THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PRACTICE NURSES ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED CONSTITUTION [Type text] CONSTITUTION AND RULES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PRACTICE NURSES ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED 1. TITLE The Association shall be known as the Western Australian Practice Nurses Association Incorporated hereinafter called "the Association". 2. MEMBERSHIP Membership of the Association shall be open to i) All nurses registered with the Nurses Board of Western Australia who are employed in doctors' surgeries whether general practitioners, specialists, pathology practices or private outpatients clinics, or nurses with an interest in this area of nursing. ii) Certain other persons who have a special interest in the objects of the Association, including students of nursing, who may be invited to become members. iii) Affiliate membership of the Association shall be open to an individual, corporation or incorporated body interested in the work of the association. Affiliate members do not have voting entitlements. 3. OBJECTS i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) To provide a focus for practice nurses and for other groups seeking to make contact and have dialogue with practice nurses. To facilitate professional communication between practice nurses to break down professional isolation. To assist members with continuing professional development. To develop the role of the practice nurse. To liaise with other professional groups. To provide opportunities for social contact with professional colleagues. To provide expert opinion on practice nursing as required. The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association. No portion of the income or property of the Association shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by means of dividend, bonus or otherwise by way of profit to a member or members of the Association, provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any member, officer or servant of the Association in return for any services actually rendered to the Association, other than those services for which they have been elected. The educative and supportive functions of the Association will be accomplished by: i) providing forums for the open discussion of nursing-based ethical, professional and practice issues and concerns, and the opportunity to share practical knowledge and experiences. ii) presenting educational forums relevant to practice in medical practices and clinics. Constitution and Rules of the Western Australian Practice Nurses Association Incorporated - A1010838D Approved at the AGM on 20th August 2012 and by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection as from 11th December 2012. 2 [Type text] iii) iv) v) promoting the role of the practice nurse and the value of such nurses whenever possible through professional meetings and collaboration with other groups of health professionals. serving as a resource and support for individual nurses and the profession on matters related to community health care. promoting state and national networking between practice nurses. 4. MANAGEMENT i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Subject to control by members of the Association in general meeting assembled, the management of the Association shall be vested in a Committee comprising a minimum of eight (8) persons. The Committee comprising President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Liaison & Education Officer and three (3) other members shall be elected by the financial members of the Association at the Annual General Meeting for a two year term, half being elected each year. Meetings of the Committee shall be held not less than once in every four months. The quorum for Committee meetings shall be four (4) persons, one of whom should be one of the five Office Bearers. The Committee shall have power to co opt members or other persons on to the Committee or sub committees for special purposes. The Committee may set up sub committees as appropriate. 5. VACANCIES ON THE COMMITTEE i) ii) iii) A position on the Committee may be deemed to have become vacant in the event of the absence of a member from three or more consecutive meetings of the Committee without leave of absence from the Committee. A casual vacancy on the Committee may be filled by the Committee. A member so appointed shall hold office only until the next occurring Annual General Meeting. 6. ELECTION OF OFFICERS i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Elections for the Committee shall be held annually as above i.e.:- each person is elected for a two year term unless filling a casual vacancy, with half the committee positions declared vacant each year. A person nominating for the position of committee member must have been a financial member of the Association for a period of 12 months prior to nomination. Candidates for election must be nominated by a member of the Association. The nominee's assent to the nomination shall appear on the nomination form. Nomination forms must be received at the address specified by close of business seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. If the number of candidates nominated does not exceed the number required, all candidates shall be declared duly elected. If the candidates nominated exceed the number required a secret ballot shall take place at the Annual General Meeting. Constitution and Rules of the Western Australian Practice Nurses Association Incorporated - A1010838D Approved at the AGM on 20th August 2012 and by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection as from 11th December 2012. 3 [Type text] viii) ix) If a ballot is required the meeting shall appoint a Chairperson for the duration of the election process, and a Returning Officer. The Returning Officer shall declare as elected the required office bearers who have received the highest number of votes, and in the event of an equality of votes for any two or more candidates, the Returning Officer shall determine by the drawing of lots which of such candidates is declared elected. 7. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held every calendar year within four months after the end of the Association’s financial year, which is the 12 month period commencing on 1 July and ending on 30 June in the following year. At least twenty one (21) days notice shall be given in writing by post, by email or by any other telecommunications channel, to members stating the time and place of such a meeting, and including the Agenda and Notices of Motion The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:a) Confirmation of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, and any Extraordinary General Meetings held in the intervening period. b) The Annual report and statement of receipts and expenditure. c) Appointment of an auditor for the following twelve months. d) Election of the committee. e) Motions of which due notice has been given. f) Such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting. Notices of motion to be included in the Agenda for an Annual General Meeting shall be in the hands of the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be ten (10) members, present in person. In the event that a quorum has not been reached within half an hour after the advertised start time for the Annual General Meeting, the outgoing Committee shall have the power to receive and accept the reports, appoint the auditor and conduct the elections to the Committee and the decisions of the Committee in this instance shall be binding on membership. A member may appoint in writing by post, by email or by any other telecommunications channel, another member to be the proxy of the appointing member and to attend, and vote on behalf of the appointing member at, any Annual General Meeting. 8. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING i) ii) iii) An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association may be convened at any time by the Committee. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the President on receipt of a requisition in writing signed by ten (10) members of the Association in which the business proposed for discussion at such Extraordinary General Meeting, is stated. Not less than twenty one (21) days notice shall be given in writing by post, by email or by any other telecommunications channel, to all members stating date, time and place of such meeting and the purpose for such meeting. Constitution and Rules of the Western Australian Practice Nurses Association Incorporated - A1010838D Approved at the AGM on 20th August 2012 and by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection as from 11th December 2012. 4 [Type text] iv) v) vi) No business other than that for which the meeting has been convened shall be addressed at an Extraordinary General Meeting. The quorum for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be ten (10) members, present in person. A member may appoint in writing by post, by email or by any other telecommunications channel, another member to be the proxy of the appointing member and to attend, and vote on behalf of the appointing member at, any Extraordinary General Meeting. 9. ORDINARY MEETINGS Any motion proposed at any meeting of the Association, not being already on the notice of meeting convening the meeting, shall on the request of not less than two (2) members present, be referred to a subsequent meeting and shall be dealt with by way of a Notice of Motion and shall appear on the notice calling the subsequent meeting. 10. SUB-BRANCHES i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) A sub-branch of the Western Australian Practice Nurses’ Association may be established if the Committee approves an application for its formation. Members who wish to form a sub-branch of the Association may apply in writing by post, by email or by any other telecommunications channel, to the Committee for the establishment of that sub-branch. On establishment of the sub-branch and in August of each subsequent year, the members of each sub-branch will elect two office bearers to take responsibility for the actions and activities of the sub-branch for the ensuing twelve months, and advise, in writing, the Secretary of the names of these two office bearers. A sub-branch may undertake activities to achieve the Objects of the Association as listed in 3(i) to 3(vii), above. All members of the sub-branch must be financial members of the Western Australian Practice Nurses Association and must act in accordance with the rules and objectives of the Constitution and directives of the Committee. A current list of the names of all members of the sub-branch must be maintained and reported to the Secretary as changes in membership of the sub-branch occur. A portion of the annual membership subscription of the sub-branch members shall be allocated by the Executive Committee to the sub-branch to assist in supporting the activities of that sub-branch. All expenditure by the sub-branch must be approved by the Executive Committee of the Association and all financial transactions of the sub-branch must be recorded and reported to the Treasurer. Office bearers of the sub-branch must submit an annual written report of the activities of the sub-branch and a financial statement to the Committee, 21 days prior to the AGM of the Association. A minimum membership of five (5) members must be maintained by the sub-branch. A sub-branch will be dissolved if the majority of the members of the sub-branch request such dissolution or if the Committee determines that the sub-branch has insufficient members or is no longer acting in accordance with the objectives or rules of the Association. Constitution and Rules of the Western Australian Practice Nurses Association Incorporated - A1010838D Approved at the AGM on 20th August 2012 and by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection as from 11th December 2012. 5 [Type text] xii) On dissolution of a sub-branch, its property will remain the property of the Association. 11. DUTIES OF OFFICERS 11.1 PRESIDENT The duties of the President are:i) Preside and maintain order at all meetings of the Association and the Committee. ii) Supervision of the conduct and affairs of the Association. iii) Advise Secretary and Treasurer as required. iv) Represent the Association when invited and as appropriate, or to appoint another member of the Committee to do so. v) At all meetings of the Association and Committee, the President has a vote in her/his own right. In the event of a tied vote, the President also has a casting vote, except in the election of Officers of the Association. vi) At meetings of the Association or the Committee when both the President and the Vice President are absent, the members shall appoint a Chairperson for that meeting. vii) The term of office for the President shall not exceed two consecutive periods of two years unless there are no other nominations for the position. 