1 Electronic Supplementary Material - 2 2 (1) Model of relationship between Sr/Ca and pHCF 3 The relationship between Sr/Ca in coral aragonite and pHCF is modeled below. In 4 this model, it is assumed that coral aragonite is precipitated from calcifying fluid 5 (CF). In CF, the chemical composition (pH, DIC and concentration ratio of 6 Sr2+/Ca2+) is controlled by multiple processes, such as active transport and 7 calcification. Active transport by Ca2+ ATPase changes calcium ion and proton 8 concentration in CF. Progressive calcification in a limited volume of CF also 9 changes the chemical composition in the remaining liquid phase. Thus, two 10 effects on Sr/Ca, Ca2+ up-regulation and Rayleigh fractionation, are included in 11 the model. As δ11B (pHCF) and Sr/Ca were measured on the bulk samples in this 12 study, these data correspond to an integrated condition of CF during calcification 13 period. In order to keep consistency between the bulk observation and the model, 14 a steady state chemical composition in CF is assumed for modeling. 15 The difference in Ca2+ concentration between CF and seawater is calculated 16 considering Ca2+ up-regulation. Since each Ca2+ may be exchanged for 2 protons 17 by Ca2+ ATPase, an increase in Ca2+ concentration in CF ([Ca2+]CF) linearly 18 increases alkalinity in CF (ALKCF). According to this relationship, ALKCF is 19 employed to calculate [Ca2+]CF using the following equation: 20 Δ[Ca2+] = ∆ALK/2 (1) 21 where Δ[Ca2+] and ΔALK are difference in Ca2+ concentration and ALK between 22 CF and seawater ([Ca2+]CF - [Ca2+]SW and ALKCF - ALKSW), respectively. To 23 calculate [Ca2+]CF, eqn. (1) becomes: 24 [Ca2+]CF = (ALKCF - ALKSW)/2 + [Ca2+]SW (2) 1 25 Because [Ca2+]SW is proportional to salinity, [Ca2+]SW is calculated to be constant 26 at 10.0 mmol mol-1 at salinity of 34.2. ALKSW measured during culturing was 27 almost constant among three treatments (2324 µmol kg-1). As ALK can be 28 calculated from pH and DIC (Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow, 2001) (Fig. S1), ALKCF 29 is calculated from pHCF and DICCF in the model. Because an increase in pH (at a 30 given DIC) and/or DIC (at a given pH) raises ALK in the solution, ΔALK can be 31 divided into two, that is, ΔALK due to pH change (ΔALKpH) and due to DIC 32 change (ΔALKDIC) (ΔALK = ΔALKpH + ΔALKDIC). pHCF is higher than ambient 33 seawater (Fig. 3). Possible diffusion of metabolic CO2 from the tissue to CF raises 34 DIC in CF (DICCF) to values higher than that in seawater (DICSW). Thus, in the 35 model, pH and DIC in CF potentially influence ALKCF and [Ca2+]CF. 36 For the calculation of ALKCF, pHCF ranges from 8.0 to 8.8 with calculations made 37 for every 0.1 pH change (on total scale). In order to distinguish effects of pH and 38 DIC on [Ca2+]CF and Sr/Ca in aragonite, DICCF is fixed at seawater value of 1959, 39 2121 and 2284 µmol kg-1 observed in CNT, MID and LOW treatments, 40 respectively (DICCF = DICSW). The calculation of ALKCF is conducted using 41 software of CO2-sys (Lewis and Wallace, 1998). In this point, ALKCF is 42 calculated by varying pHCF at identical DICCF with DICSW to obtain ΔALKpH. 43 [Ca2+]CF considering only pH effect ([Ca2+]CF-pH) is calculated from ΔALKpH 44 based on eqn. (2). 45 [Ca2+]CF-pH = (ALKCF-pH - ALKSW)/2 + [Ca2+]SW (3) 46 Active transport of strontium is assumed to be negligible. Then Sr2+/Ca2+ in CF 47 ([Sr2+/Ca2+]CF-pH), affected by only pHCF, is calculated as: 48 [Sr2+/Ca2+]CF-pH = [Sr2+]SW / [Ca2+]CF-pH (4) 2 49 where [Sr2+]SW is proportional to salinity of seawater, being 0.0862 mmol mol-1 at 50 salinity of 34.2. 51 Progressive calcification gradually decreases the Sr2+/Ca2+ ratio in CF, assuming 52 that CF is nearly a closed system, because the distribution coefficient of Sr/Ca 53 between aragonite and parent solution is larger than unity. Rayleigh fractionation 54 is applied to consider this effect in the model. Sr/Ca in coral aragonite ([Sr/Ca]CO- 55 ARA) 56 effect is calculated as below: 57 influenced by Ca2+ up-regulation associated with pHCF, and the Rayleigh [Sr/Ca]CO-ARA = DSr/Ca [Sr2+/Ca2+]CF-pH F’ (5) 58 where DSr/Ca is the distribution coefficient of Sr/Ca between parent solution and 59 aragonite (DSr/Ca = 1.15 at SST of 29.3 ˚C) (Gaetani and Cohen 2006). F’ 60 represents the degree of progress of calcification relative to the reservoir 61 replenishment, for which values are unconstrained. We run the model using four 62 fixed value of F’ (1.00, 0.98, 0.97 and 0.95) where a value of 1 would represent 63 rapid renewal relative to calcification thus no Rayleigh effect, while smaller 64 values of F’ indicate lower rates of renewal relative to precipitation and thus 65 greater Rayleigh effects. 