Study Guide -

Section 3
Structure, properties, and interaction of matter and energy: S4C1
Describe physical properties of Matter
Play video and test yourself 7pts.
Answer Key Vocabulary.
What is matter?
Properties of matter
Matter is anything and everything that has mass(how much) & takes up space
(volume). Mass is the amount of matter in an object volume is the amount of
space matter takes up. There are 3 main states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.
Checkout the following site for more information.
1. What is matter?__________________________________________________________
2. What is density?__________________________________________________________
3. What is mass?____________________________________________________________
4. Mass is measured in ____ or ____
5. What is weight?
6. What changes the weight of an object
7. Weight is measured in _____ or ______
8. What is volume?
9. How do you measure volume?
2. Read, Discuss, &Answer Questions
1-8 What is Matter?
What is matter?
What is a property?
What are properties of a solid?
What are properties of liquids?
What are properties of gas?
Physical properties of matter:
mass, shape, size, volume, color, texture, magnetic property
Conductivity-electrical or heat to describe matter
Play video/test yourself
What is a solid, liquid, and gas?
3 states of matter
Try Learning gmae for kids:
Word o rama-changes in matter
Matching changes of matter
Play 3 eWord games
Characteristics of matter
Changes in matter
Comparing matter
Group objects using physical characteristics
Play video and test yourself 7pts.
Physical and chemical changes
Changes in state
7. YouTube: Physical vs Chemical Changes (3:45 video)
Physical Change-the mass is the same if the object is changed physically it can be changed
Chemical Change-the mass is chemically changed a new object is formed and the original
object is different
For example a marshmallow is made up of matter, if we take a bite out of it we physically
change it. But if we roast it over a fire we chemically change it.
Changing a gas to a liquid is condensation.
32'F is freezing point make solids, that don't change shapes, the molecules do not move.
Above 32'F is the melting point
Physical properties of matter are categorized as either Intensive or Extensive:
Intensive - Properties that do not depend on the amount of the matter present.
 Color
 Odor
 Luster - How shiny a substance is.
 Malleability - The ability of a substance to be beaten into thin sheets.
 Ductility - The ability of a substance to be drawn into thin wires.
 Conductivity - The ability of a substance to allow the flow of energy or electricity.
 Hardness - How easily a substance can be scratched.
 Melting/Freezing Point - The temperature at which the solid and liquid phases of a substance
are in equilibrium at atmospheric pressure.
Boiling Point - The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the pressure
on the liquid (generally atmospheric pressure).
Density - The mass of a substance divided by its volume
Extensive - Properties that do depend on the amount of matter present.
 Mass - A measurement of the amount of matter in a object (grams).
 Weight - A measurement of the gravitational force of attraction of the earth acting on an object.
 Volume - A measurement of the amount of space a substance occupies.
 Length
Recognize basic energy types and sources or describe how enegry can be
changed from one form to another: S4C2
1. What is energy? Energy is the ability to do work. There are 2 types of
energykinetic(working) and potential(stored) List them.
2.Take the Energy Quiz 1-15 see what you know
Energy forms and examples
Forms of energy basics
3. Play eWord games
Heat temperature light
Describe the flow of energy through an object or system
feeling heat from a light bulb
eating food to get energy
using a battery to light a bulb or run something
temperature and heat
Recognize or illustrate simple direct current series and parallel cirsuits composed of batteries,
light bulbs, wire, on/off switches
simple circuits
parallel circuits
electricity and magnetism
Identify characteristics of sound
id characteristics of sound
Try more activities at home
Identify and describe different types of force and motion and the interaction between force
and motion: S4C3
1. Describe changes in motion caused by forces
pushes or pulls
2. Compare the relative movement of objects or describe
types of motion that are evident
bouncing ball
moving in a straight line
back and forth
3. Read and Discuss
Mechanics and Motion
Motion is one of the key topics in physics. Everything in the universe moves. It might only be a small amount of movement and
very very slow, but movement does happen. Don't forget that even if you appear to be standing still, the Earth is moving
around the Sun, and the Sun is moving around our galaxy. The movement never stops. Motion is one part of what physicists call
Simple and Complex Movement
There are two main ideas when you study mechanics. The first idea is that there are simple
movements, such as if you're moving in a straight line, or if two objects are moving towards
each other in a straight line. The simplest movement would be objects moving at constant
velocity. Slightly more complicated studies would look at objects that speed up or slow down,
where forces have to be acting.
There are also more complex movements when an object's direction is changing. These would
involve curved movements such as circular motion, or the motion of a ball being thrown
through the air. For such complex motions to occur, forces must also be acting, but at angles to
the movement.
4. Objects in Motion Quiz
Describe the position of an object by locating it relative to another object or the
geographic direction
6. Where is it? Complete