The Changing Cryosphere and the Methane Problem Geoffrey Peterson Greenhouse gases play an essential part in regulating the Earth’s climate. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are all important greenhouse gases that absorb infrared radiation. Without the insulating effect of these gases, the average temperature on the surface of planet would be about 33°C (60°F) cooler (EPA, 2010). This phenomenon, known as the greenhouse effect, has been predominately regulated by natural processes for most of Earth’s history. Volcanic eruptions, photosynthesis and microbial degradation of organic material contribute thousands of teragrams (1Tg=1000000 metric tons) of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere every year. Beginning with the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries and continuing today, the natural greenhouse effect is being modified by anthropogenic activity. Presently, carbon dioxide is the major driver of climate change. Approximately 63% (1.7W/m2) of heat energy trapped in the atmosphere is absorbed by CO2 (NOAA, 2011). Over the past 50 years, atmosphere CO2 concentrations have risen over 25% (Keeling, 2010). Many believe that this increase can be directly linked to anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The majority of these emissions come from the combustion of fossil fuels in power plants and motor vehicles. Although CO2 is the main factor in recent climate change, other greenhouse gases measurably contribute to global warming. Methane (CH4) is currently responsible for trapping approximately 0.5W/m2 of the sun’s energy (NOAA, 2011). Like CO2, CH4 comes from a variety of anthropogenic and natural sources. Wetlands account for the majority (approximately 210 Tg/year) of natural CH4 emissions (EPA, 2010). High organic content and anaerobic conditions in wetlands allow methane-producing microbes to thrive. Similar microbial degradation processes also occur in oceans, lakes and estuaries. Another significant source of CH4 is the breakdown of methane hydrates in permafrost and deep ocean continental margin sediments. These natural sources are responsible for approximately one-third of annual CH4 emissions. Annual anthropogenic CH4 emissions have risen over 150% since the preindustrial era (Blasing, 2011). This rate of increase is significantly larger than that of any other greenhouse gas. The agriculture industry is accountable for the majority (approximately 50%) of anthropogenic CH4 emissions. Cattle, sheep, and other ruminants release CH4 as a byproduct of their digestive system. Significant amounts of CH4 also come from the oil and gas industry (approximately 25% of all anthropogenic emissions). During the process of refining, producing, storing and transporting crude oil, significant quantities of CH4 (approximately 330Tg/year in the US alone) are released into the atmosphere. Together, the agriculture, oil and gas industries produce nearly 80% of all the CH4 that comes from anthropogenic sources. Increasing CH4 levels can potentially have a much greater impact on climate change than CO2. Once released in the atmosphere, CH4 is 20 times more effective at trapping heat energy than CO2. The same measures that have been taken to regulate and monitor CO2 must be taken with CH4, especially with the threat that climate change poses to natural methane deposits. Methane hydrate deposits in continental margins and arctic permafrost regions are the fastest growing natural sources of methane gas since the Industrial Revolution. A molecule of methane hydrate contains CH4 that is caged by water/ice molecules. The CH4 that becomes methane hydrate comes from various sources far beneath the surface. In deep continental Figure 1: Methane hydrate ice within a layer of permafrost margins, bacteria that live hundreds of meters beneath the sea floor produce methane as they consume organic matter from buried plankton (Archer, 2005). Similarly, in arctic regions methane is produced hundreds of meters beneath the surface from the decomposition of buried organic matter. After the microbes release the CH4 it seeps slowly through the subsurface until it reaches a gas hydrate stability zone (Figures 2 and 3). Only under stable temperature and pressure conditions can methane be trapped in underground deposits as methane hydrate. In deep ocean continental margins, methane hydrate formation/deformation is predominately a function of depth. Assuming normal salinity conditions (approximately 35 parts per thousand), oceanic methane hydrates require an ocean depth of at least 300m for stable formation (NETL). At these depths, the pressure and temperature of the water molecules restrict the breakdown of methane hydrate. Methane hydrate deposits in arctic permafrost regions can be found as shallow as 1m beneath the surface. Areas with continuous permafrost are identified as soil, sediment or rock that is continuously frozen for at least two consecutive years. These frozen Figure 2: Methane Hydrate P-T stability zone in permafrost regions regions have ideal conditions for methane hydrate ice formation. However, when the permafrost thaws, the trapped methane is released and can then diffuse through the subsurface and is emitted to the atmosphere. Methane hydrate deformation rates are positively correlated with the rate of permafrost thawing. Permafrost can melt at its base due to a geothermal heat flux from deep in the Earth, or more commonly at the top from changes in surface or atmospheric conditions. Melting at the top of the permafrost is responsible for the majority of Figure 3: Methane Hydrate P-T stability zone in continental margins methane emissions. The rate at which upper permafrost thaws is a factor of climatic change (global warming), surface disturbances that change the energy balance (e.g., fires), coastal erosion that exposes permafrost and construction of roads and buildings. Between 2003-2007, methane emissions from arctic regions increased by 31% (Bloom, 2010). If permafrost continues to thaw at these rates, methane emissions can kick-start a feedback that will amplify the current global warming rate. Once this tipping point is reached, the consequences will likely be irreversible. Figure 4: Distribution of recovered and inferred gas hydrate deposits in deep continental margins. Recent climate change has introduced new threats to the stability of methane hydrate deposits. The concentration of carbon in the atmosphere continues to rise with no end in sight. As more carbon traps the suns heat energy, global temperatures and sea levels rise. These climatic changes are happening faster and more intensely in the arctic regions. Rising temperatures increase the rate of methane hydrate breakdown in arctic permafrost, while rising sea levels expedite the deformation of Figure 5: Distribution of permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere methane hydrates in seafloor deposits. Temperatures in arctic permafrost have risen as much as 2º C in the past two to three decades (AMAP). Inland areas are experiencing a decrease in number of days with snow cover, especially during the spring. Loss of ice and snow enhances the absorption of the sun’s energy on the surface of the Earth. Without snow cover surface temperature rise is accelerated, creating a positive feedback between the cryosphere and the climate. Romanovsky and Osterkamp have been monitoring permafrost temperatures in northern Alaska for the past few decades. Figure 6 shows trends in subsurface temperatures at 20m depths for five different arctic Figure 6: Permafrost temperatures for five places in Northern Alaska between 19762010. permafrost regions. In every locality there has been a 0.5ºC-2ºC increase in permafrost temperature. Romanovsky and Osterkamp also noticed that relatively cold permafrost tends to have more warming than relatively warm permafrost. Arctic areas with continuous permafrost are experiencing a growth in the depth and number of taliks (a layer of year-round unfrozen ground within permafrost), especially in sandy loam sediments (Romanovsky, 2010). Development of new, closed taliks is responsible for the northward movement of the boundary between continuous and discontinuous permafrost (areas of permafrost that remain frozen for less than two years at a time). The southern boundary of arctic permafrost is projected to move northward several hundred kilometers over the next century (CICERO, 2006). Rising temperatures throughout arctic glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland Ice Sheet are responsible for over 40% (approximately 3mm/year) of the global sea level rise between 2003 and 2008 (AMAP). At this rate, sea ice in the Arctic Ocean is likely to disappear within the next thirty to forty years. Without the albedo of sea ice regulating water temperature, the sea is able to absorb more of the sun’s energy. Ice cover loss is the greatest during the summer. During the autumn, the extra solar energy gained by the sea is released into the lower atmosphere. The depth of the atmospheric layer that is responsible for the warming of near-surface air is much less in the Arctic than in the Tropics, thus accelerating the warming rate in the Arctic even more. Some methane hydrate deposits in deep water continental margins will become increasingly unstable as rising temperatures cause sea levels to rise. Physical