ASSESSMENT OF Pb METAL CONCENTRATIONS ON WATER COLUMN, SEDIMENT AND ORGANISMS AT KAYANGAN ISLAND WATERS OF MAKASSAR CITY Akbar Tahir@, Yeis Pairunan and Masrul Jaya Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, University of Hasanuddin, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar-INDONESIA @ Contact Person : e-mail: Ph/Fax : +62 411-587000. Abstract Research on heavy metal analysis in water column, sediment and organisms at Kayangan Island Makassar City, was conducted. Samples from water column, sediment, macrozoobenthos, sponge, stony and soft corals were collected from four stations around Khayangan Island for analysis of their lead (Pb) content. Kayangan Island is one of established domestic tourist destinations and is part of Spermonde archipelago located at Northern part of Makassar. The island is within the vicinity of Makassar City, which is one of a densely populated city in Eastern Indonesia, surrounded by Makassar Sea Port and Ship Industry Area (PT. IKI), and relatively influenced by Tallo River mouth where Makassar Industrial Estates (PT. KIMA) drained their wastewater. With this circumstance, Kayangan Island surrounding waters is suspected to be heavily loaded with pollutants from human activities. Concentrations of Pb from all samples were measured with Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometer. Data analysis on Pb concentration from all sampling stations of sponge, stony and soft corals, and macrozoobenthos (predominated with polychaeta) resulted in no significant differences within organism. However, Significant differences of Pb concentration were found between organisms, with positive correlation of Pb concentrations between water column and sediments. Overall results showed there is a consistent pattern of Pb accumulation at all sampling stations. Keywords: Lead, sediment, benthos, Spermonde, pollution. I. INTRODUCTION Environmental pollutants from varied sources contaminated water, soil and air, provoked human and environment to a wide range of risks. Globally, thousands of chemicals posed serious threats to human health and ecosystem. In particular to development nations, like Indonesia, citizens are faced to a higher risk due to the lack of knowledge and understanding, absence of pro-people regulation, inconsistent in law enforcement and inadequate capital for cleaner technology access. All of these making members of society in poor developing countries were unable to protect themselves from hazard of high risks pollutants. Marine environment, including estuary, with high water quality turn out to be a major determinant in maintaining healthy condition of both human and environment as resources provider. However, as chemical waste disposal increased from manufacture, agriculture, atmospheric input, direct waste disposal and others, have made up aquatic environment filled with toxic chemical substances, including heavy metals. Important heavy metals in the context of aquatic pollutions are Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Hg, Ni and Cr. Metals like Pb, Hg and Cd do not have advantage in biological functions and toxic to organisms. Lead (Pb) is one of the most common metals found in aquatic environment (Clark, 1997) as a result of waste disposal and atmospheric input, notably those from vehicles using fuels with ‘tetraethyl lead’ additive. For that reason, it is important to monitor the occurrence of Pb in aquatic environment through integrated analysis of its concentrations in water column, sediment and sessile organisms so as to obtain complete pictures of metals load in waters, those precipitated in sediment and accumulated by organisms. Kayangan island is belong to Spermonde archipelago (Fig. 1), about 0.9 km from Makassar city (population 1.5 million), established as domestic tourist destination since 1960’s with total area ca. 1.5 ha. The island could be reached in 15 min using a motorized boat from Makassar. The island is completed with lodgings, restaurant, music stage, mini hall, kids playing area, fishing platform, and sport facilities. Kayangan island is laid on northern part Ujung Tanah District of Makassar City, with Makassar Sea Port and Makassar Shipyard Industry nearby to the east. Densely populated housing area and traditional wooden ship port around Tallo estuary is only 2.3 km to northern-east site of the island. Moreover, to the west and south part of the island are busy traffics of sea transportation from day to day with different purposes and destinations. In addition, the coral reef ecosystem at the island is already degraded, but various kinds of benthic organisms, such as stony coral, soft coral, algae, sponges, macrozoobenthos (predominated with polychaeta), fish and other animals were still found frequently, although not abundantly. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A wooden boat was hired from local fishermen to collect samples, using GPS to denotes four sampling locations with 3 sub-stations each (as replication). With basic diving gears stony coral, soft coral and sponges were collected at respective stations, whilst sediment and macrozoobenthos were sampled with bottom grab sampler or polyvinyl pipe with Ø 2 inch, where applicable. All samples were put into appropriate sample bags with respective information, placed in a cool box and directly transported to the laboratory. Figure 1. Research location with sampling stations (annotated with red flags and alphabets). 2.1. Metal analysis on water column Metal extraction procedure from water column was performed with wetdestruction method according to Indonesian National Standard method (SNI 066989.38-2005). Into 50 ml of filtered sea water sample (Whatman #41, pore size 0.45 µm) was added 5 ml 65% HNO3, leaved on a hot plate until the volume only 15-20 ml. Another 5 ml HNO3 was then added and covered with Pyrex watch-glass and put on the hot plate again until all metals were finely dissolved with white color sediment and the solute became clear. This was followed by the addition of 2 ml HNO3 and leave in oven at 300o C for ± 10 min. Samples were then transferred into measuring glass, filled with double distilled water to measure 50 ml. 2.2. Metals analysis on sediment, corals, sponge and macrozoobenthos Metal extraction procedure from sediment, polyps of stony and soft corals, sponge and macrozoobenthos were performed with wet-destruction method according to Indonesian National Standard method (SNI 06-06992.8-2004). Prior to the extraction process, all samples were washed with distilled water and dried at room temperature for 10-14 days, then dried in oven at 80o C for 16 h. Coral polyps, sponge and polychaeta samples were dried in oven at 60o C for 48 h. Sediment and organisms samples were weigh for 3 g respectively, then put into beaker glass with 15 ml distilled water added to be homogenized with stone mortar. Into the solution was then added 10 ml HNO3, covered with watch-glass and put on the top of hot plate at 105o – 120o C, until the volume left only ± 10 ml. Samples were then left to cool in room temperature. Into the samples were then added 5 ml HNO3 (Nitric Acid 65%) and 1 – 3 ml HClO4 (Perchlorate Acid 70%) drop by drop through the wall of beaker glass, then homogenized. Samples were then heated on the hot plate until white smoke occurred and the solute became clear. Boiling the samples were the continued for 30 min and left to cool. Samples were then filtered with pore size 8 µm (Whatman #40). Filtrates were then transferred into a measuring glass and filled with double distilled water to measure 50 ml, then further homogenized. Lead metal concentrations in water column, sediment, stony and soft corals, sponge and macrozoobenthos were then measured with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Shimadzu AA-7000 Tandem with Graphite Furnace. Results are expressed in µg/g (ppm). 2.3. Data Analysis One Way ANOVA was used to look at differences in average values of Pb metal in water column, sediment, stony and soft coral, sponges and macrozoobenthos between the sampling stations. Pearson’s correlation was used to look for any correlation of Pb metal concentrations between sampling stations (Bengen, 2000). III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Highest concentration of Pb was found in stations I and II (Fig. 2), where there is no significant differences. The concentrations from both stations were significantly different with those from stations III and IV (P < 0.05). Differences in Pb content of water column most likely due to the position of the first two stations are very close to sources of pollutants, such as Makassar Sea Port where ship traffics are busy, dry docking location where ships were painted and repaired, direct waste disposal from the ship, industrial and commercial waste disposals, and enormous amounts of automotive vehicles smokes from adjacent city of Makassar. Lead entered aquatic environment through several routes, such as industrial waste disposal, leaking from ship paint with Pb in their base material intended as anticorrosive and anti-fouling agents (Marganof et al., 2003), and as fuel additive so called ‘tetraethyl lead’ (e.g. Palar, 2004). As Pb is widely used for various applications, sooner or later it will exaggerate diverse effects on the quality of aquatic environment and organisms. Lead concentrations in water column of Kayangan island are exceeding the maximum value indicated by Indonesian Ministry of Environmental Affairs/KMNLH, i.e. 0.08 ppm (KMNLH decree No. 51/2004). Concentrations of Pb in sediment, was found significantly higher at stations II and I, compared to stations III and IV (Fig. 3). High sediment concentration of Pb clearly indicated that these stations had received substantial amount of waste containing Pb metal. This concentration is consistent with Pb level of the stations in the water column and presumably came from similar sources of lead containing wastes which in turn to remain and accumulated at sediment. Sediment concentration of Pb metal had exceed the maximum level of 33 ppm (Febries and Werner, 1994) and is undoubtedly due to the sediment capability in accumulating and absorbing substantial load of Pb metal, which well known to have a poor water solubility (Marganof et al., 2003). 