University of Missouri Comparative Medicine Program ASLAP Fellow Guidelines 1. VENUES and ACRONYMS 1) Activities occur primarily in four areas: i. The Office of Animal Resources (OAR) located at 1720 East Campus Loop animal facility management and oversight, animal care, laboratory animal medicine ii. The Research Animal Diagnostic Laboratory (RADIL) located at 4011 Discovery Drive - diagnostics, comparative and research pathology, animal resource centers, genetics, reproductive biology and cryobiology, extern/elective block projects iii. The Office of Animal Care and Quality Assurance (ACQA) – Animal Care and Use Committee, facility inspections, federal regulation compliance iv. Several research labs across campus – comparative medicine research 2. CONTACT INFORMATION 1) RULE NUMBER ONE (the only rule) is to drive your program by asking questions, asking “what’s going on today,” etc. Do not wait for someone to come to you. There are several means of communicating with individuals in our program including email, cell phone and direct contact. If you have an accessible email account, we will use that; if not, we will establish an MU email account for you. The following email was used very successfully by a former extern to get things started: Hello everybody, My name is _______ and I'm a ____ year veterinary student from ______ on a ___ week ASLAP fellowship program here at the University of Missouri. I have met some of you already and am looking forward to meeting the rest of you soon. I would really appreciate it, if you have something interesting going on that you think I might benefit from, if you could send me an email or contact me and let me know about it. I would also like to participate in _______ if possible. My cell phone number is ______ and my email address is ______. I have desk space in _____ (RADIL) and the OAR postdoc office. If you know of anyone else who was not contacted in this email, but may be doing something of interest, please pass my information along. I'm looking forward to my stay in Columbia. 2) You will be balancing activities between the OAR, RADIL and research activities. Activities are a moving target and many are not scheduled so the challenge is finding out what is ongoing each day and then managing your day. You will be assigned a desk in the RADIL and one in the OAR. It is recommended that you spend your “downtime” at desks in both locations. Since OAR activities may arise at any time, it is recommended that, on days when no activities are scheduled, you spend the first hour of mornings at the OAR office desk. Moreover, to facilitate getting involved in OAR activities as soon as possible, schedule meetings with both Drs. Dixon and Korte sometime during the first week of your program and consider spending the first 2-3 days of your program at the OAR. 3) Work with Pat Parry and Jenn Myles to get a University Pawprint which will get you access to computers (and an email if needed). You can also get wireless access by using the MizzouWireless-Guest access – ask James Wagoner ( for the latest password). If you need access to the RADIL after hours (e.g. for research project), contact Allen Maddy (; S116 RADIL) about fingerprint access. 4) Your primary contacts for OAR, RADIL, ACQA and research activities are (additional contact information is at the end of this document): i. OAR - Drs. Scott Korte and Mike Linville (OAR veterinarians), Drs. Paul Nolen and Allison Ostdiek (postdocs on OAR rotation). ii. RADIL – Drs. Andrew Kocsis and Kira Moore (postdocs on RADIL rotation), Drs. Veronica Adams, Franklin Lopez and Marcus Crim (postdocs doing their research but with some RADIL activities), Laurie Wisdom (necropsy lab supervisor), Drs. Shari Hamilton and Susan Caraker (rodent pathologists; W191 Vet Med, 573-8824472), Debbie