Holes- Quizzes chapters 1

Quiz- Holes-Chapters 1-2
1. Based on story, which statement does not characterize Camp Green Lake?
a. There is no lake at all at Camp Green Lake.
b. The camp once and still has the largest lake in Texas there.
c. There used to be a town, Green Lake where the camp is now located.
d. The daytime temperature at the camp hovers around ninety-five degrees.
2. What does the author mean when he says, “The Warden owns the shade”?
a. The Warden owns the camp and controls everything, and as such, owns the shade as well.
b. The campers are always working in the sun, and the Warden is spending all of her time in the
c. Campers are forbidden to lie in the hammock stretched between the Warden’s trees, so
campers are never in the shade.
d. The Warden is so rich that not only does she own the camp, she has the right to control
everything in it, including the shade.
3. Which statement BEST explains why a camper would “try to be bitten by a scorpion, or even a small
a. It is better to be bitten by a scorpion or rattlesnake than digging a hole all day.
b. Being bitten by either is not the worst thing that can happen to a camper.
c. They will get to spend the day recovering in the Warden’s cabin.
d. A camper will die a quick yet painful death.
4. Result: “There is nothing anyone can do to you anymore.” What is the cause?
a. “If you get bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard...”
b. “Rattlesnakes find shade in the holes dug by the campers.”
c. “If you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you.”
d. “That’s the worst thing that can happen to you.”
5. What choice was Stanley not given when appearing before the judge for sentencing?
a. Go to jail where he will be forced to serve his time as an inmate.
b. Go to Camp Green Lake where he will be forced to labor.
c. Go to jail where he will be forced to labor for the state.
d. Go to Camp Green Lake, a camp for bad boys.
Quiz- Holes-Chapters 3-4
1. Effect: Mr. Sir eats so many sunflower seeds. Which statement best summarizes the cause?
a. Mr. Sir wanted to be a professional ball player, and ball players chew on sunflower seeds.
b. Mr. Sir believes sunflower seeds are very good for his health.
c. Mr. Sir used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and has stopped smoking.
d. Sunflower seeds are plentiful as they are given to Camp Green Lake by the government.
2. Which text from the story supports the statement that Camp Green Lake has no guard towers or electric
a. If you want to run away, go ahead, start running.
b. I see you’re looking at my gun. Don’t worry. I’m not going to shoot you.
c. We’ve got the only water for a hundred miles.
d. You’re going to be thirsty for the next eighteen months.
Cause: Stanley Yelnats III is an inventor. Which text best summarizes the effect?
Instead, they were crammed in a tiny apartment that smelled of burning rubber and foot odor.
To be a successful inventor you need three things: intelligence, perseverance, and a bit of luck.
Whenever anything went wrong, it felt good to blame someone else.
It was a song his father used to sing him.
4. Based on the following statement, “ You’re not in the Girl Scouts anymore,” the reader may infer that
Stanley’s experience at Camp Green Lake is going to be:
a. pleasant
b. busy
c. difficult
d. helpful
5. Which statement best reflects the conflict between Stanley and Mrs. Bell?
a. Mrs. Bell teased Stanley about being the heaviest in her class.
b. Mrs. Bell embarrassed Stanley with her math problem about his size.
c. Stanley was arrested in Mrs. Bell’s math class.
d. Mrs. Bell called Stanley to the board, and he was not able to do the math problem.
6. Which statement summarizes the camp’s daily clothing routine that Stanley must follow?
a. Campers are assigned two sets of clothes: long sleeve orange jumpsuits, tshirts, and socks. They also get
white shoes and an orange cap. Laundry is to be nightly during their relaxation period.
b. One hole is to be dug daily. Each hole must be five feet wide by five feet deep. The shovel is the measuring
stick. Breakfast is served at 4:30 every morning.
c. Stanley had to remove his clothes in front of Mr. Sir, who made sure he wasn’t hiding anything. He was given
two sets of clothing and a towel.
d. One set of Stanley’s clothing is to be worn to work while one set is worn for relaxation. Relaxation clothing
will be exchanged for work clothing. Laundry will be done every three days.
Quiz- Holes-Chapters 5-6
1. Which sentence explains why Stanley does not tell Mr. Pendanski he is innocent?
a. Stanley knows that Mr. Pendaski believes he is guilty and does not want to upset Mr. Pendaski
b. Stanley is sure everyone claims innocence, and he doesn’t want Mr. Pendaski to think he has a
bad attitude.
c. Mr. Pendaski is already upset by Stanley’s actions, and Stanley does not want to make it worse.
d. Mr. Pendaski tells Stanley that he could not have stolen the shoes, but Stanley still must serve
his eighteen month sentence.
2. According to Mr. Pendaski, what is one rule Stanley must always remember?
a. Don’t upset the Warden.
b. Don’t try to escape.
c. Don’t upset Mr. Sir.
d. Turn your life around.
Which sentence best describes Stanley’s response to Theodore insisting on being called Armpit?
Stanley calls him Theodore, and Theodore threw him to the ground.
Stanley is surprised that anyone would want to be called Armpit.
Stanley feels better that people use nicknames at the camp.
Stanley is scared by Armpit and decides he will stay away from him.
Which sentence explains how Stanley has Clyde Livingston’s shoes?
Someone stole them from a homeless shelter and gave them to Stanley.
Stanley stole the sneakers from a charity event for homeless children.
Stanley found the shoes on the street while walking home from school.
The shoes fell from the freeway overpass on to Stanley’s head.
5. How does the judge’s feeling about Stanley’s crime compare to Stanley’s feeling about the
a. The judge was angry about Stanley’s cruelty toward the homeless while Stanley was
ashamed he had taken the shoes.
b. The judge was upset by Stanley’s actions while Stanley was upset that he was being placed
at Camp Green Lake.
c. Stanley was convinced he was wrongfully accused while the judge remained surprised by
Stanley’s choice of stolen items.
d. Stanley was upset his hero thought him a thief while the judge was certain he stole the
shoes as a souvenir.
Quiz- Holes-Chapters 7-8
1. Which of the following text does not support the fact that Stanley is not accustomed to hard
physical work?
a. “The shovel felt heavy in Stanley’s soft, fleshy hands.”
b. “The force stung his hands but made no impression on the earth.”
c. “He glanced at his shovel. It wasn’t defective. He was defective.”
d. “He pried up his first shovelful of dirt, then dumped it off to the side.”
2. What can we infer from the text “X-Ray wanted the shortest shovel.”
a. X-Ray was short, making the shovel much easier for him to use while digging.
b. X-Ray wanted to be as different as possible from the others.
c. X-Ray’s hole would be smaller as his hole was as deep/wide as his shovel was long.
d. X-Ray knew that someone would have to use the small shovel; might as well be him.
3. Which sentence best summarizes the discussion between Elya Yelnats and Madame Zeroni?
a. Because Myra’s only trait is her beauty, Elya should follow a future without Myra in
America. However, being immature, Elya refuses, forcing Madame Zeroni to devise a plan
with a piglet, mountain, song, and a promise.
b. Although Myra is beautiful, Elya is encouraged to wait to be married until he can carry a pig
to Myra’s father as a gift. Madame Zeroni gives him both a piglet and a song he must sing
as he climbs Myra’s mountain.
c. Elya is upset that Myra’s father would rather have Igor’s pig than have Myra marry someone
who would love and take care of her. He turns to Madame Zeroni, and she advises him to
carry his piglet up a mountain while singing her favorite song.
d. Because Elya wants to marry Myra, Madame Zeroni gives him a piglet to present to Myra’s
father on her fifteenth birthday. Because he will have to carry the piglet up the mountain,
he will grow strong, and Myra will want to marry him.
4. The effect is Elya gives Myra his pig as a wedding present. What is the cause?
a. Myra’s father refuses to accept Elya’s pig in exchange for Myra.
b. Myra chooses Igor as his pig is larger than Elya’s pig.
c. Myra could not decide on her own if she wants to marry Elya or Igor.
d. Myra flips a coin to see if she will marry Elya or Igor.
5. Which sentence best describes Elya’s attitude toward Sarah Miller?
a. He is pleased that she is able to teach him English, work hard, and laugh out loud.
b. He loves her so much that he encourages her to find someone who is not cursed.
c. He does not even know that Sarah Miller exists as he passes her on the dock.
d. He believes that Sarah might be the weirdest person he has ever met.
6. What is a logical prediction about the result of being close enough to see the yellow dots on a
yellow-spotted lizard?
a. Admiration of their species
b. Death to the observer
c. Curiosity about their origin
d. Observation about its size
Quiz- Holes-Chapters 9-12
1. A sign on the door said WRECK ROOM.
What can best be inferred about the condition of the room based on the sign and chapter?
a. The room is a mess; there is litter everywhere.
b. Almost everything in the room is broken, including the people inside.
c. There is nothing to do because the television and game system is broken.
d. The room was intended for campers only.
2. Today was my first day at camp, and I’ve already made some friends. We’ve been out on the lake all
day, so I’m pretty tired. Once I pass the swimming test, I’ll get to learn how to water ski.
Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Stanley is trying to make his family believe that they should not worry about him.
b. Stanley has been out on the lake all day but not in the way he describes.
c. Stanley is physically exhausted from digging holes all day.
d. Stanley may participate in the activities he describes after his digging is complete.
3. Which of the following statements does not support a lesson learned by Stanley after his first day of
a. He was careful to dump the dirt far away from the hole.
b. Once the sun rose, he would have to put (his cap) back on his head.
c. He tried not to think of the awesome task that lay ahead of him.
d. He could hardly lift his spoon during breakfast.
4. Why does Stanley believe that finding a fossil meant that he has “found his miracle”?
a. He believes that Mr. Sir will give him the rest of the day off.
b. He believes that he will be able to sell the fossil for lots of money.
c. He believes that finding a fossil will gain him popularity.
d. He believes he will not have to dig for the rest of the day.
5. Which of the following statements does not support why Stanley is happy being called Caveman?
a. He believes he is accepted as a member of the group.
b. He believes the guys would stand up for him against the school bully.
c. He believes that he could stand up for himself, even if it meant fighting.
d. He believes he is developing a beneficial relationship with X-Ray, the leader.
6. Mr. Pendanski looked from one boy to another. “You’ve all got something to offer. You have to think
about what you want to do, then do it. Even you, Zero. You’re not completely worthless.”
The smile was now gone from Zero’s face.
The author uses these lines to:
a. Reveal how Zero is not valued by the other characters and his reaction to their mistreatment.
b. Demonstrate how Mr. Pendanski favors Zero over the others and how Zero rejects his attention.
c. Show how the camp counselor is a positive role model for the boys and his acceptance.
d. Illustrate how Zero does not have a plan for his future, and the help he could receive from
Quiz- Holes-Chapters 13-15
1. In Chapter 13, Stanley finds a golden tube with the initials KB on it. Which of the following
reasons does not support why Stanley waits to announce his find?
a. He has promised to give everything he finds to X-Ray, so Stanley would not get a day off.
b. It means climbing out of his hole and looking for it in the pile of dirt he has made.
c. Finding the tube may cause problems between him and Zigzag, and Stanley worries about that.
d. He is not certain if the Warden will consider his find interesting and worthy of a day off.
What advice does Stanley offer X-Ray about showing the tube to the Warden?
That X-Ray should wait until tomorrow, so he can have the whole day off.
That finding this tube is important, and he should ask for more time off.
That this is a worthless piece of junk, and he should be afraid of the Warden.
That Stanley should show the Warden the tube because he is the slowest digger.
3. When the water truck came, Stanley started to take his place at the end of the line, but X-Ray
told him to get behind Magnet, in front of Zero. Stanley moved up one place in line.
What is the significance of this passage?
a. It is significant because Stanley is no longer blocking Zero’s view of the water tank.
b. It is significant because Stanley has increased his importance and value within the group.
c. It is
d. It
4. Which of the following rewards does X-Ray not receive for finding the gold tube?
a. Double shower
b. Candy bar
c. Ride back to camp
d. Clean clothes
5. The Warden can best be described as:
a. A woman wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat that covers her light brown hair.
b. Wearing a cowboy hat and boots, a tall woman with red hair and freckles.
c. Displaying authority, tall, cowboy hat covering her red hair, freckled.
d. A small woman with lots of spirit wearing a cowboy hat and boots with turquoise stones.
6. Why is Stanley surprised that the Warden calls him Caveman?
a. Stanley is surprised that the Warden even knows his name since they have never met.
b. Stanley is surprised because the Warden never calls the boys by their nicknames.
c. Stanley cannot believe that the Warden calls him over to get more water.
d. Stanley cannot believe that the Warden calls him Caveman, a name he does not like.
7. Which sentence best describes the Warden’s attitude toward the digging of the holes?
a. She wants them to stop for the day because she has waited a long time to find something.
b. She wants them to dig carefully as the boys are definitely looking for something.
c. She wants them to dig to build character at her facility and return to society improved.
d. She wants them to find something that will make her and the staff rich beyond compare.
Quiz- Holes-Chapters 16-18
1. What causes Mr. Sir to make the boys work even faster and harder?
a. The Warden threatens Mr. Sir; he forces the boys to work harder to avoid digging himself.
b. The Warden, eager to find something, encourages the boys with promises of rewards.
c. Mr. Sir knows that the more they dig, the sooner they will be allowed to return to camp.
d. To avoid the hot, midday sun, Mr. Sir wants them to finish quickly and ensure their safety.
2. Which statement best explains why Stanley considers sneaking out to dig in his hole at night?
a. Stanley is eager to dig when it is cooler and there is less pressure from Mr. Sir.
b. Stanley does not want to tell the Warden the truth- that they are digging in the wrong area.
c. Stanley hopes that he can find something else, and he can have a day off himself.
d. Stanley realizes that the best way to become popular with the Warden is to find something.
3. The landlord is threatening to evict us because of the odor. I feel sorry for the little old lady who
lived in a shoe. It must have smelled awful!
Which statement best summarizes Stanley and Zero’s reactions following this passage?
a. Stanley is embarrassed by his mom’s letter, and Zero is jealous that no one writes him.
b. Stanley laughs and tells Zero why, but Zero does not get the joke from the fairy tale.
c. Stanley insults Zero for not watching Sesame Street while Zero shows no reaction at all.
d. Stanley expects that Zero will tell all the guys about the letter, but Zero does not respond.
4. Which sentence best demonstrates the Warden becoming less patient with the boys?
a. The boys dig longer; she verbally abuses the boys and causes Stanley to be hit in the head.
b. She does not stay at the dig all day, yells at the boys, and then stabs Armpit with a pitchfork.
c. The Warden rarely comes to the dig site but abuses the boys when they return to camp.
d. The Warden yells frequently and allows Zigzag to hit Stanley in the head with a shovel.
5. His muscles had strengthened, and his hands were tough and callused.
Which phrase best defines callused as it is used in this sentence?
a. to be hardened; additional layers of skin that minimize feeling
b. to be hardened; unfeeling to the suffering of others
c. to be emotionally hardened; unfeeling
d. to have new growth at the end of a fractured bone
6. What reaction does Stanley not have to the following request by Zero:
“Can you teach me?”
A. He was surprised that Zero could not read and write.
B. He says he does not know how to teach Zero to read.
C. He is much too tired after digging all day to teach.
D. He wants to save his energy for the campers that matter.
Quiz- Holes-Chapters 19-20
1. In Chapter 19, Magnet reveals how he received his nickname. Select the best explanation for
Magnet’s nickname.
a. He is easily able to steal items from others.
b. He is drawn to people when they become close.
c. He was nicknamed Magnet before arriving at camp.
d. He has fingers that look and act like magnets.
2. Which of the following reasons does Stanley give for not wanting Mr. Sir’s sunflower seeds?
He knew there would be problems.
He knew Mr. Sir was sure to come back for them.
He knew he would get them next to last.
He knew they would only make him thirsty.
I, II, and III
I,III, and IV
I, II, and IV
II, III, and IV
3. Effect: Stanley is blamed for stealing Mr. Sir’s sunflower seeds and is taken to the Warden.
Which statement best represents the cause?
a. As the seeds fall from the open bag into Stanley’s hole, he tries to bury the sack and seeds.
b. Armpit tells Mr. Sir that Stanley stole his sunflower seeds.
c. In an attempt to keep his friends, Stanley admits to taking the sunflower seeds.
d. To cover for Zero, Stanley admits he stole the sunflower seeds from Mr. Sir’s truck.
4. Stanley wondered if this was how a condemned man felt on his way to the electric chairappreciating all of the good things in life for the last time.
Based on the text, which definition best fits the term condemned as it is used in this passage?
a. Completely disapproved
b. Sentenced to death
c. Said in a strong way
d. Pronounced guilty
5. Based on your reading, what prediction can you make following the incident among the
Warden, Mr. Sir, and Caveman?
a. Mr. Sir may seek revenge against Caveman for causing his agonizing pain.
b. The Warden may ask Stanley to report additional incidents to her directly.
c. Stanley may act out more often to be in air conditioning for a while.
d. Mr. Sir may die from the injury he sustains in the Warden’s cabin.