UNIVERSITETET I OSLO Institutt f or litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språk HJEMMEEKSAMEN 2010/VÅR 1 side ENG4365 The Short Story in English 3 dager 31.05.-03.06.2010 Besvarelsen leveres i Fronter i emnets fellesrom i mappen "Eksamensinnlevering" som stenges kl. 12.00 på innleveringsdagen. Besvarelsens forside skal inneholde: kandidatnummer (hentes fra StudentWeb), emnekode, emnenavn, semester, år og oppgavens tittel. IKKE kandidatens navn! Alle sider skal nummereres. Mal (Word-dokument) for oppsett av oppgaven og utfyllende informasjon om innlevering i Fronter finnes i en instruks som er lenket opp på alle instituttets emnebeskrivelser under "Vurdering og eksamen". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Write an essay on ONE of the following topics: EITHER 1 In her essay ‘The Short Story: The Long and the Short of It’, Mary Louise Pratt claims that ‘One of the most consistently found narrative structures in the short story is the one called the “moment-of-truth.”’ Compare and contrast AT LEAST TWO short stories on the syllabus which culminate in such ‘moments of truth.’ You may not choose a story you have written on in your obligatory qualifying essay. OR 2 In ‘The Sisters,’ the opening story of Dubliners, James Joyce introduces the words PARALYSIS, SIMONY and GNOMON, which often have been regarded as key concepts in the entire collection. Compare and contrast AT LEAST TWO of the short stories in Dubliners in relation to these concepts. OR 3 Give an interpretation of EITHER Virginia Woolf’s ‘Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street’ OR Muriel Spark’s ‘The House of the Famous Poet,’ making sure to discuss the story’s form in your analysis. OR 4 Compare and contrast the representation of Islamic fundamentalism in Hanif Kureishi’s ‘My Son the Fanatic’ and Salman Rushdie’s ‘The Prophet’s Hair.’ Side 1 av 1