RiderCoach Hiring and Candidate Application Please complete the following information: (type or print) Are you now, or have you ever been an MSF RiderCoach or Instructor? ____ RC # ________ Expiration date: ________ PERSONAL Full Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Employer___________________________________ Occupation _________________________________________ Home Phone (_______) _______ - __________ Cell Phone (_______) _______ - __________ Work Phone (_______) _______ - __________ Fax (______) _______ - ________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you 21 years of age or older? ❏ Yes ❏ No ❏ Male ❏ Female EDUCATION High School or GED ❏ Yes ❏ No College/University Graduate ❏ Yes ❏ No If Yes, Major_______________________Highest degree earned__________ List other educational institutions you attended or any specialized training you have received. Be sure to identify any certificates or advanced degrees. Use additional paper if necessary. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ MILITARY If active duty, complete the following: ❏ Airforce ❏ Army ❏ Marines ❏ Navy ❏ Coast Guard ❏ Duty Title______________________________________ Rank _________________________ Organization & Office Symbol ______________________________________ How long stationed here? __________________________________ DSN Number_________________________________________ Extension _________________________________ Commercial Number ___________________________________ Extension ________________________________ MOTORCYCLE EXPERIENCE Do you currently ride a motorcycle on a regular basis? ❏ Yes ❏ No - Approximate # of miles ridden per year ________ Motorcycle Operator’s License # __________________________________ State ______________________________ How many years have you had a motorcycle license or endorsement? _________________________________________ Have you ever had your license revoked or suspended? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, When? ____________________________________ Where? __________________________________________ Why? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ How many years have you been a motorcyclist? __________________________________________________________ How many motorcycles do you own? ___________________________________________________________________ What type(s) of motorcycle do you own? ________________________________________________________________ What type of riding do you currently do? ❏ Dirt ❏Touring ❏Commuting ❏ Other / specify ________________________ Have you ever been involved in motorcycle racing? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, what type: ❏ Dirt Track ❏ Enduro ❏ Motocross ❏ Road ❏ Observed Trials Are you familiar with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation: Basic RiderCourse (BRC)? ❏ Yes ❏ No Motorcycle RiderCourse (MRC:RSS)? ❏ Yes ❏ No Experienced RiderCourse (ERC)? ❏ Yes ❏ No Advanced RiderCourse/Sportbike Techniques (ARC/ST)? ❏ Yes ❏ No Have you attended/completed any of the following motorcycle safety courses? Basic RiderCourse (BRC) ❏ Yes ❏ No - If yes, when/where?________________________________________________ Motorcycle RiderCourse (MRC:RSS) ❏ Yes ❏ No - If yes, when/where?_______________________________________ Experienced RiderCourse (ERC, BRC2) ❏ Yes ❏ No - If yes, when/where?_____________________________________ Advanced RiderCourse/Sportbike Techniques (ARC/ST) ❏ Yes ❏ No - If yes, when/where?________________________ Other _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe in detail why you want to become an MSF-certified RiderCourse RiderCoach. Use additional paper if necessary. (This is a screening process. What sets you apart?) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Give a brief description of any other teaching experience.____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHARACTER Have you ever been convicted of (including a plea of guilty or no contest) a felony, or serious misdemeanor, other than a minor traffic violation? ❏ Yes ❏ No Are you now undergoing, or have you ever undergone treatment during the last five (5) years for the use of drugs, narcotics or excessive alcohol use? ❏ Yes ❏ No Do you have any medical condition that requires accommodation or that would otherwise impair your ability to safely perform the duties of a RiderCoach? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes to any of the above, please explain fully: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPONSORSHIP Are you being sponsored for this course? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, by whom? _________________________________________________________________________________ What assistance will your sponsor provide? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where will you teach rider training after graduation? Have you talked to them? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This application does not guarantee a position in a RiderCoach Preparation Course nor does it guarantee that the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) will issue the applicant a RiderCoach Certification. If the applicant is offered a position in a RiderCoach Preparation Course and the applicant successfully completes the RiderCoach Preparation Course, the MSF may issue a RiderCoach Certification to the applicant. A RiderCoach Certification will only be issued upon execution of a RiderCoach Certification Agreement between the applicant and the MSF. This application shall become an integral part of any RiderCoach Certification Agreement that may be executed between the applicant and the MSF. Unless and until the MSF issues a RiderCoach Certification to the applicant, the applicant is not an authorized, certified RiderCoach and may not make any representations or perform any acts as such. I certify that I have read this RiderCourse RiderCoach Preparation Candidate Application in its entirety, and the information contained herein is true and correct and that I have not omitted any relevant information. I understand and agree that falsification of any information provided herein, or the omission of any relevant information, will result in immediate revocation of my MSF RiderCoach Certification. Signature______________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ Requirements to become a North Carolina RiderCoach include: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Licensed, experienced motorcycle operator with a minimum of 3 years licensed riding experience. High School diploma or equivalent. 