Enriquez 1 Laura Enriquez Professor Sarah Lynn Kleeb ACMA01H3 January 16, 2015 Humanities as a Valuable Standpoint in Our Daily Lives The vital role that the humanities plays in society is often neglected by many of the general public. Sarah Churchwell's article, "Why the Humanities Matter", highlights the importance of engaging in humanities through the act of critical thinking. Frequently, the humanities are considered incomparable to the "more valued" disciplines in society; typically fostered around mathematics, engineering, and sciences. People fail to recognize the essential skills, and benefits derived from the humanities. The values demonstrated in the humanities aims to form individuals with a more insightful perception of different contexts and meanings through the use of critical analysis, skepticism, and communication. Churchwell notes the devaluation of humanities in society due to the constantly changing cultural values influenced by the inexorable increase of technology, media, corporations, and political entities. The humanities develop more consciously informed individuals that are capable of composing ideal decisions that may add to the transcendence of societal growth. Churchwell addresses reasonable justifications and arguments such as aiming towards the media, marketing and advertising —that manipulate our perception of values, and demands—to prevent further prejudices towards the humanities. However, the value of education in the humanities should be emphasized in early stages such as elementary and secondary schools in order to gain more engaging and knowledgeable population that will progress society, thus, decreasing prejudices. Values expressed in the humanities are worthwhile. As Churchill states, "The humanities Enriquez 2 conserve and safeguard those aspects of our being that intersect with the meanings of human existence beyond industry." ("Churchwell"). The humanities help us distinguish our uniqueness; learn about others, oneself, and various meanings and contexts; and help society grow through the contributions of skepticism and critical analysis. Through communicating, we learn about others and oneself. Communication is key to sharing and building ideas that may escalade to profound innovations and inventions. Skepticism and critical analysis challenges the mind to ask questions and seek different perspectives on various contexts. These challenges help individuals interpret ethical issues and understand reasonable alternatives. For example, as demonstrated by Churchwell, humanities protect human rights by questioning whether authoritative decisions are ethical, and uses history transmitted through generations to understand the present. The humanities comprise of aspects that shows us "what it means to be human, and what makes us human." It embraces our individuality and undermines claims of political, religious, and scientific authority that could influence and simplify our roles in society. ("Hogan"). The social tendency to devalue humanities is prevalent in today's society. The humanities is faced with many prejudices that are influenced through the media, marketing and advertising discourses indicated by Churchill. As Susan Adams, Forbes staff write, states in her article Majoring In The Humanities Does Pay Off, Just Later Many, "majoring in the humanities seem like a bad idea. Employers don't want to hire you, we hear, and when they do, they pay poorly." ("Adams"). Many have acquired this absurd ideology that humanities do not serve an equivalent significance compared to the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines. For instance, many of my colleagues, including myself, have been criticized or questioned for choosing to pursue higher education within the humanities field. My parents did not approve of my wishes to study the arts and hoped that I could pursued any discipline within Enriquez 3 the STEM. People are not aware of the benefits that derive from the humanities. I often receive the question of, "what will you do with a humanities degree after graduation?" Many believe that pursuing a career within the STEM discipline will increase your chances of obtaining a job in this society filled with technological advances, as described by Harvard University history professor, Annette Gordon Reed. ("Gordon Reed"). However, the greatest minds who pursed humanities, have made impactful contributions to society, such as Barack Obama who graduated with a political science degree. Humanities contributes to human development which is essential in distinguishing ourselves as citizens instead of consumers who only place value in market economies, and corporations. Education within the humanities should be implemented in early stages of childhood to prevent further prejudices within the humanities. The study of the humanities should be emphasized in elementary and secondary school curriculums so that the youths may be exposed to the significance illuminated through this discipline. Education in the humanities provides insight and understanding the realities faced in the workforce, economy, and society. With this knowledge, we will be able to sustain our civilization when we have acquired an in-depth understanding of how society functions. Future generations would be able to clearly articulate language, communicate, and defend humanity. An advanced study of humanities creates "advanced humans". ("Churchill"). Churchill suggests that in order to prevent devaluation in the humanities, we must approach the source of our influence, that being the media, advertising and marketing; and somehow diminish idiosyncrasies tailored towards consumer and market demands. ("Churchill"). But how can we do this? I strongly believe that media, advertisements, and marketing can be imposed as a tactic to encourage humanities amongst the uniformed. These tactics are the root to our influences and often creates deception. By catering more media, Enriquez 4 advertisements, and marketing towards the humanities, it will be easier to appeal to the uninformed. Therefore, it these tactics may be used as an education devise, and can act as an effective way to distribute the humanities nation, or even, worldwide. We should not simplify ourselves as consumers that are only valuable towards the market economy, and corporations. As individuals, we are citizens who are entitled and should not be ceased to our human rights. The humanities emancipates the deception caused by social tendencies. Humanities causes further development in humans. With this development we will be able to create innovations, sustain civilization, and immerse ourselves to become critical analysts of the realities we face. By understanding how society works; will help us understand how others work, how we work, what is ethical, and all those that contributes to the aspects of being human. This knowledge is vital for executing the best outcome in our whereabouts. Thus, humanities acts as a valuable standpoint in our daily lives. Enriquez 5 Works Cited Adams, Susan. Majoring in the Humanities Does Pay Off, Just Later. Forbes. Forbes Inc., 22 Jan. 2014. Web. <http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2014/01/22/majoring-in-thehumanities-does-pay-off-just-later/>. Churchwell, Sarah. Sarah Churchwell: Why the Humanities Matter. The Heart of the Higher Education Debate. Tes Global Ltd., 13 Nov. 2014. Web. <http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/comment/opinion/sarah-churchwell-why-thehumanities-matter/2016909.article>. Gordon Reed, Annette. Critics of the Liberal Arts Are Wrong. Time. Time Inc, 19 June 2013. Web. <deas.time.com/2013/06/19/our-economy-can-still-support-liberal-arts-majors/>. Hogan, John. Why Study Humanities? What I Tell My Engineering Freshmen. Blogs. Scientific American, 20 June 2013. Web. <http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/crosscheck/2013/06/20/why-study-humanities-what-i-tell-engineering-freshmen/>.