McKinney Independent School District

McKinney ISD
12th Grade GT English
Summer Reading
May 2010
Dear Incoming 12th Grade GT English Student and Parent or Guardian,
Statistics prove continued reading improves test scores and increases student
success. With this in mind, McKinney ISD requires a summer reading
assignment for all 9th-12th grade Pre-AP, AP English, and Humanities students.
This assignment reflects the content and grade level while promoting skills
critical to student success on the Advanced Placement exams.
This year the 12th grade AP/GT selections are The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
(Penguin Classics Edition), Richard III and Macbeth by William Shakespeare
(Folger Shakespeare Library Series). In addition to the reading over the summer,
the students will be required to complete two assignments relative to the readings
due the first day of school. Details about the assignments follow the text of this
letter. The purpose of this assignment is to guide the students in their reading and
understanding of the literary elements presented by the authors. Also, during the
first week of school, students will write and seminar additional literary
comparisons over the readings. Assessments will also be given over the reading
assignments the first week of school. If you have any questions, please feel free
to email Josh Tiller at
As a district, McKinney ISD embraces the life-long love of reading; it is our goal
to instill this love in our students. Thank you for your continued support.
The English Department of McKinney Boyd High School
Machiavelli’s The Prince
and Shakespeare’s Richard III and Macbeth
The Assignments are due the first day of school Monday, August 23, 2010
Assignment 1: Machiavellian Tenets of Leadership Assignment
Read Machiavelli’s The Prince paying close attention to the development of leadership.
 Choose 10 tenets or strategies of successful leadership according to Machiavelli
 In 100-200 words per entry, discuss the application of each tenet; you may apply these
tenets to contemporary events.
 Use cited quotes to support your commentary in MLA format (i.e. Last name of author
and page number). Example: (Machiavelli 43). So, this example shows that the quote
came from Machiavelli’s The Prince on page 43.
 Since this assignment is not necessarily in essay form, it is acceptable to number each
entry. However, follow MLA guidelines for parenthetical citations (as mentioned
above), the correct header and heading, one inch margins, double space, Times New
Roman, size 12.
Assignment 2: Macbeth and Richard III
Based on your reading of The Prince, which character is the most Machiavellian leader:
Macbeth or Richard III? Avoid mere plot summary.
 Use MLA format for parenthetical citations (i.e. Title of play in Italics Scene. Act. Line
in Arabic Numbers)
For example: (Macbeth 5.3.113). This example shows that the quote comes from
Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 3, line 113).
(Richard III 4.2.119-25). This example shows that the quote come from Richard III,
Act 4, Scene 2, lines 119-25.
Notice, there is only a space between the title of the play and the act number.
 Using MLA format, the essay should be 3-4 pages, double spaced, one inch margins,
Times New Roman, size 12. No creative margins, font, or cover sheets.
 Remember, the essay should be written in present tense and from third person.
 Include a Works Cited Page-typed to MLA standards.
 Edit and proofread your paper-you are accountable for mechanics and grammar.
 Remember to have a clear, strong thesis; Specific details from the text (cited in correct
MLA format-examples are shown above); and explanations of how the specific details
prove your thesis.