
De’Jha Nixon
Science Fair Project
100: Really nicely done.
What is the fastest way to cool soda?
De’Jha Nixon
Research topic and procedure
Question being asked:
What’s the fastest way to cool soda?
I think the fastest way to cool soda is in a styrofoam cooler with saltwater and ice.
Description of process:
First I would go to the store and get four sodas all the same brand. I would then put one into
the refrigerator. One would go into the freezer compartment. One would go into a styrofoam
container with ice and the other one would go into a styrofoam container with ice and water.
Then I would open the cans to take their temperature then put a plastic cap around it so it will
reduce evaporation. Then measure what time I put them in and record the time it took them to
De’Jha Nixon
Background information
Ice, salt, and water are placed into a container with a soda will cause the soda to cool faster.
Background information:
The cooling of the soda is all by heat transfer. Heart is a measure of the average time a
molecule moves in matter. Heat transfer is the different ways you can move heat between
objects. Conduction, convection, evaporation, and radiation are the different ways to transfer
heat. Conduction is touching particle to particle. Convection is transferring heat by movement
of currents like when hot air rises.
Evaporation is a method that requires energy because when it evaporates it takes energy from
the liquid phase which cools the liquid. The last method, radiation, is by light or infrared
radiation which is light that you can’t see. Radiation is by electromagnetic waves that directly
transports energy through space(mansfieldct.org). some people say using 50 percent ice to 50
percent water and adding salt cools soda down in five minutes(ehow.com). other people say
using just plain ice and water will work but it will take up to three times longer.
This is a problem many people have because of forgetting to put them into the refrigerator.
They try using ice but you would have to use a lot of ice to cool it to the correct temperature.
Some just forget it outside and when they come back and try to put it in the fridge it doesn’t
cool in time(answers.com).
De’Jha Nixon
Shepard, Kenton. "Conduction, Convection and Radiation." Colorado Home
Inspection, Boulder, Colorado, log home inspection, Straw Bale Home Inspection,
Rammed Earth home Inspection, Inspections in Central America, Home
Inspection in Mexico- the Peak to Prairie Inspection Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 20
Nov. 2012. <http://www.peaktoprairie.com/?D=204>.
Measom, Cynthia. "How to Cool a Soda Down Faster | eHow.com." eHow | How
to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you. | eHow.com. N.p., n.d.
Web. 20 Nov. 2012. <http://www.ehow.com/how_8191919_cool-soda-downfaster.html>.
“convection,conduction,and radiation.” Redirected – Town of Mansfield. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <http://www.mansfieldct.org/schools/mms/
De’jha nixon
Observation data
Dejha nixon
Conclusion statement