University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Psychology
Davie Hall, Campus Box
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Mobile: +39 3478514710
Date of birth: 13/10/1982
February 2012-Present
January 2009December 2011
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Developmental Psychology (advisor: Prof.
Mitchell J. Prinstein), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.
Joint Ph.D., Developmental Psychology (supervisor: Prof. Silvia Ciairano
and Prof. Rutger Engels), University of Torino, Italy, and Radboud
University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Expected date of discussion: September 2012
My research focuses on adolescent peer experiences. Specifically my
interests relate to the dynamic interplays between peer experiences,
positive (e.g., friendships) as well as negative (e.g., peer victimization),
and adolescent development of internalizing problems, in particular
depression and self-injurious behaviors.
April-June 2011
Visiting research at the Department of Psychology of the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Collaboration
with Prof. Mitchell J. Prinstein
May 2008-March 2009
Training project in research activities at the Department of
Developmental Psychopathology of the Radboud University Nijmegen,
The Netherlands (supervisors: Ron Scholte, Rutger Engels). Grant
assigned by the CRT Foundation (Italian bank foundation).
September-November 2007
Internship in developmental psychology at the Department of
Developmental Psychopathology of the Radboud University of
Nijmegen, The Netherlands (supervisors: Ron Scholte, Rutger Engels),
February 2007
M.A., Developmental Psychology, University of Torino, Italy. Thesis:
“Old and New Places from a District of Torino: Seniors as Promoters of
a Sense of Individual and Collective Identity”
July 2004
B.A., Developmental Psychology, University of Torino, Italy. Thesis:
“Stereotype Threat: The Case of an Elementary School”
Matteo Giletta
Supervision bachelor’s and master’s thesis students at the Developmental
Psychology department, University of Torino, Italy
Reviewer for International Journal of Obesity, Journal of Clinical Child
and Adolescent Psychology, Journal of Research on Adolescence
May 2008-March 2009
Training fellowship: “Master dei Talenti Neolaureati” assigned by the
CRT Foundation.
June 2009
Training fellowship: International Summer School of the Society for
Research on Adolescence/European Association for Research on
Adolescence (EARA/SRA) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Stochastic actor-based models (SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network
Analysis), SocStat (Sociometric techniques), Mplus (SEM, GMM), MLwiN (Multilevel
analyses), Visone.
International Publications
Giletta, M., Scholte, R.H.J., Prinstein, M., Engels, R.C.M.E., Rabaglietti, E., & Burk, W.J.
(in press). Friendship context matters: Examining the domain specificity of alcohol and
depression socialization among adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
Giletta, M., Scholte, R.H.J., Engels, R.C.M.E., Ciairano, S., & Prinstein, M.J. (2012)
Adolescent non-suicidal self-injury: A cross-national study of community samples from
Italy, the Netherlands and the United States. Psychiatry Research.
Rabaglietti, E., Burk, W. J., & Giletta, M. (2011), Regulatory Self-efficacy as a Moderator
of Peer Socialization Relating to Italian Adolescents' Alcohol Intoxication. Social
Development. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9507.2011.00637.x
Giletta, M., Scholte, R.H.J., Burk, W.J., Engels, R.C.M.E., Larsen, J.K., Prinstein, M.J., &
Ciairano, S. (2011). Similarity in depressive symptoms in adolescents' friendship dyads:
Selection or socialization? Developmental Psychology, 47, 1804-1814.
Giletta, M., Scholte, R.H.J., Engels, R.C.M.E., & Larsen, J.K. (2010). Body mass index and
victimization during adolescence: the mediation role of depressive symptoms and selfesteem. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 69, 541-547.
Ciairano, S., Rabaglietti, E., Demartini, R., & Giletta, M. (2007). Older people’s sense of
coherence: relationships with education, former occupation and living arrangements. Ageing
& Society, 28, 1-17.
Matteo Giletta
Manuscripts under review
van Workum, N., Scholte, R. H. J., Cillessen, A.H. N., Lodder, G.M.A., & Giletta, M.
Selection, deselection, and socialization processes of happiness in adolescent friendship
networks. Allowed to resubmit to Journal of Research on Adolescence.
Giletta, M., Scholte, R.H.J., Prinstein, M., Engels, R.C.M.E., Rabaglietti, E., & Burk. Direct
and indirect peer socialization of adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury. Allowed to resubmit to
Journal of Research on Adolescence.
Duriez, B., Giletta, M., Kuppens, P., & Vansteenkiste, M. Extrinsic relative to intrinsic goal
pursuits and peer dynamics: Selection and influence processes among adolescents.
Stone, L.L., Giletta, M., Brendgen, M., Otten, R., Engels, R.C.M.E., & Janssens, J.M.A.M.
Friendship similarities in internalizing problems in middle childhood. Submitted.
Giletta, M., Burk, W., Scholte, R., Engels, R., & Prinstein, M. (March, 2012). Direct and
indirect peer influence of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury: The role of friends’ depressive
symptoms and impulsivity. Poster presented at the XIV Biennial Meetings of the Society for
Research in Adolescence, Vancouver, Canada.
Vanhalst, J., Luyckx, K., Giletta, M., Goossens, L., & Scholte, R. (March, 2011). Predicting
adolescent loneliness within and across time: Additive and interactive effects of diverse
negative peer experiences. Poster presented at the XIII Biennial Meeting of the Society for
Research on Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
Giletta, M., & Rabaglietti, E. (September 2010). Comportamenti autoaggressivi in un
campione normativo di adolecsenti italiani: Un approccio topografico e funzionale.
Symposium paper presented at the XXIII National Congress in Developmental Psychology
(AIP), Bressanone, Italy.
 Giletta, M., Rabaglietti, E., Vacirca, M.F., Ciairano, S. (May 2010). High-risk driving
behaviors among Italian youth: The protective role of regulatory self-efficacy. Poster
presented at the XXII Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on
Adolescence, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Giletta, M., Ciairano, S., Rabaglietti, E., & Vacirca, F. (March 2010). Adolescents and
disturbed eating behaviors: Peer influence on comfort eating in mixed-gender social
networks. Symposium paper presented at the XIII Biennial Meeting of the Society for
Research in Adolescence, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Ciairano, S., Rabaglietti, E., Vacirca, F., Giletta, M., & Bardaglio, G. (August 2009).
Evaluation of a physical activity intervention on eating behavior, personal characteristics
and peer relationships of Italian children at post-test. Poster presented at the XIV European
Conference on Developmental Psychology, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Matteo Giletta
Giletta, M., Engels, R., & Scholte, R. (September 2008). Bullismo e sovrappeso: Possibili
relazioni in un campione di adolescent. Symposium paper presented at the XXIII National
Congress in Developmental Psychology (AIP), Padova, Italy.
Giletta, M., Engels, R., & Scholte, R. (May 2008). Overweight, bullying and self-esteem:
Possible associations in an adolescence sample. Symposium paper presented at the XXI
Biennial Meetings of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, Torino, Italy.
Matteo Giletta