GN for ppt 2 - Liberty Union High School District

Unit 6 DNA GN (Guided Notes) for PPT2 Transcription and Translation
Chapter 8.4 & 8.5 in textbook
In the nucleui of every cell is DNA. You just learned how DNA is replicated. This is essential for Mitosis.
During the time the cell is NOT undergoing the DNA duplication (Sphase) and Mitosis the DNA is used as the
instructions for your cell to make various things. We will focus on how DNA carries instructions and gives
those instructions to another molecule to make Proteins.
DNA must be read and TRANSCRIBED into a message that can get through the tiny pores in the nuclear
membrane. This message is a single strand of ____________. This strand travels out of the nucleus and into a
ribosome and there it is TRANSLATED into a protein by another molecule of RNA called _______________.
This whole process is known as_______________________________________________________________
What is Transcription and how does it work?
DNA contains segments that code for proteins called:_____________________.
The double stranded DNA must be _________________________into Single Stranded _____________.
DNA and RNA are different!
Different kinds of RNA do different functions:
There are three types of RNA that are made from DNA:
1. mRNA:
2. tRNA:
3. rRNA:
Please draw a picture of each and label:
Please fill in the concept map:
How are these molecules of RNA made? TRANSCRIPTION
A sequence of DNA is copied into a complimentary sequence of RNA by an enzyme:____________________
There are 4 basic steps of TRANSCRIPTION:
1. RNA Polymerase _________________________________________________________________________
2. RNA Polymerase__________________________________________________________________________
3. mRNA__________________________________________________________________________________
4. This single strand of mRNA is _______________before _______________________________________
And carrying the ___________________________________________________.
DNA NEVER_____________________________________________.
REMEMBER: Druing TRANSCRIPTION there are NO (Thymine) bases added…….only Urasil!!!!!!! You are
making RNA.
Practice transcribing this DNA code into RNA:
DNA_______T A C A G T A C C A T A A T C
The ENTIRE strands of DNA are _____________transcribed!!!
Only ____________________________________________________________________________________
Only part of the mRNA______________________________________________________________________
mRNA is Edited before leaving the nucleus!
How is MRNA edited??? Why is this necessary???
Lets try something! EDIT this:
We um went ugh to um the store last night dude and got them um good stuff pizza yea.
On a strand of mRNA there are areas called __________________and __________________________
Introns are ____________ and EXONS are ________________. This shortened piece of mRNA now
____________________ and gets _________________into Proteins.
Please write a summary of learning about transcription highlighting academic vocabulary.
Now we have a short piece of mRNA outside of the nucleus that carries the very specific instructions to make a
protein. NOW WHAT???
TRANSLATION of mRNA into Protein
mRNA codes for_______________________________
Many Amino Acids (aa) strung together form __________________________
Translation is :
Translation occurs in 4 basic steps:
1. INITIATION: Translation begins when an______________________________________________________
2. As each codon (______________________________) of the mRNA molecule _________________________
3. ELONGATION: In the ribosome aa are________________________________________________________
4. TERMINATION: __________________________________________________________________________
Ribosomes are made up of:
tRNA molecules carry a specific amino acid that is
coded for by the mRNA codon.
Circle the anticodon on the tRNA
That will bind to the codon on the
Single Strand of mRNA: carries the codons that determine
What amino acid the tRNA will bring.
Please write a summary of learning of translation (Protein Synthesis) using this picture to help you.
Genetic Code: In order to know what amino acid the mRNA codes for, we need to use the Genetic Code
Chart!! THESE ARE RNA BASES!!! So read from the mRNA!
The four bases (RNA bases) are used and every group of 3 bases (codon) will code for a corresponding amino
The proteins that are made always start with the amino acid
Methionine…..because AUG is the “START codon”
What are the STOP codons?
Translation will continue until a
“STOP” codon is reached and then the
mRNA will dissociate from the ribosome.
Practice 1:
Transcribe and translate this:
first always draw a line separating the codons.
place a square around the codons on the DNA
place a circle around the codons on the mRNA
DNA: ________ ____ G T T T A C A G T A C C A T A A A T A G G C A T A T C G A C
tRNA anticodon______
Amino acid_________
Which part is transcription?
Which part is translation?
Were all codons translated???? Why or Why not?
Practice 2:
Transcribe and translate this:
first always draw a line separating the codons.
place a square around the codons on the DNA
place a circle around the codons on the mRNA
DNA: ________ ____ A T C T A C T T G C C T A T C C T A G G C C C T A G C C G A A C T
tRNA anticodon_____
Amino acid_________
Which part is transcription?
Which part is translation?
Were all codons translated???? Why or Why not?