0.6 a Pb concentrations (ppm) a Water column b 0.5 b 0.4 0.3 0.54 0.49 0.35 0.42 0.2 0.1 0 I II III Sampling stations IV Figure 2. Pb metal concentrations in water column at all sampling stations. Values are mean of 3 replication from sub-station samples SD. Different alphabets annotated significant differences. Pb concentrations (ppm) 60 50 Sediment b a 40 d c 30 20 10 44.7 51.7 23.6 31.7 III IV 0 I II Sampling stations Pb concentrations (ppm) Figure 3. Pb metal concentrations in sediment at all sampling stations. Values are mean of 3 replication from sub-station samples SD. Different alphabets annotated significant differences. 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Stony coral a a a a 14 10.3 10.2 III IV 9.0 I II Sampling stations Figure 4. Pb metal concentrations in stony coral at all sampling stations. Values are mean of 3 replication from sub-station samples SD. Similar alphabets annotated no significant differences. Metal Pb concentrations in all sample organisms were not differed significantly within the same organism at all sampling stations, indicating a proportional absorption of Pb by each kind of animal (Figs 4-7). The high Pb concentration in all benthos is presumbaly due to the central position of Kayangan island in the context of sea transportation at South Sulawesi capital, Makassar city. Busy traffics of both fishermen and commercial boats and ships, have made almost all sides of the island were affected by Pb containing waste from various human activities at the nearby city. Stony coral, soft coral, sponge and macrozoobenthos are amongst marine organisms which usually found to inhabit coral reef ecosystem, albeit that they would also be found live in solitair at extreme waters condition. These benthic animals are known to have a high adaptation and tolerance to rapid change of aquatic environmetal condition compared to other organisms, even with consequences of easily accumulating nasty substances in their body tissues. At the Kayangan island waters, lowest concentration of Pb was found in stony coral, whist the highest concentration was observed in sponge (stony coral < macrozoobenthos < soft coral < sponge). This low concentration Pb metal in stony coral (Fig. 4) is certainly related to their body skeleton characteristics that consisted by massive calcium carbonate (CaCO3) which made the accumulation of metal gone slowly, concomitant with their slow growth rate (Supriharyono, 2007). However, Pb concentration in stony coral of Kayangan island had exceeded maximum value of 0.08 ppm (Mukhtasor, 2007). Lead concentration in stony coral could be used as a good indicator for levels of pollution in certain area due to the ability of their calcareous exoskeleton to assimilate metals for a long period, upto hundreds of years (Ramos et al., 2004). Pb concentrations (ppm) 25 a Macrozoobenthos a 20 a a 15 18.6 14.9 10 15.7 15.1 5 0 I II III IV Sampling stations Figure 5. Pb metal concentrations in macrozoobenthos at all sampling stations. Values are mean of 3 replication from substation samples SD. Similar alphabets annotated no significant differences. As an animal lived and search for food inside the sediment, macrozoobenthos is generally found lived inside or dwell upon sediment. Therefore, high concentration of metal Pb in macrozoobenthos as a resultant of bioaccumulation from their surroundings. Animals with burrowing, dwelling and spent almost their entire live in sediment would accumulate metals in high concentration due to persistent exposure of such pollutants in their entire live (Connel and Gregory, 1995). There is no significant different of the Pb concentrations in macrozoobenthos (Fig. 5). Pb concentrations in (ppm) Soft coral 34 a a a 33 32 a 31 30 29 32.1 28 31.7 27 30.5 29.6 26 25 I II III Sampling stations IV Figure 6. Pb metal concentrations in soft coral at all sampling stations. Values are mean of 3 replication from sub-station samples SD. Similar alphabets annotated no significant differences. Lead metal concentrations found in soft coral are consistently high at all sampling sites (Fig. 6), although still lower compared to those found in sponge. Pb concentrations in soft coral is second to sponge, which unquestionably is due to their soft body structure which facilitated