Arts Award at Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust A

Arts Award at Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust, Carlisle
A celebration, and self nomination for the New Settings Award.
Tullie House is excited to be offering Arts Award for the first time. We’ve dived in and are running the
award with lots of different activities and across several different age groups. There’s so much going on!
With Secondary schools -Takeover Days - Discover
As part of Kids in Museums’ Takeover day, 12 sixth form students were invited to Tullie House to work as
consultants planning a digital project. The aim was to capture young people’s view of how the museum
could be made more interesting for visitors particularly of their age group. Working in teams they looked
at how augmented reality and tablets could be used to enhance the visitor experience. At the end of the
first day the students gave a very impressive presentation to management. On the second day students
worked with professional filmmakers to make promotional films for the Museum. The Discover level Arts
Award was a great way to celebrate their success.
 Yak Yak Youth Advisory Panel for 14-21 year olds -Bronze
We do lots of exciting activities linked to the Museum, including stone carving, blacksmithing, and visits to
other museums. The group recently undertook an inspiring visit to The London Transport Museum and
The Museum of London where they linked up with their London counter parts to swap ideas on how to
support museums to engage with young people. The Group is working towards certification.
 Tullie Time Travellers, 7-13 year old youth group- Discover
Tullie Time Travellers is a youth group who do a range of activities linked to the Museum and Gallery.
These range from art activities to museum sleepovers and days out. There are 30 Time Travellers and
they are about to achieve the Discover Award. [We are pending moderation.]
 Up-cycling Workshop.- Bronze
For a week this summer young people will be exploring the Museum’s historic costume collection and
working with a professional textile artist to learn techniques to customise old clothing. They will be sharing
their new skills with our younger visitors, and will create their own unique outfit. In doing so they will
achieve the Bronze arts award
Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust, tells the dramatic story of Cumbria, Carlisle, and the Border
region from the Stone Age to the present. It’s location on the site of Hadrian’s Wall has given it a world
class Roman collection. The geology and natural history of the region is also explored, and behind the
scenes the museum plays an important role in recording and monitoring biodiversity. The museum
contains a significant art collection including many important pre-Raphaelite works, and hosts a varied
programme of contemporary art exhibitions.