D.M. Costello et al. Contaminant exposure substrata (CES) Appendix S1 – Additional calculations for CES dose Diffusion rates from CES can be determined empirically by placing a complete CES in a diffusion chamber consisting of a large beaker with a known volume of distilled water (e.g., 1 L) that is well mixed and at a constant temperature close to the expected stream temperature. After time intervals ranging from 6-24 h, the water is sampled for a solute concentration and completely replaced with fresh water. Time intervals must be chosen such that <5% of remaining solute diffuses out of the CES during each interval, otherwise the rate of diffusion will deviate from the theoretical release rate (Eq. 1). D is not affected by M0, therefore the initial mass added to the CES for determination of diffusion rates can be large to simplify analysis of solute concentrations. Sampling and water replacement should be continued for the same period of time as expected for field deployment to verify that diffusion remains Fickian throughout the exposure period. D can be calculated from equation 1 using the slope of a graph of Mt versus √π‘. For cases when D at stream temperature is unavailable, the Stokes-Einstein equation can be used to estimate D at a given temperature: π·1 = π·2 β π1 π2 β π2 π1 (Eq. S1.1) where D1 is the temperature-specific diffusion coefficient to be calculated, D2 is a known temperaturespecific diffusion coefficient, Ti is temperature (in Kelvin) for the known and predicted D and Ui is the dynamic viscosity of water at the respective temperatures. For soluble compounds, exposure from CES can be compared to typical exposure from chemicals in the water column by comparing expected solute flux rates. A dose rate from overlying water can be estimated using the formula for calculating O2 flux into sediments (Jørgensen & Revsbech, 1985). The flux rate (J, in mg m-2 s-1) of a solute is given by: π½= π· β ΔπΆ ππΏ (Eq. S1.2) where D is the diffusion coefficient in water (m2 s-1), ΔC is the change in concentration (μg L-1) and Zδ is the height (m) of the diffusive boundary layer (DBL). The DBL is a thin region of water above a solid surface where hydrodynamics are affected by viscous drag. Depending upon the water velocity, DBL above biofilms is typically in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 mm (Kuenen, Jørgensen & Revsbech, 1986), with the largest DBL occurring in a static water column and small DBL in fast-flowing streams. For most contaminants, ΔC is equivalent to the water column concentration as biofilms are assumed to provide an infinite sink for the contaminant. For users wanting to compare in-stream flux rates to mean CES flux rates, a modification of equation 2 can be used to calculate an initial mass of solute needed in a CES to provide a given flux rate: π½πΆπΈπ β π΄ β π‘ β πΏ π0 = 2 β (√ π· β π‘πΌπ √π· β π‘πΈπ − ) π π (Eq. S1.3) where tIN is the time of the expected incubation period (s) and tEQ is the time of the expected equilibration period (s). This formula can be used to create CES treatments that closely match expected fluxes from solutes in streamwater, with the caveat that flux rates from CES will decline through time. References Jørgensen B. & Revsbech N. (1985) Diffusive boundary layers and the oxygen uptake of sediments and detritus. Limnology and Oceanography, 30, 111–122. Kuenen J., Jørgensen B. & Revsbech N.P. (1986) Oxygen microprofiles of trickling filter biofilms. Water Research, 20, 1589–1598. D.M. Costello et al. Contaminant exposure substrata (CES) Appendix S2 –Methods for measuring biofilm response Biofilm biomass Measures of biofilm biomass on CES are expressed as a mass of biofilm (or biofilm component) per unit of surface area of the attachment substratum exposed to the stream. The most basic measure of accumulation of mass over the course of the exposure is ash-free dry mass (AFDM) (Steinman, Lamberti & Leavitt, 2006). AFDM accounts for all heterotrophic and autotrophic organic material that accumulates on the CES substratum over the exposure time while subtracting the mass of any inorganic material (e.g., sand) that might accumulate in the biofilm. The biomass of algae in biofilms can be estimated by extracting and quantifying the mass of photosynthetic pigments, typically chlorophyll a (chl a) (Steinman et al., 2006). Although chl a is most commonly used to measure photosynthetic biomass, other photosynthetic pigments may provide mechanistic insights into algal responses to chemical contaminants (Guasch & Sabater, 1998; Dorigo et al., 2007; Tlili et al., 2011). Dividing chl a by AFDM yields an autotrophic index (AI), which is a measure of the relative contribution of algae to the overall biofilm biomass (Clark, Dickson & Cairns, 1979). Fungal biomass can be estimated by quantifying ergosterol concentrations using standard methods (Gulis & Suberkropp, 2006). Bacterial biomass can be estimated by direct epifluorescence counts (see below) and conversion of bacterial cell abundance to biomass using conversion factors (Bratbak, 1985), although this approach does have significant limitations (Lee & Fuhrman, 1987). The total biomass of heterotrophs can also be obtained by altering the attachment substratum (i.e., organic substrata like cellulose sponge) or exposure environment (i.e., exclude light). Biofilm community structure Microbial community structure has been demonstrated to be a very sensitive endpoint to assess stress, often being more sensitive to low levels of environmental stressors than responses in biomass or ecosystem function (Schindler, 1987; Kennedy & Smith, 1995; Niyogi, Lewis & McKnight, 2002). To prepare samples from CES for community analysis, biofilms can be easily removed from fritted glass or nylon mesh using a stiff-bristled brush and a small amount of water. The resulting biofilm slurry can be analyzed by a suite of techniques, including microscopic observation and DNA-based molecular analyses (Molander & Blanck, 1992; Dorigo et al., 2007; Tlili et al., 2011). To avoid shifts in community composition after sampling, care needs to be taken to 1) keep biofilms cold prior to processing (e.g., storage on ice in a cooler for transport), 2) process samples as soon as possible after sampling and 3) store samples appropriately. For microscopic observations, subsamples of biofilm slurry are commonly preserved with formalin or glutaraldehyde (Kepner & Pratt, 1994; APHA, 1999; Barbour et al., 1999). For DNAbased molecular analysis, biofilms should be pelleted from slurries by centrifugation and stored at -20°C. Algae (especially diatoms) can be enumerated and identified by light microscopy using a Palmer counting cell and taxonomic keys (Barbour et al., 1999; Lowe & LaLiberte, 2006). Bacteria can be enumerated by epifluorescence microscopy after staining, but due to their small size and limited morphological variation it is impossible to identify specific bacterial taxa by direct microscopic observation. More commonly, DNA-based molecular approaches are used to elucidate the composition of bacterial communities (Zimmerman et al., 2014). DNA-based analyses of biofilm For DNA-based measurement of community composition, whole community genomic DNA should be isolated from biofilm pellets. There are several commercial kits that can be used for this task, with kits manufactured by MoBio (www.mobio.com) and MP Biomedicals (http://www.mpbio.com/) being among the most popular. Once community genomic DNA has been isolated, a wide range of DNA-based analytical tools are available to profile biofilm communities (Zimmerman et al., 2014). For bacteria, the 16S rRNA gene is the most common target for analyses of bacterial species composition. There are several profiling techniques that can be used to compare bacterial communities based on the distribution of 16S rRNA genotypes, including terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (T-RFLP), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and automated ribosomal intergenic spacer-analysis (Dorigo et al., 2007; Hoellein et al., 2010; Tlili et al., 2011; Fechner et al., 2012). More recently, nextgeneration sequencing technologies, including the 454 and Illumina sequencing platforms, have been applied to the analysis of bacterial communities in environmental samples. Next-generation sequencing technologies can provide massive amounts of sequence data from a large number of samples in parallel, and a variety of publically available software tools (e.g. Qiime, MOTHUR) can be used to assign these sequences to taxonomic groups and to make statistical compari- D.M. Costello et al. sons between samples. These approaches allow much more thorough surveys of bacterial community structure than have been possible with previous techniques. Next-generation sequencing data can be used to compare samples/treatments based on any available biodiversity metrics, including, but not limited to, species richness, evenness and Shannon and Simpson diversity indices. Advances in matrix-based ordination techniques (e.g., nonmetric multidimensional scaling) can also be used for more comprehensive exploration of community similarity between treatments (Clarke, 1999; Sparks, Scott & Clarke, 1999). We have successfully used next-generation sequencing approaches to analyze bacterial communities from CES and demonstrated significant effects of pharmaceuticals on the composition of bacterial communities colonizing CES (Rosi-Marshall et al., 2013). Recent work by others has demonstrated that the composition of cyanobacterial and algal communities can also be profiled using next-generation sequencing technology targeting plastid 23S rRNA genes (Steven, McCann & Ward, 2012), which suggests that this approach can be used to profile primary producers communities colonizing CES. Finally, the DNA isolated from CES biofilms should also be amenable to analysis using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), which can be used to profile microbial communities by quantifying specific 16S rRNA gene sequences or the sequences of a variety of functional genes (i.e. gene involved in specific metabolic pathways, such as nitrification, denitrification and sulfate reduction). Determining the relative abundances of specific bacterial functional guilds within CES biofilms using qPCR can be especially valuable when paired with direct measurement of biofilm function. Biofilm function Biofilms drive many important ecosystem functions in streams and the CES method allows for the controlled measurement of how pollutants alter critical ecosystem processes. Net primary production (NPP) and community respiration (CR) can be measured by sealing the biofilm and substrata from the cup in small, tightly sealed chambers, returning the chambers to the stream for a known time and measuring the changes in dissolved oxygen (Bott et al., 1997; Rosi-Marshall et al., 2013; Costello & Burton, 2014). Incubation of the biofilms in transparent chambers in the stream ensures ambient temperature and light conditions for measuring NPP. However, for accurate measurement of CR photosynthesis must be arrested by using opaque chambers or enclosing transparent chambers in foil. Photosynthetic activity Contaminant exposure substrata (CES) can also be estimated from incubations with isotopically labeled carbon (Molander & Blanck, 1992) or photosynthesis-irradiance curves (Guasch & Sabater, 1998). Measuring changes in nutrient concentrations during incubations in sealed containers can also estimate rates of nutrient uptake (Hoellein et al., 2009). Changes to organic matter decomposition rates can be estimated by measuring mass loss of organic substratum (e.g., wood veneers; Tank & Dodds, 2003) or by directly measuring enzyme activities (Fechner, Dufour & Gourlay-Francé, 2012). Additional assays measuring biofilm function (e.g., phosphatase activity, nitrification by nitrapyrin inhibition, N2 fixation) may be adapted for CES to explore additional ways in which biofilms are impaired by contaminants. Trophic interactions Along with contributing to biogeochemical cycles in stream ecosystems, biofilms are the primary food resources for grazing invertebrates. Contaminants can disrupt the trophic interactions between biofilms and consumers both directly by reducing biofilm biomass and indirectly by altering biofilm characteristics important for consumption (e.g., microbial community composition, elemental stoichiometry; Clements & Rohr, 2009). Indirect effects may be more common than direct effects and may contribute strongly to how communities and ecosystems respond to contaminants (Fleeger, Carman & Nisbet, 2003; Clements & Rohr, 2009; Clements, Hickey & Kidd, 2012). Natural biofilms colonizing CES can be separated from the CES cup and used for food-choice or no-choice feeding experiments with focal invertebrates. For no-choice experiments, consumers are provided with only a single food resource (i.e., biofilm grown on CES) per replicate and feeding rates are calculated and compared among treatments. For food-choice experiments, consumers are provided with two biofilm types (control and contaminantexposed biofilm) within a feeding arena and differences in consumption between the food items are calculated (c.f., Forrow & Maltby, 2009; Bundschuh et al., 2009 for detritivore experiments). Care needs to be taken when conducting feeding assays to account for non-consumptive biofilm mass loss, and appropriate experimental designs and statistical analyses are critical (Peterson & Renaud, 1989). Biofilm chemistry Biofilms are highly sorptive to many pollutants (Lock et al., 1984; Arini et al., 2011; Lundqvist, Bertilsson & Goedkoop, 2012), and pollutants strongly associated with biofilms can cause dietary exposure to consumers. For CES simulating overlying wa- D.M. Costello et al. ter exposure (i.e., chemicals in agar) a bioconcentration factor (BCF) is calculated as the ratio of the chemical concentration in the biofilm (μg g -1 dry mass) to the average concentration of the chemical in solution (μg L-1). For CES cups containing sediments, a bioaccumulation factor (BAF) is calculated as the ratio of the chemical concentration in the biofilm (μg g-1 dry mass) to the concentration of the chemical in the sediment (μg g-1 