Minutes WLTP IWG meet…

Working Paper No. WLTP-08-48e
(8th WLTP IWG meeting, 17.-20.11.2014)
Minutes of the 8th WLTP IWG Meeting
Pune, INDIA 17. – 20.11.2014
1. Welcome & organization:
Chair welcomed participants for the meeting #8 in India. Director of ARAI welcomed
the IWG on WLTP and stressed the strong commitment of India in supporting the WLTP
project. She pointed out the importance of future developments of concepts for alternative
fuels and electrified vehicles for the country. Chair thanked ARAI for hosting the IWG
WLTP experts and for the perfect organization.
List of participants:
WLTP-08 - List of
Participants signed.pdf
2. Adoption of agenda & minutes:
Minutes of 7th IWG meeting (WLTP-07-18e) were adopted without changes. India will
give additionally information about the round robin exercises (item 11).
3. Open Issues Table:
Update since 7th IWG meeting (WLTP-08-03e) was presented. The relevant taskforces and
their leaders are named (see column: contact person). TF leaders are required to inform
WLTP leading team about TF members as well as agendas and minutes of scheduled TF
meetings. WLTP leading team will collect the information and provide it to IWG
members until WLTP IWG meeting #9.
--------------------------------------------Monday, 17.11.2014:
4. WLTP Subgroup EV (Annex 8)
#50 RCB Correction:
ACEA provided a new proposal (WLTP-SG-EV-06-11) to obtain RCB correction coefficient
of CS with warm condition and this is applicable for vehicles in the same family. WLTP
IWG feedback was in general positive; the proposal provides a good balance between
accuracy and testing burden. JPN will review this proposal and will respond before WLTP
IWG meeting #9. The issue is expected to be closed after the JPN’s response. WLTP IWG
Chair requested EV Chairs to provide a separate IWG document for adoption.
# 55: Phase Specific calculation:
ACEA demonstrates that phase specific range calculation for PEV works well (WLTP-SGEV-06-03). For HEVs, phase specific values could be obtained by the new proposal from
ACEA, as mentioned in open issue #50. In this connection EU-COM requested more data,
which JPN offered to provide. This issue could be closed in WLTP IWG meeting #9 as
well, after the JPN’s response for the proposal.
# 2, #56 CO2 family definition and Combined Approach:
For CO2 family definition, proposals from both ACEA and JPN have been discussed
(WLTP-SG-EV-06-04, WLTP-SG-EV-06-05). For combined approach, JPN proposed a
method with a midpoint in energy demand in interpolation of vehicles in a family.
ACEA proposed that the midpoint could create two new families. The concept needs to be
developed further regarding definition of the midpoint.
T&E proposes to combine the two proposals from JPN and ACEA to clarify which
parameters need to be considered regarding phase specific values in the combined
# 52 End of test criteria for PEV:
ACEA presented proposals for end of test criteria for PEV for low power and vehicles with
capped speed (WLTP-SG-EV-06-07).
JPN will present position on the proposal from ACEA at WLTP IWG meeting #9.
# 03: system power determination:
WLTP Subgroup EV has not the sufficient resources to develop a procedure for the
determination of the combined power of HEVs within the given timeframe of WLTP phase
1B. Therefore the initiative of EVE IWG is supported to develop such a procedure in a
parallel process. A mandate is currently in development under the co-leadership of
Germany (H. Holdik) and Korea (D. Choi). H. Holdik gave a short presentation about the
scope and tentative timeline (WLTP-SG-EV-06-08).
Thus, this issue is closed in WLTP IWG. Nevertheless it is very important that WLTP
Subgroup EV provides input to the EVE group, especially which performance criteria are
needed for WLTP. The possibility to extend the scope from HEVs to PEVs and
conventional vehicles should be reconsidered.
# 57 Utility factors:
Presentation of UF values (WLTP-SG-EV-06-12) from EU. JPN presented a proposal for
GTR text (WLTP-SG-EV-06-15) that has been submitted to the drafting coordinator. As a
remark from ACEA: proposal still has to be discussed within Sub group EV.
India requested that a harmonized methodology for UF development is provided in the
GTR. This is helpful for CP who haven’t determined UF factors yet and might encourage
CPs to use the given UFs instead of developing own ones.
WLTP IWG supported the following general approach:
1) Harmonized methodology in GTR to derive regional UF values
2) Non-harmonized UF values, based on regional parameters (overview on different
regional UF values given in GTR)
Issue 2) will be raised by WLTP IWG Chair in progress report to GRPE in the general
context Further political discussion regarding the of including inclusion of regional options
in the GTR will take place in GRPE..
WLTP IWG Chair requested EV Chairs to provide a separate working document for IWG
meeting #9. It shall include a comparison on existing methodologies for UF development
and give a view on chances for harmonization.
Outcome of Annex 8 drafting meeting was not discussed .The further proceeding is
connected to the general drafting issues (item 11) and the establishment of a IWG
Drafting Task Force.
---------------------------------------------5. Main part & Cycle issues (Annex 1 & 2) presented by H. Steven
Downscaling / gearshifting (OIL #4-9):
# 05: Modifications of the calculation parameter/coefficients r0, a1 and b1 (WLTP-08-10e)
India requested modifications and made a respective proposal. Modified calculation
parameter/coefficients were developed. Effects for M1 and N1 vehicles were shown. O.
Eberhardt expressed his concerns; if the approach would probably apply to N1 vehicles
on the European market in future (note: this is not the case today). Proposed parameters
were supported by India, JPN, EC as a compromise solution and adopted by WLTP
# 06: Annex 2, section 2, use of the gearbox, required data (WLTP-08-11e, WLTP-08-12e)
A modified description for nmin_drive and a modified definition for nmax were developed by
the task force and presented for adoption. The 2 proposals were adopted by WLTP
For the amendment of definition of nmin_drive the perspective was given to have a proposal
ready for adoption for IWG meeting #10.
For the calculation of gear use if separate groups of transmission ratios are available, the
proposal to base the gear use determination on the group normally used for on-road
operation was adopted by WLTP IWG. The wording needs to be improved regarding
“range” (B. Coleman, Drafting Coordinator).
Definition of exception of crawler gears in current gtr was discussed in TF without
conclusion. Timeframe was extended to IWG meeting #10.
# 06: annex 2, sections 3.2 and 3.3 (WLTP-08-13e):
For determination of engine speed improved descriptions were developed. The proposals
were adopted by WLTP IWG.
Additional safety margin for full load power curve was required by India and
manufacturers. Taskforce developed an exponential approach. Amendment of gtr is
proposed and was adopted by WLTP IWG. India will analyses the impact of the
tolerance band of power determination and will give additional feedback to the taskforce.
# 06: Revised text for annex 2 with requirements for deceleration phases (WLTP-08-14e
All additional text proposals were adopted by WLTP IWG.
# 08: Annex 2, section 4b (WLTP-08-15rev1)
Proposal to replace 3 s rule by 2 s rule was required by manufacturers to avoid excessive
engine speeds for “short” transmissions. Effect on number of upshifts was evaluated. TF
proposes 2 s rule. Proposal was adopted by WLTP IWG.
# 09: Gearshift family criteria, delete this issue from the list.
(WLTP-08-16e) was presented and adopted by WLTP IWG.
6. RLD & dyno setting (Annex 4)
Progress report (WLTP-08-17-rev1e) was given on RLD issues (#10 – 21), incl. outcome of
validation exercises, by TF Coordinator R. Cuelenaere
# 11: onboard anemometry / wind conditions
No progress due to outstanding validation program. Program indicated by US/EPA, but no
concrete information available, no assessment in TF possible. Conclusion of WLTP
IWG: Wind condition criteria will stay unchanged in current gtr.
TNO will assess the need of improved specifications for the on-board measurement
technology and report at IWG meeting#9.Decision to keep onboard anemometry in the gtr
or not will be based on assessment from TNO and on further input from automotive
industry, especially Ford.
# 13-15: torque meter method
Torque meter test results and initial gtr proposals will be presented by Ford in IWG
Starting note on tyre selection:
Presentation by K. Steininger (WLTP-08-18e). Proposal of EU-COM was discussed in the
TF for Annex 4 without conclusion. Comprehensive information from ETRTO / tyre
manufacturers regarding the distribution of rolling resistance values of aftermarket tyres
within classes is still missing. Contracting Parties were not in a position to decide to add
the issue to the open issue list of WLTP IWG or to reject it (means unchanged gtr
provisions). Conclusion of WLTP IWG: RLD TF should not continue the discussions
until the necessary data is available.
Independent from the EU COM proposal NL proposed that the gtr should reference to the
ISO standard instead of R117 for determination of rolling resistance. NL (A. Rijnders) will
provide a proposal for pre-discussion in the RLD TF and possible adoption at IWG meeting
# 1b_2: Concept for Road Load Family
WLTP-08-19e and an initial draft (WLTP-08-20e) were presented by Chr. Lueginger
(OICA). Family concept was intensely discussed and in principle supported by WLTP
IWG. Further development seems to be necessary. Approval will depend on results of
validation (measurements are foreseen latest until mid 2015). Progress reports will be
given continuously, adoption will be prepared for IWG meeting #12.
B. Coleman suggested renaming of “CO2-family” should be considered with reflection to
pure EV. The term “CO2 family” is already blocked by some regional legislation, it should
therefore be renamed. “Combined approach family” (or a similar term) would be more
appropriate. Input is requested for IWG meeting #9.
# 10 Use of Wind tunnel data for combined approach:
Alternative delta CD*A determination (WLTP-08-21e) was outlined by BMW. It was agreed
by WLTP IWG that there is a justified need for an alternative determination method and
the proposal should be further evaluated. Nevertheless WLTP IWG raised strong
concerns regarding the current lack of specifications of simulation tools to ensure
equivalency of the alternative determination method. Some basic parameters should be
established. Constraints in regard to energy difference should also be considered. Concept
will be rediscussed at IWG meeting #9.
# 18 Use of wind tunnel + moving belt/dyno as alternative RLD method:
Status report by BMW (WLTP-08-22e) was presented. TF RLD prediscussed the proposal
and supports the concept in principle. Work continues. Equipment and measurement
method of moving belt dyno (WLTP-08-24e) were presented by Folko Rohde (VW) as
basic principle.
India requested more detailed background information on the development of this new
method in a form of a technical report. A more detailed progress report, incl. this
background information, is expected by BMW in meeting #10, with a preview in meeting
#9. It is also expected that the information will be given in the formal technical report
which will be provided together with the GRPE working document for amendment of gtr
No. 15. Initiative of Technical Gtr Sponsors (JPN, EC) is necessary.
UTAC presented comparison results (WLTP-08-23e) between coast down and
windtunnel(WT)/chassdynamometer(CD) method. WT+CD offer a better repeatability &
reproducibility than the track method. More data is expected from VW.
Initial gtr draft text of this new method was outlined (WLTP-08-25e) for wind tunnel and
moving belt regarding procedure and equipment. Repeatability criteria have to be
developed based on validation measurement results. Draft will be discussed further in
detail in the task force and presented for confirmation in IWG meeting #10.
# 17 Default road load parameters:
Explanation of hybrid approach (incl. extension of scope) was given by NL (WLTP-0826e). Approach is necessary especially for multi-stage vehicles (MSV) and can be used as
an option to full measurement or application of default road load values. WLTP IWG
welcomed the initial proposal and requested to develop it further in the RLD TF. JPN had
concerns to extend the scope of application to other vehicles than MSV, e.g. N1.. Based on
the statements from other Contracting Parties, e.g. Germany / NL, it was agreed by
WLTP IWG that the RLD TF should further investigate the possibility of scope extension.
India requested that default road load values shall be based on real data. WLTP IWG
asks RLD TF for clarification of validation needs and further steps for reporting in IWG
meeting #9.
ACEA welcomed the NL proposal and gave a feedback (WLTP-08-27e). Additional coast
down data and comparison to the adjusted default values are expected to be delivered by
ACEA to RLD TF. The separate proposal to adapt the factor of “F0” in the current gtr
formula should be further discussed in the RLD TF. ACEA also offered to provide a
document which describes the EU concept of MSV as background information for other
Contracting Parties. WLTP IWG agreed to postpone final discussion on default
parameters to IWG meeting #10.
# 12, 21 Definition of Reference speed points:
WLTP-08-28e was adopted by WLTP IWG.TF was thanked for the constructive way of
working on an agreement. Draft will be given to the Drafting Coordinator.
# 19 Proposal for alternative warm up procedure:
WLTP-08-29-rev1e was presented by T. Fujiwara. WLTP IWG agreed on the content
and calls it adopted. T. Fujiwara & RLD TF should check whether the proposed wording
needs editorial improvements. Final gtr wording will be provided by T. Fujiwara to the
Drafting Coordinator before IWG meeting #9.
7. Test equipment and calibrations (Annex 5)
#23: 4WD dyno specifications:
T. Fujiwara outlined amendment proposal (WLTP-08-05) which was (in principle)
adopted by WLTP IWG. Proposal needs editorial improvement (clarification of and / or
composition and reordering of subparagraphs). Final wording will be given to the Drafting
Coordinator by. T. Fujiwara.
# 24-26: Starting note
WLTP-08-30e from Th. Adam was presented by M. Bergmann. Expert meeting will be
scheduled for reporting and adoption in IWG meeting #9.
8. Test procedure and conditions (Annex 6)
#27 Number of tests:
Proposal of JPN (WLTP-08-31e) was outlined by T. Fujiwara and compared with the EU
proposal (WLTP-08-43e), introduced by O. Eberhardt. WLTP IWG asked for further
clarification of the Japanese proposal. A major point of discussion was related to the
separation of CO2 / pollutants in connection with the question whether a declared or
measured CO2 value will be used. EU was requested to clarify the future situation in EU
legislation regarding the declaration of the CO2 value and give feedback to TF leader T.
TF leader T. Fujiwara will convene experts to prepare a status document, which
summarizes the situation (advantages/disadvantages of approaches), and develop a
harmonized gtr draft text.
#31 Provisions for Coasting:
Progress report (WLTP-08-32e) by TF leader Th. Vogel was introduced by H. Steven. Due
to the fundamental objections from JPN (cycle modifications are not acceptable) the
supplemental test and the proposal from PSA are obsolete. Therefore the proposal from
BOSCH is currently the only option to continue the work in the TF. The BOSCH approach
was described in more details: evaluation of phases within the WLTC where coasting might
occur and considering the effect of coasting in these phases by post calculation. EU
requests clarification of time alignment of CO2-modal data. Coasting TF should discuss
this proposal further on expert level and report to next IWG meeting.
#34 – 38 Handling of Ki-Approach:
Proposal for adoption by N. Ichikawa (WLTP-08-33e) was presented. Conclusions:
#37 Proposal for handling of Engine shut off between regeneration tests was adopted by
#35 Alternative Ki loading method: Proposal adopted by WLTP IWG.
#36 Each phase ki for FC/CO2- TF will further discuss this issue
#38 Fixed Ki Transfer from R101 is proposed: adopted by WLTP IWG.
#34 Application of a 3- or- 4 phase Ki procedure will be discussed further in TF
Draft text for adopted OILs will be provided to drafting coordinator by the TF leader, N.
Clarification on temperature provisions (soak / type 1 test):
WLTP-08-34e was presented by M. Bergmann and adopted by WLTP IWG. Proposal
will be provided to the drafting coordinator.
Not discussed:
Brief oral reports on other OIL items
(especially on issues with proposals expected for meeting #9)
9. Calculations (Annex 7)
#38 CO2/FC calculation:
Proposal of M. Bergmann was adopted by WLTP IWG not to add additional matlab
formulae as redundant and to keep for consistency.
#42 Willans factors for petrol (E10) & diesel (B7):
Proposal by Th. Adam (WLTP-08-06-rev1e) was presented. The general approach was
supported by JPN and India. Mean net heat value shall be the base, asked by India.
Values are shall be included as table data. Germany had a scrutiny reservation and will
give feedback to the table data latest well in advance of IWG meeting #10. Depending on
feedback from Germany the proposal is called adopted by WLTP IWG or needs to be
rediscussed in the TF and at IWG meeting #10.
#43 FC calculations:
Proposal of Th. Adam (WLTP-08-07e) was presented by M. Bergmann. India asked to
check for used units in g/km and for inclusion of a generic formula. Proposal was
adopted by WLTP IWG.
Draft text will be provided to the drafting coordinator and NL suggested crosschecking the
proposal with item 2.3 of the calculation algorithms proposal by EC (WLTP-08-38e).
#47: FC interpolation method:
Proposal of Th. Adam (WLTP-08-08e) was presented by M. Bergmann. JPN and India
asked for checking the use of theoretical cycle energy and distance in the calculation.
Proposal was fully supported and adopted by WLTP IWG.
#49: Calculation of CO2 value for an individual vehicle
Proposal by M. Bergmann (WLTP-08-35e) was adopted by WLTP IWG.
# 44–46: Additional pollutants:
Progress report was given by C. Astorga (WLTP-08-36e). Feedback on open points in
Annex 5+7 has been provided to Drafting Coordinator by C. Astorga and will be reviewed
within the drafting meetings.
10. Normalization procedures / correction algorithms (#48)
Position paper (WLTP-08-38e) was presented by EU-COM with the aim to decide on a
package of procedures for harmonization and a timeframe for inclusion into gtr (priorities
A, B, C). The focus lies on issues with priority A (immediate EU implementation &
introduction in gtr in phase1B) and B (further investigation and introduction in phase1B).
Proposal on item 2.7 (inaccuracy of road load setting on the chassis dyno) was withdrawn
during discussions.
A first view was given by ACEA (WLTP-08-46, -08-47 by BMW):
Item 2.2 (drive trace correction) several difficulties are not yet addressed, but most of
them could possibly be solved in the timeframe of WLTP phase 1B. The aspects regarding
EV vehicles can most likely not be solved in phase 1B. JPN shared the EV concerns. EU
COM proposed to exclude EVs in a first step.
Regarding item 4.1 (Veh. conditioning for coast down, tyre pressure monitoring/control) it
was suggested to deal with it in TF RLD, because it is no correction. WLTP IWG agreed
that TF RLD should prepare a proposal.
Item 6.2 (Rotational inertia mass) needs in view of ACEA further investigation.
JPN will provide its positions in IWG meeting #9, with the focus on items with rank of A
or B. (note: inclusion of other items in WLTP phase 2 needs to be discussed separately,
see agenda item 11)
India requested information about data basis for indicated possible deviations. EU COM
referred to details in the report of TUG / TNO (WLTP-08-37e).
EU will clarify the immediate need for introduction of a cycle correction in European
legislation before adoption of WLTP phase 1B.
Chair recommends TF to continue the discussion focusing on the A-Elements and later on
the B-Position. All Contracting Parties are strongly requested to give a clear
position, if this approach should be handled in general within the scope of WLTP gtr and
if yes, which of the proposed items are supported to be harmonized within phase 1B.
(Deadline for feedback: 02.01.2015). Additional assessments with a view on technical
aspects / possible difficulties and necessary validations are also welcomed.
#41 Driving trace index:
Feedback from parties regarding status of validation was requested by Chair. JPN asks for
driving trace data including bag data. ACEA will provide data from WLTP-NEDC correlation
project in the EU. No further comments from other CPs
11. General issues
#59 System equivalency, Annex 9:
Starting note presented by K. Kolesa (WLTP-08-09e) Task force will be installed with
members: Konrad Kolesa, Andre Rijnders, Iddo Riemersma, Christoph Lueginger, Les Hill;
Bjoern Ramacherand external statistics experts
Round Robin exercises:
Brief oral reports were given by B. Coleman & T. Haniu about progress of ongoing
measurements. India gave an overview on Asia round robin, which is based on the
current status of gtr. Project of national Indian round robin is ongoing with strong support
of manufacturers. Since China did not yet show clear position in participation, Chair is
asked to clarify this issue again with China.
Amendment for Gtr 15 definitions
B. Coleman presented WLTP-08-39e and WLTP-08-45e. WLTP IWG welcomed the work
and supported after discussion the definition of “maximum vehicle load” as a base for
depending definitions. “Maximum vehicle laden mass” – feedback from JPN is expected.
The proposed changes were not yet formally adopted, but supported by the WLTP IWG.
Draft text will be given to the Drafting Coordinator. The technical aspects for continuously
regenerating systems have to be integrated in the technical annex (Drafting
Drafting issues:
Chair introduced the process of amending the gtr text and announced to schedule a
drafting meeting. Report (WLTP-08-40e) was given by S. Dubuc.
WLTP IWG received several comments from JPN, T&E and OICA members on the
expert proposals in the current gtr draft (WLTP-08-04e) which were foreseen to be
adopted by written procedure with deadline 31.10.2015. B. Coleman suggested to
schedule drafting team meetings to have a peer review of the complete gtr draft. WLTP
IWG concluded that a Drafting TF shall deal with the open points regarding expert
proposals (editorial stuff, minor technical amendments, etc.) and conduct a peer review of
the complete gtr.Drafting meetings to be arranged by the Drafting Coordinator. Brief
introduction of new Expert Proposals to be adopted by written procedure will be in
drafting taskforce if needed. Schedule for drafting taskforce will be established by Chair
until 12/2014.
Chair clarified that all amendments from Drafting task force still need to be adopted
formally by WLTP IWG later on. More fundamental issues need to be reported separately
to WLTP IWG and will be added as separate discussions points to an IWG agenda, if
Indication of temperatures (°C / K, “273[.15] K”) has to be consistent within the gtr.
Systematic approach will be developed by expert group (M. Bergmann, A. Feucht) and
submitted to the WLTP IWG. To ensure consistency with other gtr’s, Chair will inform
other GRPE IWGs, e.g. EPPR, by progress report in January GRPE.
12. Working Issues for WLTP Phase 2
Starting note by K. Kobayashi (WLTP-08-41e, WLTP-08-41e_annex) was presented. ToR
need to be established until mid of 2015. Main issues are durability, in service conformity,
additional tests. A questionnaire will be sent out to CPs to be completed until the end of
February 2015. First views in IWG meeting #9 by K. Steininger (WLTP-08-42e)
including EV issues of WLTP Phase 2 & 3. Consolidated communication to EVE-IWG is
recommended. OICA is invited to contribute.
13. Meeting schedule
9th WLTP IWG Meeting, January 2015 (Geneva, 14.01.2015, full day)
- With preparing telephone conference beforehand
10 WLTP IWG Meeting, April 2015 (Sweden, exact date to be confirmed! 13.4. EV, 3
three days IWG meeting)
11th WLTP IWG Meeting, June 2015 (Geneva, preceding GRPE)
12th WLTP IWG Meeting, September 2015 (Japan, date t.b.d.)
14. AoB
Information about status of Fuel Efficiency Policy in Korea (WLTP-08-44-rev1e)
Integrated fuel efficiency monitoring entered in force for road load determination and fuel
efficiency. In-use program to be installed within 1 to 2 years.
Konrad Kolesa
Co-Technical Secretary