THE ommuniversity Lenexa Fall 2015 Class&Activity Schedule Mondays 9:00—Morning Glory Let’s talk about what you did over the weekend!! 10:00-11:00am “All about the Seasons” This Class will teach consumers about the four seasons. In this class we will cover weather, appropriate clothing choices for each season, holidays, and touch on days of the week and months. This class will incorporate art, music, games, and hands on experiments to help consumers understand and grasp concepts. 11:15-12:00pm “Spa 45” Activities for Girls “Building different Projects” Activities for guys Lunch Hour 1:00-2:30pm—“Chemical Collisions” Learn how to put chemicals together and watch the reaction. Science Activity cont….. 3:00 -“Wrap it Up” Lets talk about the day and what is coming up for tomorrow!!!! Tuesdays 9:00—“Morning Glory” Let’s talk about the Activies for the Day with your own class 10:30-11:15 “Out and About Tuesdays” Come and Join with us!!! We will let you know where we are going each week!! Carousel, Bowling,Mastin Park etc. 11:15-12:00— “Out and About Tuesdays” Come and Join with us!!! Lunch Hour— 1:00-1:45 “ Out and About Tuesdays” 2:00-2:45“Out and About Tuesdays” 3:00-“Wrap it Up” Let’s talk about the day and talk about tomorrow Wednesdays 9:00—“Morning Glory” Let’s talk about the Day and get ready for the Activites!! 10:30-11:15 “Sesonal Sewing Projects” with Loretta 11:15-12:00 Sesonal Projects cont….. Lunch Hour 1:00-2:30 “ Gardening” with Beth Class will be held once a month 1:00-2:30 “ModPodge” with Denise 3:00—“Wrap it Up” Let’s talk about the day and discuss plans for tomorrow! THURSDAY 9:00—“Morning Glory” “Let’s talk about the day and the activies for the day” 11:00-MUSIC CLASS……. Maggy comes on the 1 and 3rd of every month…… Jennifer comes on the 2nd and 4th of every month….. st Lunch Hour 1:00-1:45pm “Exercise Dance” The abilty to Excerise/Dance to create a healthy lifestyle…. We will also have guest artist from time to time…… 2:00-2:30 Wrap up weekly projects……. 3:00—“Wrap it Up” Let’s talk about the day and get ready for tomorrow!! Fridays 9:00-“Morning Glory” Let’s get ready for the day and talk about the actitives for the day 10:30-11:15- “Sesonal Arts” ________________________________________________________________ 11:15-12:00-“ Sesonal Arts cont…” Lunch Hour 1:00-1:45 Movies…… 2:00-2:45 Movies……. 3:00—Chat about the Week!! Let’s talk about the week and how much fun it was!!! Outside the Center Activities The Center has a wide range of engagement activities outside CLO. Different groups go out with the teachers. Bowling, swimming, Jobs, volunteering etc. Please contact Melba Wright for more information on these activities. Inside the Center Self-Directed Activities The Center provides a variety of self-directed activities and materials for homes that want to engage in activities outside of structured classes. Just ask the teachers for help finding materials, if needed. To enroll in Classes & Activities in Lenexa, please contact Melba Wright, Director of Day Services. Fall Classes begin Monday, Sept 28th 2nd. Melba Irene Wright Director of Day Services, 913.235.2296 9am 1030 11:15 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm Monday Morning Glory All about the Seasons “Spa 45” Tuesday Morning Glory Out and about Eat Science Projects Science Projects cont… Wrap it Up Eat Wrap it Up Wednesday Morning Glory Sewing Seasonal Arts Sewing cont…. Eat Beth, Once a month….. Modpodge with Denise Wrap it Up Thursday Morning Glory Music Therapy 11:00 am Eat Excerise Dance Excerise Dance cont……. Wrap it Up Friday Morning Glory Seasonal Art with Silvia Seasonal Art Eat Movie Movie Chat about the week!!