Patient Particpation Group Report 2013-14

Patient Participation Report
The Derby Road Practice established their Patient Participation Group in 2011. From this time the
practice has taken a variety of steps to ensure that the group is representative of the practice
The practice promotes the PPG meetings by advertising the forthcoming meeting dates and topics in
a variety of ways to ensure that patients have the opportunity to be aware of the group. The
meeting dates and times have been rotated to allow ease of attendance for all patients between
lunch time and evening and between both sites.
The practice arranged guest speakers from the Ambulance Service and a Pharmacist from a local
pharmacy to promote more interest. This was extremely successful and results in a great response
from the practice patients.
Our group is made up from a wide range of people and is representative of our patients in terms of
gender, age and ethnicity and includes the groups below:
Health care workers/Police & other Professionals
Parents of disabled children/Parents with young families including disabled children
Middle aged and retired people
Patients with long term conditions from different age group
The practice has endeavoured to widen the representation of the group in the following ways:
Advertising on the website
Posters on noticeboards, doors and front desk at both sites
The flyer appears on the TV information screens in the waiting rooms
Flyers have been handed out in the following ways:
Over 1000 were handed out to patients of all ages by staff and a PPG member on flu day
Practice Nurses handed out flyers to all parents attending the weekly baby clinic
Staff handed out flyers to patients at front desk
Repeat prescriptions contain details of the meeting dates and a flyer attached
Patients who have a mobile number on the clinical system received text information.
The practice arranged speakers to join the meetings to talk about the Air Ambulance Service
and a Pharmacist to discuss the services offered to patients by their local Pharmacy.
After each meeting a review of the group is undertaken and decisions are made on how to target
different group. Two examples of this are:
A review took place on how to encourage more young mothers to come along. Our Practice
nurses were tasked with handing out flyers at the surgery immunisation baby clinic & children’s Flu
Clinic. Flyers were also handed out at the weekly Mother & Baby Clinic held at the local church.
A review took place on how to increase representation in the elderly/long term illness group
and therefore flyers were handed out at the Flu Day by a PPG representative.
Patient surveys are a very useful tool to help the practice find out the views of the patients on many
aspects of the service. It is necessary to ensure that patients find these surveys easy and quick to
complete as it has been shown that if the process is complex or too long then the patient does not
complete the survey and data is either incomplete or the sample is too small.
Past surveys have collected data on general satisfaction, repeat prescribing, the appointment
system, the Nurse Practitioner, communication including the surgery website and the waiting room
information screens. The results from the surveys allowed the practice to focus on making
improvements in the areas that benefitted our patients.
This year ideas and views were collected from the PPG representatives. The practice added some
service areas that were felt would benefit from the views of the patients. The contents and areas
covered in previous surveys were taken into consideration. The survey was produced using the
information gathered.
The contents of the survey included collecting data on:
A & E attendance
The Extended Hours service
Telephone Triage Service
Minor Ailments and use of the local pharmacy
111 Out of Hours Service
Review of the appointment system
The data from the surveys was collated and the results were published on the surgery website. A
sample of approximately 400 patients completed the survey which was distributed from the front
reception desk, Flu Clinic and on the website over a period of 3 weeks at both Derby Road Practice
and Pinewood Surgery.
The survey looks at the different pathways patients can use to access care: A & E, their practice/GP
in core hours or extended hours, telephone triage, use of the pharmacy and the 111 out of hours
service. The data collected from the survey has been very useful in planning the appointment
system, including shaping the extended hours service for the future. It looks at the different needs
of the patient and the availability of convenient, appropriate appointments for our patients.
The Extended Hours Service
The % of patients using the service was small and was due to a lack of awareness about the service.
The service is offered at the main surgery but patients would like this service available at the branch
surgery as well.
111 Out of Hours Service
Patients were aware of this service and it had been used by 44% of those who took part in the
Telephone Triage Service
This Practice service was used by 77% of the patients surveyed. Many patients find it very
convenient to discuss their problem with a clinician and jointly decide if telephone advice is
sufficient or if they need a face to face consultation. This service may save them travelling to the
Minor Ailments advice from the local pharmacy
A high % of patients were asking for advice from their local pharmacy. The practice would explore
the need for education with regard to the services that the pharmacy can provide.
