Alvin Dunn Elementary Program of Inquiry-2013/2014 School Year An inquiry into: Who we are An inquiry into: Where we are in place and time An inquiry into: How we express ourselves An inquiry into: How the world works An inquiry into How we organize ourselves An inquiry into Sharing the planet An inquiry into the nature of self, beliefs and values; personal physical, mental, social and spiritual health, human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories, homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. An inquiry into the interconnectedness of humanmade systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution Preschool Transition Kindergarten 4-5 Central Idea When people take responsibility for their actions, it benefits themselves and others. Key Concepts: Function, responsibility Central Idea Where people live influences their daily lives. Key Concepts: Causation, reflection ∙ Central Idea By asking questions, people express their desire to learn about the world around them Key Concepts: Form, perspective, change Central Idea Through observation people can make scientific predictions. Key Concepts: Change, connection ∙ Kindergarten 5-6 Central idea Citizenship involves acting in a certain ways. Key concepts: responsibility, reflection, causation Central idea Life has changed over time. Key concepts: change, connection, reflection Central idea Through knowledge of the five senses, individuals are able to use sensory language to express themselves and observe properties of materials Key concepts: form, perspective, change Central idea Many factors affect Earth’s land, air, and water Key concepts: change, causation connection, Central idea People live and work together within a community. Key concepts: function, connection, responsibility Central idea Living things have unique features based on what they need to survive. Key concepts: form, function, connection First Grade 6-7 Central idea The choices people make may affect their health and well-being. Key concepts: causation, reflection, responsibility Central idea Understanding our personal histories helps people to value other cultures. Key concepts: connection, change, perspective Central idea Through the arts, people can express their feelings and opinions. Key concepts: form, connection, perspective Central idea Objects can be seen and heard because of properties of light and sound, Key concepts: form, function causation ∙ Central idea Societies make decisions that reflect pride in their community based on what they value. Key concepts: connection , perspective, reflection Central idea A willingness to appreciate other perspectives helps humans to better understand and resolve conflicts. Key concepts: change, perspective, responsibility Age Alvin Dunn Elementary Program of Inquiry-2013/2014 School Year An inquiry into: Who we are An inquiry into: Where we are in place and time An inquiry into: How we express ourselves An inquiry into: How the world works An inquiry into How we organize ourselves An inquiry into Sharing the planet Second Grade 7-8 Central idea Relationships within families help people to understand who we are. Key concepts: connection, reflection, perspective Central idea Journeys create change and can lead to new opportunities. Key concepts: form, function, connection Central idea People use stories to express aspects of their world views. Key concepts: perspective, connection ∙ Central idea The properties of different materials influence how people use them. Key concepts: form, function, change Central idea The process of consuming and producing depends on many systems working together within the community. Key concepts: causation, connection, responsibility Central idea The environment influences the life cycle of living things. Key concepts: form, function, change Third Grade 8-9 Central idea Rules and laws help define people's rights and responsibilities as citizens. Key concepts: function, causation, responsibility Central idea Throughout history, the migration of people has influenced civilizations. Key concepts: form, perspective, change Central idea People convey their unique feelings through creative expression. Key concepts: perspective, connection, reflection Central idea The universe is made up of predictable patterns that help us understand our environment. Key concepts: form, function, reflection ∙ Central idea Economic choices are made based on the individual’s evaluation of both the benefits and costs. Key concepts: connection, reflection, responsibility Central idea Living things adapt in order to survive Key concepts: form, change, connection Fourth Grade 9-10 Central idea Reflecting on our experiences helps us understand our values and beliefs. Key concepts: function, causation, perspective Central idea Regions on Earth are distinguished by geographic features. Key concepts: form, function, change ∙ Central idea Creative expression can shape and define mindset within a culture. Key concepts: reflection, connection, perspective Central idea Natural and unnatural processes shape and reshape the earth's surfaces Key concepts: form, change, causation Central idea Many factors influence the structure of a government. Key concepts: connection, responsibility, reflection Central idea Conflicts often occur because some resources on the planet are renewable over time, others are not. Key concepts: form, causation, responsibility Fifth Grade 10-11 Central idea Systems within the body work together to develop the human self. Key concepts: form, function, connection Central idea Through exploration, new discoveries are made. Key concepts: causation, change, ∙ Central idea Ideas, feeling, beliefs, and values are expressed when people align themselves with issues, movements, and causes. Key Concepts: causation, responsibility, perspective, Central idea Knowing about gravitational forces helps humans understand the planet Earth and the solar system. Key concepts: function, connection, change Central idea Economic incentives affect the environment. Key concepts: causation, change, responsibility Central idea The behavior of water affects life. Key concepts: change, connection, responsibility Sixth Grade 11-12 Central idea People experience change as they grow and mature. Key concepts: reflection, change, responsibility Central idea The quest for new opportunities influences where we live. Key concepts: change, causation, reflection Central idea Acts of courage are expressed and interpreted in many ways. Key concepts: form, connection, perspective Central idea Society’s ability to explain the natural world around them is influenced by their perspectives. Key concepts: form, connection, perspective Central idea Social networking enables people within various societies and organizations to become interconnected. Key concepts: function, connection, perspective Central idea The environment influences the choices that people make. Key concepts: causation, responsibility, reflection Age Alvin Dunn Elementary Program of Inquiry-2013/2014 School Year