11.2 VICE PRESIDENT i) The Vice President shall act in the place of the President as required, in the absence of the President. ii) The term of office for the Vice President shall not exceed two consecutive periods of two years unless there are no other nominations for the position. 11.3 SECRETARY The Secretary shall:i) Ensure that minutes are taken of all meetings of the Association and Committee, and that these are recorded as a permanent record and available for scrutiny by members of the Association if requested, and circulated as appropriate. All minutes will be downloadable from the WAPNA website commencing with the AGM August 2006. ii) Present the Minutes of the previous meeting at each Committee meeting for ratification. iii) Deal with Correspondence when and as directed by the Chairperson. iv) The term of office for the Secretary shall not exceed two consecutive periods of two years unless there are no other nominations for the position. 11.4 TREASURER The Treasurer shall:i) Maintain a register of all members of the Association. ii) Collect and record annual subscriptions and all monies payable to the Association. iii) Arrange payment of all accounts as directed by the Committee. iv) Attend to banking of funds as appropriate. v) Maintain all financial records of the Association with receipts, expenditure and bank balances and prepare the books for scrutiny by the auditor. vi) Present a financial report to the Committee at each meeting. Constitution and Rules of the Western Australian Practice Nurses Association Incorporated - A1010838D Approved at the AGM on 20th August 2012 and by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection as from 11th December 2012. 6 [Type text] vii) viii) Unless the members resolve otherwise at a General Meeting, have custody of all securities, books and documents of a financial nature and accounting records of the Association, including those referred to in paragraphs (v) and (vi). The term of office for the Treasurer shall not exceed two consecutive periods of two years unless there are no other nominations for the position. 11.5 LIAISON & EDUCATION OFFICER The Liaison & Education Officer shall:i) Organise educational sessions for monthly meetings as appropriate. ii) Co ordinate workshops and seminars calling upon other committee members for assistance when necessary. iii) Liaise with other allied health professionals and attend other functions and meetings within the community in order to promote the existence and function of the WA Practice Nurses Association. iv) The Liaison & Education Officer may serve more than the two consecutive terms of the other elected office bearers on the grounds that it is a position which uses resources which are built up over time. E.g.: personal networks. 12. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The annual subscription of full and affiliate membership shall become due and payable by the first day of September each year, and shall be such as members of the committee by simple majority may resolve. 13. COMMON SEAL i) ii) iii) iv) The Association shall have a common seal on which its corporate name shall appear in legible characters. The common seal shall not be used without the express authority of the Committee and every use of that common seal shall be recorded in the minutes of the Association referred to in Rule 10.3(i). The affixing of the common seal of the Association shall be witnessed by the President and two members of the Committee. The common seal of the Association shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary. 14. INSPECTION OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS A member may inspect, at any reasonable time and without charge, the books, documents and records of the Association. 15. AMENDMENT OF RULES Alteration, amendment or addition to these rules shall be made only by special resolution at a General Meeting convened in accordance with either Clause 7 or 8 of this Constitution, when the proposed changes have been notified in writing by post, by email or by any other telecommunications channel, to all members not less than twenty one (21) days prior to the General Meeting, and shall become effective if passed by a 75% majority of those present and entitled to vote. Constitution and Rules of the Western Australian Practice Nurses Association Incorporated - A1010838D Approved at the AGM on 20th August 2012 and by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection as from 11th December 2012. 7 [Type text] 16. DISSOLUTION i) ii) iii) iv) The Association may be wound up and dissolved following a special resolution to that effect and the consent of 75% of members present and eligible to vote at a General Meeting to dissolve the association. If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association, and following satisfaction of its debts and liabilities, there remains any property or funds whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to another association incorporated under the Act which has similar objects to this Association and which is not carried out for the purposes of profit or gain to its individual members. At or before the time of dissolution of the Association, the members thereof shall determine to which non-profit, incorporated association, as specified in 16(ii), surplus property shall be distributed. If effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provisions the Chief Judge in Equity of the Supreme Court of Western Australia or other judge of that Court may acquire jurisdiction in the matter for the benefit of some charitable or scientific institution. --- --Approved at the AGM on 20th August, 2012. Constitution and Rules of the Western Australian Practice Nurses Association Incorporated - A1010838D Approved at the AGM on 20th August 2012 and by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection as from 11th December 2012. 8