THE MACK AND NINA NICCUM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP BAKER HIGH SCHOOL APPLICATION PACKET SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Before their deaths, Mack and Nina Niccum established a very generous trust that would fund scholarships for graduates from Baker High School in Baker, Montana, and Carter County High School in Ekalaka, Montana. Mack was the son of Minnie Mack Niccum and step-son of Slim Niccum, a barber in Baker in the early 1900s. Mack attended school in Baker and married Nina Beach who graduated from Carter County High School in 1940. Together, they operated the movie theater in Ekalaka before moving to the Flathead Valley in Western Montana. Mack and Nina also owned movie theaters in Choteau, Ronan and Glendive. They sold them several years ago and subsequently purchased the property where the Many Springs Resort on Flathead Lake is located. It was formerly known as the Holiday Resort which Mack and Nina ran for several years. After selling the resort, they built a beautiful home overlooking Woods Bay. Their home with a swimming pool, as modern as it was, was heated with a wood fired boiler. Mack was a very active man and a collector of old music and records. Mack and Nina were known throughout the Flathead Valley as being a very kind and gracious couple. The intent of the Niccum Scholarship is to grant a full tuition scholarship to one graduating senior from each of the two high schools. The recipient must have attended Baker High School for their entire senior year and must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 along with an ACT Composite score of 20 or a New SAT combined score of 1410. Once you have received the Niccum scholarship, you may reapply in subsequent years to receive a portion of the scholarship monies that is unused by the graduating senior, if available. A committee at Baker High School will review the applications and rate them using the rubric that is attached to the application form. The committee will then make their recommendations to the trustees of the scholarship fund who will then select the final recipient. The Niccum scholarship must be used within nine (9) months after high school graduation. If for some reason the recipient does not use the scholarship within the designated nine month period, then the committee, along with the fund trustees, will have the option to select another recipient. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Please submit the following items in one package: 1. This original application filled out completely and accurately – please type or print. 2. An official transcript of your high school grades after the 7th semester, which includes class rank. 3. Proof of acceptance into an accredited or approved program by your higher education school or college. 4. You may attach additional pages if the space on the application was insufficient, and you may include any additional information that you feel will be helpful to the committee in the evaluation of your application. 5. All application materials must arrive at the Baker High School Guidance Office no later than March 15 of each year that the scholarship is offered. Late applications will not be accepted. No exceptions. MACK AND NINA NICCUM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP BAKER HIGH SCHOOL APPLICATION Name Phone Address City/State ZIP Cumulative GPA Date of Graduation Composite ACT Score _______________ and/or Combined (V+M+W) SAT Score ______________________ Planned Major Field of Study in College ________________________________________________________ Degree You Will Be Seeking__________________________________________________________________ List your participation in significant extracurricular, community & personal activities. Activity Office(s) Held Dates of Participation Note any honors or awards you have received for scholastic and other achievements. Award Date Achieved List employment (full and part time), volunteer activities (list number of hours volunteered), and internships. Employer Full/Part or # of hours Job Title Why have you chosen to enter your major field of study? What are your career goals? From/To FINANCIAL DATA College you are planning to attend:_____________________________________________________________ Estimate your educational expenses per year (tuition, fees, books, supplies, equipment) $ How many years are you planning to attend college? __________________ Are you now seeking or have you ever received any other financial assistance (scholarship grants, aids, etc.)? If so, please list: Please include any information about your financial situation that you feel would assist us in evaluating your application: AGREEMENT/SIGNATURE I certify that the above information is complete, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge. If asked, I agree to provide substantiation of the information that I have given on this application. I have read all scholarship conditions as provided and agree to abide by such. Applicant’s Signature Date RUBRIC FOR SCORING SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS TIMELINESS: Submitted at or before deadline Submitted late _____ (10 points) _____ (1 point) Well focused and organized Focused with minimal organization Lacks focus _____ (5 points) _____ (3 points) _____ (1 point) Neat attractive presentation Neat – lacks attractive presentation Messy _____ (5 points) _____ (3 points) _____ (1 point) No errors May contain errors Errors make reading difficult _____ (5 points) _____ (3 points) _____ (1 point) Creative Some personality shown Lacks personality _____ (5 points) _____ (3 points) _____ (1 point) ESSAY: FINANCIAL NEED: Exhibits significant financial need Exhibits some financial need Demonstrates little financial need _____ (5 points) _____ (3 points) _____ (1 points) COLLEGE PREP: College prep or AP class choices Minimal college prep Lack of College prep _____ (25 points) _____ (15 points) _____ (5 points) EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION: Actively participated and assumed leadership roles Participated in some activities Minimal or no participation _____ (5 points) _____ (3 points) _____ (1 points) RANKED GRADE POINT AVERAGE OF APPLICANTS: 1st = 100 points, 2nd = 90 points, 3rd = 80, etc. _____ (GPA points) ACT OR CONVERTED SAT TEST SCORES: (See attached conversion chart) Highest of applicants = 50 points Second highest = 45 points Third highest = 40 points, etc. _____ (Test points) TOTAL POINTS: _______________ ACT AND SAT CONVERSION CHART The following conversion chart will be used to convert SAT scores over to their ACT equivalent. ACT SAT Math and Reading 2400-Point SAT Estimate 36 1600 2400 35 1560-1590 2360 34 1510-1550 2300 33 1460-1500 2220 32 1410-1450 2140 31 1360-1400 2070 30 1320-1350 2010 29 1280-1310 1950 28 1240-1270 1890 27 1210-1230 1830 26 1170-1200 1770 25 1130-1160 1710 24 1090-1120 1650 23 1060-1080 1600 22 1020-1050 1550 21 980-1010 1500 20 940-970 1440 19 900-930 1380 18 860-890 1320 17 810-850 1250 16 760-800 1180 15 710-750 1100 14 660-700 1020 13 590-650 930 12 520-580 830 11 500-510 750 THE MACK AND NINA NICCUM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP RE-APPLICATION FORM (Use this form if you have already received the Niccum Scholarship as a graduating senior, are enrolled in a college program, and you are re-applying for funds.) Name Address Phone City/State ZIP College Name and Address of Where You Are Attending: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Cumulative College GPA Expected Date of Graduation Major Field of Study in College _______________________________________________________________ Degree You Are Seeking_____________________________________________________________________ Approximate Yearly Cost of Attendance ________________________________________________________ Please List Any Scholarships You Will Receive Next Year: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Applications are due each year by May 15th. Please turn your application in to the Principal at Baker High School. Late applications will not be accepted. No exceptions.