RPHS Student Support System 2012 The student support system is at the heart of enabling outstanding learning and achievement to happen. In September 2012 we will be moving from a year based system to a ‘house horizontal’ system. This means that our support system would be structured around a Head of House who oversees a form of students from each year group in the school. For example, Head of Gibbs X will organise support for Year 7 Gibbs X students, Year 8 Gibbs X students etc. Within this house structure students are taught in classes with students from their own house where the opportunity arises (especially within KS3) in the main curriculum. The specific structure we are moving to is summarised in the bullet points below and the accompanying diagram: Move to a house horizontal system 8 Heads of House – expanding the senior pastoral leaders by three 5 learning mentors – one for each house (shared between X and Z) and have one specialising in Year 7, the rest by house. Keep current house names SLT would ‘line manage’ a particular year group to ensure that horizontal issues are covered. This would include overseeing all exclusions for the year group for consistency, as well as main events such as transition, option choices etc Each house group would have a house assembly each week. Each year group would have a year assembly once a half term, led by SLT responsible for the year group, attended by HOH Tutor groups would be organised vertically once a fortnight within houses KS3 & KS4: Head of Gibbs X House Head of Gibbs Z House Gibbs Learning Mentor Head of Miltons X House Head of Miltons Z House Miltons Learning Mentor Head of Halliwells X House Head of Halliwells Z House Halliwells Learning Mentor Head of Newsomes X House Head of Newsomes Z House Newsomes Learning Mentor Year 7 Learning Mentor 7 Gibbs X 8 Gibbs X 9 Gibbs X 10 Gibbs X 11 Gibbs X 7 Gibbs Z 8 Gibbs Z 9 Gibbs Z 10 Gibbs Z 11 Gibbs Z 7 Miltons X 8 Miltons X 9 Miltons X 10 Miltons X 11 Miltons X 7 Miltons Z 8 Miltons Z 9 Miltons Z 10 Miltons Z 11 Miltons Z House Captains X2 House Captains X2 House Captains X2 House Captains X2 7 Halliwells X 8 Halliwells X 9 Halliwells X 10 Halliwells X 11 Halliwells X House Captains X2 7 Halliwells Z 8 Halliwells Z 9 Halliwells Z 10 Halliwells Z 11 Halliwells Z House Captains X2 7 Newsoms X 8 Newsoms X 9 Newsoms X 10 Newsoms X 11 Newsoms X House Captains X2 7 Newsoms Z 8 Newsoms Z 9 Newsoms Z 10 Newsoms Z 11 Newsoms Z House Captains X2 Sixth Form: 6th Form HOH Gibbs & Miltons AHT Director of Sixth Form 6th Form HOH Halliwells & Newsomes Gibbs X 6th Gibbs Z 6th Miltons X 6th Miltons Z 6th Senior House Captain Senior House Captain Senior House Captain Senior House Captain Halliwells X 6th Halliwells Z 6th Newsoms 6th X Newsoms 6th Z Senior House Captain Senior House Captain Senior House Captain Head Boy and Girl Senior House Captain Subject Captains Benefits of the move to the new system: Raynes Park has a strong house history and ethos The house system is potentially one of the greatest strengths of the school Students already identify very closely with it It would provide a significant investment in the student support system by a total of 5.5 staff Student to HOH ratio would be 150, as opposed to 240 at the moment with HOL system Greater focus on student achievement – every student in every year group would be noticed and tracked. HOH would be looking at 30 students in a year group rather than 240 A house system effectively harnesses the benefits of competition, community and leadership Community – every student would become part of a community of students that would be integral to their everyday learning experience Competition – healthy competition would be part of all aspects of school life. Every positive ap would contribute towards the house totals. House competitions could happen within the curriculum, rather than just be out of hours, after school Leadership – House captains would provide leadership within their house and support to the head of house and learning mentor. Senior house captains (from the sixth form) would provide a clear link from the sixth form to the main school Students would have continuity of leadership throughout the school – enabling students and parents to be able to get to know the HOH whilst having a ratio that enables better communication Every HOH would have a ‘partner’ head of house – something that the current system does not lend itself to They will have some lessons in KS3 (eg Geography) as ‘9 Gibbs’ or Art as ‘8 Halliwells’. In this way we can support students both with their academic study and in their personal development. Learning walks would be much more focused – only five tutor groups rather than 8 for the HOH to visit The new system would provide clear house leadership – currently HOH are unpaid roles with a lack of clarity of scope and remit Learning & teaching – HOH would be able to track and lead learning and teaching within the curriculum – leading cross curricular learning & teaching discussion between subject teachers