UNDP Concept Paper - Thematic Research Area 1

UNDP Concept Paper - Thematic Research Area 1 ‘Disaster Risk Governance’
A Background paper for the 2015 Global Assessment Report
Over the coming months, UNDP will be undertaking a major thematic review on disaster risk governance
as a contribution to the 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR 2015). The GAR
is a biennial global assessment of disaster risk reduction and a comprehensive review and analysis of the
natural hazards that are affecting humanity. The GAR contributes to the implementation of the Hyogo
Framework for Action (HFA) through monitoring risk patterns and trends and progress in disaster risk
reduction while providing strategic policy guidance to countries and the international community. The
GAR report is coordinated by UNISDR in collaboration and consultation with a wide range of
stakeholders, including various UN agencies, governments, academic and research institutions, donors
and technical organizations and specialists.
UNDP has made specific contributions to previous GAR reports, and upon the invitation of UNISDR will
also contribute to GAR 2015 by coordinating a thematic review on disaster risk governance. The review
will provide an independent scientific/academic analysis of progress in HFA implementation since 2005
in the stipulated area. The review will also look into areas that deserve greater attention in the HFA
successor framework post-2015, i.e. the HFA 2. The retrospective part of the review will be guided by
the following HFA indicators:
HFA Priority
Ensure that disaster risk
reduction is a national
and local priority with a
strong institutional basis
for implementation
Core Indicator
PRIORITY 5: Strengthen
disaster preparedness for
effective response at all
National policy and legal framework for disaster risk reduction
exists with decentralized responsibilities and capacities at all
Dedicated and adequate resources are available to implement
disaster risk reduction plans and activities at all administrative
Community participation and decentralization are ensured
through the delegation of authority and resources to local
A national multi-sectorial platform for disaster risk reduction is
Strong policy, technical and institutional capacities and
mechanisms for disaster risk management, with a disaster risk
reduction perspective are in place
For the purpose of this thematic review, disaster risk governance shall refer to the way in which the
public authorities, civil servants, media, academia and science, communities, private sector, and civil
society coordinate at community, national and regional levels in order to manage and reduce disaster
and climate related risks. This also entails assuring adequate capacity, capability and resources to
prevent, prepare for, manage and recover from disasters. The mechanisms, institutions and processes
for citizens to articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights and obligations, and mediate their
differences will also be explored. A more detailed definition of risk governance and its principle aspects
and components may be developed in the course of preparing the thematic review.
A series of input papers on a wide range of issues related to disaster risk governance are called for over
the coming months to inform this thematic review. These papers will be synthesized into a background
paper on disaster risk governance for the GAR 2015 and will inform the development of HFA2 and
potential impact indicators. Key elements of the background paper will subsequently be published as a
UNDP report.
The background paper will use existing analyses, publications and knowledge products on the topic of
disaster risk governance. Also ongoing analysis and research shall be used as appropriate and to be
accessible. Where gaps remain, new research is encouraged through this call for papers or
commissioned by UNDP. The call for papers will be utilized to invite a broader range of partners to
contribute to the core themes of the background paper. Authors are invited to demonstrate their
practical and theoretical credentials and track record of working in the field of disaster risk governance
with their abstracts. Papers with a multiple-authorship representing a more holistic view are welcomed
as disaster risk governance is a cross cutting issues spanning various sectors, levels, time scales and
institutional boundaries.
Submission of abstracts:
One month after the call for papers
Completion of input papers:
30 November 2013
Completion of background paper (ZOD): 31 January 2014
Scope of the Thematic Review:
The thematic review on disaster risk governance will cover the following broad areas:
The evolution and the conceptual understanding of disaster risk governance that underpins the
thematic review and that will inform the HFA 2;
A retrospective assessment of progress achieved in disaster risk governance covering the period
2005 – 2013, including good practices; gaps and challenges; and the impact of the HFA on
disaster risk governance;
An analysis of emerging issues in disaster risk governance since the adoption of HFA 1 in 2005;
Recommendations for strengthening disaster risk governance in the HFA 2 with proposals for
progress and impact indicators;
Proposed Input Papers:
A list of topics which may be included into the call for papers and/or commissioned by UNDP is provided
below. For each topic a separate concept note will be made available to clarify research scope and
expected deliverables. Please note that the concept notes will be attached to a specific indicator.
Nevertheless they will not be restricted to research on the indicator under which the call is launched
only, but will inform research on the other indicators under Research Area 1 as appropriate.
1. Retrospective assessment of progress in disaster risk governance against the HFA
2. Systematic review of literature on disaster risk governance
3. Comparative analysis of existing approaches to mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into
4. Disaster risk management across different governance systems and development situations
5. Financing and resource allocation for disaster risk reduction and recovery
6. The role of transparency, accountability and corruption in disaster risk reduction and recovery
7. Social demand, whole-of society approaches, and rights-based approaches in DRR with special
focus on gender issues, and the role of children and persons with disabilities
8. Analysis of indicators to measure effective governance mechanisms and their applicability for
disaster risk governance
9. Good practice paper on successful enforcement of laws and regulations that foster DRR and the
role of intermediary standards
Editing and Publishing Rights:
As agreed with UNISDR, UNDP will use and publish the materials produced under this initiate for other
purposes and products. Similarly, while all the background papers chosen through the call for papers
may not be utilized for the input paper, UNDP will retain the option to publish and edited compendium
of these background papers as part of other knowledge products.
Key Partners:
Key partners will likely include the Oslo Governance Centre, Transparency International, IFRC, GNDR,
Practical Action, Safe the Children, ADPC, Regional Inter-Governmental Organizations such as CDEMA,
OAS, African Union, ECOWAS, IGAD, ASEAN, SOPAC, and others.
Coordinating Lead Organization Focal Point:
Angelika Planitz
Disaster & Governance Advisor, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery