* Monitors - the GMU ECE Department

System-Level Design and
Real-Time System Modeling
 Design Methodologies
 Waterfall model
 Start with Specification
 System Level design
 Hardware and Software design and development performed
 Integration and Test
 Does OK for smaller and simple systems
 Integration disaster when used for large and complex systems
 Hardware and Software Co-Design
 Start with Specifications and requirements analysis
 Hardware and Software concurrent design
 Accelerates design and development process
 Hardware is designed and upgraded with software in mind
 Software is designed and upgraded for the hardware
 Function/Architecture Co-Design
 Hardware-Software Co-design does not address system-level design
 Hardware-Software Co-design concentrates on hardware and software
interaction and not system
 Uses top-down synthesis of system
 Simulation and verification
 Usually a hardware platform is available
 Platform-Based Design
 Came about as result of:
 Increasing system complexity
 Lengthier development time
 To counter lengthier development time, reuse and higher levels of
abstraction is necessary
 One of the most important components of any system design is
system platform
 Platform consists of hardware infrastructure and software
 System Resources:
 Processors (i.e. Servers, CPUs)
 Resources
 Reusable (read/write from/to shared memory, memory
resources, are typically the bottleneck in many real-time
 Consumable (queue/network/bus messages)
 System-level tasks
 Task (job or process) mapping
 Process scheduling
 Scheduler is a module that allocates processors and
resources to jobs/tasks
 Communications
 Application Modeling
 Dataflow model
 Process is a sequence of computations
 Process start (Runs/executes) when all of it’s inputs (data and
control) and resources are available
 After the process finishes executing, it produces its output values and
relinquishes the processor
 Dataflow process networks are also known as process graphs
 But how would we model control communication?
 Conditional Process Graph (CPG) allows modeling of data flow as well
as control flow and is also suitable for modeling timing
 Conditional Process Graph (CPG)
 Source node (first process) and Sink node (last process)
 These nodes have no execution time and require no resources
 Ordinary process nodes
 Will be assigned or mapped to processors
 Mutually exclusive sets
 Simple Graph nodes
 Conditional Graph nodes
 Conditional node
 Disjunction nodes
 Conjunction nodes
 Process is activated (can run or execute) after all of it’s inputs are
 An exception is conjunction processes
 Conjunction processes are activated after one of it’s inputs is
 Process must output before termination
 Processing execution environment and scheduling scheme
 Preemptive
 A higher priority process can (not shall) interrupt execution
of a lower priority during it’s execution
 A lower priority process can block a higher priority process
 Non-preemptive
 A process can not be interrupted during it’s execution
 Process Execution time
 Communication time
 For hard real-time systems, worst case time estimate is used on graph
for execution and communication times
 For soft real time systems, average response time can be used
 Here is an example of a Conditional Process Graph:
C, 1
Processor 1
Processor 2
Processor 3
 Release time ri, and absolute deadline di, mark the feasible interval
 (ri, di]
 Jittered release time
 Fixed tasks
 Sporadic tasks
 Execution time
 Time it takes a job to execute alone when it has all of the
resources it requires
 Maximum and minimum execution times for each real-time process is
determined through statistical measurement and analysis
 Often for hard real-time processes, maximum execution time is used
for modeling the system and in order to determine whether each job
can complete its execution before its deadline
 Could lead to underutilized system resources if there are wide
variations between maximum execution time and average
execution time of jobs
 If execution time suffers from wide variations in a system, how
accurate is deterministic modeling of the system?
 In hard real-time systems, and safety critical systems, variations in job
execution times are kept to a minimum
 The need to have relatively deterministic execution times places
restrictions on system implementations
 For example, dynamic structures (such as classes with virtual
methods) lead to variable execution times and memory usage
and are avoided
 Another example is non-deterministic garbage collection
 Preemptive sporadic jobs
 Determinism allows designer to use deterministic modeling, which
 Verification and Validation of the system to be simplified
 Deterministic modeling with maximum execution times will allow hard
real-time jobs to meet their deadlines
 One approach is to allocate the under utilized CPU time to soft
real-time jobs
 Most frequently used performance measure for jobs that have soft
real-time deadlines is the average response time as oppose to
maximum response time
 Periodic task model
 Period Pi of a periodic task Ti is the minimum length of all time
intervals between release times ri of consecutive periodic tasks
 Execution time is the maximum execution time of all the periodic jobs
 Phase, is the release time of the first job in each task is called phase of
the task
 For periodic tasks, a job is one of many jobs of in a periodic task
 An a periodic task has jobs with soft real-time deadlines or no
deadlines at all
 Late response time is tolerable but not desired
 Sporadic tasks have jobs with hard real-time deadlines but are
released at random times
 Must ensure that their deadlines are always met, minimizing
response time is secondary
 Precedence and Task Graphs
 Data dependency
 And/Or precedence
 Conditional branches
 Pipeline
 Laxity
 Scheduler and schedules
 Feasible schedule
 Every job completes by its deadline
 Optimal scheduling
 The algorithm always produces a feasible schedule given a set
of jobs has feasible schedules
 If an optimal algorithm fails to find a feasible schedule, we can
conclude that the given set of jobs can not feasibly be scheduled by
any algorithm
 For most soft real-time systems, it is acceptable to complete some
tasks late or not at all
 Performance measure for soft real-time systems could use missed
deadline rate or lost job rate