o May 25 – June 12, 2013 Science Matters Network in Michigan eBlast http://msta-mich.org/smn In this E-Blast 1. 2. Leadership The Science Matters Network in Michigan a. Another FREE Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – Weather b. The NSTA Website and the NSTA Learning Center will be Offline from May 29 – June 3 3. Michigan Department of Education a. Grosse Pointe Science Teacher Named 2013-2014 Michigan Teacher of the Year b. MDE’s Technology and Education Survey c. NGSS Now in an Interactive Online Format d. Fall 2013 Michigan Interim Assessment Project e. Next Generation Science Standards Pathfinder 4. Information for Students (and Parents too!) a. National Society of Black Engineers Stimulate STEM Interest b. Spark Girls’ Interest in Technology c. Energy Department Launches America’s Home Energy Education Challenge d. Upcoming Deadlines 5. Grants and Opportunities for K-12 Teachers a. Applications for the 2013-2014 MACUL Grant Program are Now Available Online b. Center on Online Learning: Special Education Science c. Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring d. Robert H. Carleton Award e. 11th Annual Invasive Species Field Course Free with Stipend f. Upcoming Deadlines 6. Information for K-12 Teachers a. Free Resources from the Cornell Lab or Ornithology – BirdSleuth K-12 b. Energy Use in the US by State c. Sign Up for the Space Flyer Newsletter d. Student Spaceflight Experiments Program for 5th – 12th Graders e. Michigan Tech University – 5 Day Summer Teacher Institutes f. Present at the MDSTA Fall Conference g. Build a Paper Brain h. Take a Virtual Tour of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History i. Upcoming Deadlines 7. Ideas from the Twitterverse 8. Information for High School Teachers a. High School Chemistry Ideas b. Michigan Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference Presentation Submission Deadline c. BSCS Seeks High School Teachers to Field Test “Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century” d. Upcoming Deadline 9. Information for Middle School and High School Teachers a. Free Kindle Book on Engineering Stories b. GLOBE Virtual Student Conference is Online Now c. Orion’s Quest Summer Workshop d. Cooperative Lakes Mentoring Program e. Free, Vetted Online Climate and Energy Teaching Resources f. Upcoming Deadlines 10. Information for Middle School Science Teachers a. MEECS Climate Change: Science and Impacts – Spring and Summer Workshops b. Upcoming Deadlines 11. Science Humor – Spectacularly Nerdy Science Jokes 12. May Contest Winners David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn Here are your science education resources and announcements for May 25 – June 12, 2013 provided by the Michigan Science Matters Network. Please forward this eBlast on to other science educators in your school/district. If you have questions or comments, please forward them to: David Bydlowski Michigan Coordinator—Science Matters Network bydlowd@resa.net http://bap.nsta.org http://www.msta-mich.org/smn or Sue Campbell MSTA Representative sue@ucia2.com http://www.msta-mich.org Please Note: If you do not receive the full e-blast you can view it at: http://msta-mich.org/smn or request a Word/pdf version by emailing: bydlowd@resa.net ----------------------------------------------------------------1. Leadership “Conduct is more convincing than language.” John Woolman Thank you to Herm Boatin, Science consultant and lecturer, University of Michigan-Dearborn, for contributing this leadership quote. ----------------------------------------------------------------The Science Matters Network In Michigan ----------------------------------------------------------------2a. Another Free Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – Weather I hope you will enjoy this free gift that you can access in the NSTA Learning Center. The gift is a set of resources on the topic of “Weather.” To access just visit: http://learningcenter.nsta.org/share.aspx?id=zfYILFex9k Enjoy the following free resources: Fires, Floods, and Hurricanes: Is ENSO to Blame? On Observing the Weather Science Sampler: Five Guiding Principles of Meteorology Studying Storms to Understand Weather Weather RATS Severe Weather Weather Watchers And many more………. If you have not joined the NSTA Learning Center yet, just look at your invitation, emailed to you on April 22, 2013. If you would like your invitation sent directly to you, just send an email to: bydlowd@resa.net and an invitation will be sent directly to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------2b. The NSTA Website and the NSTA Learning Center will be Offline from May 29 – June 3 The NSTA website will be out of service from Wednesday, May 29, at 9 a.m. EDT until 9 a.m. Monday, June 3, as they migrate to a new data management system. David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn NSTA encourages you to take this into account if you plan to make purchases in the online Science Store, renew your membership, or engage in any other activities at the NSTA website. The NSTA Learning Center will also be offline; the Help Desk, however, will remain open. They apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. ----------------------------------------------------------------Michigan Department of Education ----------------------------------------------------------------3a. Grosse Pointe Science Teacher Named 2013-2014 Michigan Teacher of the Year Gary Abud, Jr. was named 2013-2014 Michigan Teacher of the Year in an announcement made by State Superintendent Mike Flanagan. Abud, a science teacher at Grosse Pointe North High School, with six years of classroom experience, was selected from among 16 regional semifinalists statewide. “Teachers play an incredibly influential role in the lives of our children, helping to nurture their minds for learning and preparing them for success,” said Gov. Rick Snyder. “We honor Gary Abud as Michigan Teacher of the Year for his outstanding work in the fields of math and science – areas that are critically important for the technological age of today and jobs of tomorrow. This award also highlights the tireless dedication teachers have for their students and profession, which benefits all Michiganders.” Flanagan congratulated Abud on this recognition, saying, “Gary displays every day in his classroom what great teachers in Michigan do – lead by example and help every student find the ways to learn. He sets a high standard not only for himself, but for his students and fellow educators. “He has followed his passion to continue learning and share what he learns with others,” Flanagan said. “I cannot think of a greater gift a person can give to Michigan’s next generations.” Flanagan noted that Abud will carry on the valued tradition of Michigan Teachers of the Year who have shared their teaching knowledge, expertise, and skills with educators across the state. While working toward becoming a physician, doing medical research at a hospital clinic for several years, Abud realized that his life experiences were convincing him that his true career calling was in the teaching profession. A recipient of the 2012 Science Teacher of Promise Award from the Michigan Science Teachers Association, Abud said that in and outside of the classroom, his commitment to adopting educational practices that foster student success is at the forefront of his career. He uses project-based learning; service learning; digital learning; and social media to give his students with broad learning experiences. “It has been my philosophy that all students can learn and achieve in the classroom,” Abud said. “Finding the right combination of strategies to match various learning styles is essential.” Grosse Pointe Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Thomas Harwood described Abud as “a teacher amongst teachers; an innovator of instruction, a supportive guide of knowledge, and a creator of dreams for students who wish to further explore their understanding of science.” The Michigan Department of Education has used this award annually to honor Michigan's exemplary educators. The State Board of Education honors the Michigan Teacher of the Year with a seat at the Board table during its regular monthly meetings, and to engage in the discussions on moving Michigan’s system of education forward. “Change is happening in education, for the better, but the public is unaware,” Abud said. “We need more educators to realize that in order to correct public perception, we must ourselves improve what we do and make that known. “We cannot hold on to teaching practices of yesteryear,” Abud explained. “Classrooms cannot look the way they did during the Cold War; and no longer can we as educators allow divisive public rhetoric about our profession keep us from unifying for the best interest of students. Teachers are ambassadors of education, and we must lead our own reform.” Through the corporate support of MEEMIC Insurance Company, Grosse Pointe Public Schools will receive a monetary award of $1,000 in honor of Mr. Abud’s recognition as Michigan Teacher of the Year (MTOY) to be used for the advancement of education. Also, Abud will receive the use of a car during his tenure as MTOY, along with the opportunity to tell his story and communicate via blog on www.meemic.com. The corporate support agreement between the Michigan Department of Education and MEEMIC Insurance Company also includes a monetary award to be presented to the schools of each of the MTOY finalists. David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn The Michigan Teacher of the Year is selected by a committee that reviews applications from teachers throughout Michigan. Applicants submit biographies and written essays that describe educational history, professional development activities, philosophy of teaching and thoughts on emerging education trends and issues. For additional information on the Michigan Teacher of the Year program, access www.michigan.gov/mtoy ----------------------------------------------------------------3b. MDE’s Technology and Education Survey Recently Mike Flanagan accepted an invitation from Governor Snyder to lead a discussion about education and technology. As a long-time advocate for integrating technology into K-12 education, he looks forward to leading this discussion in a transparent and inclusive environment. To launch this discussion, hes encourage you to go to MDE’s new Ed Tech Work Group Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/EdTechWG which is dedicated to hosting this discussion. On this page, you’ll find a quick survey with six questions about technology and education. You don’t need to be a K-12 or early learning educator to have ideas on how technology can be successfully integrated to improve student learning. Those of you working in technology-related fields or businesses have perspectives that need to be heard. Throughout the next few weeks, you’ll be able to go Facebook and read the posts from other people interested in this topic. Every couple of weeks, they’ll post new questions to generate more thinking and more sharing. You don’t have to sign on to Facebook—you can complete the survey by going to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QJK77PM. ----------------------------------------------------------------3c. NGSS Now In An Interactive Online Format Achieve has launched an online, interactive version of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) http://ngss4.snx1.com:8080/next-generation-science-standards This tool allows users to search the standards and organize content to meet their needs. Within the Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI) http://ngss4.snx1.com:8080/search-standards-dci and Topics arrangements http://ngss4.snx1.com:8080/search-standards standards can be organized by grade band/level and DCI. The NGSS can also be viewed as the individual performance expectations http://ngss4.snx1.com:8080/search-performance-expectations that make up the standards. In this arrangement, content can be organized by the three dimensions: http://www.nextgenscience.org/three-dimensions from the NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and DCIs. http://sites.nationalacademies.org/dbasse/bose/framework_k12_science/index.htm#.UZaRqJWHrmA ----------------------------------------------------------------3d. Fall 2013 Michigan Interim Assessment Pilot The Bureau of Assessment and Accountability (BAA) is pleased to offer another opportunity to participate in the Michigan Interim Assessment Pilot for science and social studies, and offer for the first time an opportunity to participate in the Michigan Interim Assessment Pilot for grades K-2 in the subjects of English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. When operational, these new interim assessments will be online, pre-post assessments given at the beginning of a grade/course and end of a grade/course. These operational assessments may also be used as one possible measure of student growth. Michigan educators will play a critical role in assisting the BAA in the development of the Michigan Interim Assessment at all grade levels and content areas. Schools have the opportunity to experience these new David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn assessments during pilot testing, which will take place in October and November 2013 for students in grade K through 2 in ELA and mathematics as well as students in grades 3 through high school in science