21 years of age minimum. Driving record with no more than 3 moving violations, no alcohol related traffic violations, and no driver’s license suspension, revocation, or denial within the three years preceding the date of application to become a coach. Graduate of a Motorcycle Safety Foundation Course (BRC, ERC or BRC2). Have a recommendation from a current RiderCoach. Certified in CPR. You will be expected to be a role model for North Carolina motorcyclists, and as such, will be expected to wear the proper gear, to include a DOT helmet, eye protection, sturdy over the ankle footwear, long pants of durable material, long sleeved shirt or jacket and full fingered gloves; ANYTIME that you ride a motorcycle. Do you meet these above requirements? ❏ Yes ❏ No If not, please explain: __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teaching a motorcycle safety course is physically demanding. It requires long hours, walking several miles in the course of a day, bending and stooping to place cones, and sometimes the need to push inoperable motorcycles for distances up to ¼ mile. Hot and cold weather conditions can add to the strenuous conditions you will encounter while teaching the course. Do you feel you are physically capable of performing this job? ❏ Yes ❏ No To maintain certification, RiderCoaches are required to teach a minimum of three classes a year in the N.C. Community College System, and attend an annual update training session. You will also be required to follow the MSF RiderCoach Rules of Professional Conduct. You will also need to request, a copy of your driving record. In North Carolina, this can be done through the NC DMV website. Dependent upon the state of residence and situation, it may take several weeks to obtain the record. Don’t delay the submission of your RiderCoach application while you wait for the driving record. You can send the driving record at a later date or bring it to the first night of your class. You will be required to submit a driving record every two years coinciding with your MSF recertification. Do you agree to these conditions? ❏ Yes ❏ No If you are not currently certified in CPR, you must obtain this certification prior to teaching your first class. I certify that I have read and understand the requirements to become a RiderCoach in North Carolina and that the information contained herein is true and correct and that I have not omitted any relevant information. I understand and agree that falsification of any information provided herein, or the omission of any relevant information, will result in immediate revocation of my North Carolina RiderCoach Certification. Signature______________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ 2/15 MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FOUNDATION RiderCoachSM and RiderCoach Trainer RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT The rules of professional conduct for RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Trainers help ensure that MSF RiderCoursesSM are conducted in a positive, efficient and professional manner. RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Trainers agree to: 1. Conduct Rider Education Training SystemSM (RETS) courses and training opportunities in a manner that meets the standards of the MSF curricula and only at recognized Rider Education Recognition Program sites. RiderCoaches shall not conduct MSF training outside the US and its military installations without the written approval of MSF. 2. Maintain a positive student environment. 3. Demonstrate safe riding habits and always wear protective gear when riding to, from, and during rider training activities. 4. Currently operate a motorcycle on a frequent, routine basis. 5. Ride and drive free of alcohol and other drugs that cause impairment. 6. Maintain a good riding and driving record. 7. Complete RiderCoach and/or RiderCoach Trainer Professional Development as required by MSF. 8. Inform MSF of any personal address change, maintain a current email address, and complete MSF RiderCoach or RiderCoach Trainer surveys promptly. 9. Conduct one’s self in a professional manner that includes: appropriate appearance and language; exhibiting positive verbal and written messages; and positive interaction with others that is free from intimidation or threat, consistent with MSF’s mission*. 10. RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Trainers are encouraged to support motorcycle safety programs and are not prohibited by MSF from speaking to the media, participating in a legislative or legal process, or expressing their opinions, as private citizens and experienced training professionals. However, RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Trainers shall not present themselves as speaking on behalf of MSF while taking a public position on safety or legislative issues or when addressing a public-policy forum. 11. RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Trainers are free to serve as an expert witness on motorcycle safety issues based solely on their knowledge of motorcycling and familiarity with MSF’s curriculum. MSF RiderCoach and RiderCoach Trainer certification in and of itself does not qualify a person as an expert witness. MSF, in its sole discretion, may reject, suspend or revoke RiderCoach certification when MSF has determined that the individual has acted or has threatened to act, in connection with training or otherwise, in a manner contrary to MSF’s mission*. I agree to abide by these Rules Of Professional Conduct. Name (Print Clearly) Date Signature *MSF Mission Statement: To make motorcycling safer and more enjoyable by ensuring access to lifelong quality education and training for current and prospective riders, and by advocating a safer riding environment. Rev.3/14