EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Mission Requirements Document Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Mission Requirements Document (MRD) Effective Date: 1/15/2014 Expiration Date: N/A Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland National Aeronautics and Space Administration CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Mission Requirements Document CM FOREWORD This document is a TESS controlled document. Changes to this document require prior approval from the TESS Program Office. Proposed changes shall be submitted to the TESS Configuration Management Office (CMO), along with supportive material justifying the proposed change. Questions or comments concerning this document should be addressed to: EHPD Configuration Management Office Mail Stop 460 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Mission Requirements Document REVIEW/APPROVAL PAGE Prepared by: /electronic signature on file/ Benjamin Cichy TESS Systems Engineer Code 599 _______ Date Reviewed by: /electronic signature on file/ George Ricker TESS Principle Investigator MKI _______ Date /electronic signature on file/ Stephen Rinehart TESS Project Scientist Code 665 /electronic signature on file/ Teresa James TESS Chief S&MA Officer Code 323 _______ Date /electronic signature on file/ _______ Andrew Carson Date Deputy Project Manager / Spacecraft TBD /electronic signature on file/ _______ Nicholas Jedrich Date Deputy Project Manager / Instrument Code 432 /electronic signature on file/ Shane Hynes TESS Mission System Engineer Code 599 Approved by: /electronic signature on file/ Jeff Volosin TESS Project Manager Code 460 _______ Date All reviews and approvals are electronic via the TESS MIS at: https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE _______ Date _______ Date EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Mission Requirements Document DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD Rev/Version Level Description of Change Approved By Baseline CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Date Approved EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Mission Requirements Document LIST OF TBDs AND TBRs REQ ID MRD_15, MRD_16, MRD_17 MRD_49, MRD_53 Description Science timing requirements. Evaluate timing required by science for data analysis. Owner Vanderspek Due Date 4/15/13 Orbital Debris. TBD as to whether TESS must comply with GEO orbital debris requirements. Hynes 4/15/13 CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Mission Requirements Document TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 Mission Overview................................................................................................................................... 1 Requirements Architecture ............................................................................................................... 2 2.0 Project Architecture .................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 2 3.1 Mission Architecture ............................................................................................................................ 2 3.2 Science Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 2 3.3 Mission Phase Requirements ............................................................................................................ 2 3.3.1 Prelaunch .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.3.2 Launch ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 3.3.3 Ascent and Commissioning........................................................................................................................ 2 3.3.4 Decommissioning .......................................................................................................................................... 1 3.4 Mission Design and Navigation Requirements ........................................................................... 1 3.5 Mission Operations Requirements .................................................................................................. 2 3.6 Fault Management and Autonomy................................................................................................... 1 3.7 Data Handling, Processing, and Archiving .................................................................................... 1 CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline 1. Introduction This document contains the mission-level requirements for the Transiting Expolanet Survey Satellite (TESS). 1.1 Mission Overview The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will discover thousands of exoplanets in orbit around the brightest stars in the sky. In a two-year survey, TESS will monitor at least 200,000 stars for temporary drops in brightness caused by planetary transits. This first-ever space borne all-sky transit survey will identify planets ranging from Earth-sized to gas giants, around a wide range of stellar types and orbital distances. No ground-based survey can achieve this feat. TESS stars will be 30-100 times brighter than those in the relatively narrow field-of-view of the Kepler satellite, and therefore TESS planets will be orders-of-magnitude easier to characterize with follow-up observations. At last it will be possible to study the masses, sizes, densities, orbits, and atmospheres of a large cohort of small planets, including a sample of rocky worlds in the habitable zones of their host stars. TESS will provide prime targets for observation with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), as well as other large ground-based and space-based telescopes of the future. TESS data will be made public 6 months after downlink, inviting immediate community-wide efforts to study the new planets. The TESS legacy will be a catalog of the nearest and brightest main-sequence stars hosting transiting exoplanets, which will forever be among the most favorable targets for detailed investigations. TESS is a low risk, high-value Explorer class planet finder, directly in line with U.S. National Space policy and NASA science goals related to the “...search for planetary bodies and Earth-like planets in orbit around other stars” (2010 NASA Science Plan), as well as the highest priorities defined by the NRC Astro2010 Decadal Survey. TESS will be ready for launch in August, 2017. TESS science objectives are achieved by flying the observatory in a High Earth Orbit (HEO). A 13.7 day, elliptical HEO optimizes the capability of the available Launch Vehicle performance, minimizes the requirements for the observatory such as propulsion, telecommunications capacity and power, and provides for a benign thermal and attitude disturbance environment, all while satisfying the requirement for a low radiation environment. TESS is a Principal Investigator (PI)-led mission. The PI, George Ricker, is from MIT. He has delegated project management to Goddard Space Flight Center. GSFC also provides the systems engineering, technical authority, flight dynamics analysis, and safety and mission assurance for the project. MIT/LL is responsible for the payload and is home to the TESS Science Center. Orbital Sciences Corporation is responsible for building the spacecraft, integration and test of the flight system, and operating it. NASA ARC is responsible for the data pipeline. CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Mission Requirements Document 1.2 Requirements Architecture The TESS requirements flow-down is shown in Figure 1. This Mission Requirements Document (MRD) sits at Level-2 in response to the Level-1 requirements from the Explorers Program. Requirements from the MRD flow to the System element requirement documents at L3. Figure 1 TESS Requirements Architecture CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Mission Requirements Document 2.0 Project Architecture The TESS project is organized into three major segments – the Observatory which includes the Spacecraft and the Instrument, the Ground Segment, and the Launch Segment. The overall Project architecture and elements are depicted in Figure 2. Figure 2 TESS Project Architecture The Observatory uses the reference coordinate frame illustrated in Figure 3. CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Mission Requirements Document Figure 3 Observatory Coordinate Frame CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document 3.0 Requirements 3.1 Mission Architecture EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline MRD_2 Mission Life The TESS Project shall be designed to operate for a 2 year mission after a 2 month postlaunch commissioning phase. Rationale: Programmatic constrains from HQ. Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, FD, SOC, TSO MRD_102 Extended Mission Consumables The TESS Project shall launch with sufficient propellant to operate for 4 years in the science orbit. Rationale: Enables the possibility of an extended mission. Allocation: SC MRD_3 Environmental Requirements The TESS Project shall meet the requirements in the Environmental Requirements Document (ERD). Rationale: Levy requirements from LV environments and on-orbit environments. ERD will include LV and transportation mechanical & thermal environments, as well as radiation on-orbit thermal requirements Allocation: SC, INSTR MRD_4 Contamination Control The TESS Project shall deliver an Observatory on orbit with contamination level on the front optical element of 750E per MIL-STD-1246C. Rationale: Parent for contamination requirements at L3 and L4. The TESS Project Contamination Control Plan outlines the processes that will be followed to achieve these requirements. Allocation: SC, INSTR MRD_5 Orbital Debris The TESS Project shall prevent the release of any orbital debris during nominal Observatory deployment, operations, and disposal. CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Rationale: Elminates need for TESS to demonstrate mitigations to released debris per NASA Standard Process for Limiting Orbital Debris (NASA-STD-8719.14). Allocation: SC, INSTR, LV MRD_6 Probability of Accidental Explosion The TESS Project shall have an integrated probability of explosion for all credible failure modes of the Observatory and Launch Vehicle less than 0.001 (excluding small particle impacts). Rationale: Required per NASA Standard Process for Limiting Orbital Debris (NASASTD-8719.14). Requirement Allocation: SC, LV MRD_7 Common Reference Frames The TESS Project shall comply with the reference frames in Figure 3. Rationale: Good practice that all elements use the same reference frames Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, FD, SOC, TSO MRD_100 Inertial Reference Frame The TESS Project shall use J2000 as the inertial reference frame for all interfaces. Rationale: Standardize inertial reference frame across the project Allocation: SC, MOC, FD, SOC, TSO MRD_92 Launch Vehicle Interface The Observatory shall comply with the LV Interface Requirements Document (LVIRD). Rationale: LV IRD creates requirements on the interface between the LV & spacecraft Allocation: SC, MOC, LV MRD_93 DSN S-Band Uplink and Downlink The TESS Project shall use S-band through the Deep Space Network for nominal command and telemetry. Rationale: Need large dishes to communicate efficiently with TESS Allocation: SC, MOC MRD_94 DSN Ka-Band Science Downlink CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline The TESS Project shall use Ka-band through the Deep Space Network for nominal Instrument Data transmission. Rationale: Bandwidth is too large for X-band, rate is too high for S-band hence Ka-band Allocation: SC, SOC MRD_95 Space Network S-Band Uplink and Downlink The TESS Project shall use S-band through the Space Network TDRS constellation for contingency commanding and telemetry. Rationale: TDRS provides contact for phasing orbits at perigee and for critical burns. Critical operations may not match DSN coverage. Allocation: SC, MOC MRD_96 Mission Data Archive The TESS Project shall use the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) as the project archive. Rationale: Allocation: SOC, TSO 3.2 Science Requirements MRD_9 Instrument Accommodation The TESS Project shall accommodate a wide field imaging photometer (the Instrument). Rationale: Parent for L3 accommodation requirements including power and thermal. Allocation: SC, INSTR MRD_10 Observation Period The TESS Project shall have a High Altitude Science Observation (HASO) period of at least 13.5 days per orbit. Rationale: Requirement on orbit so that instrument has the opportunity to observe target stars for a minimum of 27 days over two orbits. Allocation: FD, LV MRD_11 Instrument FOV CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline The TESS Project Instrument field of view (FOV) shall be 24 deg +/- 0.2 deg x 96 +/- 0.8 deg oriented from ecliptic plane to ecliptic pole. Rationale: L1-BSR1 requires distribution of targets over celestial sphere. This requirement ensures that during the 2 year mission TESS will be able to observe a large fraction of the sky by observing 26 sectors each for 2 orbits. L1-BSR2 requires the FOV to cover the ecliptic poles. Allocation: INSTR MRD_12 Targets per Observation Period The TESS Project shall be capable of observing 15000 target stars per orbit distributed over the Instrument FOV. Rationale: Level 1 BSR1 requires 200,000 stars over the course of the mission. In order to account for variation in stellar density this number is scaled by a factor of sqrt(3). Dividing the scaled number by the 26 observation periods of the mission and rounding and adding some margin yields 15000 target stars per period. Allocation: INSTR MRD_13 Instrument Availability The TESS Instrument shall collect data from each target star for at least 22 days during each 27 day observing session. Rationale: This accounts for loss due to Earth/Moon interference, thermal transients coming out of LAHO and eclipses, etc… Does not include bookeeping for hours spent in LAHO or Eclipses. Allocation: INSTR MRD_15 Postage Stamp Photometric Measurements The TESS Project shall generate a series of continuous "Postage Stamp" photometric measurements centered on each target star with a collection time of 64 seconds +/- [10 TBR] ms. Rationale: Primary science product with sufficient resolution to detect planetary transits and perform astroseismology. Allocation: INSTR MRD_16 Measurement Time Precision The TESS Project shall align Postage Stamps made of a target star on adjacent orbits with a relative precision of +/- [5 TBR] sec. CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Rationale: Driven by ground processing and correlation of transits on adjacent orbits. Allocation: SC, INSTR MRD_17 Measurement Time Tag Accuracy The TESS Project shall timetag Postage Stamps with an accuracy of +/- [1 TBR] sec relative to UTC. Rationale: Driven by ground processing and correlation of transits on adjacent orbits. Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC MRD_18 Full Frame Images The TESS Project shall be capable of generating and collecting Full Frame Images from the Instrument every 2 hours. Rationale: Primarily for diagnostic purposes. CSR specifies 12 per day, however frequency will be specified in operations. Allocation: INSTR MRD_19 Measurement Sensitivity The TESS Instrument shall have an instrumental effictive area, defined as the product of the geometric area of the entrance pupil, the CCD QE over the 0.6-1.0 um bandpass, the transmissivity of the optics, and the transmissivity of the bandpass filter, of at least 50 cm^2. Rationale: Allows for the detection of 50% of Earth-sized planets Allocation: INSTR MRD_26 Instrument Thermal Stability The Observatory shall provide a stable thermal environment to maintain the Camera CCDs at their operating temperature during nominal operations across LAHO and HASO. Rationale: CCDs require cold operating environment. Temperature defined in Instrument-Spacecraft MICD. Large thermal transients during LAHO and eclipses limit the science that can be collected during HASO. Does not apply during fault conditions. Elaborated at L3. Allocation: SC MRD_27 Noise Floor CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline The Observatory shall have a photometric noise floor of 60 ppm or better on a timescale of 1 hour during High Altitude Science Operations (HASO). Rationale: Flowdown of L1 to allow for detection of Earth sized planet transits. Allocation to SC and INSTR at L3 tracked in ARD. Allocation: SC, INSTR MRD_28 Science Context Data The TESS Project shall collect, transmit, and archive Ancillary Spacecraft data and Instrument Housekeeping data to support science analysis. Rationale: Ancillary data allows ground post-processing of science data. Allocation: SC, INSTR, SOC MRD_30 Follow-Up Direct Imaging The TESS Project shall be capable of performing direct imaging and follow-up observations for 5000 targets. Rationale: Identify sufficient number of targets for spectroscopic follow-up observations Allocation: TSO MRD_31 Follow-Up Reconnaissance Spectroscopy The TESS Project shall be capable of performing spectroscopic follow-up observations for 2000 targets. Rationale: Identify sufficient number of targets for high s/n transit photometery Allocation: TSO MRD_97 Follow-Up Transit Photometry The TESS Project shall be capable of performing high S/N transit photometry follow-up observations for 100 targets. Rationale: Identify sufficient number of targets for radial velocity measurements Allocation: TSO MRD_32 Follow-Up Radial Velocity The TESS Project shall be capable of performing radial velocity follow-up measurement of 100 targets. CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Rationale: Peform a sufficient number of radial velocity measurements to achieve the L1 of 50 measured masses Allocation: TSO 3.3 Mission Phase Requirements 3.3.1 Prelaunch MRD_35 Integration, Test, and Launch Operations The TESS Project shall be designed to support Observatory Integration, Test, and Launch Site operations. Rationale: The project must design for test, integration, and launch in addition to on orbit operations. Hardware and software design must account for safe operations in all environments. Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, LV 3.3.2 Launch MRD_105 Observatory Launch Mass The Observatory wet mass shall not exceed 385 kg at launch. Rationale: Allocation for Observatory not-to-exceed mass driven by required delta-v (MRD_105), estimated maximum propellant mass capability, and Isp. Allocations to Spacecraft and Instrument tracked in Technical Allocations Requirements Document. Allocation: SC, INSTR MRD_54 Launch Period The TESS Project shall have launch opportunities on 20 days of any given Lunar cycle. Rationale: Maximize the probability of launch within a given lunar cycle. 20 days ~= 75% of lunar cycle. Allocation: FD, LV MRD_55 Launch Window The TESS Project shall provide for launch windows of at least 20 minutes during each day of the launch period. CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Rationale: Allow for minor delays in launch countdown (e.g. weather or clearing of range). Allocation: FD, LV MRD_38 Initial Acquisition The TESS Project shall acquire telemetry from the Observatory no later than separation + 2 minutes. Rationale: Spacecraft transmitter must be powered OFF during launch due to LV constraints. This requirement sets the time at which first contact with the spacecraft can be established. 2 minutes chosen to minimize telemetry outage duration around LV sep critical event, and provide time for SC to turn on transmitter and ground to acquire signal. Allocation: SC, MOC, FD MRD_39 Post Launch Autonomy The Spacecraft shall autonomously achieve a thermally stable and power positive state after separation from the Launch Vehicle. Rationale: Any critical deployments must happen autonomously so that the health of the vehicle does not depend on the ability of the ground to command the vehicle. Allocation: SC 3.3.3 Ascent and Commissioning MRD_41 Commissioning The TESS Project shall characterize the health and performance of the Observatory within 2 months after launch. Rationale: Enables project to evaluate end-to-end system operation, and troubleshoot any issues early in operations. Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, SOC MRD_42 Ascent and Commissioning Duration The TESS Project shall achieve the mission orbit within 2 months after launch. Rationale: Allows for a full 2 year science mission Allocation: FD, LV CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline MRD_43 Science Operations Rationale: Allocation: MRD_46 LAHO The TESS Project shall be capable of performing all required Observatory housekeeping and data downlink during Low Altitude Housekeeping Operations (LAHO) spanning Perigee +/- 8 hours. Rationale: Bounds the time that the observatory will be down for communication and engineering activities each orbit. Also sets time range where s/c must be able to support high-rate communication passes. Allocation: SC, MOC, FD MRD_45 HASO Telemetry The TESS Project shall be designed to receive Observatory Houskeeping Data during HASO. Rationale: Allows for ground operations team to evaluate and respond to onboard anomalies without waiting up to 13 days for the next LAHO communications opportunity. Allocation: SC, MOC MRD_47 Target Specification The Observatory shall point the Instrument at a ground specified inertial target. Rationale: Observing strategy will be based on pointing the instrument boresight at 26 different inertial targets to define observation sectors. Allocation: SC, SOC MRD_20 Coarse Pointing Control The Observatory shall point the Instrument boresight to within 120 arc-sec 3-sigma without the use of the Instrument. Rationale: The Instrument does not support a lost-in-space attitude solution. Coarse pointing is required to get the instrument on to the correct guide stars. Includes thermomechanical misalignment between Instrument and Spacecraft. Allocation: SC CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline MRD_57 Observatory HASO Sun Angle The TESS Project shall collect science data over the range +/-15° between the Observatory z-axis projected onto the ecliptic plane and the anti-sun vector. Rationale: Constrains science operations to allow for thermal and power limits. Mission design requires 13.5 degrees. 15 degrees provides approximately 10 percent margin over requirement for variations in orbital period. Allocation: SC, INSTR, FD MRD_58 Observatory Pitch Angle The TESS Project shall collect science data at pitch angles from 54° to 78° measured from the ecliptic plane Rationale: Nominal operations will always be at 54 degrees. 78 degrees for off nominal case where camera closest to celestial pole fails, and operations team must reorient the Observatory in order to meet threshold coverage of long-duration targets. Allocation: SC, INSTR, FD 3.3.4 Decommissioning MRD_49 Decommissioning The TESS Project shall be designed to decommission and passivate the Observatory at the end of the mission. (TBD) Rationale: Required per NASA Standard Process for Limiting Orbital Debris (NASASTD-8719.14). Note that there is no requirement for changing the orbit. Allocation: SC 3.4 Mission Design and Navigation Requirements MRD_51 Mission Orbit The TESS Project shall achieve a mission orbit that is a 2:1 lunar resonance High Earth Orbit that is operationally stable. Rationale: This orbit has a period of 13.7 days, which provides long science view periods and periods that are close to the earth for downlink. This orbit is to first order, stable with respect to lunar perturbations. Allocation: FD, LV CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline MRD_52 Maximum Range in LAHO The TESS Project shall operate the Observatory in orbits with perigee less than 22 Re for the mission life. Rationale: Allows for balance of Transmitter power, downlink rate & pass duration using standard DSN 34m dishes. Covers all orbits during the mission, including Ascent&Commisioning. Allocation: SC, FD MRD_101 Mission Maximum Range The TESS Project shall operate the Observatory in orbits with apogee less than 90 Re for the mission life. Rationale: Bounds communication requirements during HASO. Covers all orbits during the mission, including Ascent&Commisioning. The semimajor axis of the TESS science orbit is close to 38 Re. With perigee at its lowest allowed, 7 Re, the apogee would be at its highest possible, 2*38 – 7 = 69 Re. However these are all bounded by the post-lunar encounter apogee which is 90 Re. Allocation: SC, FD MRD_53 Avoidance of Geosynchronous Orbit The TESS Project shall