and social studies. Grade Levels K–2 3–7 3–8 High School Michigan Interim Assessment Pilot Content Areas Alignment ELA and Mathematics Common Core State Standards Grade Level Content Expectations Science (GLCEs) Grade Level Content Expectations Social Studies (GLCEs) Science Social Studies Earth Science US History & Geography Biology World History & Geography Chemistry Civics Physics Economics High School Content Expectations (HSCEs) Please see chart below for minimum technology requirements when considering participation: Minimum Technology Requirements for Student Testing Devices Apple Windows MAC OS X 10.6 – 10.8 Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2003 and 2008 512 MB RAM 512 MB RAM 800 x 600 screen resolution 100 MB hard disk space 800 x 600 screen resolution 1 GHz processor 100 MB hard disk space 1 GHz processor Neither tablets (iPad/Android) nor Chromebooks will be supported for this pilot. NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE INTEREST SURVEY FOR ONLINE MEAP TESTING. To participate in the Michigan Interim Assessment pilots, please complete the application at http://tinyurl.com/interimpilotapp. Districts may have several buildings participate but each building must register with a separate application. Applications must be completed by Friday, June 14, 2013. For more information regarding the interim assessments, visit www.michigan.gov/interimassessments or send an email to baa@michigan.gov -------------------------------------------------------3e. Next Generation Science Standards Pathfinder Find your path through the Next Generation Science Standards with help from the Concord Consortium. Choose a core idea, practice and crosscutting concept, and they'll identify resources that match! Plus, download a free NGSS fortune teller. Just visit: http://concord.org/ngss/?utm_source=The+Concord+Consortium+List&utm_campaign=bbbfa6a609May_2013_Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4ca9f8d47e-bbbfa6a609-212531541 David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Students (and Parents too!) -------------------------------------------------------4a. National Society of Black Engineers Stimulate STEM Interest The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Pre-College Initiative (PCI) program is designed to stimulate K– 12 students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields, or STEM. The goal is to encourage students to attend college and pursue technical degrees. The PCI program provides activities to help students discover firsthand how engineering and technology relate to the world around them and experience the excitement of academic excellence, leadership, technical development and teamwork. Students can participate in NSBE’s PCI programs by becoming an NSBE Jr member. NSBE Jr membership is available to all students in grades 6–12. Membership is only $5, but the level of exposure to engineering is priceless. Students are encouraged to participate with a chapter. These chapters may be affiliated with schools or other community organizations. Visit the website to find a chapter in your area. Please visit: http://www.nsbe.org/NSBE-Jr/Welcome.aspx -------------------------------------------------------4b. Spark Girls’ Interest in Technology Microsoft DigiGirlz High Tech Camp works to dispel stereotypes of the high-tech industry. During the camp session, girls listen to executive speakers, participate in technology tours and demonstrations, and network and learn through hands-on experience in workshops. This year the camps will take place at various dates throughout the summer in San Diego, California; Charlotte, North Carolina; Fargo, North Dakota; Redmond, Washington; Las Colinas, Texas; and St. Louis, Missouri. To be eligible for free attendance to the camp, girls must be in grades 9–11 in the 2012–2013 school year and at least age 13 at time of application. Please visit: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/programs/digigirlz/hightechcamp.aspx -------------------------------------------------------4c. Energy Department Launches America’s Home Energy Education Challenge Registration is now open for America's Home Energy Education Challenge (AHEEC), a national student competition administered by NSTA for the Energy Department and created to help families save money by saving energy. Students, educators, and school principals are encouraged to register to participate at: http://HomeEnergyChallenge.org Participation in AHEEC will be broken into two parts: the Home Energy Challenge and the Energy Fitness Award. Each is designed to encourage students to learn about science and home energy savings, and participants can chose one or get involved with both. All students from third to eighth grade are eligible to enter for both parts of the challenge, including students in after school and home school programs. For the Home Energy Challenge participating student teams will monitor and measure their energy consumption over a three-month period between September 2013 and February 2014, and compare it to data from the same period the year before. Schools of all sizes are eligible to compete and schools without other nearby schools to compete against may hold a competition among classes within their school. Competing schools and classes will compete within 11 regions for more than $60,000 in prizes that will be distributed at the regional and national levels of the competition. The Energy Fitness Award is an individual challenge that will begin September 1, 2013, and continue through the school year. Modeled after the President's Physical Fitness Test, the Energy Fitness Award challenges students to better understand foundational energy issues and provides students with an opportunity to learn where their energy comes from and how to use it efficiently. Learn more at: http://HomeEnergyChallenge.org ----------------------------------------------------------------4d. Upcoming Deadlines May 30, 2013: Deadline for K-12 Students to enter the Popular Science Science Fair. Please visit: http://www.popsci.com/popular-science-science-fair David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn June 8 – 9, 2013: Michigan Free Fishing Weekend. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/freefishing June 10, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder Contest. Please visit: http://www.epa.gov/aging/resources/thesenseofwonder/index.htm June 22, 2013: Great American Backyard Campout. Please visit: http://www.nwf.org/great-american-backyard-campout.aspx June 25 – 27, 2013: Grandparents, Grandkids, Grand Valley Summer Camp at Grand Valley State University. Please visit: http://www.gvsu.edu/g3 July 1, 2013: Deadline for high school students to apply for the Secretary of Transportation’s Recognizing Aviation and Aerospace Innovation in Science and Engineering (RAISE) Award. Please visit: http://dot-raise2013.challenge.gov July 31, 2013: Deadline to share a Summer Solstice Snapshot. Please visit: http://budburst.org/summer ----------------------------------------------------------------Grants and Opportunities For K-12 Teachers -------------------------------------------------------5a. The Applications for the 2013-2014 MACUL Grant Program Are Now Available Online The application window is open for MACUL members to apply for a MACUL Grant (up to $1500) to support effective use of technology in the classroom. Deadline for applying is 12:00 pm, June 28, 2013. Purpose: To encourage and support members interested in promoting effective instructional uses of the computer or related-equipment. Grant Goal: Each project should focus on an educational need or issue that can be addressed with the instructional use of technology, which has the potential of being replicated in other educational settings. Grant Limit per Application: $1,500 Eligible Applicants: MACUL members who are classroom teachers, coordinators, administrators, or higher education personnel. MACUL Grant recipients from the last two years are ineligible to apply. If you are not a member, you can join MACUL for free by visiting: http://www.macul.org/membership/no-dues-membership/ If you receive a grant, the following items will need to be completed: * A submitted MACUL-Grant Project Summary Form and Budget Report, * Carry out plan for sharing the project with other educators and MACUL members, * Either present a one hour session at the MACUL Conference or submit a resource to MI Learning on iTunesU following the established submission process. For full information, please visit: http://www.macul.org/grantsawards/2013-14-macul-grant-information/ -------------------------------------------------------5b. Center on Online Learning: Special Education Science The state director of special education, Dr. Eleanor White, is looking for the assistance of five teachers who are blending instruction with at least 50% of their instruction being delivered online; who have students in their courses with disabilities. For their assistance, the teachers will receive a $250 stipend. Michigan needs five teachers to be survey facilitators. The requirements are: David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn teach 50% or more of their instructional time online; teach in a class that includes students with disabilities; be willing to complete a 20-minute survey; recruit 5 other teachers from your state to complete the survey; and recruit 5 parents, 5 students, and 1 administrator to complete similar surveys. Survey Facilitators will receive several benefits, including: a $250 stipend; access to three webinars developed specifically for them to provide practical suggestions and “cool tools” to use in their online instruction; and access to a nationwide professional learning community of other online teachers (i.e., all the Survey Facilitators from each state). For full information, please contact: Eleanor E. White, Ph.D. Director, Office of Special Education Michigan Department of Education 517 241-4521 -------------------------------------------------------5c. Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation are currently accepting nominations for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring, or PAESMEM. This award program recognizes U.S. citizens or permanent residents and U.S. organizations that have demonstrated excellence in mentoring individuals from groups that are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and the workforce. Presidential awardees receive a $10,000 award and a commemorative presidential certificate. Awardees are invited to participate in an awards ceremony in Washington D.C., which includes meetings with education policy leaders. Individuals and organizations in all public and private sectors are eligible, including industry, academia, primary and secondary education, military and government, nonprofit organizations and foundations. Nominations, including self-nominations, are due June 5, 2013. For more information, visit: www.nsf.gov/PAESMEM -------------------------------------------------------5d. Robert H. Carleton Award The prestigious Robert H. Carleton Award, sponsored by Dow Chemical Co., honors a K-college NSTA member who has provided leadership and made outstanding contributions to science education at the national level and to NSTA. Prizes include $5,000, a formal citation, and an all-expenses paid trip to NSTA's National Conference. Download an application at: http://www.nsta.org/pdfs/awards/Carleton.pdf -------------------------------------------------------5e. 11th Annual Invasive Species Field Course Free with Stipend Join Inland Seas Education Association (ISEA) for the Eleventh Annual Invasive Species Field Course June 26-28, 2013. The Invasive Species Field Course has been developed to teach educators about invasive species in the Great Lakes Region, and to prepare them to effectively teach their students, colleagues, and volunteers about invasive species. This three-day field course is open to teachers of any grade level, and SB-CEU credits and graduate credit through Central Michigan University will be provided. Selected teachers will participate free of charge, receive a daily stipend, and be provided complimentary meals and lodging in Traverse City. David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn The 3-day Invasive Species Field Course will provide a unique combination of professional seminars at Northwestern Michigan College and hands-on field sampling aboard ISEA’s 77’ schooner Inland Seas. On shore, participants will learn about current research related to aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes, initiatives to help reduce the introduction and spread of new invasive species, and ways to incorporate invasive species concepts into classroom teaching. On the schooner Inland Seas, participants will learn and practice sampling techniques and methods for analyzing environmental samples, and experimental design for invasive species research projects. Course participants will interact with a guest faculty of scientists, regulators, mariners, and educators with a common interest in this critical issue. For more information and application materials, go to the ISEA website: http://www.schoolship.org/schoolship/?id=671 or contact ISEA Education Coordinator Emily Shaw at 231.271.3077. The deadline to apply is June 1, 2013. ---------------------------------------------------5f. Upcoming Deadlines May 31, 2013: Deadline to enter the 2013 EE Week Photo Contest. Please visit: http://www.eeweek.org/rules June 1, 2013: Deadline for middle school educators to apply for the John H. Lounsbury Award. Please visit: http://www.amle.org/AboutNMSA/Awards/JohnHLounsburyAward/tabid/382/Default.aspx June 1, 2013: Deadline to apply to participate in the 11 th Annual Invasive Species Field Course in Traverse City, MI. Please visit: http://www.schoolship.org/schoolship/?id=671 June 5, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Presidential Awards for Science, Math and Engineering Mentoring. Please visit: http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504887&org=HRD&from=home June 24, 2013: Deadline to apply for the NASA Galileo Educator PD Opportunity in Orlando, FL. Please visit: http://astrosociety.org/education/k12-educators/galileo-educator-network/ June 28, 2013: Deadline to apply for the 2013 – 2014 MACUL Grants. Membership in MACUL is FREE. Please visit: http://www.macul.org/grantsawards/2013-14-macul-grant-information/ June 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for a MI Learning MACUL Grant. Please visit: http://www.macul.org/milearning July 1, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Action Research Project Grant from the Hoenny Center. Please send an email to: teachers@hoennycenter.org July 7, 2013: Deadline to enter the Classwish Grant Opportunity. Please visit: http://www.classwish.org/fuelingeducation?gclid=CKDZmKr-6rYCFc0WMgodLCIATg July 19, 2013: Deadline for nominations for the Michigan Green Chemistry Awards. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/greenchemistry July 21 – 27, 2013: Great Lakes Education Workshop on Lake Erie. Please visit: http://www.greatlakes.ws/2013/01/do-you-want-to-spend-week-on-island.html August 1, 2013: Deadline for 2nd through 5th year middle and high school science teachers to apply for the New Science Teachers Academy. Please visit: http://www.nsta.org/academy October 31, 2013: Build – A – Bear Foundation Grant. Please visit: http://www.buildabear.com/shopping/contents/content.jsp?catId=400002&id=700012 David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for K-12 Science Teachers -------------------------------------------------------6a. Free Resources from The Cornell Lab of Ornithology – BirdSleuth K-12 BirdSleuth offers a suite of ready-to-use kits and a variety of free downloads that will get kids outside for hands-on activities that meet state and national standards. Please visit: http://www.birdsleuth.org/free-resources/ They invite you to BirdSleuth. Consider finishing the year with their inquiry resources or plan ahead to engage your students in citizen science next year. Your students will be scientists! -------------------------------------------------------6b. Energy Use in the US by State The US Energy Information Agency has a new site that shows how each state produces and used energy. Please visit: http://www.eia.gov/state/ -------------------------------------------------------6c. Sign Up for the Space Flyer Newsletter Are you looking for ways to transform your summer vacation into an out-of-this-world learning experience? From sea to shining sea, NASA Visitor Centers are bustling with exciting new missions and programs that inspire the imagination. Sign up to receive The Space Flyer newsletter and stay up-to-date on all of the fun activities taking place at all 11 NASA Visitor Centers. The Space Flyer newsletter highlights incredible new experiences that offer a unique blend of history, entertainment and education that only the NASA Visitor Centers can offer. This year, escape the ordinary and drop by to experience the wonder of space! To learn more about the NASA Visitor Centers and to sign up to have The Space Flyer delivered straight to your inbox, visit: http://www.visitnasa.com -------------------------------------------------------6d. Student Spaceflight Experiments Program for 5 – 12 Graders Announcing the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) Seventh Flight Opportunity - SSEP Mission 5 to the International Space Station for the 2013-2014 Academic Year. This is an opportunity for a School District, Even an Individual School, to Engage a Few Hundred Grade 5-12 Students in Very Real Microgravity Experiment Design for Flight to the International Space Station (ISS). Note: this program is not for an individual class. The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) was designed as a model U.S. national STEM education initiative to inspire and engage the next generation. SSEP provides truly authentic STEM education experiences with seamless integration across STEM disciplines, and cross-disciplinary connections to reading, writing, communication, and art and design. And it is garnering very significant media attention at the local and national level. They are truly inviting YOUR students to be real researchers, and your community to be part of America’s Space Program – in fact they want you to have your OWN Space Program. PROGRAM OVERVIEW: SSEP Mission 5 to ISS will provide each participating community a real microgravity research mini-laboratory capable of supporting a single microgravity experiment, and all launch services to fly the mini-lab to ISS in Spring 2014. Mirroring how professional research is done, student teams across the community design their own microgravity research programs, and submit real but grade level appropriate research proposals. Proposals from across the community go through a formal review process, and the community’s flight experiment is selected by a Review Board meeting at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, a National Partner on SSEP. The design competition – from program start, to experiment design, to submission of proposals by student teams – spans 9 weeks from September 9 to November 11, 2013. Content resources for teachers and students support foundational instruction on science in microgravity and experiment design. David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn This is a true science immersion program where students are asked to be real scientists and go through the exact same process as professional researchers vying for research resources and research opportunities. MILESTONE DATES: 9-Week Experiment Design Phase in Your Community: September 9 to November 11, 2013 Selection of Your Community’s Flight Experiment: December 12, 2013 Ferry Flight to ISS: Spring 2014 Ferry Flight Return to Earth: expectation is Launch + 6 weeks National Conference at Smithsonian in Washington, DC: early July 2014 TIME CRITICAL: ALL INTERESTED COMMUNITIES ARE ASKED TO READ THIS EMAIL CAREFULLY AND INQUIRE BY JUNE 30, 2013; schools and districts need to assess interest with their staff and, if appropriate, move forward with an Implementation Plan. DEADLINE FOR COMMUNITIES TO BE ABOARD (approved Plan and funded): September 4, 2013. To meet this deadline, the Center needs to begin working with interested communities as soon as possible. For more information, please visit the SSEP home page: SSEP HOMEPAGE: http://ssep.ncesse.org TESTIMONIALS: http://ssep.ncesse.org/communities/in-our-own-words/ MEDIA COVERAGE: http://ssep.ncesse.org/communities/in-the-news/ CONTACT: Dr. Jeff Goldstein, Center Director Cell: 301-395-0770 Email: ssep@ncesse.org National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) http://ncesse.org PO Box 2350 Ellicott CIty, Maryland 21041 -------------------------------------------------------6e. Michigan Tech University – 5 Day Summer Teacher Institutes Applications: http://wupcenter.mtu.edu Application deadline: May 20, 2013 For more information: Joan Chadde at 487-3341 or jchadde@mtu.edu June 24- 28, 2013 Great Lakes Watershed Investigations Teacher Institute at Michigan Tech University Explore the physical, chemical, and biological components of the Great Lakes ecosystem, using the Lake Superior watershed as the classroom: Agassiz research vessel, visit streams, wetlands, stewardship projects. Cost: $195 off campus includes five lunches, 2 MTU graduate credits and instructional materials; $450 also includes 5 nights lodging and all meals. July 8 – 12, 2013 Global Change Teacher Institute at Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI This 5-day Institute will prepare you to engage your middle and high school students in a real-world study of the effects of global change on ecosystems, including the impacts of climatic change on forests--- elevated carbon dioxide and ozone levels, nitrogen saturation, acid rain, and invasive species. Cost: $350 off campus includes five lunches, 2 MTU graduate credits and instructional materials; $595 also includes five nights lodging and all meals. July 15-19, 2013 Forest Management & Resources Teacher Institute at Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. Through lecture, hands-on field data collection, classroom activities, and visits to an active logging site and sawmill, participants learn tree ID, forest measurements, forest health, disease & insect pests, forest soils, carbon sequestration, forest best management practices, and sustainable forest management. Sessions are presented by Michigan Tech faculty, U.S. Forest Service scientists, and professional foresters. Teachers receive $200 of forestryDavid Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn related classroom and field supplies, including tree iD field guides, D-tapes, meter tapes, log sticks, and more. Teachers who attend the entire institute and complete all course requirements, including pre-course readings and development of a 5-day teaching unit on incorporating forestry into their curriculum, can earn 3 graduate credits from Michigan Tech University. Cost : $300 off campus includes five lunches, 2 MTU graduate credits and instructional materials; $550 with 4 nights lodging and all meals. -------------------------------------------------------6f. Present at the MDSTA Fall Conference You are invited to present at the annual Detroit Area Science and Math conference: DACTM www.dactm.org MDSTA www.mdsta.org This year's conference will be Saturday, November 16, 2013, at Woodhaven High School in Brownstown, MI. It is hoped you will consider participating. Please visit: https://dactm.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_142258 -------------------------------------------------------6g. Build a Paper Brain Want your students to get intimate with the incredible human brain? Here’s a paper origami-esque brain to put together. This paper brain was created by Martin Pyka of Ruhr University Bochum in Germany, when he started his PhD in neuroscience, as a way to learn the anatomy of the brain. Pyka suggests starting with the hemispheres and then attaching the temporal lobes and the cerebellum before finally working your way down to the brain stem. The paper model of the brain will fit nicely on a desk. To download the Origami Paper Brain, please visit: http://www.newscientist.com/data/doc/teaser/mm/201304/paperbrain.pdf -------------------------------------------------------6h. Take a Virtual Tour of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History You may not be able to take your students on a field trip to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, but you can take them on a 3-D virtual, room-by-room walking tour of the whole museum, using a desktop computer, (Windows, Mac, Linux) or a mobile device (iPad, iPhone, Android). Visitors can even browse a list of past exhibits on the ground-floor map. In this self-guided tour, visitors can navigate from room to room by clicking map locations or by following blue arrow links on the floor that connect the rooms. The desktop version includes camera icons to indicate hotspots where the visitor can get a close-up view of a particular object or exhibit panel. Please visit: http://www.mnh.si.edu/panoramas/ ----------------------------------------------------------------6i. Upcoming Deadlines May 29 – June 2, 2013: World Science Festival in New York City. Please visit: http://worldsciencefestival.com/wsf2013 June 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Student Experiments on the International Space Station. Please visit: http://ssep.ncesse.org September 1 – 6, 2013: World Water Week. Please visit: http://www.worldwaterweek.org October 4 – 5, 2013: MESTA/MAEOE Annual Conference on Belle Isle in Detroit, MI. Please visit: http://www.mestarocks.org/cms/content/conferences/mesta October 21 – 25, 2013: Nuclear Science Week. Please visit: http://www.nuclearscienceweek.org David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn November 16, 2013: MDSTA/DACTM Fall Conference at Woodhaven HS in Woodhaven, MI. Please visit: http://mdsta.org ----------------------------------------------------------------Twitterverse ----------------------------------------------------------------7a. Ideas from the Twitterverse Diana R. Johns @drjohns4msu via @nprnews: Everybody In The Pool! But Please Leave The Poop Behind n.pr/12dVpcL Tom Murray @thomascmurray Check out "Growing Your PLN" w/ @thenerdyteacher @teachingwthsoul @L_Hilt @patrickmlarkin & @thomascmurray youtube.com/watch?feature=… #edchat Friends of the Rouge @RougeFriends Interesting look at floodplains vs. flooding in Chicago. fb.me/2iIc6EWzD CRS @crscience Skylab: Why don't we live in space yet? bit.ly/13YNSk3 edutopia @edutopia How are you preparing students to read deeply and critically on their own? Tips: edut.to/13e2ysM #literacy #engchat Chris Hadfield @Cmdr_Hadfield Reviewing Soyuz procedures onboard, but I wanted to thank every person at the Cdn Space Agency. Your work takes Canada into orbit. Be proud. Jeremy R. Hansen @Astro_Jeremy Congratulations Canadian Space Agency! Your support for @Cmdr_Hadfield enabled an amazing mission! @csa_asc ----------------------------------------------Information for High School Science Teachers ----------------------------------------------------------------8a. High School Chemistry Ideas Unbelievably, we are nearing the end of the school year and soon teachers and students will begin their summer vacations. But just because school is out, doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. Visit Highlights for High School for some fun videos and courses. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. ChemLab Boot Camp: An engaging reality show about MIT students learning their way around a chemistry lab. Please visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/high-school/chemistry/chemistry-lab-boot-camp/ Chemistry Behind the Magic: Chemical Demonstrations for the Classroom: Watch two scientists create things that steam, fizzle, and glow during these exciting chemistry demonstrations! Please visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/high-school/chemistry/demonstrations/ Check out courses developed at MIT specifically for high school students! Topics include extraterrestrial life, guitar building, and audio and speaker electronics, among many others. Please visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/high-school/courses/ ----------------------------------------------------------------8b. Michigan Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference Presentation Submission Deadline The Michigan Green Chemistry Roundtable invites proposals for presentations and posters for the 2013 Michigan Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, scheduled for October 23-24, 2013 at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Business leaders, engineers, chemists, researchers, teachers, policymakers, and anyone David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn else interested in moving green chemistry and engineering forward in Michigan are invited to participate in this conference. The Michigan "GreenUp" Conferences are designed to be hotbeds for collaborative learning and sharing – with this year's focus being sustainable manufacturing. Green chemistry and engineering can revolutionize the way we work and live, by employing less toxic materials and processes in the manufacture and design of the products we use every day. While protecting human health and the environment, green chemistry and engineering can also help businesses create new markets, reduce costs, increase safety, and gain a competitive edge. Oral and poster presentations may focus on the following areas: * Product Design, Innovation, and the Business Case for Green Chemistry and Engineering * Applications in Manufacturing * Cutting Edge Research * Green Energy * Policy Updates * Public Health * Educating for a Sustainable Future The deadline to submit a presentation proposal is June 14, 2013. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3308_3333-274602--,00.html ----------------------------------------------------------------8c. BSCS Seeks High School Teachers to Field Test “Nourishing the Planet in the 21 st Century” BSCS is developing a new edition of the successful high school curriculum supplement, “Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century.” Supported by the Nutrients for Life Foundation, the supplement's six lessons will help students in grades 9-12 understand soil components, the relationships between soil and plant growth, and the importance of fertilizer to modern agriculture. First developed in 2006, Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century has been used successfully in classrooms across the country. In the current revision, the lessons are being updated to include more opportunities for students to engage in the practices of science and to make additional connections to real-life issues such as soil depletion and water quality. Field–test teachers are critical in helping us design and improve programs like Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century. Teachers like you are key partners in the development process by helping us test what will benefit future teachers and their students. There are a limited number of field-test spaces available for high school science teachers. The field test will take place during the fall of 2013. Prior to field testing, selected teachers will participate in a webinar that describes the project and introduces teachers to the six lessons. Teachers will receive a stipend after completing the field-test process. To apply, please visit: http://www.bscs.org/nourishing-the-planet-ft-app ----------------------------------------------------------------8d. Upcoming Deadlines June 14, 2013: Deadline to submit a proposal for the 2013 GreenUp Michigan Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3308_3333-274602--,00.html July 26, 2013: Vernier Workshop in the Metro Detroit Area. Please visit: http://www.vernier.com/training/workshop/3550/ October 23 – 24, 2013: 2013 GreenUp Michigan Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference at the Eberhard Center, Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3308_3333-274602--,00.html David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Middle School and High School Science Teachers ----------------------------------------------------------------9a. Free Kindle Book on Engineering Stories You can now download a free book for the Kindle or Kindle Apps. The book, Engineering Stories, is written by an engineer and contains seven short fiction stories about engineers and how they do what they do. The stories are well written and allow the reader to follow the path an engineer takes from initial brainstorming through the development process to the final product. To download the book, just visit: http://amazon.com and do a search for “Engineering Stories.” You will then be able to download the book for your device. For additional information on the author’s blog, please visit: http://stemstories.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/free-this-week-engineering-stories-kindle-edition/ ----------------------------------------------------------------9b. GLOBE Virtual Student Conference is Online Now From May 6 - 31, you can view more than 50 extraordinary student projects in: Atmosphere, Earth as a System/ Phenology, Hydrology, Land Cover/Biology and Soils. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how students are using GLOBE to engage in scientific research to impact the quality of life in their communities. This is the GLOBE Program’s largest interactive online student conference yet. Anyone can view the projects, but if you have a GLOBE website login, you are welcome to post comments and pose questions to our numerous student presenters. You can view the projects at: http://www.globe.gov/web/scrc/virtual-conference/2013-virtual-student-conference ----------------------------------------------------------------9c. Orion’s Quest Summer Workshop Are you looking for a way to update your skills, earn some SCECH (SB-CEU) credit, hear NASA astronauts and scientists or just meet and share with colleagues who teach in the STEM disciplines? This summer Orion’s Quest is presenting a 2 day workshop in August highlighting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math using authentic space-based research missions for the classroom. This may be the best professional development workshop at the most reasonable cost you’ll ever find. Please take a look at the attached flyer and share it with colleagues who may also be interested. I’ve also attached a copy of the registration form and more information is available online at www.orionsquest.org. August 20 – 21, 2013 Meritor World Headquarters, Troy, MI For full registration information, please visit: http://www.orionsquest.org/v3/stem2013.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------9d. Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program Please consider assisting the USGS’ efforts to model satellite remote sensing to secchi disk measurements. The data can be used to estimate transparency for the lakes not being monitored for secchi disk transparency. Just visit: http://www.micorps.net/CLMPdocuments.html for a schedule of when satellites are making images, and try to sample secchi depth within + 7 days of that date. ----------------------------------------------------------------9e. Free Vetted Online Climate and Energy Teaching Resources How do we help students become literate with topics surrounding climate and energy? The CLEAN (Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network) collection offers 500+ peer-reviewed, online teaching resources on climate science and energy for grades 6 - 16 including activities, visualizations, and videos. Search the collection by topic, resource type, or grade level. The CLEAN site provides guidance on teaching David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn climate and energy using a set of essential principles and strategies for teaching different age groups. Join the vibrant CLEAN network with updates on educational policies and science, discussions with experts, weekly telecons, and conference & workshop announcements. CLEAN resources are even more relevant with the increased emphasis on Earth systems in the NGSS standards. For example, see HS-ESS2 Earth's Systems (p. 98) and HS-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity (p. 100) in the NGSS. CLEAN is funded by NSF, NOAA, and the U.S. Department of Energy. Share this resource with colleagues and students, and bookmark it for yourself! Please visit: http://cleanet.org ----------------------------------------------------------------9f. Upcoming Deadlines August 20 – 21, 2013: 21st Century STEM for Today’s Classroom Workshop at the Meritor World Headquarters in Troy, MI, sponsored by Orion’s Quest. Please visit: http://www.orionsquest.org/v3/stem2013.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Middle School Science Teachers ----------------------------------------------------------------10a. MEECS Climate Change: Science and Impacts - Spring and Summer Workshops There are three upcoming spring and summer trainings for the new MEECS Climate Change Unit. The registration information can be found below, in the Upcoming Deadlines section. Here are the sites and dates of the trainings: June 12 – Annis Water Resources Institute, Muskegon, MI June 21 – Constitution Hall, Lansing, MI June 26 – Wayne RESA, Wayne, MI ----------------------------------------------------------------10b. Upcoming Deadlines May 29, 2013: Deadline to register for the MEECS Climate Change Unit Training at GVSU’s Annis Water Resources Institute in Muskegon. For more information on this workshop, contact the Regional Math and Science Center at (616) 331.2267 or mthscctr@gvsu.edu Please visit: http://www.gvsu.edu/rmsc/module-event-view.htm?eventId=8B9AFAE2-019C-A4CA-E42D63008892F8B0 June 6, 2013: Deadline to apply to be a BSCS Field Test Teacher for the Allergies Project. Please visit: http://bscs.org/asi-field-test-application June 21, 2013: MEECS Climate Change Unit Training at Constitution Hall in Lansing, MI. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3308_3333-299654--,00.html June 26, 2013: MEECS Climate Change Unite Training at Wayne RESA in Wayne, MI. Please visit: http://www.solutionwhere.com/wayneresa/cw/showcourse.asp?2773 ----------------------------------------------------------------Science Humor ----------------------------------------------------------------11. Spectacularly Nerdy Science Jokes Red Alert! Red Alert! NaCl/NaOH The base is under a salt. If Iron Man and Silver Surfer team up – they would be Alloys. Einstein, Newton and Pascal are hanging out one afternoon. David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn Einstein is bored, so he suggests, “Let’s play hide-and-see. I’ll be it!” The others agree, so Einstein begins counting. “One…Two…Three…” Pascal runs off right away to find a place to hide. But Newton merely takes out a piece of chalk and draws a mid-sized square. He finishes and steps into the square just as Einstein shouts, “Ready or Not – here I come!” Einstein looks up and immediately spots Newton standing right in front of him. He says, “I found you, Newton!” Newton replies, “No, you found one Newton per square meter – You found Pascal!” ----------------------------------------------------------------12. May Contest Winners In May, we gave away three $10 iTunes gift cards. Here is a list of the winners: Michael Berenkowski, Oscoda High School – Oscoda, MI Ann Vinson, Colon Jr/Sr High School – Colon, MI Lynnea Roon, West Kelloggsville Elementary – Grand Rapids, MI If you didn’t win, try again this month. Thanks to everyone for being part of the Michigan Science Matters Network. ----------------------------------------------------------------To subscribe to the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please visit: http://nsta.org/sciencematters Click on Teachers, and then click on Become a Point of Contact. To unsubscribe from the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please email David Bydlowski, Michigan Coordinator for the Science Matters Network, at bydlowd@resa.net. David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn