AP Chemistry - Cloudfront.net

Advanced Placement Chemistry
Mandatory: Prior credit for Chemistry and Algebra II
Recommended: Physics and Pre-Calculus (prior credit preferred)
This course is designed to be equivalent to a two-semester general chemistry course usually
taken the first college year. Topics covered are outlined in the College Board AP course
description guide for this course on the College Board’s AP Chemistry website and include:
atomic structure, bonding theory, instrumentation, thermodynamics, acid-base theory,
equilibrium, kinetics, electrochemistry, organic chemistry, and descriptive chemistry.
Extensive laboratory experiences are an essential and required component of this course.
Students completing this course should be prepared to take the national exam offered each
Spring for potential college credit.
Black pencil (for homework), black or blue pen (for laboratory notebook only), scientific
calculator (graphing preferred), loose-leaf notebook paper (college-ruled recommended),
portfolio or binder for class notes and handouts.
Text: Chemistry by Zumdahl (9/e)
Online: Online Web Learning (OWL) v2 student access
Laboratory Notebook (NCR-type) (provided)
Tentative Course Timeline
Fall Semester
1st Quarter
Review Foundation Skills (CH1-3)
Types of Reactions/ Solution Stoichiometry
Spring Semester
3rd Quarter
Atomic Structure and Periodicity
Bonding (General and Covalent)
2nd Quarter
Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Equilibrium
Acids and Bases
Acid-Base and Solubility Equilibria
4th Quarter
Liquids and Solids
Review for Exam
AP Chemistry exam is Monday, May 4!
Grading and Assessment:
Tests and Lab Reports
Independent Practice
Lab Prep and Recitation
Semester Exam
80% of the semester grade
Students may be exempt from the Spring exam if they are passing the 9-weeks, the semester, and
the course, AND take the AP Chemistry exam (Monday, May 4, 2016).
Tests and Laboratory
1. Unit tests will consist of multiple choice and/or free-response questions.
2. Unit tests may be retaken/corrected for a maximum score of 70.
Dates for
retaking/correcting a test are given when the test is returned (usually 2-3 days are
3. All labs require hands-on work in the laboratory. Laboratories average about 2-3 class
periods of time per week. Students will collaborate in small groups (see Lab Prep
section). Laboratory work involves collection, processing, and manipulation of data
taken from physical observations.
4. All laboratory work will be recorded in the provided laboratory notebook as a report to
convey procedures, observations, relevant calculations, and conclusions using specified
guidelines. While the lab work is done as a group, laboratory reports are written by the
individual and, especially in the Results and Conclusions sections, must show evidence
of individual thought and effort.
5. Laboratory reports must be handwritten in black ink in the provided laboratory
notebook. No “scratch” paper and/or loose paper are allowed.
6. A “pre-lab” (see Lab Prep section) is assigned for each lab. This section consists of an
problem/objective, materials, procedure, and data tables, and practice problems relevant
to the lab activity. Students will not be allowed to proceed with the lab unless the prelab is completed first. A late penalty (50 pts) will be incurred if the pre-lab is not
complete by the beginning of the lab period but is completed during the period before the
student begins the lab work. The procedure and format for laboratory reports are
specified in the “Laboratory Report” format handout. If there are errors in formatting,
the report will be returned for correcting. A penalty of 10pts/return will be assessed.
7. Late reports will be assessed a penalty of 25 pts/day.
Independent Practice
1. OWLv2 provides an engaging online environment for students to become familiar with
visualizations and particle models for advanced chemistry. Conceptual understanding is
extremely important in AP Chemistry and an understanding of conceptual
understandings is assessed heavily on the AP Chemistry exam.
2. Independent practice may be handouts, problems from the textbook, and, most often,
assignments completed using online using OWLv2. Work must be shown for calculations
to receive credit.
3. Homework is graded based on completion and/or accuracy. Students will be given credit
for partial work turned on the due date. As we do go over the solutions and answers in
class, no late work will be accepted. OWLv2 assignments will have posted final due
Lab Prep and Recitation
1. Pre-lab (intro, materials, procedure, and any data tables), set-up, clean-up of the
laboratory area, and participation in the lab activity will be evaluated separately from
the lab report.
2. At least once per grading cycle, small groups or individuals will be assigned an advanced
problem from the current unit to present to the class. Students will be graded on their
completeness and clarity (per rubric) in presenting the solution of the problem to the
Visual aids must be employed (marker board, poster board, Powerpoint
presentation) to help in the explanation of the problem.