Review of the appointment system
77% found contacting the practice very easy and 22% fairly easy. The practice is looking into
purchasing a new telephone system which will make contacting the surgery easier and will help
direct the caller to the appropriate department.
The practice is continually reviewing the appointment system to improve the access patients have to
doctors and nurses at the practice. The number of contacts and demand is constantly rising and the
practice needs to monitor and adjust availability in line with the need.
The survey highlighted a need to help the patients understand all the services offered and how to
use them well to get the best outcome for their needs.
Patients would benefit from a better understanding of how to use their local pharmacist and an
explanation of the high standard and scope of advice they offer which would enable patients to get
quick, expert help without needing to wait for a surgery appointment.
The results of the survey were presented to the PPG at a meeting on 22/01/2014 and the results
were published on the surgery website.
The results were discussed and the following points were recorded:
The length of the survey is important as patients are less likely to complete a long survey
rather than a short concise request.
The group agreed that patients should be encouraged to use their local pharmacist where
appropriate and that patients would benefit from knowing more about the services provided
by the Pharmacies.
It was agreed that a pharmacist would attend the next meeting to give a short presentation
and the opportunity for patients to ask questions. The practice will look into ways
pharmacies can provide patients with information about their services through the surgery.
Extended Hours Service. The survey showed that a high proportion of patients were unaware
of this service.
Patients would like the Extended Hours service offered at both sites, rather than at the main
site only.
The practice will work with the group and advertise the Extended Hours service by posters in
the waiting area, TV information screen and website.
The Saturday Extended Hours Service will alternate between the sites.
Action Plan Agreed with PPG at the meeting of 22/01/2014
All surveys will be short and simple to complete
It was agreed that a pharmacist would attend the next meeting to give a short presentation
and the opportunity for patients to ask questions. This was arranged for the March meeting
and was very informative and successful. The practice will look into ways pharmacies can
provide patients with information about their services through the surgery.
Extended Hours Service
The practice will work with the group and advertise the service by posters in the waiting
area, TV information screen and website.
The Saturday Extended Hours Service will alternate between Derby Road Practice and
Pinewood Surgery, starting within 4 weeks.
The practice has implemented the changes to Extended Hours, advertising the service and arranged
a Pharmacist to attend a meeting with very positive feedback.
The minutes from the meeting are documented and published on the website.
The report will be published on the Surgery Website ( before 31st
March 2014.
Past surveys have collected data on:
General satisfaction especially regarding repeat prescribing and the appointment system.
Nurse Practitioner Service
Communication and Information including the surgery website and the waiting room
information screens.
The appointment system needs continuous review to adjust the way the practice offers
appointments and the number of appointments required for our registered patients. At present the
Practice is looking at alternative systems used in other practices to ensure we are maximising the
benefits and accessibility to patients.
The Surgery website is in the process of being upgraded to make more useful information accessible
to our patients in a clear, simple to use format. Technology is constantly changing in ways that we
can use to benefit patients.
TV information screens in the waiting room. The topics now available to upload to this source cover
a wider range of helpful information for our patients.
Opening Times
Patients are able to access services in person or by telephone during core hours 8am - 6.30pm.
Appointments and repeat prescription requests are available to book or cancel on-line.
Opening Hours are as follows:
Derby Road Surgery
8.00am - 6.30pm
8.00am - 6.30pm
8.00am - 6.30pm
8.00am - 6.30pm
8.00am - 6.30pm
8.00am - 12.00pm
Pinewood Surgery
8.00am – 6.30pm
8.00am – 6.30pm
8.00am – 6.30pm
8.00am – 6.30pm
8.00am – 6.30pm
Extended Hours Service
We offer extended opening hours on a Saturday morning from 8.00am to 12.00pm for routine
booked appointments with a Doctor or Nurse. This alternates between the sites.