x^2+5x+4)
#38Write a quadratic equation in the cariable x having the given numbers as solutions.
Type the equation in standard form, ax^2+bx+c=0. Solution: 5, only solution
#39Solve. squr3x+24 = x+2
#40Multiply and simplify. 81c^2/2c^2-4c+2*2c-2/9c
9c/(c-1) (you don´t have to put () )
#41Multiply. (-3t)^2(2t^8)^3
#42Add. (2s^4-4s^3+5s^2+14s-9)+(s^5+10s^3+3s^2-5s+4)+(-5s^4+s^2-4s-5)
#43Perform the indicated operations and simplify. x-6/x-7 – x+1/x+7 + x-21/x2-49
8/(x+7) you don´t have to put ()
#44Find the greatest common factor for the group of terms. -30a3, 5a4
#45Divide. (25b^3+5b^2+34b+28)/(5b+3)
5b2-2b+8 + 4/(5b+3)
#46Multiply and simplify by factoring. Assume that all expressions under radicals
represent nonnegative numbers. 3squr y13 3squr 81y14
3y9 33
#47Simplify by removing factors of 1. s^2-64/(s+8)^2
#48Simplify by factoring. Assume that all expressions under radicals represent nonnegative
numbers. squr 50a2b
5a(2b) you don´t have to put ()
#49Identify the degree of each term of the polynomial and the degree of the polynomial. 2x^3+3x^2+8x+2
#50Jack usually mows his lawn in 5 hours. Marilyn can now the same yard in 7 hours. How
much time would it take for them to now the lawn together?
(mixed number)
#51Multiply. (4squr6-12squr2)(3squr6+9squr2)
#52Find a polynomial for the perimeter and for the area. y+5 y
Perimeter is 4y+10, area is y2+5y
#53Add. Simplify if possible.7w/w^2-49 + w/w-7
#54Use rational exponents to simplify. 5squr x15
#55Television sets. What does it mean to refer to a 20-in TV set or a 25-in TV set? Such
units refer to the diagonal of the screen. A25-in TV set also has a width of 20 inches. What
is its hight?
#56Find the following. Assume that variables can represent and real numbers. squr(a+1)2
#57Use the FOIL method to find the product. (9x^4-6)(x^5-4)
#58Find all numbers for which the rational expression is undefined. p^3-7p/p^2-64
#59Add. (2x^2-9xy+y^2)+(-5x^2-5xy-y^2)+(x^2+xy-7y^2)
#60Divide and simplify. 3w-15/35 / w-5/49w
#61Solve. c^2-5c-24=0
#62Solve. 2/v = 8/v – 1/11
#63Solve. 6x^4-19x^4+10=0
Can you check this equation ?
#64Factor. 42-13c+c2
#65Use the quadratic formula to solve the equation. x2-5x=-10
(5+15 i)/2, (5-15 i)/2
#66 a)Solve 4x^2=12 b)Find the x-intercepts of f(x)=4x2-12
a) -3, 3
b) (-3,0),(3,0)