achieve a mission orbit that does not intersect the GEO band for the nominal mission and a period of at least 100 years after end of mission. (TBD) Rationale: Required per NASA Standard Process for Limiting Orbital Debris (NASASTD-8719.14). Requirement specifies disposal at EOM to be above GEO for at least 100 years. Requirement specifies a probability of success of 0.9 for disposal operations. The latter is satisfied by operating the mission during nominal ops in the desired disposal orbit (dispose in place). Allocation: FD, LV MRD_56 Eclipse Frequency and Duration The TESS Project shall limit the total number of eclipses during the prime mission to 16 with 2 eclipses that have a max duration of 6 hours, and the remainder having max durations of 4 hours. Rationale: Allows power system sizing for reasonable battery size while providing adequate flexibility in mission design targeting of lunar fly-by and launch day of year constraints. Allocation: SC, FD, LV CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline MRD_98 Deleted Rationale: Allocation: MRD_59 Orbit Determination during ascent The TESS Project shall determine the orbit ephemerides during ascent to less than 3 km (X,Y, Z J2000, 3sigma) Rationale: Allow for pointing of DSN antennas & dV maneuver planning Allocation: SC, FD MRD_60 Orbit Determination during science orbits The TESS Project shall determine the orbit ephemerides during the science orbit to less than 3 km (X,Y, Z J2000, 3sigma) Rationale: Allow for pointing of DSN antennas and control of orbit Allocation: SC, FD MRD_61 Slew Performance The Spacecraft shall be capable of slewing >0.3°/sec with a control accuracy of ≤5° (3 sigma, per axis). Rationale: The requirement is driven by the operations duration concept and efficiency. Allocation: SC, FD MRD_104 Delta-V Allocation The TESS Project shall achieve and maintain the mission orbit with 99% probability of success given a delta-v allocation of 215 m/s. Rationale: Sets requirements on spacecraft propellant and mass given expected LV capability. See Technical Allocations Document for elaboration of delta-v budget that informed the selection of 215 m/s. Allocation: SC, FD MRD_62 Delta-V Attitude Accuracy The Spacecraft shall control the Observatory thrust axis during ∆V maneuvers to within 5° of the desired target. CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Rationale: Provides proper pointing during all maneuvers. Allocation: SC, FD MRD_63 Delta-V Maneuver Accuracy The Spacecraft shall perform ∆V maneuver with an accuracy of +/- 5%. Rationale: Bounds uncertainty for maneuver design. 5% used based on rule of thumb. Allocation: SC, FD MRD_64 Missed Maneuver The TESS Project shall be able to achieve the mission orbit and threshold mission in the presence of any single missed or aborted maneuver. Rationale: Allows the maneuvers to be handled as nominal operations rather than mission critical events. Reduces the availability requirements on the ground and flight system. Allocation: SC, MOC, FD 3.5 Mission Operations Requirements MRD_66 Real time commands The TESS Project shall generate, transmit, and execute real time commands to the Observatory. Rationale: Real time commands are required for testing, engineering operations, and to diagnose and recover from anomalies on orbit. Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC MRD_67 Stored commands The TESS Project shall generate, transmit, store, and execute command sequences constructed with either absolute or relative execution times. Rationale: The Observatory will be out of ground contact for much of the science orbit. Stored commands are required to manage operations during this time. Allocation: SC, MOC, SOC MRD_68 Telemetry CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline The TESS project shall provide Observatory Housekeeping data to determine Spacecraft and Instrument health, support science operations, and diagnose anomalies during all mission phases. Rationale: Telemetry required from observatory to determine spacecraft health on orbit, readiness to launch on the pad, etc… Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, SOC MRD_69 Recorded Telemetry The TESS Project shall be capable of downlinking real-time and recorded Observatory Housekeeping data during all S-band contacts. Rationale: Allows for operations team to debug spacecraft outside of LAHO, potentially enabling recovery prior to the next LAHO and thereby minimizing lost science. Allocation: SC MRD_70 CCSDS Protocols The TESS Project shall utilize Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) protocols for command and telemetry links. Rationale: Provides interoperability for flight and ground systems. Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, SOC MRD_29 Science Data Volume The Observatory shall process the Science, Ancillary Spacecraft data, and Instrument Housekeeping data to limit the total data volume to 96 GB per orbit. Rationale: Downlink constraints preclude downlinking all raw data. Data must be reduced onboard to a volume that can be downlinked in a nominal DSN downlink pass. 96 GB selected from analysis in CSR. Allocation: INSTR MRD_71 Downlink Performance The TESS Project shall be capable of downlinking 240 GB of Instrument Data and 2 GB of Spacecraft Data in a 5 hour LAHO communication pass. Rationale: Allows for the collection of 2 orbits of Spacecraft and Instrument data in single DSN pass. Includes 20% margin over Instrument allocation in MRD_29. Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, SOC CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline MRD_72 Data Retransmit The TESS Project shall transmit the current and prior orbit's Instrument Data in each comm pass. Rationale: L1 requires 95% of data collected by the spacecraft to be returned to the ground. This approach allows for >97.5% of data to be returned in the presence of DSN outages and weather. Allocation: INSTR MRD_73 Unattended operation The TESS Project shall be capable of operating the Observatory, including collecting science data, without ground intervention for 2 orbits. Rationale: Communication passes may be lost due to ground station issues or weather. Under the scenario where we are unable to communicate with the Observatory during an individual LAHO, we do not want to sit idle for the subsequent orbit. Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, SOC MRD_74 Common Time Format The TESS project shall utilize the CCSDS Time code format. Rationale: Consistent time code format across elements minimizes confusion Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, SOC MRD_75 Mission Critical Telemetry and Commanding The TESS Project shall maintain continuous telemetry and command coverage during all mission-critical events. Rationale: Gold Rule 1.14. Continuous telemetry coverage shall be maintained during all mission-critical events. Mission-critical events shall be defined to include separation from the launch vehicle; power-up of major components or subsystems; deployment of mechanisms and/or mission-critical appendages; and all planned propulsive maneuvers required to establish mission orbit and/or achieve safe attitude. After separation from the launch vehicle, continuous command coverage shall be maintained during all following mission-critical events. With continuous telemetry and command capability, operators can prevent anomalous events from propagating to mission loss. Also, flight data will be available for anomaly investigations. Allocation: SC, MOC, FD CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline MRD_76 Commandability The Observatory shall be capable of receiving and executing real-time commands at all times after launch vehicle separation subject to RF constraints identified in the Spacecraft to Ground ICD. Rationale: To support anomaly recovery, the ground should always have the capability to command the spacecraft. Allocation: SC, INSTR MRD_77 Modification of flight software The TESS Project shall allow for modification of all flight computer flight software images. Rationale: On-orbit modification of software provides the mission some robustness to unanticipated operational conditions and scenarios. Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC, SOC MRD_84 Inadvertent Commanding The TESS Project shall protect against the inadvertent generation, transmission, and execution of commands that may result in damage to the Observatory or loss of mission. Rationale: Protects against a single operations team mistake causing damage to the spacecraft. Also satisfies Gold Rule 1.23 where In a single string Spacecraft no single command shall result in Spacecraft "OFF." Allocation: SC, INSTR, MOC MRD_117 Time Correlation The TESS Project shall correlate onboard Spacecraft time to UTC with an accuracy of +/1 sec. Rationale: Sequences are executed in MET. Manuevers and other sequences will need to execute relative to UTC. Allocation: SC, MOC 3.6 Fault Management and Autonomy MRD_79 Deleted Deleted Rationale: CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Allocation: MRD_110 Critical Function Monitoring The Observatory shall monitor the ability of the system to perform critical functions including -Power Generation and Management -Uplink and Commanding -Attitude Determination -Attitude Control -Thermal Control and autonomously take steps to isolate and recover from the fault causing the failure. Rationale: By monitoring the end-to-end ability of the system to perform critical functions, the Observatory can detect and respond to previously unknown fault conditions. Allocation: SC MRD_80 Safe Hold Mode The Observatory shall detect anomalous conditions that threaten the health or consumables of the Observatory and autonomously enter a minimum safe operating state (Safe Hold) that maintains the health, consumables, and commandability of the