Baylor EDP Graduate Assistantship Application 1 BAYLOR U N I V E R S I T Y Graduate Assistant Application Form Department of Educational Psychology This document is designed for use by individuals intending to apply for a graduate assistantship in the Department of Educational Psychology at Baylor University. It includes general information about all graduate assistantships in the Department of Educational Psychology. Application instructions and an application form are also included. About EDP Graduate Assistantships The Department of Educational Psychology at Baylor University annually awards competitive graduate assistantships to highly qualified individuals interested in becoming a contributing member of our exemplary programs. Responsibilities of graduate assistants generally include, but are not limited to, (a) serving as research assistants within the department and extension sites; (b) teaching or co-teaching various courses in the Department based on academic background and professional experience; (c) providing professional services to public and private community and state based agencies; and (d) providing administrative support and expertise in a variety of departmental functions. Most master's and educational specialist GAs are assigned under categories c and d. Category a and b assignments are more common for PhD students. Graduate assistantships are generally awarded on a year-by-year basis, with renewal for subsequent years subject to funding availability and favorable review after the first year of service to the Department and Baylor University. The appointment is set at 15 hours per week. Tuition remission and stipend vary with appointment. Generally, the stipends for master's and EdS students are around $6,600 with 18-24 hours of tuition remitted each year and the stipends for PhD students are around $17,500 with 18-24 hours of tuition remitted each year, with some variation. In most instances, students are expected to pay their own registration fees outside of tuition. Visit for details. There may be additional benefits for graduate teaching assistants. Additional information is available at: TO APPLY FOR A GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP Please complete the EDP Graduate Assistant Application form (see next page) and email an electronic copy to Ms. Heather Tindle, Administrative Associate, Baylor EDP Graduate Assistantship Application 2 Graduate Assistantship Application Form Baylor Department of Educational Psychology Complete this form and email it to Ms. Heather Tindle, Administrative Associate ( Full Legal Name: Current Mailing Address: Permanent Mailing Address: Phone: Cell: E-mail Address: Country of Citizenship: Visa Status (for international students): Insurance Status (for all students): Degrees Awarded, University, Date: Undergraduate Major and GPA: Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Exam date (mm/dd/yyyy): Verbal score: Quantitative score: Analytical writing score: TOEFL Scores (international applicants only): Desired Year and Semester of Enrollment: Graduate Degree you are seeking: (Mark only one with an “X”) __ Master of Arts in Educational Psychology (M.A.) __ Master of Science in Educational Psychology (M.S.Ed.) __ Educational Specialist in School Psychology (Ed.S.) __ Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology (Ph.D.) Graduate Assistantship Interest: (Mark only one with an “X”) __ I am only interested in a GA position (research and programmatic responsibilities) __ I am only interested in a GTA position (teaching) __ My first choice is to serve as a GA, but I am also interested in a GTA position. __ My first choice is to serve as a GTA, but I am also interested in a GA position. __ I am equally interested in both positions. Baylor EDP Graduate Assistantship Application 3 PERSONAL QUALIFICATIONS Summarize information for each item in the following sections. A resume attached to this electronic application is encouraged but not required. TEACHING 1-Teaching (specific degrees, licenses, certifications): 2-Formal teaching experiences: 3-Informal teaching experiences (e.g., tutoring, teaching community groups): 4-Additional relevant information or comments: RESEARCH 1-Research (specific degrees, licenses, certifications): 2-Formal research experiences (e.g., employment, dissertation/thesis, research assistant): 3-Informal research experiences (e.g., volunteer assistance, course projects): 4-Primary research interests: 5-Relevant Coursework Completed: 6-Proficient with which statistical analysis programs (e.g., SAS, SPSS, Mplus, etc.): 7-Additional relevant information or comments: CLINICAL EXPERIENCE/TRAINING 1-Experience with clinical populations (ADHD, LD, etc.): 2-Clinical or educational training: 3-Professional credentials and state that issued (e.g., LPC, Arizona): 4-Other clinical experiences or training: 5-Additional relevant information or comments: COMMUNITY SERVICE Please provide information related to your community service experiences. LEADERSHIP Please provide information related to your leadership experiences, qualifications, and skills. Baylor EDP Graduate Assistantship Application OTHER INFORMATION 4