Student Name______________________________Date_______________________ Three Mental Actions Rubric TSW correctly use the mental actions: predicting text structure, monitoring comprehension and making connections (context clues) in order to comprehend narrative, expository, and informative-narrative text. 1 Making Predictions Inaccurately predicts text structure 2 3 Accurately predicts text structure using only zero to one element as justification, or accurately revises prediction Predicts text structure accurately and/or revises prediction accurately using at least two elements (characters, setting, plot) and/or (topic, facts/details, main idea) as justification. Predicts text structure initially with justification, supports or revises prediction with justification part-way through, and confirms prediction at the end of text with accurate justification. Identifies at least one unknown word OR one portion of text where everything makes sense Monitors comprehension by identifying at least two unknown words or confusing parts Monitors comprehension by identifying at least two unknown words/confusing parts, and identifies at least one portion of text where everything is understood Accurately uses context clues or prior knowledge to infer meaning of one unknown word Accurately uses context clues or prior knowledge to infer meaning of two unknown words Explanations show evidence of rich critical thinking OR student accurately makes connections to infer at least 3 word meanings. Student inaccurately predicts text structure but references elements accurately. Monitors Comprehension Makes Connections (using context clues) Does not identify any unknown word/parts or parts where text makes sense Gives illogical inference of word meaning or does not attempt to infer word meaning. 4 Student Name______________________________Date_______________________ Labels mental actions Making Predictions____ Correctly labels mental actions 0-1 time. Correctly labels two of the three mental actions (Ex., predicting, and monitoring) OR one of the mental actions at least twice (Ex. Making connections twice) Monitoring Comprehension____ Correctly labels use of each of the three mental actions at least one time Making Connections____ Correctly labels use of mental actions each time Labels mental actions____