66 In addition, Sr/Ca in aragonite ([Sr/Ca]SW-ARA) inorganically precipitated from 67 seawater, is also calculated as: 68 69 [Sr/Ca]SW-ARA = DSr/Ca[Sr2+/Ca2+]SW (6) where [Sr2+/Ca2+]SW represents Sr2+/Ca2+ ionic ratio in the seawater. 70 3 71 (2) Estimate of DIC and Ω in CF 72 Fig. S2 is schematic relationship among [Sr/Ca]SW-ARA, [Sr/Ca]CO-ARA, and the 73 measured Sr/Ca ([Sr/Ca]MEAS). As described above, [Sr/Ca]CO-ARA includes effects 74 by Ca2+ up-regulation (Δ[Ca2+]pH) and Rayleigh effect (F’). In contrast, [Sr/Ca]SW- 75 ARA 76 difference between [Sr/Ca]SW-ARA and [Sr/Ca]CO-ARA at F’ = 1.0 represents effect 77 by Ca2+ up-regulation due to pH effect (Fig. S2). In addition, the difference 78 among [Sr/Ca]CO-ARA of various F’ values represent Rayleigh effect on Sr/Ca (Fig. 79 S2). 80 Although DICCF is assumed to be the same as DICSW, it is likely that DICCF is also 81 up – regulated by diffusion of CO2 into CF, influencing [Sr/Ca]MEAS. Thus, 82 assuming that pH and DIC in CF are higher than ambient seawater, [Sr/Ca]MEAS is 83 represented as: 84 is calculated without these effects (i.e. Δ[Ca2+]pH = 0 and F’ = 1.0). Thus, the [Sr/Ca]MEAS = (DSr/Ca ([Sr2+]SW/([Ca2+]SW + Δ[Ca2+]pH + Δ[Ca2+]DIC))) F’ (7) 85 where Δ[Ca2+]DIC links to ΔALKDIC as: Δ[Ca2+]DIC = ΔALKDIC/2, according to 86 eqn. (1) (see Fig. S1). Therefore, the difference between [Sr/Ca]CO-ARA (F’ = 1.0) 87 and [Sr/Ca]MEAS represents the effect of DIC up – regulation (Δ[Ca2+]DIC) and 88 Rayleigh effect (F’) (Fig. S2). Further, when F’ of [Sr/Ca]MEAS is identical with 89 that of [Sr/Ca]CO-ARA, the difference simply corresponds to DIC up – regulation. 90 Combining eqn. (4), (5) and (7), the next equation is obtained to calculate 91 Δ[Ca2+]DIC. 92 Δ[Ca2+]DIC = DSr/Ca[Sr2+]SWF’{([Sr/Ca]MEAS)-1 – ([Sr/Ca]CO-ARA)-1} (8) 93 It is possible to calculate Δ[Ca2+] as a sum of Δ[Ca2+]pH (eqn. (3)), and Δ[Ca2+]DIC 94 (eqn. (8)) at a given F’ value. As described in the text, four values of F’ (1.00, 95 0.98, 0.97 and 0.95) are used for estimates. Then, ΔALK for each sample is 4 96 calculated from eqn. (1), and ALKCF including effects of pH and DIC is obtained 97 as: ALKCF = ALKSW + ΔALK. Finally, DICCF and carbonate ion concentration in 98 CF ([CO32-]CF) are calculated from ALKCF from the above equation and pHCF 99 derived from δ11B, based on Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow (2001). 100 Using Ca2+ and CO32- ion concentrations in CF, aragonite saturation state in CF 101 (ΩCF) is calculated as below: 102 ΩCF = [Ca2+]CF [CO32-]CF /KSP (9) 103 where KSP is the solubility product of aragonite in seawater (Mucci 1983) at 104 temperature of 29.3 ˚C and salinity of 34.2 (KSP = 10-6.21). 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 References Gaetani G, Cohen A (2006) Element partitioning during precipitation of aragonite from seawater: A framework for understanding paleoproxies. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 70:4617-4634 Lewis E, Wallace D (1998) Program developed for CO 2 System Calculations. URL: http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/oceans/co2rprtnbk.html Mucci A (1983) The solubility of calcite and aragonite in seawater at various salinities, temperatures, and one atmospheric total pressure. Am J Sci 283:780-799 Zeebe RE and Wolf-Gladrow DA (2001) CO2 in Seawater: Equilibrium, Kinetics, Isotopes. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 5 116 Figure captions 117 Figure S1 118 Relationship between pH and ALK calculated using DIC values of 1960 and 2280 119 µmol kg-1 (black and dark blue line, respectively). Difference in ALK (diff-ALK) 120 between black diamond (pH 8.4, DIC 1960 µmol kg-1) and dark blue diamond (pH 121 8.6, DIC 2280 µmol kg-1) is divided into pH effect (ΔALKpH, light blue arrow) 122 and DIC effect (ΔDICpH, amber arrow). 123 124 Figure S2 125 Schematic of relationship among [Sr/Ca]SW-ARA (light blue), [Sr/Ca]CO-ARA (dark 126 blue) and [Sr/Ca]MEAS (amber circle). Light blue, dark blue and amber arrows 127 indicate reduction of Sr/Ca due to pH effect, Rayleigh effect, and DIC effect, 128 respectively. 6