Auxiliary information AI 2.0 Trace metal concentrations in the surface ocean and foraminiferal test calcite AI 2.1 Surface ocean trace metal concentrations Differences in the modern water mass concentrations of Zn and Mn have been observed across the modern STF. Mean dissolved Zn levels of 0.22 nmol/kg in STW are higher than a mean of 0.04 nmol/kg in SAW (M. Ellwood pers. comm., 2011). Subtropical surface water Mn concentrations from the Southwest Pacific Ocean are ca. 1.2 nmol/kg while those from the subantarctic waters generally range from 0.3 to 0.7 nmol/kg (Klinkhammer and Bender, 1980). Dissolved Ba concentrations, however, are relatively homogenous with as little as 1020% difference between SAW and STW off southern Australia (Jacquet et al., 2004). The closest river record of Mn, Zn or Ba levels to the core sites of this study is from the Waihou River, located 300 km west of Hawke Bay (Fig. 1). The river drains a greywacke/volcanic catchment similar to that of rivers discharging off Hawke Bay near MD97 2121. The Waihou River has dissolved Mn levels of 1.4-8.8 μg/kg and Zn of <0.1 μg/kg (Webster, 1995), lower than the global averages of 34 μg/l and 0.6 μg/l, respectively (Gaillardet et al., 2003). No dissolved Ba concentrations are available for the North Island. Rivers draining the lower eastern North Island annually carry ca. 83 Mt of suspended load to the continental shelf (Hicks and Shankar, 2003). Modern core-top and plankton-tow sites in STW or SAW, which are adjacent to high-input rivers (P69, S938, U2309, Q220) are then compared to sites that are more distal from major fluvial point sources (P71, S793, F111, D178, B32, R623 or ODP1123). AI 2.2 Trace metal values in foraminifera Zinc follows a nutrient-like profile in the water column similar to that of cadmium and phosphate. Zinc is depleted in surface waters, becoming increasingly replete with depth (Morel et al., 1991; Frew and Hunter, 1995; Hunter and Boyd, 1999; Ellwood, 2004). Variable concentrations of Zn/Ca in foraminifera may therefore offer insights into nutrient depletion/repletion in surface waters. Diatom blooms may potentially affect Zn/Ca concentrations, as Zn is an essential element for many diatom enzymatic processes. However, even after diatom blooms in Southern Ocean, surface water Zn levels reduced by only ca. 50% (Frew et al., 2001), which is likely to only affect surface dwelling G. ruber. Although vital for phytoplankton growth, the relatively low uptake of Mn by marine phytoplankton results in high ambient Mn surface water concentrations (Sunda and Huntsman, 1988; Morel et al., 2003; Learman et al., 2011). Manganese concentrations are in excess of those that would otherwise limit growth and/or productivity and are therefore generally higher in surface than deep waters (Morel et al., 2003). Fluctuations in the Mn excess may be regulated by terrestrial or volcanic inputs relative to a background concentration in the ambient water mass (Bruland and Lohan, 2003). Barium is incorporated into foraminifera via passive substitution for Ca either in a biologically mediated process and/or by adhering to the test (Lea and Boyle, 1991; Bruland and Lohan, 2003). Accordingly, depletion of Ba in surface waters (as low as 20% of the highest deep water values) is smaller than observed for bio-active trace metals that can limit productivity (Bacon and Edmond, 1972; Chan et al., 1977; Lea and Boyle, 1989). Laboratory foraminifera culturing experiments have established that Ba is incorporated into test calcite in equilibrium with ambient water concentrations (Lea and Spero, 1992; Hönisch et al., 2011) with Ba/Ca levels homogeneous across the test wall regardless of diurnal cycles (Spero et al., 2008). Previously, links between foraminiferal Ba/Ca and fluvial discharge and upwelling have been made (Lea and Boyle, 1990; Hall and Chan, 2004; Weldeab et al., 2007). In addition, a relationship between marine sediment Ba/Al values and diatom productivity in the Southwest Pacific Ocean has been proposed (Weedon and Hall, 2004). A core-top validation of Ba/Ca in planktic foraminifera as a water mass tracer proxy has not previously been established. Plankton tow and core-top material utilised in this study span zones of high-low productivity (e.g. King and Howard, 2001; Murphy et al., 2001) and variable fluvial input (see Hicks and Shankar, 2003) thereby providing the opportunity to evaluate any modern relationship between trace metal levels in foraminiferal test calcite and the environment. AI 3.0 Complexity in interpretation of test trace metal values as paleo-ocean proxies AI 3.1 Core-top diagenesis Southern core-tops are mainly from the carbonate-mantled Campbell Plateau (e.g. Neil et al., 2004) whereas the northern core-tops come from the high terrigenous input, Hikurangi Margin and Plateau (Hicks and Shankar, 2003; Orpin et al., 2008). This raises the possibility that the high terrigenous fluvial flux may contribute to the elevated northern Mn/Ca values in contrast to the terrigenous-starved Campbell Plateau and its minimal Mn/Ca ratios (Fig. 5). However, northern plankton tows, in particular U2322 from near MD97 2121, captured G. ruber with Mn/Ca of ca. 8 μmol/mol, similar to SAW values (Fig. 5). Bearing in mind that this tow data are a single “snapshot” of the austral autumn water conditions of 2001, it