ACQUISITION LESSON PLAN for Grade K-1 Unit: During Reading Topic: Decoding Strategies – Lesson 4 of 5 Concept: Slide and Blend Essential Question: How can I blend letter sounds and chunks to help me when I read? Activating Strategy: Teacher begins the lesson with chunks that are known to the students from the “Using Chunks” EATS lesson. Teacher draws a sliding board on the board and uses magnetic letters to demonstrate sliding the initial sound or blend down the slide to connect with the rest of the word. Fr-ed; h- am; th-at, st-and, s-it, ch- in, sh-ed, Accelerating/Preview: (Key Vocabulary) slide blend Teaching Strategies: Direct Teaching: The teacher slides his/her finger under the word to model the slide the slide and blend strategy and says, “If I can read / pl/ and I can read –an, I can read plan. If I can read /sm/ and I can read –all, I can read small. Teacher can continue modeling sliding using the following words: duck, shell, mop, brush, sing, drop, snore, bump, more, slug. 6/2/08 Shared Demonstration: Each student, in turn, models sliding his/her finger to read a word on the white board or chart paper. (Teacher can use any words with letters, sounds and chunks know to students.) Distributed Guided Practice: Gallery Walk Strategy: The teacher should use colored markers and index cards to write each word part in a different color on the card, with the whole word written in black underneath. Some examples of words to use are: smell, stick, blink, crash, clock, truck, play, flame, shop, train, thump, chunk, chest, when, then, and which. Post the word cards around the room. The students will move around the room in a gallery walk, using clip boards. When students read the word at each site, they write the word on their clip boards, returning to their seats when completed. stand stand Guide the students to read their word list to a partner. Summarizing: Option (1) Answer the EQ (see the attached sheet). Option (2) Complete the “Match the Word Parts” activity (see the attached sheet). 6/2/08 How can I blend letter sounds and chunks to help me when I read? 1. Put my finger under the beginning of the word. 2. Slide my finger and blend the letter sounds and chunks together. slide + 3. Say the whole word. 6/2/08 blend Name_________________ Match the Word Parts Draw lines to make real words. m ag fl ell ch ay sm in Name_________________ Match the Word Parts Draw lines to make real words. 6/2/08 m ag fl ell ch ay sm Name_________________ in Answer the EQ How can I blend letter sounds and chunks to help me when I read? Name_________________ Answer the EQ How can I blend letter sounds and chunks to help me when I read? 6/2/08