New Instructor Information: Welcome! Who’s Who in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Department Leadership and Administrative Team Laura Roberts, M.D., M.A. Chairman Megan Cid, Executive Assistant Vice Chair Allan Reiss, M.D. Associate Chair Bruce Arnow, Ph.D. Associate Chair Victor Carrion, M.D. Associate Chair Cheryl Gore Felton, Ph.D. Associate Chair Chris Hayward, M.D. Associate Chair James Lock, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Chair and Director of Education Alan Louie, M.D. Associate Chair Rob Malenka, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Chair David Spiegel, M.D. Associate Chair Jerome Yesavage, M.D. Directors Director of Community Partnerships Steven Adelsheim, M.D. Division Chiefs General Psychiatry & Psychology Psychiatry Chris Hayward, M.D. and Bruce Arnow, Ph.D. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Child Antonio Hardan, M.D. Development Division of Sleep Medicine Public Mental Health & Population Sciences Director of Finance and Administration (DFA): Emmanuel Mignot, M.D., Ph.D. Maurice Ohayon, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. Brian Donnellan, Director of Finance and Administration finances (grants, salary, reimbursements), Aimee Noelle Swanson, Director of housing, or administrative issues Research Administration Bernadette Liu, Director of Clinical Finance 2 Faculty Affairs Administrator (FAA): Heather Kenna manages your appointment, offer letter, (Professoriate and Adjunct Clinical sabbatical requests, activity reporting, etc Faculty) Mindy Hantke (Clinician Educator Faculty and Affiliates, Instructors, Visiting, and Consulting Faculty) Human Resources Team: Roxane Meade, Manager I-9, benefits, employment, future hires, etc Sandra Day, Assistant Denise Knab, Assistant Sherry Vega, Postdoctoral Affairs Academic Affairs/Medical Education Team: Mario Mercurio, Adult Residency resident, fellow, trainee evaluation setup, etc Coordinator Ola Golovinsky, Child Fellowship Coordinator Quynh Dang, Psychiatry Training Coordinator Christina Woo, Psychology Training Coordinator Romola Brekenridge, Fellowship Coordinator Research Process Managers: Grants and Contracts: Randy Rodriguez works in the Research Management Group and and Derek Harrison coordinates grant processes for the department Clinical Trials only: Ruth Bondy Facilities contacts: Jake Foraker, Operations Manager office setup, phones, copy codes, etc Information technology contacts: Abrahim Kalehzan, Ariel Abarquez, computer and phone setup Teresa Williams, Chia-Yu Cardell Clinic Managers: Adult: Craig Charles liaise with Stanford Hospital and Clinics Child and Adolescent: Diana Kennedy (Adult) and Lucile Packard Children’s Sleep: Jan Anderson Hospital, credentialing, medical privileges, billing packet, etc. Advancing Science | Clinical Innovation | Educational Excellence Community Commitment & Engagement | Professionalism & Leadership 3 Department Website Administration Structure and Standing Committee Membership: Stanford Orientation, Benefits, etc Am I Faculty or Staff? Persons holding the title of Instructor are Stanford University staff employees; they are not members of the Professoriate (i.e., the Academic Council or the Medical Center Line), or the Academic Staff, or the Clinician/Educator line. The rank of Instructor was created to acknowledge individuals who demonstrate interest in and potential for a successful academic career in investigation, teaching, and clinical care (as applicable), and to aid in the transition from training to a path that may lead to a faculty career in academic medicine, the academic title and classification of Instructor has been established. Visit the new hire website at Sign up for a New Staff Orientation: Sign up for Benefits: the University’s Benefits website includes information on signing up for health benefits (you must sign up within thirty days of your start date at the University as a benefited employee – including if you are appointed as Acting faculty). Enrollment can be done online or by phone and requires your Stanford ID and PIN. Stanford ID – see your Stanford ID card and use the last 8 digits, or request this number from your Human Resources administrator. PIN – your temporary PIN is the month and year of your birth (MMYYYY). Otherwise it is the PIN you selected the first time you called the Benefits office or logged in on their website. Campus Matters Stanford University ID - Get your Stanford ID card and your family’s courtesy cards (for access to recreation facilities and more) at George Forsythe Hall, 275 Panama Street, room 135. Open Mon – Fri, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., closed from 12:30 – 1p.m. (650) 498-CARD (82273). For questions, see ID Card Policies. Advancing Science | Clinical Innovation | Educational Excellence Community Commitment & Engagement | Professionalism & Leadership 4 Hospital ID – Denise Knab, Administrative Associate on the 3rd floor (Central Administrative Suite), will give you a form to obtain a Hospital ID and key badge card. You’ll need to take this signed form to Hospital Security Office located in the basement of the hospital, Room HO258C. They can be reached at 650-498-6290 or (If you are locked out, call Security Services at 650-723-7222.) Parking and Transportation Services has campus parking permits, free shuttle services, maps, and local and regional transportation options (including free passes for Caltrain and other services). Physical Education, Recreation and Wellness – find the campus recreation centers, gymnasiums, weight rooms, pools, aerobic studios, tennis courts and other resources, as well as schedules and availability of programs, classes, camps, leagues, and campus facilities. Note that the Stanford Golf Course has a separate site. Required Training HIPAA training – required for all employees (type of training varies based on access to PHI), as noted in your offer letter. Sexual Harassment training – required for all employees. Conflict of interest training on the Conflict of Interest website – required for all new faculty. General health & safety training – required for all employees. Training Questionnaire - required for all employees - this web-based quiz will help you determine which training modules you are required to take based on your role and responsibilities (e.g. management of individuals, work setting, handling of hazardous materials). Health & safety responsibilities at Stanford - this is a chapter in the Research Policy Handbook, not a training module. Principal Investigator training – at a summer or fall seminar or via web-based training – required for Principal Investigators new to Stanford. Human Subjects training at the Research Compliance Office website - required for PI’s planning to use human subjects in their research. Required Training for Laboratory Workers Advancing Science | Clinical Innovation | Educational Excellence Community Commitment & Engagement | Professionalism & Leadership 5 Ergonomics for offices and laboratories. Faculty Handbook, Chapter 7 Information for Instructors on the Office of Academic Affairs website. School of Medicine Relocation Services can assist with rentals, purchases, information on local schools and cities, and moving resources. IRS Moving Expenses. Dual career resources – Many Stanford faculty members have spouses or partners with professional positions in higher education or in other fields. The university offers assistance to spouses or partners of faculty recruits and new and current faculty in finding positions at Stanford or elsewhere in the Bay Area. This assistance may include meeting with the faculty member, spouse or partner; referring the individual to others at the university for assistance; and providing information on websites and other resources for finding open positions. SmartPage allows you to look up and page individuals at Stanford and the Stanford University Medical Center. FAQs Am I eligible to serve as Principal Investigator on a grant? ( Do I have funds to pay for conference attendance or courses? ( Advancing Science | Clinical Innovation | Educational Excellence Community Commitment & Engagement | Professionalism & Leadership