Sharpe (PCR lab supervisor), Jill Gruenkemeyer (histology lab supervisor), and Jennifer Cornelius (repro services and cryobiology) iii. ACQA – Sara Wolff, Holly Rice and Dr. Erin O’Connor, (573-884-6758) iv. OAR investigator support and med school surgeries – Sherri Neff (573-882-8495) v. Swine Center activities – Drs. Eric Walters and Mike Linville (573-882-1134) vi. Research – Drs. Veronica Adams, Franklin Lopez, Marcus Crim, Vinoth Sittaramane, Glenn Jackson, Ryan Stoffel, Hanni Lee-Lewis, Aaron Ericsson, Lydia Cook and Mike Drake are all currently performing their dissertation or postdoctoral projects in a number of research labs across campus. vii. Contact these individuals on a daily/regular basis to find out about activities or with any questions you have. viii. Inquire about tours of facilities with OAR and RADIL contact persons. ix. Dr. Franklin’s email is and his cell phone is 573-864-1625 5) Additional key contacts are i. Pat Parry, CMP fiscal person, S107 RADIL, 573-882-6647 ii. Jenn Myles, extern travel coordinator, S119 RADIL, 573-882-5013 3. FELLOW GOALS Discuss your goals for this program with Dr. Franklin on day one. 4. PROJECT 1) You will be assigned a research project. Dr. Franklin will direct you to individuals with possible projects. Discuss these sometime during the first 2 days of your program, so that you can get started as soon as possible. Again, drive your project, by asking lots of questions! At the end of your program, you will prepare a presentation describing your project. Include relevant background, objective or hypothesis, rationale, methods and design, results, conclusions and possible future directions. 2) You will also have the opportunity to explore research by meeting with postdocs in their research labs and participate in their ongoing projects. 5. MEETINGS and ROUNDS Several meetings occur throughout the year that are of interest to externs/elective block students. Inquire with OAR and RADIL contacts about meetings as soon as you arrive. The following are scheduled meetings (underlines = popular among externs): 1) Animal Care and Use Committee meeting – First Tuesday of every month, (contact Sara Wolff, Holly Rice and Dr. Erin O’Connor for location and with questions) 2) OAR weekly postdoc meeting – Wednesdays at 12:00/12:15 in the OAR conference room– ATTEND ON A WEEKLY BASIS 3) Pathology Rounds – Wednesdays at 8:00 in A251 Clydesdale (multiheaded scope room); we do not have rounds on block change day – ATTEND ON A WEEKLY BASIS 4) OAR management meeting (Dr. Lon Dixon, postdocs, facility managers) – first Thursday of each month at 1:00/1:15 in OAR conference room; contact any OAR postdoc or Dr. Dixon for exact schedule 5) Helicobacter research lab meeting – Mondays at 8:30 in S102 RADIL. 6) Lab Animal Diagnostics Research lab meeting – Fridays at 8:00 in S102 RADIL– ATTEND ON A WEEKLY BASIS unless your project has you attending another lab meeting 7) Comparative Medicine Seminar – fall and spring semesters, Fridays at 12:00 in S130 RADIL– ATTEND ON A WEEKLY BASIS 8) Core Course – fall, spring and summer semesters i. Spring odd year; Laboratory Animal Resource Management ii. Summer odd year; Laboratory and Project Management iii. Fall odd year; Laboratory Animal Biology iv. Spring even year; Methodology of Animal Experimentation v. Summer even year; Grant and Manuscript Writing for Biomedical Researchers vi. Fall even year; Pathology of Laboratory Animals – currently in session; class discussions on M and R at 8:00 in W215 Vet Med; slide review on T at 4:00 in A251 Vet Med Teaching Hosp 9) Foundations in Veterinary Research and Discovery – March through June; Fridays at 1:00 in the Veterinary School Auditorium 10) Immunology journal club – Thursdays from 1-2 in 615 MSB (Med Sci Bldg) 11) Immunology works