City of Palm Coast 160 Cypress Point Parkway Suite B - 106 Palm Coast, Florida 32164 Meeting Minutes City Council Workshop Mayor Jon Netts Vice Mayor Holsey Moorman - District 1 Council Member Frank Meeker - District 2 Council Member Mary G. DiStefano - District 3 Council Member William Lewis - District 4 Tuesday, February 23, 2010 A. 9:00 AM Council Conference Room Call to Order Mayor Netts called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag C. Roll Call Asst. City Clerk Virginia Smith called the roll. All members were present. D. PRESENTATIONS 1 10-84 RESOLUTION 2010-XX APPROVING AN AMENDMENT, TO OUR CURRENT LEASE AGREEMENT WITH CISCO, FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $120,000, RELATING TO THE PALM COAST FIBERNET PROJECT. Attachments: Resolution Cisco Lease Agreement Quote for Cisco Equipment Lease Schedule Messrs. Landon and Violette gave brief overview of the Palm Coast FiberNET Project. Mayor Netts wanted to clarify that we have a proposal that could save thousands of dollars and bring more money to education but that there is a challenge out there. Q - CM DiStefano - Were we the lowest bid? Answer: Mr. Landon Yes Q- CM DiStefano - What is the challenge based on? Answer: Mr. Landon In order to receive federal dollars, you have to register with the fed government for a registration number. In order to respond to get the grant dollars, you need this number. We received our registration number a day or two after the bids were open. We did not have this number when we responded to the bid, but stated we would supply it prior to the contract. The highest bidder challenged the bid saying that since the City did not have their number at the time of the bid, the City's bid needed to be thrown out. It is a technicality and we have the number now to get the contract. Q-CM Meeker - Is this the Federal Employment Identification Number? Answer: Mr. Violette No it is a different number. Q- CM DiStefano –How would the City handle this if we found out a contractor did not City of Palm Coast Page 1 City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes February 23, 2010 have everything that was specified? Answer: Mr. Landon - The City would have the option, and has done it both ways depending on whether it was significant enough to disqualify or it was insignificant enough to qualify. Q-Mayor – Is this a minor irregularity? Do we need to get our legislatures involved? Answer: Mr. Landon responded he was hoping the Mayor would volunteer. Mayor Netts would like, with School Board concurrence, either Mr. Landon, Mr. Violette, or the attorney to find out who we have to write a letter to in order to keep the dollars here? Q- Mayor - If this works out to everyone's best interest and we spend that $365,000 on fiber optic that we are running to those other four additional locations, is that something that has other benefits or uses above and beyond the schools? Answer: Mr. Violette Yes there are other benefits. Q- CM Meeker- The Airport Overlay? Answer: Mr. Landon Yes, that is in the same vicinity. The Resolution was Continued. 2 09509 RESOLUTION 2010-XX APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PALM COAST AND VERIZON WIRELESS, LLC, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT PALM COAST TENNIS CENTER, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER. Attachments: Resolution Verizon Lease Contract Summary - Verizon Wireless Verizon - Tennis Center Survey Location Map Messrs. Landon and Violette gave brief overview of this item. Q- Mayor - Can the tower hold other antennas besides Verizon's? Answer: Mr. Violette Yes. City ordinance it can hold up to four per site. Mr. Landon - We also have a letter of intent from another carrier and have been talking with still another one. Q - Mayor - Are we assured that this tower will have a flag on it most of the time? Answer: Mr. Violette - Yes. Placement will be at the back of the Tennis Center, so once we expand the Tennis Center it will fit nicely. Q - VM Moorman - Will this be in the footprint of the new clubhouse? Answer: Mr. Violette noted it will not be. CM Meeker - asked a question relating to the lines drawn on the exhibit. Mr. Violette explained what those lines were. Q - CM Meeker - Is there any future benefit in this area? Answer: Mr. Landon This is all wetlands. Q - Mayor - Where is the access? Answer: The current road, which will be extended. Q - CM Lewis noted that the paragraph following Item #5 of the background talks about an abatement and them deeding this back to us. Can you explain this? Answer: Mr. Violette - they will deed it back to us once the site is finished and we will City of Palm Coast Page 2 City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes February 23, 2010 abate back 100% of their rent for a five-year period. We did something similar with Ralph Carter Park. There abatement is 50%. Q - CM Lewis - Aren't we paying them in a sense? Answer: They are providing us with the facility. They are building and managing it. You could say we are paying them for the five years but then they will pay us for the next 20 years and we will get rent from other providers who lease space on it. Q - CM Lewis - they are building this for us? Answer: Mr. Landon, yes in essence they are putting it up using their cash and we will pay them back over five years. The Resolution was Continued. 3 10-39 CITY TEAM UPDATES. Attachments: Health Insurance Team Economic Development Team Work Plant.pdf Parks Team Green Team Mr. Landon gave a summary of the presentations for the multiple teams that will be presented today. Q-Mayor- Does your contract state that your evaluation is to be done in February? Answer: Mr. Landon yes it does. ERT-Electronic Review Team Mr. Abreu gave the updated details for this team. Q- Mr. Lewis questioned files and retrieval- can you go back to get things? Answer: Yes, our IT department has many safeguards. Mr. Landon added record retention via scanning into our On-Base system. Q- VM Moorman how early did this start? Answer: Mr. Abreu stated it started around 2005. Q-Mayor - There is a 10 user limit to our On-Base system, is there enough user licenses for public use? Answer: Mr. Violette there is more than 10 licenses but we have reserved 10 for the public. Q- Mayor have we tracked the public's use? Do we have enough for our population to use our On-Base system? Answer Mr. Violette Yes we have enough for public use. EMS Team Emergency Medical Services Team This is a brand new team. Q- Mayor Answer: Mr. Landon he agrees with the Mayor 100%. The team is to gather the information and put it together for Council for policy decisions to be made in the future. Q- Mr. Lewis the transportation issue is a big part of this study and short of beginning a turf war; I don't have we are going to solve transportation issues. Perhaps we should walk carefully. Mr. Landon agreed. We can't be unilateral have to do in City of Palm Coast Page 3 City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes February 23, 2010 partnership with the County. County acknowledged it is time to look at this too. Q- CM DiStefano Is Council aware of the money that will be spent for City EMS services? Answer: Mayor Yes, Mr. Landon we need more data and before we ask County for another ambulance or location we need to give them the data. Answer: Mr. Landon we want to minimize cost. Q-Mayor Does this team include any representatives from County? Answer: Mr. Landon This is an internal team, however we are getting ready for our first meeting with County. CM DiStefano would like to know prices regarding purchase of an ambulance, cost to people for service and ??? Would that information come from County? and where are we going in the future? Answer: Mr. Landon this is very complicated and long term, which is why we are doing a team approach. Q- CM Meeker is this heading in the same direction as the Sheriff's contract did because we want a higher level of service? Answer: Mayor Yes. Answer: Mr. Landon Yes, but the difference between the Sheriff and this is the Sheriff hires the staff. We have a Fire Department so we would hire this staff. Health Insurance Team Mr. Landon gave update for this team. Q- CM DiStefano how many out of City employees does the City have and what do they do? If the clinic is available for City and County residents, would they have an option if they lived elsewhere? Answer: Mr. Landon the City will not tell employees what doctors they can use. Q- CM DiStefano how many city employees are not in the City that would have to pay extra for their health services? Answer: Mayor responded by explaining how it works in Palm Bay and if the employee chooses their own primary doctor the employee would pay the difference. Q- VM Moorman Will we be able to keep our clinic busy enough or do we need to ask Palm Coast Data or the School Board to join us in a group policy? Answer: Mayor stated if we can get an agreement with others that would be the way to go, a group policy. Q- CM Meeker do we include citizens? Answer: Mayor let's solve our local problem first. Economic Development Team Mr. Landon gave brief overview. This is another new team. Q- VM Moorman what is geo-caching? Answer: Mr. Landon it is a treasure hunt using a GPS system. Q- CM DiStefano What is Galtronics pilot program? City of Palm Coast Page 4 City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes February 23, 2010 Answer: Mr. Landon explained what the Galtronics pilot program is. Q- CM DiStefano where are they going to manufacture this? Are they just going to design it here? Answer: Mr. Landon they will design and market it here. Q- CM DiStefano can we visit their site? Answer: Mr. Landon yes, but it is just offices. Q- Mr. Lewis are we doing staff work for these private companies? Since County doesn't want to give support to the Ag Museum that it needs, are we doing their work for them now? What exactly is Economic Development? Are we picking up what County should be doing? Answer: Mr. Landon the City needs to be at the table, a partner and put our resources with theirs, and that includes County, Chamber, Enterprise Flagler. We don't want to build walls between us. We need to work together and do not take them on as independent projects. We are adding to our coordination instead of our work load. Q- VM Moorman How many full time employees does Enterprise Flagler have? Answer: Mayor 2 Q- Mayor is it too early to speak of the spin off from Palm Coast Data? Answer: Mr. Landon No, there is a company that makes deliveries from Palm Coast Data to Tampa daily. That delivery company is trying to locate within Palm Coast. It’s not a lot of employees but when you have a company like Palm Coast Data that can provide spin offs like this. Q- CM Meeker should we be focusing on incubator sections for the City to find areas to help set up these companies to grow more jobs? Answer: Mr. Landon, great to hear that. Mayor and Mr. Landon were strong advocates to find out what Enterprise Flagler was doing. Now Enterprise Flagler is working on the incubator issues, trying to keep businesses here. Feels Enterprise Flagler is finally changing their direction but it won't happen over night. Q- CM DiStefano the property on Roberts Road is on hold. Have we put together a current inventory of what is empty to put companies in? Answer: Mr. Landon in the past, Ira kept one, brokers kept one, and Enterprise Flagler kept one. They were all different. Enterprise Flagler will now take this project on and put it on their new website. Mr. Falgout handed out graph, which is attached to these minutes. Parks Team Mr. Landon gave a brief update on this existing team. Carl Cote gave presentation on this team. Q- CM DiStefano Are these blue phones in all parks? Answer: No, not yet. Ralph Carter Park, Belle Terre Park and Holland Park with the new design will have two or three. Q- CM DiStefano where does the blue phone call go? Answer: Mr. Cote stated directly to the Sheriff's office. Q- CM DiStefano asked if you have to dial "911" Answer: Mr. Cote No. Mr. Landon stated you have to push a button. City of Palm Coast Page 5 City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes February 23, 2010 Q- VM Moorman wanted to know if the purple heart monument will have the National Color of the Purple Heart. Answer: Mr. Landon said this was his fault and his Parks Team told him it is a National Color and we promise to do it right, so it's part of the National Color. Q- Mayor entry signs Answer: Mr. Landon Gateway signs Casper and Clubhouse Drives, trying not to put just a sign, maybe a bus stop shelter, to make it Palm Coast. Mayor in our lifetime? Answer: Mr. Landon within our budget. Green Team Mr. Landon gave brief overview of the Green Team. Denise Bevan gave team updates and gave a PowerPoint Presentation. Q- CM Meeker How long do we store batteries for? Answer: Ms. Bevans stated we follow strict guidelines for storage and shipping. Q-CM Lewis Are you using a spreadsheet? Answer: Ms. Bevans as a working document. Q-Mayor are there any major stumbling blocks? Answer: Mr. Landon the reviewer is telling us we don't understand his business and we tell him he doesn't understand our business. The Presentation/Discussion was Received and Filed. E. WRITTEN ITEMS 4 10-58 RESOLUTION 2010-XX APPROVING ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES BY WADE TRIM FOR THE BELLE TERRE MULTI-USE PATH - PHASE ONE PROJECT. Attachments: Resolution Wade Trim Wade Trim proposed There was no discussion on this item. The Resolution was Continued. 5 10-75 RESOLUTION 2010-XX APPROVING ITB-PW-10-05, A PRICE AGREEMENT, WITH SUBURBAN PROPANE OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FOR PROPANE DELIVERY AND SERVICES. Attachments: Resolution Suburban Propane Contract Summary - Suburban Propane Propane Gas Bid Tabulation There was no discussion on this item. The Resolution was Continued. 6 10-79 City of Palm Coast RESOLUTION 2010-XX APPROVING PRICE AGREEMENTS WITH FLORIDA ROCK/VULCAN MATERIALS AND TARMAC AMERICA, FOR Page 6 City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes February 23, 2010 THE PURCHASE AND DELIVERY OF 4000 PSI CONCRETE WITH MESH FIBER. Attachments: Resolution Fiber Mesh Concrete Contract Summary - Florida Rock Contract Summary - Tarmac Concrete Bid Tabulation Q- Mayor is this stealth fiber? Ans. No response. Mayor explained the difference between stealth and regular fiber. The Resolution was Continued. F. DISCUSSION BY CITY COUNCIL OF MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA VM Moorman noted that he would like to meet with Mr. Moden after the meeting regarding residents on Bradmore Lane. These residents are questioning the retention ponds related to the Belle Terre Widening Project. VM Moorman stated that he would like to take a field trip with Mr. Esposito to look at these areas. G. DISCUSSION BY CITY ATTORNEY OF MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Nothing at this time. H. DISCUSSION BY CITY MANAGER OF MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. Landon stated his annual evaluation is due in February. Today was an overview of some of the things we have accomplished. You have a list of accomplishments that all the departments put together. He would like those and the performance measures and give a presentation to you of what we have accomplished in 2009. He also wants to provide Council and provide with the historical outline, which you have used in the past to provide feedback to him and meet with you one on one to provide feedback regarding his performance. Mayor Netts requested that the City Attorney look at Mr. Landon's contract and make sure we are in compliance with his contract. I. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Virginia Smith, Assistant City Clerk City of Palm Coast Page 7