Fighting Soil Erosion Subject(s): Earth Systems Grade Level(s): 9

Fighting Soil Erosion
Subject(s): Earth Systems
Grade Level(s): 9-12
This lesson is divided into two parts.
The first section is intended for classes that are being introduced to the topic of soil erosion. This
section consists of a variety of activities developed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the
National Geographic Society. These activities will help develop a foundational understanding of
soil erosion.
The second section allows the students to explore the issue of soil erosion in Guinea through a
narrated slide show. Steve Jacobson, a former Peace Corps Volunteer, shares his experience and
the different strategies Guineans are using to address soil erosion. Watch slide show
Background Information
Soil erosion
More About Guinea
After completing this lesson, students should be able to
 Explain the process of soil erosion.
 Describe the impact soil erosion has on the land and local human populations.
 Identify means of reducing erosion.
 Rill: a small stream; rivulet
 Soil erosion: the wearing away of soil by water, wind, or both
 Terrace: a flat surface
 A-frame: a structure made with two standing supports or sides that meet at the top
 Le Serpent: literally, “snake,” in French. When used in the context of this story, it refers
to the snakelike hose
 used as a leveling tool
 Arduous: difficult; requiring hard work
 Le serpent
 A-frame
Check dam
Modified terrace
Part I “When Rain Hits the Land," submitted by Tom Ackerman
This set of hands-on activities submitted to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and National
Geographic by Tom Ackerman explores erosion and runoff.
Part II "Fighting Soil Erosion," by Steve Jacobson
This narrated slide show by returned Peace Corps Volunteer Steve Jacobson explores the causes
and effects of soil erosion in the country of Guinea. Steve also discusses various solutions to
address the effects of soil erosion.
1. Begin the lesson by asking the students questions about soil erosion, such as:
 Where can you find examples of soil erosion?
 What do you think causes soil erosion?
 How might soil erosion impact people?
 How might soil erosion impact animals and plants that live in water?
 Should people be concerned if there's soil erosion in their community?
 What means could you use to reduce soil erosion?
2. Using a world map, locate Africa and then Guinea, or ask a student to do so. Ask the students
what they know about Africa and, more specifically, Guinea. Proceed by providing some
information about the culture and geography of the country. (See Resources, above.)
If the students do not know what the Peace Corps is, give them some background information ( ). Then identify Steven Jacobson as a former Peace Corps
Volunteer, and explain his role in supporting some Guineans in reducing erosion.
3. View the slide show in class. (Distribute copies of the text for students who may profit from
following along.) Then lead a discussion about the erosion issues that Steve Jacobson addresses.
The following questions may serve to guide the discussion.
a. What, besides water, can cause soil erosion? [Wind.]
b. What human activities contribute to soil erosion? [Cutting of trees; slashing of other
vegetation; overgrazing of livestock [the animals eat the grass that helps hold soil together, and
their hooves loosen soil, making it easier for water and wind to erode it]; planting on unterraced
and uncontoured slopes.]
c. What are some of the effects of soil erosion?
 Loss of topsoil in which crops are grown
 Creation of rills, or channels, which are difficult or impossible to cultivate
 Turbid, or muddy, streams and rivers (which reduces the ability of fish to obtain oxygen)
 Sedimentation (which causes streams to become shallower-and, thus, warmer, which may
cause coldwater fish, such as trout, to disappear
d. What actions can people take to reduce soil erosion? [Contour farming; terracing; check dams;
planting of grasses and other plants on slopes]
a. Visit the link that follows, or contact a local nonprofit organization to help identify soil erosion
in your community and to learn how you and your students can help reduce its effect on the
Chesapeake Bay Program
b. Have the students, working in small groups; research the causes and effects of soil erosion in
different regions of the world. The groups should identify what local people are doing to mitigate
the effects of soil erosion in their locales.
c. Visit iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) to learn about the many projects
that teachers and students from around the world are collaborating on:
Framework and Standards
Enduring Understandings
 Soil erosion is a result of both natural and human-induced processes and affects both the
physical environment and human livelihoods.
 Careful management of an area can reduce soil erosion and help a community maintain
its livelihood.
Essential Questions
 What causes soil erosion?
 How does soil erosion affect people?
 What can people do to reduce or control soil erosion?