in progress – fall and winter semesters; every 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday at 4:00 in 615 MSB 12) AFIP pathology rounds – every Thursday at 9:00 in A251 Clydesdale (multiheaded scope room) – contact Dr. Gayle Johnson for information 13) Clinical pathology rounds – every Tuesday at 8:15 in clin path lab – contact Dr. Wiedmeyer for information 14) All of the postdocs that are in research labs have lab meetings – inquire if you’d like to attend one, two or all. 6. ONGOING ACTIVITIES 1) Animal care – schedule AT LEAST one day to shadow the OAR postdoc 2) Rodent handling labs – contact Sara Wolff, Holly Rice for more information. NOTE 1 you will be asked to take and online course for which you will need a employee ID; if we cannot procure and ID prior to the lab, it is ok for you to take the course after the lab has been completed (once you have your ID); NOTE 2 - you may also be asked to participate in the Occupational Health Program – this is not necessary as you will not have time to fully go through the enrollment process. 3) Inspections – contact postdoc on OAR rotation(s), Sara and Holly. 4) ACUC protocol review – contact Dr. Pat Farrar 5) Surgeries – ongoing experimental surgeries will be discussed at OAR meetings or contact postdoc on OAR rotation or Sherrie Neff. 6) Parasitology and necropsy lab with follow-up tissue sectioning and histology lab – day one approx ½ day; days two and three – approximately 2 hours/day – contact Laurie Wisdom to schedule. 7) Spend a day in necropsy – contact Laurie Wisdom to schedule 8) Reproductive biology and cryobiology activities (e.g. embryo transfer, ICSI, plug checks) – contact Jennifer Cornelius 9) Rodent colony management activities (e.g. mouse and rat weaning, tail sample collection, ear tagging) – contact Jessica Riegert 10) Rodent facility equipment (e.g. cage wash, autoclave, etc) – contact Dr. Bauer 11) PCR lab – learn how to set up and run a PCR reaction – contact Dr. Livingston 12) Tour of genotyping lab and discussion of mouse, rat and swine resource centers – contact Dr. Bauer 13) Normal slide and disease slide set reviews. Drs. Shari Hamilton and Susan Caraker have slide sets for rodents, rabbits, non-human primates and amphibians. After you have reviewed, please set up time with either to review slides and go over questions (approximately 1 hour/set). After slide set review, unknowns will be distributed for independent review. Once complete, again set up a time to review with Shari or Susan (1 hour) 14) Follow a biopsy through processing and review – contact Dr. Caraker 15) Swine center activity and tours – contact Drs. Walters or Linville 16) Tour of the mouse imaging core (micro-CT, micro-MRI, micro-PET, etc) – contact Dr. Tammy Rold at 814-6000 ext 53684 or 17) RADIL Infectious Disease Research projects – RADIL has many ongoing research projects that involve animals and development of diagnostic tests. These projects often serve as the basis for fellow projects. Giedre Turner ( oversees the animal components of these projects and David Farris ( oversees the benchtop aspects – contact both for information about ongoing projects and how you might participate. 7. SPACE and TRAVEL 1) You will have access to computers and microscopes in the RADIL. You will also have access to the veterinary school library and a locker in the RADIL. 2) You will be assigned a desk in the RADIL and a desk in the OAR. It is recommended that you spend your “downtime” at desks in both locations (for example OAR in the morning and RADIL in the afternoon) so that you are readily available for activities that may arise. 3) You will be responsible for getting around on campus. This can either be accomplished by use of your personal vehicle or catching rides with postdocs and faculty (latter can be tough). If you need a parking pass for the day, contact Nancy Wawrzyniak. 