Supplemental Materials for Characterization of negative regulatory genes for the biosynthesis of rapamycin in Streptomyces rapamycinicus and its application for improved Young Ji Yoo1, Jae-yeon Hwang1, Hea-luyung Shin1, Heqing Cui1, Jinwon Lee2, and Yeo Joon Yoon1* 1 Department of Chemistry and Nano Science, Ewha Womans University, Ewha Global Top5 Research Program, Seoul 120-750, Republic of Korea. 2 Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, 121-742, Republic of Korea. +82-2-3277-4082 +82-2-3277-3419 1 Table S1 Primers used for RT-PCR. Primer Sequence (5’-3’) Description rapYF GACAGCGCAGCAGAAGAAG Forward primer for rapY rapYR GGCCCTGTATGACCAGTACG Reverse primer for rapY rapRF CCTACGACGTGCTGATCCTC Forward primer for rapR rapRR GGTAACCCTCCCCCTTGTC Reverse primer for rapR rapSF CTTCTCCGCCCTCTTTCTG Forward primer for rapS rapSR CTGGCTCTCGAAGGACTTCTC Reverse primer for rapS rapBF TACCGGTGACGGTGTCATCT Forward primer for rapB rapBR GTGAAGTCGAATCTGGGTCAT Reverse primer for rapB rapAF CGTCCGCTGTTCGTGTTAT Forward primer for rapA rapAR GTGTGCAAATGTCCGTATCG Reverse primer for rapA rapPF AGGTGGTGCTGTCCCACTAC Forward primer for rapP rapPR GGACGAGAGTGAACTGATCCA Reverse primer for rapP rapCF TGATGGCTGGTCGTTCACTA Forward primer for rapC rapCR AGGAGTTCGGTGATGATTTCC Reverse primer for rapC rapHF GTGGGCCAGTTGCAGATAGT Forward primer for rapH rapHR GCGGACTGATCAACGATGT Reverse primer for rapH rapGF GGTACGGATGTACGTCGTGAA Forward primer for rapG rapGR GTGCGTAAGGAGACGTTGAGT Reverse primer for rapG rapXF GCATTTGTCCTGCTCGTGA Forward primer for rapX rapXR AAGGACATCGACTACGCCTTC Reverse primer for rapX rapWF CGAGTCGTACGGTGATCTTGT Forward primer for rapW rapWR CAAGGACGAGGCCAAAAAG Reverse primer for rapW rapVF CACCTTGAGGTGATTCCTGTC Forward primer for rapV rapVR GGCCAGAAAGTCCAAGAGC Reverse primer for rapV rapUF AGTTGTTCTCGCCCTTGGT Forward primer for rapU rapUR CCGAAGACGCTGATCATTATT Reverse primer for rapU rapTF ACGCCAGATAGCAGATGTTGT Forward primer for rapT rapTR TAGTGTCGTCCGTCCTCGAAT Reverse primer for rapT rapQF GTCACCCCTACGACGTACTGA Forward primer for rapQ 2 rapQR GTCGATGGTGAAACCGTTCT Reverse primer for rapQ rapNF CCATCACGACTTCCTGTGAGT Forward primer for rapN rapNR GAGATCCACCCCGAGTACAAC Reverse primer for rapN rapMF CCCACTTCAGTTCGGGTATTT Forward primer for rapM rapMR GTGTGCACGATTCCGAGTT Reverse primer for rapM rapKF GAACTACGTCAGCGGAATCAA Forward primer for rapK rapKR GGTGGCGTACATAGACCTTCA Reverse primer for rapK rapJF GACATGGAGAGCATCAAGAGG Forward primer for rapJ rapJR GTACCCGAAAGCGAAGTTGT Reverse primer for rapJ rapIF CGCAGTTCCTCTACCAGGAG Forward primer for rapI rapIR CACATCGATCTTGAGCAGTCC Reverse primer for rapI 3 Table S2 Sequence homology of RapH, RapG, RapR, RapS, RapY, and RapX in the rapamycin biosynthetic gene clusters Rapamycin producing strains Protein Streptomyces rapamycinicus Streptomyces iranensis Percent identity/similarity (aa residues, GenBank accession no.) Actinoplanes N902-109 RapH 100/100 (872, CAA60471.1) 91/93 (901, CDR13506.1) 60/70 (889, AGL12177.1) RapG 100/100 (330, CAA60472.1) 94/95 (330, CDR13486.1) - RapR 100/100 (220, CAA60455.1) 96/97 (210, CDR13598.1) - RapS 100/100 (399, CAA60456.1) 94/96 (396, CDR13597.1) - RapY 