dry mass). However, the BCF/BAF approach must be used with caution when attempting to predict biological effects, since accumulation of a chemical is not equivalent to negative biological effects (Newman & Clements, 2008). We suggest avoiding the use of the BCF/BAF approach in isolation, but rather using it as a complementary endpoint in combination with direct measurements of biological effects on biofilms, consumers or both. References APHA (1999) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edn. Port City Press, Baltimore, MA, USA. Arini A., Baudrimont M., Feurtet-Mazel A., Coynel A., Blanc G., Coste M., et al. (2011) Comparison of periphytic biofilm and filter-feeding bivalve metal bioaccumulation (Cd and Zn) to monitor hydrosystem restoration after industrial remediation: a year of biomonitoring. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13, 3386–3398. Barbour M., Gerritsen B., Snyder B. & Stribling J. 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(2012) Pyrosequencing of plastid 23S rRNA genes reveals diverse and dynamic cyanobacterial and algal populations in two eutrophic lakes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 82, 607–615. Tank J. & Dodds W. (2003) Nutrient limitation of epilithic and epixylic biofilms in ten North American streams. Freshwater Biology 48, 1031– 1049. Tlili A., Corcoll N., Bonet B., Morin S., Montuelle B., Bérard A., et al. (2011) In situ spatio-temporal changes in pollution-induced community tolerance to zinc in autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm communities. Ecotoxicology 20, 1823– 1839. Zimmerman N., Izard J., Klatt C., Zhou J. & Aronson E. (2014) The unseen world: Environmental microbial sequencing and identification methods for ecologists. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12, 224–231. D.M. Costello et al. Contaminant exposure substrata (CES) Appendix S3 – Biofilm dose-response to diphenhydramine We conducted an experiment using the CES doseresponse approach to study how autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilms respond to increasing concentrations of diphenhydramine. CES cups (L = 3.5 cm, A = 3.8 cm2) were filled with agar and diphenhydramine (3800, 2400, 1300, 630 and 0 mg L-1) and deployed in East Branch Wappinger Creek (Millbrook, NY, USA) for 18 days. We used both fritted glass and cellulose substrata (not precolonized), and our endpoints included chl a, GPP and CR. Diphenhydramine additions significantly reduced the rates of GPP (P < 0.001) and CR (P < 0.001) but had no significant effect on chl a (P > 0.05) (Fig. S3.1). For both GPP and CR, we found that all treatments containing diphenhydramine were not different from each other but differed significantly from controls (Fig. S3.1b & c). This indicates that our lowest concentration of diphenhydramine elicits a toxic response, and the doseresponse function occurs at a concentration lower than those tested. To compare our diphenhydramine doses used in the CES to measured in-stream concentrations we calculate flux of diphenhydramine from our different treatments (Eq. 2). Using the previously reported D for diphenhydramine at 10°C (3.6 × 10-10 m2 s-1) and equation S1.1, we calculate D at stream temperature (7°C) of 3.24 × 10-10 m2 s-1. Using this temperaturespecific D and the doses of diphenhydramine in the agar, we calculate an average flux over the exposure period (2-18 d) that ranges from 7.5–45.4 μg cm-2 h-1. These fluxes from our CES are approximately 4 orders of magnitude greater than the modeled instream flux expected in a contaminated stream (0.13 ng cm-2 h-1, Fig. 2). Although these fluxes may not approach expected in-stream fluxes, these data demonstrate that functional endpoints (i.e., GPP and CR) are sensitive to diphenhydramine whereas our structural endpoint (i.e., chl a) does not respond to diphenhydramine even at these high concentrations. Additional exposures at lower concentrations of diphenhydramine are needed to resolve the dose-response relationship between diphenhydramine and biofilm function. Figure S3.1 Biofilm response to increasing diphenhydramine doses using contaminant exposure substrata (CES). Chlorophyll a (a) and gross primary production (b) were measured on CES with fritted glass as attachment substratum, whereas community respiration (c) was measured on CES with cellulose sponge. Points are means and error bars indicate ±1 SE. Flux of diphenhydramine is calculated as the average flux estimated following the equilibration period until the end of the exposure period (i.e., days 218). Asterisks indicate biofilm responses that differed significantly from controls but did not differ significantly from each other (ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test).