water pollutants to accumulate through their filter feeder and sessile living characteristics. This soft structure ease direct absorption of metals from environment to their body surface (Connel and Gregory, 1995). Sponge a Pb concentrations (ppm) 40 a a a 35 30 25 35.2 34.6 34.8 20 32.7 15 10 5 0 I II III IV Sampling stations Figure 7. Pb metal concentrations in sponge at all sampling stations. Values are mean of 3 replication from sub-station samples SD. Similar alphabets annotated no significant differences. Data analysis resulted with sponge as organism containing highest concentration of metal Pb. This data clearly demonstrated that sponge as the most permeable animal, with enormous numbers of pores on sponge entire bodyconnected to channels and internal cavities have enabled the sponge to filter of more than 10,000 gallon of sea water per-day for their nutrient and oxygen requirements (Munifah et al., 2008). This feeding habit is favorable for the ingestion of various pollutants, including Pb, into the sponge body which finally accumulated and resided in their tissues. Univariate ANOVA on stony coral, macrozoobenthos, soft coral and sponge data have revealed significant differences (P = 0.00) on their Pb metal concentrations. This value clearly showed that Pb concentrations in stony coral, soft coral, macrozoobenthos and sponge are significantly different which means that there is a diferences in Pb metal absorption and accumulation between those organisms. However, Tukey test showed that there is no differences between soft coral and sponge in their Pb metal concentrations. Pearson’s correlation analysis to look at possibility of relationship in lead metal amounts at all samples resulted in a rather weak correlation between Pb metal concentrations in sediment and water column (Fig. 8). Likewise, there is no correlation between benthic organisms Pb contents both with sediment and water column concentrations (Fig. 9 and 10). Pb in sediment (ppm) 60 y = 133.76x - 22.029 R² = 0.7276 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Pb in water column (ppm) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 y = 0.0079x + 10.58 R² = 0.0014 0 20 Pb in soft coral (ppm) Pb in stony coral (ppm) Figure 8. Correlation between Pb concentrations in sediment and water column. 40 60 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 y = -0.0063x + 31.236 R² = 0.0009 0 40 60 25 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 y = 0.0675x + 31.782 R² = 0.0769 0 20 40 Pb in sediment (ppm) 60 Pb Macrozoobenthos (ppm) Pb in Sponge (ppm) 20 Pb in sediment (ppm) Pb in sediment (ppm) 20 15 y = 0.0332x + 14.816 R² = 0.0331 10 5 0 0 20 40 Pb in sediment (ppm) Figure 9. Correlation between Pb concentrations in sediment and benthic organisms. 60 Pb in soft coral (ppm) Pb in stony coral (ppm) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 y = 13.905x + 4.6468 R² = 0.1804 0 0.2 0.4 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 y = 2.7243x + 29.775 R² = 0.007 0 0.6 0.4 0.6 Pb in water column (ppm) 25 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Pb in Macrozoobentos (ppm) Pb in Sponge (ppm) Pb in water column (ppm) 0.2 y = 11.096x + 29.37 R² = 0.0844 0 0.2 0.4 Pb in water column (ppm) 0.6 y = 12.969x + 10.259 R² = 0.2062 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Pb in water column (ppm) Figure 10. Correlation between Pb concentrations in water column and benthic organisms. IV. CONCLUSION Based on AAS measurement and statistical analysis of lead metal concentrations in water column, sediment and benthic organisms collected at four stations of the Kayangan island waters, it is concluded that the surrounding waters and the sediment underneath (where benthic organisms dwell) are already profoundly polluted with Pb metal. Significant differences of Pb concentrations were found between organisms, with positive correlation between Pb in water column and sediment. Overall results showed there is a consistent pattern of Pb accumulation at all sampling stations. With respect to the current state of Kayangan island as a domestic tourist destination, pertaining to highly polluted waters usages for activities such as swimming and snorkeling, it is of high risks to the visitors, for both possibilities of being swallowed through water and absorbed by the skin. V. REFERENCES Bengen, D.G., 2000. Sampling techniques and data analysis for coastal biophysics resources. Research Center for Marine and Coastal Resources. Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor. Clark, R.B. 1997. Marine Pollution. 4th Edition. Oxford University Press, London. Connel, W.D., and G.J. Miller., 1995. The Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of Pollution. University of Indonesia Press. 520p. Febries, G.J., dan G.F. Werner, 1994. 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