conditions in the arctic (low temperatures and low salinity levels) allow methane hydrate to exist closer to the seabed compared to warmer areas. Temperatures in some areas of the arctic sea are cold enough to allow methane hydrates to exist as shallow as 300m beneath sea level. These hydrate deposits are shallow enough to be affected by increases in the surface water temperature alone. The effects of rising sea temperatures on shallow methane hydrate deposits are shown in figure 7. Rising sea level increases sedimentation rates on the seafloor, which can destabilize layers of methane hydrate deposits. Since hydrates prevent sediment Figure 7: Effects of temperature change at the seabed upon gas hydrate held within sediments below the seafloor. compaction, weak sediment layers form in areas surrounding the deposit. Methane hydrates bind together particles in weak sediment layers of the seabed. Piles of loose sediment that build up around methane hydrate deposits can become enormous. If these piles of sediment become large enough, the downwards driving stress of the sediment can exceed the resisting stress of the seafloor. This can cause a submarine landslide capable of mobilizing hundreds of thousands of km3 of sediment and rock. After such a catastrophic destabilization, sediment that previously prevented the release of methane slumps further down the seabed, exposing methane hydrate deposits to unstable temperature and pressure conditions (figure 8). Plumes of methane gas that are released after a submarine landslide can have devastating effects on sea life above the methane hydrate deposit. High enough concentrations of rising methane gas will suffocate any aquatic life. Methane gas that isn’t consumed by aquatic macro organisms is oxidized by aquatic microorganisms to form CO2 gas. Although CO2 isn’t as potent of a greenhouse gas as CH4, the amount of CO2 released in the atmosphere due to submarine landslides can still have significant effects on global warming (Bosch, 2010). Figure 8: Submarine landslide over a methane hydrate stability zone. Higher CO2 levels in the ocean have a negative correlation with dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. If DO is scare enough, fish and other aquatic animals can die, creating dead zones in areas of the ocean. Low DO levels also allow for algal communities to flourish. Algae blooms (rapid increases or accumulation in the population of algae in an aquatic system) are a source sink for DO and have the potential to expand at an exponential rate (Zimmer, 2010). Areas subject to methane plumes from submarine landslides have a higher risk for low DO levels and algae blooms. In the summer of 2011, arctic sea ice levels reached the second lowest level in over 50 years (Borenstein, 2011). At the end of the summer, sea ice covered 1.67 million square miles, 36% lower than the average minimum of 2.59 million square miles (Borenstein, 2011). Areas of sea ice that didn’t completely disappear were estimated to be 40 to 50 percent thinner than average minimum. Methane hydrate deposits that exist underneath sea ice are stable at pressures above 35 bars (Bosch, 2010). When overlying sea ice rapidly melts, marine pressure levels can temporarily decrease. If the decrease in water pressure is enough to expose methane hydrate deposits to pressure-temperature levels outside the methane hydrate stability field, the methane hydrate will dissociate into methane gas. A growing number of methane hydrate deposits with permanent sea ice cover are at risk of dissociation as the southern boundary of sea ice continues to move north. Rising sea levels can also have a positive effect on the stability of Figure 9: A boat skims through rapidly disappearing ice off the western coast of Greenland. deposits. Increased sedimentation due to rising sea levels increases the pressure over on marine methane hydrate the seafloor. As long as new sediments are not deposited on continental margins that are prone to submarine landslides (continental margins that have steep or slippery slopes), they increase the stability of underlying methane hydrate. The volumetric expansion seawater (due to increased water temperature and higher sea level) further increases pressure on top of the sea floor. To some extent, these factors can decrease the rate of oceanic methane hydrate dissociation as global warming continues to affect our planet. Cryospheric change will have the most immediate influence on human populations at the local level. Adaptations must be made to the codes of construction and Figure 10: Buildings damaged by permafrost thawing. means of transportation as permafrost and sea ice become increasingly scarce. Buildings and roads that previously occupied regions of permanent permafrost are being destroyed as their foundation melts. Local governments need to enforce new building codes and improve preexisting structures, or else these populations will have to relocate to areas more suitable for construction. Indigenous arctic people simply do not have the means to adapt quick enough to the changing cryosphere. Many of these communities have already seen their homes deformed by melting permafrost and have had to migrate north to find habitable conditions. Local, industrialized communities must help indigenous arctic people to adapt with these changes. The current transportation infrastructure in the arctic will not suffice if global temperatures continue to rise and permanent permafrost continues to disappear. Many areas are becoming difficult to access as ice roads melt earlier and freeze later. This predicament is forcing Figure 11: An ice road trucker becomes a victim of thinning sea ice. industries to restrict ice road transportation to only the coldest part of the year. Communities that rely on ice roads for year-round imports and exports will not be able to maintain economic viability. At the global level, all governments must acknowledge the changing climate and cryosphere as a factor of greenhouse gas emissions. Timely, measured and concerted action is required to address these emissions. In 2005, ministers of the Arctic Council took a major step towards the issue. They endorsed numerous policy recommendations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Ultimately, the Arctic Council pledged to limit long-term emission levels consistent with the objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Other nations outside the Arctic need to also comply with similar greenhouse gas regulations. Emissions from these nations are primarily to blame for the rapidly changing cryosphere. It is difficult to make future projections about the fate of the Arctic. Disappearing snow/ice cover, thawing permafrost, increased greenhouse gas emissions and rising sea levels create a feedback between cryosphere and the atmosphere. The effect of the interaction between these components is difficult to predict in such a new, rapidly changing, complex system. To reduce the uncertainty of predictions about the Arctic, more robust observational methods are needed. Satellites provide accurate data about sea-ice extent and snow cover, but are obsolete for subsurface observations. Sea ice thickness, snow depth and permafrost thickness require surface-based observations for proper monitoring. The desolation and obscurity of most of the Arctic makes thorough monitoring of the subsurface difficult for scientists. Current observational methods need to expand and improve so humans can adapt accordingly to the transformation of the cryosphere. References: AMAP, . "SWIPA Summary Excerpts." Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program. Arctic Council, 2011. Web. 22 Mar 2012. <>. Archer, David. "Methane hydrates and global warming ."RealClimate. Guardian Environment Network, DEC 2005. Web. 1 Mar 2012. <>. Blasing, TJ (February 2011). "Recent Greenhouse Gas Concentrations". Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. Retrieved 2011-05-12 Bloom, Anthony. "Large-Scale Controls of Methanogenesis Inferred from Methane and Gravity Spaceborne Data." Journal of Science. 327.5693 (2010): 322-325. Web. 18 Feb. 2012. Borenstein, Seth. "Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks To Second Lowest Level." Huffington Post. 15 Sep 2011: n. page. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. <>. Bosch, Thomas. "Methane Hydrates." World Ocean Review. N.p., 2010. Web. 3 Apr 2012. <>. CICERO, . "What is happening to the Arctic climate?."Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. N.p., Jan 2006. Web. 23 Mar 2012. <>. EPA, . "Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Natural Sources ." . Office of Atmospheric Programs, apr 2010. Web. 3 Feb 2012. <>. Keeling, Ralph. "Atmospheric CO2." Scripps CO2 Program. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, AUG 2010. Web. 3 Feb 2012. <>. Leahy, Stephen. "Permafrost Melt Soon Irreversible Without Major Fossil Fuel Cuts." Global Justice Ecology Project. 22 Feb 2011: n. page. Web. 18 Feb. 2012. <>. NETL, . "The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program."The Energy Lab. The National Energy Technology Laboratory , n.d. Web. 18 Feb 2012. <>. NOAA, . "NOAA study: Slowing climate change by targeting gases other than carbon dioxide." . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 03aug2011. 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