4) The Columbia Transit Bus route includes Discovery Ridge (where RADIL is located). For more information see $1 for a one-way ticket; a 30 day pass is $35. Bring your bike if you are a biker, although the route from campus to the RADIL has many busy roads. 5) Contact Jenn Myles for a campus map 8. JOURNAL 1) Maintain a journal of your activities (to be handed in upon your departure). 9. MEET PEOPLE 1) During your stay, you will have frequent contact with the CMP trainees. Also take advantage of our faculty that live and breathe Comparative Medicine. One means of doing so is to create a checklist and set up a time to meet with each individual and pick their brains about comparative medicine. Hint: if you ultimately plan to apply to our postDVM program, getting to know our faculty has its advantages. Below is a list that includes some (NOT all) background info. Beth Bauer, DVM, ACLAM, Assistant Professor, N133 RADIL (resource centers, rodent colony management, research and development) Cindy Besch-Williford, DVM, PhD, ACLAM, Associate Professor, N130 RADIL (comparative pathology, prostate cancer, immunohistochemistry and histology) Elizabeth Bryda, PhD, Associate Professor, N131 RADIL (genetics, genotyping, polycystic kidney disease, deafness) John Critser, PhD, Endowed Professor of Comparative Medicine, N132 RADIL (cryobiology, reproductive biology, biomedical engineering, resource centers) Lon Dixon, DVM, MS, ACLAM, Director of Animal Resources, 1720 E. Campus Loop (lab animal medicine, animal facility management, facility design, ACUC, pharmaceuticals and industry) Pat Farrar, DVM, ACLAM, Veterinarian, 1720 E. Campus Loop (ACUC protocol review) Craig Franklin, DVM, PhD, ACLAM, Associate Professor, N128 RADIL (comparative pathology, inflammatory bowel disease, helicobacters, rodent phenotyping and pathobiology, careers for veterinarians in research) Scott Korte, DVM, Manager, Clinical Veterinary Services, OAR, 1720 E. Campus Loop (laboratory animal veterinarian, genetically engineered swine) Mike Linville, DVM, Manager, Clinical Veterinary Services, OAR, 1720 E. Campus Loop (large animal veterinarian) Bob Livingston, DVM, PhD, ACLAM, Associate Professor, N127 RADIL (microbial diagnostics, PCR, recombinant antigens, murine norovirus, parvoviruses, helicobacters, R&D) Matt Myles, DVM, PhD, ACLAM, Research Assistant Professor, N134 RADIL (helicobacters, inflammatory bowel disease, microarrays, serology, recombinant antigens, R&D, former SERCA awardee) Erin O’Connor, DVM, Interim Director of the Animal Care and Quality Assurance Office (ACUC, regulations) Lela Riley, PhD, ACLAM, Professor, N129 RADIL (molecular biology, pathogen discovery, parvoviruses, murine norovirus, biosensors, resource centers, mutant swine, R&D) Earl Steffen, PhD, Assistant Professor, N126 RADIL (serology, microbiology, R&D) 10. ATTIRE Casual – jeans, etc. ok. In some research labs where chemicals are used, open-toed shoes may not be appropriate. If you have your own scrubs and want to bring them, do so, but we also have scrubs that you can use in situations where they are needed. No need to bring coveralls. 11. ANIMAL PERSONNEL TRAINING All research personnel working with animals must accomplish the required institutional training. The training module is available online and takes 20-30 minutes to complete. The URL for this Basic Training in Animal Care and Use is: You will need a University Pawprint to take this course (contact Pat Parry to get this arranged if you do not have one). Contact Holly Rice (573-882-1746; with questions about this training. 12. ACCESS PHOTOS OF PEOPLE The RADIL maintains a photo collection of its employees and the CMP postdocs. To access this page see 13. TOURS 1) If you’d like a tour of the MU campus and Columbia, schedule with Dr. Franklin 2) If you’d like to tour the MU vet school, contact Kathy Seay in the Dean’s office ( or 573-884-6435). Introduce yourself as an ASLAP fellow of the Comparative Medicine Program. She will need a couple of days lead time to schedule with student ambassadors. 14. ACCESS TO STUDENT RECREATION CENTER (very nice one) Contact Pat Parry 15. MU CMP FACEBOOK GROUP 1) Please consider signing up for the MU CMP facebook group so that we can keep in touch with you You can 1) search for this group and request to join; 2) befriend Dr. Franklin and he will invite you to join or 3) send your facebook email address and Dr. Franklin will invite you. 16. CONTACT INFORMATION. Please note, if you find out that people you’re are trying to contact are on vacation, let Craig know so that he can identify a backup. Adams, Veronica Bauer, Beth Besch-Williford, Cindy Bryda, Elizabeth Caraker, Susan Cook, Lydia Cornelius, Jennifer Cowan, Bo Crim, Marcus Critser, John Dixon, Lon Drake, Mike Ericsson, Aaron Farrar, Pat Farris, David Postdoc – Research/OAR Faculty – RADIL Faculty – RADIL Faculty – RADIL Pathology – RADIL DVM/PhD program Repro service / Cryo - RADIL Tissue prep – RADIL Postdoc – Research/RADIL Faculty – RADIL Faculty – OAR Postdoc – Research Postdoc – Research Faculty – OAR Research – RADIL Office / Lab N133 RADIL N130 RADIL N131 RADIL S110 RADIL N101 RADIL N155 RADIL S129 RADIL N132 RADIL S129 RADIL S129 RADIL N118 RADIL Franklin, Craig Gettys, Diana Gruenkemeyer, Jill Hamilton, Shari Jackson, Glenn Kocsis, Andrew Korte, Scott Lee-Lewis, Hanni Linville, Mike Livingston, Bob Lopez, Franklin Maddy, Allen Myles, Jenn Moore, Kira Myles, Matt Neff, Sherrie Nolen, Paul O’Connor, Erin Ostdiek, Allison Parry, Pat Purdy, Greg Riegert, Jessica Rice, Holly Riley, Lela Sharpe, Debbie Sittaramane, Vinoth Steffen, Earl Stoffel, Ryan Turner, Giedre Walters, Eric Wawrzyniak, Nancy Weir, Dana Wisdom, Laurie Wolff, Sara Faculty – RADIL Postdoc – Research Histology – RADIL Pathology – RADIL Postdoc – Research Postdoc –RADIL Faculty – OAR Postdoc – Research Faculty – OAR Faculty – RADIL Postdoc – Research/RADIL RADIL building manager Program coordination - RADIL Postdoc –RADIL Faculty – RADIL Investigator Support – OAR Postdoc – OAR Faculty – ACQA Postdoc – OAR Finances – RADIL Cell culture / virology - RADIL Colony management – RADIL ACQA Faculty – RADIL PCR – RADIL Postdoc – RADIL Faculty – RADIL Postdoc – Research Rodent research - RADIL Faculty – RADIL/swine center RADIL administration Facility manager – OAR Necropsy – RADIL ACQA N128 RADIL S110 RADIL S129 RADIL N127 RADIL S116 RADIL S119 RADIL S129 RADIL N134 RADIL S107 RADIL N129 RADIL N144 RADIL N126 RADIL N163 RADIL S106 RADIL N163 RADIL To send an email to all, cut and paste the following into the to line;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Post-Doc Phone List - February 9, 2016 Name 3+ years Mike Drake Aaron Ericsson Hanni Lee-Lewis Ryan Stoffel Glenn A. Jackson Lydia Crystal Cook (Dual) Office Lab Home 884-4474 882-9433 882-1019 882-3173 573-874-1390 882-0541 882-0541 573-808-2689 884-4378 884-4738 882-3749 882-7748 Pager Cell 817-3704 314-971-3262 441-3011 573-808-2689 397-9443 573-234-4674 608-698-0699 573-234-4674 884-9222 Diana Gettys rd 3 year Marcus Crim Franklin Lopez Vinoth Sittaramane 2nd year 882-2838 882-2838 882-4774 882-1779 397-9471 573-234-7886 405-742-0768 979-229-4495 882-7089 787-457-2285 882-4774 573-529-3931 Veronica Adams 1st year 882-7089 713-562-4161 Paul Nolen Allison Ostdiek Andrew Kocsis Kira Moore 882-7089 397-0478 901-336-0633 882-7089 397-0479 630-863-4990 882-4774 614-406-1583 882-4774 314-537-7642 Other RADIL main line OAR main line OAR Emergency 882-5983 8006690825 882-3111 884-7521 fax 884-4345 fax 441-4198