100/100 (204, CAA60451.1) 83/90 (184, CDR15877.1) - RapX 100/100 (235, CAA60452.1) 94/96 (234, CDR13601.1) - 4 Table S3 The amino acid sequences of rapY and rapS genes. The deleted sequences are underlined, and the conserved regions are indicated by colored. (green: HTH-motif; blue: histidine kinase domain; red: histidine kinase-like ATPase domain). Gene Name Protein Sequence rapY MTAQQKKGRPATGGAALRQRVTEAITEAFAELADA GYARMSMESVARRAGVGKAALYRRWPSKQAMVTE LIRGKVTDLPPTPATGALRTDLRELLTTFRGQLANPL LARIAAGLLAEASHDDALAEGLYTGVTAPRRAAAHA ILRGAIDRGELPPGLDLDLGTDLLIAPLAFRVLVIQG RSDDEYLETLTNAIEAALRAAVR rapS MRLNPWALLSRLPFRARLTAAFSALFLIAGIALLAFV VLLARHGTEQQAQGISVTYGDVPSGSGAPMGPVRPT RPNLTQRAPGDVAMFQKIDQTVRAVQDTALRQMVL W S A V G L L A MA L L A G V L G W W L A G R A L R P V A S M T E T A RRISEQSLHQRLALTGPDDELHLADTFDTMLDRLEK SFESQRRFVANASHELKTPLTVQRTSLQVGLADPLPE GLADVREDLLTANHEAEQLINGLLLLARSDRGLEKT QTMDVAAIVRLVSTGLTPLATKNGVRIDLDADTPLA VPGDPVLLRHLLTNLVRNAIQYNHPGGHVRIRLDTP TVTVTNTGPHVSPEQIPDLFEPFHRLDGDRTATTGHG LGLSIAHSIANAHHATLTAQPGTEGGLTLTLRFPCRR 5 FIG S1 Organization of rapamycin biosynthetic gene clusters. (a) S. rapammycinicus ATCC29253. (b) Streptomyces iranensis. (c) Actinoplanes sp. N902-109. 6 FIG S2 Construction and verification of overexpression mutants. (a) Expression plasmids were constructed in pSET152 derivative containing an ermE* promoter with PacI and XbaI (insert: rapY or rapS or rapR or rapX). For southern hybridization, ermE* promoter was used as a probe and the genomic DNAs were digested by KpnI and XbaI. (b) Overexpression of rapY, rapR and rapS in S. rapamycinicus, respectively, lane 1, DIG labled marker; lane 2, rapR overexpression mutants; lane 3, rapY overexpression mutants; lane 4, rapS overexpression mutants. (c) Complementation of ΔrapY and ΔrapS by pRAPY and pRAPS, respectively, lane1, ΔrapY; lane 2, ΔrapS; lane 3-4, ΔrapY/pRAPY; lane 5-6, ΔrapS/pRAPS; lane 7, DIG labeled marker. (d) Overexpression of rapX in S. rapamycinicus and ΔrapS strains, lane 1, wild-type strain as a control; lane 2, ΔrapS; lane 3, WT/pRAPX; lane 4, ΔrapS/pRAPX; lane 4, DIG labeled marker. 7 FIG S3 Construction and verification of rapY in-frame deletion in S. rapamycinicus. (a) Schematic representation of rapY in-frame deletion by homologous recombination. (b) Southern hybridization analysis. Genomic DNA restricted with kpnI from wild-type (lane 1), single-crossover mutant (lane 10), and wild-type revertant (lane 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9). Genomic DNA restricted with KpnI and XbaI from double-crossover ΔrapY mutant (lane 6). Molecular weight marker (lane 5). The HindIII-XbaI fragment of LA was used as a probe. 8 FIG S4 Construction and verification of rapS in-frame deletion in S. rapamycinicus. (a) Schematic representation of rapS in-frame deletion by homologous recombination. (b) Southern hybridization analysis. Genomic DNA restricted with PvuII and NotI from wild-type (lane 8), single-crossover mutant (lane 9), double-crossover ΔrapS mutant (lane 1), and wildtype revertant (lane 2, 3, 6, 7) strains. Lane 4 was not detected. DIG labeled marker (lane 5). The XbaI-EcoRI fragment of RA was used as a probe. 9