SOUTHERN SIERRA CRITICAL ZONE OBSERVATORY - KREW PROJECT REQUEST FORM Project Director/Principal Investigator (include contact information): Emma Aronson Collaborators: Stephen Hart Project Title: Impact of biotic and abiotic aeolian inputs in terrestrial ecosystems Project proposal Objectives: Everything is not everywhere, but the environment does select. Just like macroorganisms, microorganisms require vectors for dispersal, although comparatively less is known about the role of microbial dispersal in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems (Martiny et al. 2006, Green et al. 2008, Fierer 2008). Similarly, the significance of aeolian inputs of nutrients for the maintenance of primary production has only been evaluated for a few ecosystems (Swap et al. 1992, Chadwick et al. 1999, Neff et al. 2008). In addition, there has been growing interest in aeolian input of black carbon (C) to soils as a potential long-term sink for C, as well as a mechanism for improving soil fertility (Schmidt and Noack 2000, Forbes et al. 2006, Liang et al. 2006). The simultaneous analysis of aeolian particles and microorganisms should contribute insight on the significance of wind transport as a vector for microbial dispersal and soil improvement (Smith 2013). We propose to quantify the input of microorganisms and particles to a variety of contrasting terrestrial ecosystems, as well as assess the significance of these inputs to the development of soil fertility and microbial communities. We will address these issues in a three-phase research project. The first phase will use a suite of measurement techniques to characterize the microorganisms, nutrients, and black C entering contrasting terrestrial ecosystems along an altitudinal gradient that comprises the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory (SSCZO). Further, geochemical tracers will be used to determine the likely geographical origins of the particles and particle-attached microorganisms entering these ecosystems. The four sites to be sampled (oak savannah, pine/oak forest, mixed-conifer, and subalpine forest) all have eddy-covariance towers that will be used to actively collect aeolian samples. Passive samplers (“dust traps”) will also be installed at each site, and soil profiles will be sampled to characterize the existing microbial communities, nutrient and black C pools, and for estimating long-term rates of dust deposition using geochemical tracers. The second phase will be experimental, and involve the removal of intact soil cores from each location, sterilization of the cores, and then replacement of the cores to their original locations. These soil cores will serve as novel substrates for colonization by the aeolian or nearby soil communities, and will be sampled periodically to determine the similarity of the novel microbial communities to both sources of genetic material. The third and final phase of this project will involve collaborators at other sites where existing eddy covariance towers exist (including other CZOs, AmeriFlux sites, new NEON sites, and LTER sites). We will lead a coordinated effort to sample the aeolian particles and soil microbial communities at a subset of these sites across the US. Sites will be selected to provide a broad range in climate and soil type to evaluate the potential role of these factors on microbial dispersal and aeolian particle inputs. The data gathered from this project will be shared openly and will have lasting ramifications for our understanding about soil microbial community assemblage and transport vectors, as well as the role of aeolian inputs on soils. Rationale and Significance: The diverse community of bacteria and archaea in the soil are vital to ecosystem processes. Microorganisms are also important regulators of plant community dynamics and diversity (Van der Heijden et al. 2008). Studies showing the negative impacts of invasive animal and plant species, and even fungi, on the populations of their native counterparts are becoming common (Litchman 2010). However, the general possibility of invasive non-pathogenic microorganisms has not been thoroughly addressed in terrestrial ecosystems, despite an increasing number of putative invasions (Griffin et al. 2002, Litchman 2010). Beneficial microorganisms, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, mycorrhizal mutualists, and rhizosphere colonists, could colonize terrestrial ecosystems via aeolian transport and positively impact ecosystem functioning. The relative importance of dispersal limitations versus environmental filtering in community assembly across whole ecosystems and regions has received much attention for macroorganisms (Ozinga et al. 2005, Lebrua-Trejos et al. 2010). However, the comparative influence of these filters on microbial community assembly is largely unclear (Kivlin et al. 2011). Determining assembly rules is critical for microorganisms (Fukami et al. 2010), as interactions between microbial taxa can alter important ecosystem processes such as net primary productivity, decomposition, and nutrient cycling rates (Bell et al. 2005, Ayers et al. 2009, Bradford and Fierer 2012). The basic tenet of microbial ecology for more than 70 years had been that “everything is everywhere, but the environment selects” (Baas Becking 1934). However, as molecular techniques surpassed morphological approaches, they have redefined microbial phylogenies and biogeography (Rout and Calloway 2012). These techniques, particularly high-throughput metagenomic sequencing, allow identification of separate species in diverse communities and complex ecosystems. The recent application of these techniques has demonstrated that, similar to macroorganisms, there is a spatial patterning of soil microorganisms at local and regional scales. As with larger organisms, dispersal limitations, environmental filters, and the resistance of native communities to invasion all likely contribute to these patterns (Martiny et al. 2006, Green et al. 2008). Very few studies have investigated microbial transport, with little information in the literature on vectors for microbial dispersal (Smith et al 2012, Creamean et al. 2013, Smith 2013). There is a growing body of evidence showing that aeolian processes interact with ecosystems at multiple scales, contributing to important biophysical feedbacks between the biotic and abiotic components of the earth (Ravi et al. 2011). Wind is often characterized as a dispersal vector of particles such as dust (Chadwick et al. 1999, Neff et al. 2008) and black C (Forbes et al. 2006), but the co-migration of microorganisms either free of or attached to these particles has only recently been acknowledged and has not been studied to date (Smith 2013). These invasive aeolian microbes and co-transported particles have the potential to greatly influence native soils and the microbial communities present. Our previous work within the mixed-conifer site of the SSCZO suggests that aeolian inputs may play a significant role in regolith formation and nutrient cycling in the SSCZO (Hahm and Riebe in prep.), thus being an important, yet unmeasured contributor to critical zone processes. Additionally, recent studies have suggested that long-range transport of black C (Forbes et al. 2006) and microorganisms (Smith et al 2012, Creamean et al. 2013, Smith 2013), in addition to particulate nutrient inputs (Chadwick et al. 1999, Neff et al. 2008, Coble et al. in prep.), can be significant. Additionally, particles co-transported with microorganisms in aerosols can suggest the geographic origin of cells and how long they have been aloft in the atmosphere (Smith 2013). These materials and organisms may be important contributors to soil development, particularly in poorly developed soils (Forbes et al. 2006, Lepleux et al. 2012). We propose to evaluate contemporary aeolian inputs across the entire elevation transect (4 sites), using a combination of active and passive samplers. Active samplers (Goossens and Offer 2000, Brodie et al. 2007) will be placed above the tree canopy, attached to existing eddy covariance towers, while passive samplers (“dust traps”; Reheis 2003, Coble et al. in prep.) will be located 2 m aboveground (to prevent any saltation inputs) within canopy gaps. Collected dust will be analyzed for nutrient content, geochemical tracers (Chadwick et al. 1999, Reynolds et al. 2012, Coble et al. in prep.), black C (Forbes et al. 2006), and microbial communities (Brodie et al. 2007, CruzMartínez et al. 2012). These data will provide information on contemporary inputs of aerosols, both biotic and abiotic, and the potential geographic sources of these particles. The aeolian microbial community composition will be analyzed and compared to samples collected in surficial soil horizons in order to determine the fraction of the microbial community entering the soil on the wind. Deeper soil horizons will also be assessed to estimate long-term rates of particulate deposition using geochemical tracers. These data will elucidate the role of allochtonous inputs, both biotic and abiotic, on critical zone processes in the SSCZO. Research Questions: Does wind act as a significant vector of dispersal for soil microorganisms and nutrients? Sub-question 1) What relative role do neighboring soil and incoming aeolian microorganisks have in colonizing novel substrates? We hypothesize that the soil bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities will be similar to the wind dispersed communities, but that environmental filtering and legacy effects will play a lesser role in soil community assembly relative to dispersal constraints. Sub-question 2) If we can show that wind dispersed, aerosol-attached or free-living aeolian microorganisms are important for shaping extant soil microbial communities, what relevance does that have for ecosystem functioning? We hypothesize that using metagenomic sequencing of functional genes, we will find that aeolian microorganisms are contributing functional diversity to the soil community. Sub-question 3) What role do the incoming aeolian nutrients and black C have in soil development across contrasting terrestrial ecosystems? We hypothesize that contemporary and long-term particulate nutrient and black C inputs will contribute significantly to soil development in all of these ecosystems. However, we predict that relative importance of these allochtonous to residual soil development and fertility will be greatest at higher elevations where soils are less developed (subalpine forest), and wind transport and particulate impaction are likely greatest. Experimental Plan: We aim to test the relative importance of dispersal limitation versus environmental filtering on soil microbial community composition in the SSCZO and at selected sites across the U.S. In addition, we will quantify simultaneously the abiotic component of these aerosols in order to estimate nutrient and black C inputs to these ecosystems, as well as indicate the possible origin of cells and how long they have been aloft in the atmosphere. The project will consist of three main phases: 1) an intensive investigation of contemporary inputs of the biotic and abiotic aerosol components at the four ecosystem types of the SSCZO, and comparisons with extant soil pools; 2) a soil colonization experiment at these same sites where the recolonization of sterilized, intact soil cores will be studied across these same four sites; and 3) an extensive, collaborative biogeography project including other existing eddy covariance tower sites across the U.S., including other CZOs, AmeriFlux towers, NEON sites, and LTERs. Study site: Phases 1 and 2 of this proposed research will be conducted within the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory (SSCZO), a community platform for research on critical-zone processes across the rain-snow transition zone in the southern Sierra Nevada ( Dr. Hart is a co-PI on the project and Dr. Aronson is a project collaborator. The SSCZO is part of a national network of 10 sites (4 new sites were added in 2014) for investigating Earth’s critical zone, where the constantly evolving boundary layer of rock, soil, water, air, and living organisms interact ( In the SSCZO, there are four eddy covariance flux towers located along an altitudinal gradient (400 – 2700 m.a.s.l.) across the rain-snow transition zone. The towers extend from the ground to above the tree canopy within 4 contrasting terrestrial ecosystems: oak savannah, pine/oak forest, mixed-conifer forest, and subalpine forest. Detailed micrometeorological data (including high-temporal resolution 3-D wind velocity and direction, precipitation, temperature, etc.) are collected at each tower. These data are currently used to estimate exchanges of energy, water, and carbon dioxide between the biosphere and the atmosphere (Goulden et al. 2012). The existing towers, environmental sensors, and surrounding undisturbed soils along this environmental gradient provide an ideal platform for the study of co-transport of microorganisms and abiotic particles by wind, and their impact on the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Intensive soil and wind biotic and abiotic assessment in the SSCZO. We propose to evaluate contemporary aeolian inputs across the entire altitudinal transect of the SSCZO (4 sites), using active samplers and passive samplers. The sites along this transect differ in vegetation structure, soil development on a common parent material (granitic residuum), wind velocities, air temperature, precipitation type and amount, and length of dry season. These vegetation, soil, and climatic differences should provide strong contrasts in the extant soil microbial communities and the biotic and abiotic aerosol inputs to these ecosystems. Previous work at the SSCZO mixed-conifer site suggests that aeolian inputs may play a significant role in regolith formation and nutrient cycling (Hahm and Riebe in prep). We will use the existing, continuous air-sampling system of the eddy covariance towers (sampled above the plant canopy) for our active aerosol samplers (Brodie et al. 2007). Currently, 1µm filters are used to minimize contamination of the InfraRed Gas Analyzer flow cell. During sampling, a second filter with a 0.22 µm pore size will be added downstream of the existing filter. This will allow us to capture both larger and smaller particulates. In both cases, sterile filters will be used and replaced at set intervals. These filters will be analyzed for elemental composition (Chadwick et al. 1999), black C (Forbes et al. 2006), and microbial communities (Brodie et al. 2007). Furthermore, whenever filters are exchanged, composite soil samples (O and upper A horizons) will be collected within the “footprint” of each tower to compare the extant soil microbial communities and nutrient and black C pools with aeolian inputs. We will also deploy multiple passive dust samplers (Reheis 2003, Coble et al. in prep) within open areas of each tower’s footprint to further characterize the abiotic aeolian inputs to these ecosystems. These data will elucidate the role