Suir River Newsletter - Green and Blue Futures


River Suir News

Panels of the past…

Recently the Old Bridge bridge was renovated and reopened…did you spot the glass panels?

The Old Bridge bridge was redone and recently it was reopened to the public. The stone walls have been replaced with glass panels that allow you to see the River

Suir, but the river isn’t the only thing you can see...We asked the people who visited our Suir River Cafe during the Junction Festival to write out a memory of the river.

Now, some of those memories decorate the glass panels on the bridge! It adds to the magic the river creates. Next time you are walking on the bridge be sure to stop and see if your memory is the one on display!

Forthcoming Events

Suir River Seminar

Carrig Hotel, Carrick-on-Suir

Tuesday 27 th November, 3-7pm

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Landscapes of the River Suir Video

South Tipperary County Museum

Opening hours:

Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 5pm.

Occasionally closed lunchtime. Please check:



For further information on Green and Blue Futures contact:

If you would like to contribute an article for our newsletter, more info of River Suir projects or join the Suir People emailing list please forward your details to:

Our partners

Canal & River Trust (formerly British Waterways)

-England and Wales

Province of Hainaut- Belgium

Province of West Flanders- Belgium

Scottish Canals- Scotland

Scottish Waterways Trust- Scotland

Succeed in Sambre- France

South Tipperary County Council-


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The River Suir vision

Exciting new

River Suir

Community Action Plan that you are sure to love!

During the Clonmel Junction Festival, a Suir River Cafe was run. Lots of people of different age groups were invited in to learn about the River Suir and to share their visions and hopes for the River Suir in the years to follow. After a lot of work, thought and consideration, the plan for the River Suir is coming together.


The aim of this new plan is to restore the people's sense of place, increase biodiversity around the river to The projects will be spread out across the County including towns such as Holycross, Cashel, Golden, encourage more life in and around it and to utilise resources to create recreation, economic activity and tourism. The River Suir has so much to offer us here in

Cahir, Ardfinnan, Newcastle, Clonmel, Kilsheelan and


Tipperary; we just need to act on it. Everybody has a connection to the River Suir, whether it’s a distant memory or maybe something that they were involved in that included the river before. This plan will hopefully encourage more people to take that connection with the river and turn it into something bigger.

There are many different projects, workshops and activities planned along the river. They range in topics

This plan will provide opportunities to re-connect the towns with the river and all it provides to us. It’ll deepen our knowledge of biodiversity, the heritage of the river and what we can do to preserve or pro mote it. It’ll also hopefully provide new tourist attractions to bring business to the towns. This plan will hopefully not just bring the community together but give us a new outlook on how we from arts, festivals, biodiversity, access, leisure, culture, recreation, tourism, business opportunities and community networking events. Anyone can get involved in the River Suir Community Action Plan. If you are a group or organisation or simply someone who’s interested in the heritage and biodiversity of your local community that the Suir runs through, you can set up a see things and how we look after our environment.

Everyone should take part in keeping their community green.

This newsletter was written and ptoduced by Emma Taylor from the Presentation Secondary School, Clonmel, on her work experience.

project under one of the topics and help get your community get back on track with the River Suir. The projects will be spread out across the County including towns such as Holycross, Cashel, Golden, Cahir,

Ardfinnan, Newcastle, Clonmel, Kilsheelan and

River Suir

Newsletter: Winter 2012

We’ve been doing a Heritage Survey in Ardfinnan, Golden,

Newcastle, Ardmayle and Holycross under the County Heritage plan. We’d like to thank each of the towns for participating and letting this run smoothly.

Why not visit the heritage website to find out more about the River Suir plan and how you can get your group or school involved?

River Suir

Schools project, get connected!

Get your school involved in helping the

River Suir and its environment!

and plants that live there. Learn about how to keep our rivers clean and the parks nice green. Or maybe you have an idea of your own on what you’d like to do to help with the river?

Bored of sitting around, stuck in doors in a stuffy old classroom. Tired of being glued up right in a chair that hurts your back and makes you wish you were sick in bed? If so, then maybe you should think about giving a project a go! Get up, get out and try start a project about the River and its habitat, you don’t have to be a genius or a rocket scientist. All you need is to care about the river or the environment

A school wide project is fun and creative way for you to take part in work that adults might think is ‘too hard’ for you or that you wouldn’t like. It’s a way to meet new friends, help the environment and maybe even get you out of class and into that rare Irish sunshine. A project like this might even encourage other schools to follow your example. Want to be the leader of a cool new way to learn? Go get creative, see what you can do!

Get up, get o ut and start thinking. Maybe there’s an empty lonely space of grass by your school? Why not talk to a teacher about getting some classes to take part in planting a small garden of native Irish plants? If you like art, maybe you could hold a school wide poster competition, get the classes to create a poster about the

River Suir and put up the best around the school. Create a River aware notice board and have different events people can go to and information on the river. Ask your teacher can you go on nature walks by the river if your school is located by it and ask about the different animals

Art by Dóirín Saurus, Local ceramic Artist. Article written

Emma Taylor, Presentation Secondary School, Clonmel

Share your



We asked for your Suir stories, don’t stop, we’d love to hear some more!

County Council, County Hall, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.

Keep sending them, and also if you have ideas on how to display them, don’t be shy!

After the Suir River cafe in the Junction festival we asked you to keep sending in your stories. Many stories were received; each was a joy to read. From swans flying over kayaks to the peaceful sound of the river with birds singing in the background to remembering your third class teacher taking your class for walks during school and falling in love with the river.’d think we’d be done right ? But there’s no such thing as too many stories! If you have a story, send it to Heritage Officer, South Tipperary

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On Tuesday the 27 th of November there is a Suir Seminar in Carrig Hotel in Carrick-on-Suir from 3-7pm. There will be people talking about all different topics from biodiversity to heritage to invading plant species. Be sure to drop in as there’s bound to be things of interest to you

The contents of this Newsletter reflect the author's views and the Managing Authority is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in it.


c o l o u r

is your future?

South Tipperary County Council is taking part in new

INTERREG IVB programme ‘ Green a n d Blue F u t u r e s ’

What colour do you want your future to be? Tipperary is a county filled with vast green fields, multicoloured flowers and sparkling rivers, but for the most part these sights are left unused. Why leave them desolate and dreary when you can put it all to use? That’s where Green and Blue

Futures comes in! Green and Blue Futures is an

INTERREG IVB programme that’s part of the European

Partnership Project of which South Tipperary County

Council is a partner of. Green and Blue Futures is a project that encourages communities to get together and turn unused environmental spaces into a community space. The main objective is to re-connect the community with the space. For us here in the towns and villages, this means connecting more with the River Suir and the parks that surround it. The project aim is to get everyone in the community involved in making the area’s around the River

Suir into a community space. The project has the intention of getting the community to develop an interest, knowledge and ownership of the river itself and its environment and turn into a tourism spot. The process of this will involve many different events based on the river.

This can be done through arts, multimedia, poetry, tidy towns and other interesting workshops. Keep an eye out for chances to get involved in making our futures into

Green and Blue Futures by looking out for ways to get involved with the River Suir project! Article by Emma

Taylor, Presentation Secondary School, Clonmel

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