raises the following possibilities; namely, the Mn/Ca ratio is low because of (i) the presence of SAW-bearing water, which can extend to MD97 2121, but is unlikely because under the modern conditions, SAW modified water is confined mainly to the continental shelf and MD97 2121, which is located off the continental slope, is overlain by STW (Chiswell, 2000), (ii) low fluvial input as reflected by the low precipitation at the time of the plankton tows (NIWA, 2012), and/or (iii) it is the normal dissolved Mn level for the surface waters. If the last point is valid, it implies that the elevated Mn/Ca of the core tops and down-core section of MD97 2121 may be affected by post-depositional processes. Element/Ca (mmol/mol) (b) 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0 10 10 75 20140 30205 40 270 50 335 Time (seconds) Mg/Ca Zn/Ca Sr/Ca Ba/Ca Mn/Ca 60 400 AI 3-Figure 1. (a) X-ray map of Mn/Ca relative intensity of a single G. bulloides test as measured by WDS electron microprobe with two adult and juvenile chambers indicated. (b) Time-resolved laser ablation profile for G. bulloides chamber f from MD97 2121, 2.4 m depth (6.5 ka). The colour spectrum on (a) has been linearly scaled to enable distinction between the inner and outer test compositions. Values of Mn/Ca above ca. 1 mmol/mol are coloured pink or higher on this intensity scale. The spatial resolution of the WDS map is ca. 1 μm2. Contaminant phases are indicated in red/pink on the outer test surface in the elemental map with very high relative amounts of Mn/Ca (ca. > 1 mmol/mol) compared to the inner test coloured in blue/green (ca. 0.3 mmol/mol). The contaminant phase on the outer test can also be clearly identified on the laser ablation profile (indicated by the red bar). This section is completed removed during the first 10-15 seconds of ablation and the test trace metal profile indicated by the red bar is excluded when calculating individual foraminifera and sample mean elemental ratios. Any post-depositional contamination of foraminiferal tests has the potential to affect trace element concentrations, for example, Boyle (1981; 1983) highlighted enrichment in Mn due to the formation of manganese carbonate outgrowths and ferromanganese coatings on test surfaces. In addition, as noted in the Methods, any surface enrichment seen in the trace element maps are detectable in the laser ablation profiles (AI 3-Fig. 1). Hence trace element measurements are restricted to the test’s primary calcite layer. Element maps of the test wall also confirm a lack of obvious Mn/Ca contamination within test pore spaces (AI 3-Fig. 1) and the primary test calcite (AI 3-Fig. 1). Our LA-ICPMS analyses and EPMA element mapping can only resolve Mn contamination within the acknowledged spatial and analytical capabilities of those instruments, and we cannot discount the potential presence of pervasive sub-micron films of Mn precipitation within the pores, a feature which would likely only be resolvable using NanoSIMS methods (e.g. Kunioka et al., 2006). Given low concentrations of Mn in the test calcite of plankton tow samples, any film may act leverage the analysis. Nonetheless, clearly resolvable differences exist between core top foraminifera underlying SAW and STW. AI 3.2 Benthic Conditions Trace element ratios over a glacial-interglacial cycle may be affected by changing benthic conditions. In the case of ODP 1123, ca. 900 km east of MD97 2121, glacial to interglacial changes from (i) terrigenous-dominant to carbonate-dominant sedimentation, (ii) a reduced the organic carbon flux (Lean and McCave, 1998) and (iii) relatively fast flowing Antarcticsourced Circumpolar Deep Water to relatively slower North Atlantic Deep Water (Hall et al., 2001), all have the potential to change the trace element supply and benthic geochemical conditions. In contrast, sedimentation at MD97 2121 is continually rapid (30-40 cm/kyr compared to 4 cm/kyr at ODP 1123), and the terrigenous input remained high and carbonate low (<20%) over the last glacial/interglacial cycle without major changes in the benthic water mass compared to the marked changes in the surface ocean (Carter and Manighetti, 2006). Thus the trace element/Ca ratios, in particular Zn/Ca, potentially reflect the concentrations of trace elements at the time of calcification at MD97 2121. AI 3.3 Water column concentrations Interpretations of Zn/Ca trace metal values in foraminifera require consideration of the Zn water-column profile at the time of calcification. G. bulloides mainly calcifies in the New Zealand spring (King and Howard, 2001) when strong seasonal winds affect deep mixing and local upwelling at the continental margin (Sutton and Roemmich, 2001; Chang et al., 2003). Such conditions, in particular upwelling, are liable to bring Zn-enriched deeper waters to the surface and so disrupt the Zn nutrient profile causing calcifying tests to have an elevated Zn/Ca ratio compared to the profile data available to us (Fig. 4). This situation would be reversed for Mn, which is enriched in surface waters and declines with depth. Bacon, M. P. and J. M. Edmond (1972), Barium at Geosecs III in the southwest Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 16(1): 66-74. DOI: 10.1016/0012-821X(72)90237-3. Bruland, K. W. and M. C. 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