of allochtonous inputs, both biotic and abiotic, on critical zone processes within the SSCZO. Microbial community profiling of air and soil samples will be performed via DNA extraction followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) of target genes. The genes chosen include the combined 16S rRNA genetic region for bacteria and archaea (Degnan & Ochman 2012; Aronson et al. 2013), and the ITS2 region for fungi (Ihrmark et al. 2012), and key biogeochemical genes, including pmoA for methane oxidation, mcrA for methane production (Aronson et al. 2013), narG, nirS, nirK, and nosZ denitrification genes, amoA for the ammonia oxidation step of nitrification and nifH for nitrogen fixation. The PCR extracts will be sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq system, one of which is now owned by both UCR and UCM. Quantification of variability will be assessed using Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (QIIME). Broader Impacts: This project will contribute to NSF goals of advancing discovery and understanding, bringing together interdisciplinary knowledge, and promoting teaching and training of early career faculty, students, and young scientists. The PI, Dr. Aronson, is a recently hired assistant professor with no previous federal funding as a standard grant. Both UCR and UCM, where the PI and Co-PI are faculty members, are Hispanic-serving institutions (the only two within the 10-campus UC system) with the highest percentage of underrepresented students of all the UC campuses. A female, under-represented minority graduate student currently works in the Aronson lab, and two minority undergraduate students (1 male, 1 female) currently work in the Hart lab. We will continue to recruit and train minority undergraduates as part of this project, and these undergraduates will be involved in every phase of the research (field, lab, data analysis, and writing). By associating our project with the SSCZO as well as other CZOs and federally funded network projects, we can take advantage of the existing and extensive outreach activities offered by these programs. For instance, the SSCZO has an outreach coordinator ( that will assist us in communicating our results to local K-12 schools, stakeholders interested in forests management, and the local foothill and mountain communities surrounding our study sites. We expect our research project to directly support the training of ≥10 undergraduate students, 2 graduate students, and a postdoctoral researcher. The career development of the postdoctoral researcher will be enhanced through a mentoring program designed to provide postdoctoral researchers with the skills and experience to prepare them to excel in their careers. Further, our collaborative biogeography experiment will improve scientific network infrastructure by bringing together research scientists and students involved in numerous federally funded sensor networks currently running across the U.S., as well as provide opportunities for cross-institution exchanges (e.g., Describe the project location (attach map if necessary): Within 10M circle around base of towers at each tower site. Duration and period of use: From March 2014 through February 2015 Describe any markers, including tags, flagging, stakes, fencing, or other to be used: None. Will other USFS facilities or resources be needed? X Yes ☐ No If Yes, please describe: We have already booked 2 nights in the SJER dormatory. Do you intend to publish your results? X Yes ☐ No If Yes, please remember to cite necessary parties (ex. SSCZO, KREW, etc.) If implementation of your project includes use of humans as experimental subjects or radiation, biological, or toxic chemicals, please explain. Please provide the required proof of liability insurance, or fill out the necessary UC Merced liability waiver form before accessing research site. Liability waivers will be attached. I will provide annual progress reports, electronic copies of all published reports, and a final report at the end of the study. I agree to remove all study markers and equipment at the end of the study. I also plan to adhere to the SSCZO data policy. ____ __________3/25/14__________________ _______________________ Project Director/Principle Investigator Date APPROVAL SIGNATURES ________________________________ ______________________ Matthew Meadows Date SSCZO Hydrologist Sierra Nevada Research Institute, UC Merced USFS Forestry Sciences Lab 2081 E. Sierra Avenue Fresno, CA 93710 559-323-3218 (o) 209-233-2802 (c) ________________________________ Roger Bales, PhD Director Sierra Nevada Research Institute University of California Merced 5200 N lake Rd Merced, CA 95343 209-228-4348 _______________________ Date APPROVAL FOR USAGE OF KREW-PSW RESOURCES OR FACILITIES ________________________________ Carolyn Hunsaker, PhD Research Ecologist USFS Forestry Sciences Lab 2081 E. Sierra Avenue Fresno, CA 93710 559-323-3211 ______________________ Date SUBMIT THIS FORM TO MATTHEW MEADOWS Distribution: M. Meadows, R. Bales, C. Hunsaker. Rev 11/12