Bundel Vak (Engels) Opdracht: Drama Project Studielast: 28 hours

Bundel Vak (Engels)
Opdracht: Drama Project
Studielast: 28 hours
In vogelvlucht: Putting on a play can be a highly effective manner for students to develop their English
speaking skills. Your task is to organize or help organize the production of a play in English either as an
in-class activity or extracurricular activity. It is up to you whether you fully develop a play in which
students memorize lines, wear costumes and have scenery/props; you may also develop something
more informal in which students carry their scripts. It is required that the production is well prepared
and that students are acting out their roles, rather than sitting and reading them. NOTE: This project
should be carried out in ENGLISH.
As a result of doing this project, you will be able to:
 To make a link between a play production and English speaking development
 To organize a language-oriented project that is motivating for onderbouw students
 To evaluate the effectiveness of English-language scripts for onderbouw language learners
Inhoudelijke verantwoording: (Verwijzing naar kennisbasis of andere theoretische achtergrond)
Kennisbasis Engels:
1.1 De vier vaardigheden
4.6 Doeltaal als voertaal
4.12 Leesmateriaal
5.3 Methodologieën voor het onderwijzen van Engels
5,4 Motivatie
5,7 Taalvaardigheden
5.8 Uitspraak
7.1 Methodologieën van MVT
Uitgangssituatie: This project is more appropriate for second, third or fourth-year students.
Schoolsituatie: There should be an opportunity for you to develop and carry-out a drama project in
English with students either in class or outside of class.
(Remember to keep a log of your hours. Below are suggested hours needed for each step of the project.)
Do a literature search related to using drama in foreign language learning. 3 hours
Write an analysis of your findings. See rubric for analysis. 2 hours
Select a play, make schedule for project, and make an evaluation form. 2 hours
Rehearse the play. 14 hours
Hold a performance of the play. Make sure to take pictures. 3 hours
Collaboratively valuate project with students and colleagues. Make sure you have students fill
out an evaluation and take notes on this meeting. 1 hour
7. Write a reflection on the project. 3 hours
You will turn in the following products (products may be written in English or in Dutch):
1) Analysis of Literature: Include a brief summary and analysis of at least 3 academic sources (see tips at
end of project description for how to find academic sources) related to using drama in language
learning. Your summary should be about 100 words and your analysis 150 words. Your analysis should
discuss how you plan to put into practice what you have read. The analysis should be at least 500 words
in total.
2) Project Materials: Collect all of the materials you use for the Drama Project, including AT LEAST the
following: a copy of the script, a rehearsal schedule, a project evaluation (completed by at least 3
students) and notes on evaluation meeting. Try to include photos as well.
3) Hours Log: Make a log of how you divided up your time for the project, briefly describing each task.
Suggested hours for each aspect of the project are listed under “stappenplan.” Your total number of
hours should equal (or exceed) 28 hours. Make sure the supervisor at your school signs your log.
3) Project Evaluation: Use the evaluation forms from participating students, reactions from other
participating teachers and your supervisor, as well as your own reactions to evaluate the event. Write a
500-600 word evaluation in which you reflect on the effectiveness of the script used, the way in which
the project was carried out, the project’s usefulness as a language-learning tool, why students were (or
were not) motivated, etc. Make sure you also connect your project to the literature you researched.
NOTE: Any evidence of plagiarism will be reported to the Examencommissie.
Product 1: Analysis of Literature
Fewer than 3 sources
At least 3 academic
are analyzed, the
sources are both
sources are not
summarized and
academic in nature
analyzed. The analysis
and/or the sources are
is somewhat vague, but
merely summarized.
makes some
The language level
connection between
interferes with clarity of the sources and the
assignment and/or the
drama project. There
analysis is shorter than are language mistakes,
500 words in total.
but they do not
interfere with clarity of
assignment. The
analysis is at least 500
words long.
Product 2: Project Materials
One or more of the
All of the following are
following is missing: a
included: a project
project evaluation,
evaluation, schedule of
rehearsal schedule,
the day’s events,
script, and/or language student project
mistakes interfere with description, and
the clarity of the
handout from
workshop. Each item is
written in a way that
can be understood by
students of the level
being taught (A1 to B2).
There are few language
Ruim Voldoende/Goed
At least 3 academic
sources are both
summarized and
analyzed. The analysis
makes a clear
connection between
the sources and the
drama project. The
analysis is 600-750.
There are few language
Zeer Goed/Uitmuntend
At least 3 academic
sources are both
summarized and
analyzed. The analysis
makes a particularly
insightful connection
between the sources
and the drama project.
The analysis is 700-750
words long. There are
no language mistakes.
Ruim Voldoende/Goed
All of the following are
included: a project
evaluation, schedule of
the day’s events,
student project
description, and
handout from
workshop. Each item is
written in a way that
can be understood by
students of the level
being taught (A1 to B2),
and the layout is
visually appealing.
There are no language
Zeer Goed/Uitmuntend
All of the following are
included: a project
evaluation, schedule of
the day’s events,
student project
description, and
handout from
workshop. Each item is
written in a way that
can be understood by
students of the level
being taught (A1 to B2),
and the layout is
visually appealing. Extra
products are included
and/or all items show
particular cleverness or
creativity. There are no
language mistakes.
Product 3: Hours Log
Voldoende: There is sufficient detail in description of how time was spent to show that 28 or more hours
were spent on the project. The log is signed by the project supervisor.
Product 4: Project Evaluation
Use the evaluation forms from participating students, reactions from other participating teachers and
your supervisor, as well as your own reactions to evaluate the event. Write a 500-600 word evaluation in
which you reflect on the effectiveness of the materials used, the way in which the project was carried
out, the project’s usefulness as a language-learning tool, why students were (or were not) motivated,
and how your project did/did not put the theory you researched into practice.
Ruim Voldoende/Goed Zeer Goed/Uitmuntend
One or more of the
The reflection
The reflection
The reflection
following is true:
addresses 2 or more
addresses 3 or more
addresses more than 3
Language mistakes
factors in the
factors in the
factors in the
interfere with the
assignment, as well as
assignment, as well as
assignment, as well as
clarity of the
reactions of colleagues reactions of colleagues reactions of colleagues
assignment. The
and students. The
and students. The
and students. The
evaluation is shorter
reflection could show
reflection shows some
reflection is particularly
than 500 words. The
more depth, however.
depth. There are few
insightful and makes
evaluation shows very
There are some
language mistakes.
connections to
little depth and/or fails language mistakes but
language learning
to address reactions of
they do not interfere
theory. There are no
with the clarity of the
language mistakes.
and/or factors
described in
Gesuggereerde literatuur:
Use the search engine LUCAS on the HU Mediatheek website on sharepoint to find academic articles.
You also have access to the library at the Universiteit Utrecht; there are instructions on the mediatheek
website on how to access this.
Here are additional ways to find academic articles:
 Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.nl/
 Education Resource Information Center:
— http://eric.ed.gov/
— bibliographic records of journal articles and other education-related materials (If available,
links to full text are included.)
— Most titles are available in pdf form.
 Directory of Open Access Journals (www.doaj.org)
 LexisNexis Academic: http://academic.lexisnexis.nl/