Observatory. Rationale: Gold Rule 1.17. Safe mode provides a state that requires fewer resources and is more robust than operational mode Allocation: SC MRD_81 Safe Hold Duration The Observatory shall autonomously maintain Safe Hold mode indefinitely, or until all propellant resources have been expended. Rationale: It may take multiple orbits for the ground to diagnose and recover the spacecraft from an onboard anomaly. During this time commandability may be limited, thus the spacecraft must autonomously maintain vehicle health. This includes performing momentum management, which requires propellant. Allocation: SC MRD_82 Catastrophic Hazards The TESS project shall mitigate any failure which leads to a Catastrophic Hazard with three independent verifiable inhibits. CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline Rationale: Gold Rule 1.24. Catastrophic Hazard A condition that may cause death or permanently disabling injury, major system or facility destruction on the ground, or vehicle during the mission. Allocation: SC, INSTR MRD_83 Critical Hazards The TESS Project shall mitigate any failure which leads to a Critical Hazard with two independent verifiable inhibits. Rationale: Gold Rule 1.24. Critical Hazard A condition that may cause severe injury or occupational illness, or major property damage to facilities, systems, or flight hardware. Allocation: SC, INSTR MRD_111 Robustness to Failed Camera The TESS Project shall continue to collect science data in the presence of a single failed camera. Rationale: Threshold science requirements can be met with only 3 functioning camers. Should a camera fail prior to launch or on orbit the Project should be able to achieve minimum mission success. Allocation: INSTR MRD_85 Instrument Sun/Earth Sensitivity The Instrument shall be capable of pointing at any target, including the Sun and the Earth, indefinitely with no damage or permanent impact to performance. Rationale: Allows for flexibility in mission design and spacecraft safing responses. No expectation that the instrument will be able to collect science data when pointed at the Sun - see requirement on Sun Angle for science operating range. Allocation: INSTR MRD_86 Non Volatile Science Data Storage The Instrument hardware shall have the capability to store Science Data such that it will persist across a power cycle of the instrument. Rationale: In certain fault conditions the Spacecraft may remove power from the instrument. In these cases we do not want to lose the 2 orbits of science data that has been collected onboard. Allocation: INSTR CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline MRD_112 Instrument Power Shutdown The Instrument shall be robust to sudden removal of powerfrom the spacecraft with no damage or permanent impact to performance. Rationale: During certain fault scenarios the spacecraft may remove power from the instrument without any warning. Allocation: INSTR MRD_113 Software Fault Monitoring The TESS Project shall detect software faults in health and safety critical software, and initiate a response that will reconfigure the system into the minimum safe operating state. Rationale: Partial robustness to software faults either caused by latent defects or environmental effects. Allocation: SC MRD_114 Environmental Effect Robustnes The TESS Project shall be robust to any single Single Event Upset (SEU) without compromising the health or safety of the Observatory. Rationale: Robustness to environment effects Allocation: SC, INSTR 3.7 Data Handling, Processing, and Archiving MRD_88 Science Data Retention The TESS Project shall deliver >= 95% of Instrument data collected to the SOC. Rationale: In this requirement, collected refers to data that has been successfully stored within the Instrument onboard the spacecraft. This allocation allows for potential loss of data in transmission and handling. Allocation: SC, INSTR, SOC MRD_106 Initial Science Data Archive The TESS Project shall deliver the first 4 months of raw and calibrated Instrument Data to the project archive 6 months after the start of nominal science operations. Rationale: Allocation: SOC, TSO CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE Mission Requirements Document EXP-TESS-RQMT-0001 Rev Baseline MRD_89 Interim Science Data Archive The TESS Project shall deliver the previous 6 months of raw and calibrated Instrument Data at 4 month intervals beginning 10 months after the start of nominal science operations. Rationale: Allows for public access to TESS data during mission operations. Allocation: SOC, TSO MRD_90 Final Science Data Archive The TESS Project shall deliver the final fully-calibrated set of science data products to the project archive within 12 months following the end of mission. Rationale: Allows the public access to TESS data after the mission has been completed. Allocation: SOC, TSO CHECK https://ehpdmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE