EE/2015-16/ Dt. 07.08.2015 COURIER NOTICE FOR INVITING QUOTATION To, Dear Sir(s), The wax sealed quotation is invited on Item rate basis with following condition by the Office of the Executive Engineer, NITIE, Mumbai – 400 087. Telephone No. 28035377 Without the wax sealed quotation will be summarily rejected. This notice is also available on web-site : Name of work Earnest Money Deposit Period of contract Last date of submission of quotation Date of opening of quotations Validity period of Quotation for acceptance Place of submission of quotation : Soil Investigation work Proposed Director's Bungalow at NITIE, Mumbai : Rs.8000.00 (Pay order or DD to be attached in favour of "NITIE Mumbai 87" : One month : 25.08.2015 up to 11.00 A.M : 25.08.2015 at 11.30A.M. : 90 days from date of submission : Quotation Box kept in front of the Office of Registrar, Admn. Building, NITIE NITIE reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Thanking you, Yours faithfully EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CC : D R (A & A)/ CPSC/Notice Board IIT Notice Board NITIE Name of Work: - Soil Investigation work Proposed Director’s Bungalow at NITIE, Mumbai. BRIEF SPECIFICATIONS AND SCOPE OF WORK 1. GENERAL 1.1 All soil investigation work must be carried as per relevant Indian Standards for subsurface investigations (IS 1892), classification of soils (IS 1498), determination of bearing pressures for shallow foundations (IS 6403), pile foundations (IS 2911) and various other Standards specified for the sampling, tests and recommendations. For laboratory testing of rock samples, methods suggested by International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) shall be followed. 1.2 All levels shall be recorded from a fixed bench mark identified by the Architects. 1.3 Tentative locations of the boreholes are marked on the enclosed drawing. 1.4 Soil Investigation Agency shall keep the structural consultants informed about the progress of work at site and shall furnish clarifications if required. 1.5 The time limit for completing soil investigation work is three weeks from the date of receipt of the Work-Order. 2. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION Total number of boreholes will be 5 Nos. as shown in the drawing. The scope of Soil Investigation work shall definitely include (but shall not be limited to) the following: 2.1 Drilling all 5 bore holes up to at least 20.0m depth below the existing ground level or 10m depth below weathered rock level – whichever is more and collecting disturbed and undisturbed samples at suitable intervals (and at change of strata) and recording Standard Penetration Test results. 2.2 Carrying out laboratory tests on the 5 samples collected to determine Engineering Properties of Soil as directed by the Consulting Engineers. 2.3 Carrying out chemical analysis of one sample of the ground water and two samples of the soil to determine chloride and sulphate contents and pH value. 2.4 Recording existing ground water table and the extent of fluctuation, if any, in ground water table level. 2.5 Indicating the permeability of soil to determine the feasibility of carrying out open excavation up to 10m depth, if required. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 The Soil Investigation Agency is expected to make recommendations on each type of Foundation, Depth of Foundation and Net Allowable Bearing Pressure on the soil at different levels. The expected short-term and longterm settlements for the recommended bearing pressures shall be clearly spelt out. 3.2 In case of piled foundations, load carrying capacities of driven as well as bored & cast in situ piles taking into account the structural capacity of the pile shaft as well as the resistance offered by surrounding soils by means of side friction and the tip resistance shall be calculated. The report should mention the capacities of piles in relation to their diameters and the length of piles. 3.3 For all recommendations, the formulae in Indian Standards shall be used or any established literature can be consulted. The Soil Investigation agency shall give complete calculations to the structural consultants showing the basis of the recommendations on field and laboratory tests. The criteria for determination of quality of acceptable strata shall be clearly defined in a manner, which will assist the supervisory staff at site during the progress of work. 3.4 The investigation agency shall recommend values of suitable ‘spring constants’ to be adopted in the analysis to determine the soil structure interaction. Similarly values of approximate ‘horizontal spring constants’ shall be recommended. 3.5 The investigation agency shall visit the site atleast twice during the initial stages of actual construction work of the project, whenever it is taken up, to confirm the acceptance of the founding strata as well as its load carrying capacity, in accordance with the results of soil investigation it has submitted. 3.6 The investigating agency shall include in the report, the safe slope of excavation needed to be maintained throughout the work for different depths of excavation from 1m upto 12m depending on the soil properties in different layers. 3.7 The report should also indicate the need to install a soil retention system including dewatering, if required, and the recommended type of such a system keeping in view if excavation levels may reach a depth of 12m. 3.8 A cross section of soil profile covering the bore holes along both the axes shall be included in the report. _______________ CONTRACTOR NITIE, Mumbai - 87 ________________________ EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SCHEDULE Name of Work:- Soil Investigation work Proposed Director’s Bungalow at NITIE , Mumbai. Sr No Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount I FIELD WORK 1-a Mobilization of all required equipment , plant , instruments and its subsequent demobilization etc. complete on satisfactory completion of the soil investigation jobs Setting & shifting of rig at bore hole/test location including 1st one Drilling exploratory bore holes of not more than 150mm diameter, in all types of soil, including clay, as per specification . (Soil where SPT “N” equal or less than 50) Drilling NX size exploratory bore holes in weathered rock / hard rock with T.C./with diamond drill bit with core run not more than 1.5 m & collecting rock samples using double tube core barrels , preserving rock samples in wooden core boxes all as per the specifications including gravity grouting if necessary in water loss zones & providing cement (soft rock is defined SPT “N” equal or more than 50) Conducting standard penetration tes (SPT) @1.5m interval and collecting /preserving SPT samples , as per specifications Collecting undisturbed soil samples(UDS) with thin alled sampling tube and conforming to the specifications Collecting ground water samples for chemical analysis Collecting of soil samples for chemical analysis Providing wooden core box for preserving soiul/rock samples conducting following tests on various soil , water & rock samples UDS/DS samples collected thereon , as per specifications & determining Field density of soil / water samples to be noted Specific gravity / unit weight 1-b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10. 11. i) Rock core inclusive of cutting / grinding / polishing With saturation L.S. Job 5 P.No. 100 R.M. 100 R.M. 5 P.No 5 P.No. 2 P.No. 2 P.No. 1 Job 4 P.No. 5 P.No. 5 P.No ii) Without saturation 5 P.No II Laboratory Tests 1 5 P. No 2 Natural moisture content (NMC) of soils by oven drying method Atterbert limits of soil i.e. 5 P. No. i. Liquid Limit (LL) 5 P. No. ii. Plastic Limit 5 P. No. iii. Shrinkage Limit(SL) 5 P. No. 3 5 P. No. 4 Grain size analysis (GSA) of various soil samples by both mechanical sieve & hydrometer analysis In situ dry density of soil samples 5 P. No. 5 Tri – axial drained and un – drained test 5 P. No. 6 5 P. No. 5 P. No. 5 P. No. 9 Chemical analysis of soil to determine chloride sulphate Chemical analysis of ground water to determine chloride, Sulphate, Ph 7. Organic Content Unconfined compressive strength of soaked rock samples Porosity of rock sample 5 P. No. 10 Dry density of rock sample 5 P. No. 11 Point load index of soaked rock sample 5 P. No. 12. Water absorption of soil 5 P. No. 13. Consolidation Test 5 P. No. 7 8 Total Rs. Total in Words - _______________ CONTRACTOR Seal & Addresses ________________________ EXECUTIVE ENGINEER