Minutes of the Golden Bay Community Board meeting held on

Golden Bay Community Board
9 October 2012
9.02 am
Takaka Service Centre
C McLellan (Chair), L Gamby (Deputy Chair), Board
members K Brookes and M Symmons, and councillors M
Bouillir and P Sangster
Mayor Kempthorne (until 11.46am), Chief Executive L
McKenzie (until 11.54am), and Customer Services
Manager, S Westley.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and made introductions.
Paddy Brennan – raised the matter of motocross noise and gave a brief history; she
explained that no resource consent had been required to set the track up as it was
classed as an agricultural activity and residents’ complaints regarding the noise are
not dealt with through the same channel as other noise nuisance complaints. Ms
Brennan said the residents affected by the track want to know who actually decided
about the noise being an agricultural activity and she asked for a meeting with the
Chief Executive and the Board Chair to discuss that.
Liz Thomas – ex-councillor Golden Bay County Council, told the Board she is back in
Golden Bay and has a new role working for the Golden Bay Work Centre Trust
(GBWCT), researching ‘accommodation needs and the strength of the social fabric’
following on from the Ageing in Place research recently carried out under the
umbrella of the GBWCT, to see what the needs are for people getting older. She has
two years to gather the information.
Bill Wallis – spoke about the Anatoki Track Road and the agreement the landowners
had with Council that the road would be maintained up to the new bridge (landowners
paid half of the costs of the bridge). Mr Wallace said the road had only recently
been gravelled, but with very sharp rock that has ruined vehicle tyres. He is asking
for the fences to be shifted back to enable water tabling and the road to be ‘crowned’
and for Council to work with him to achieve that end. He said the user group does
not exist now – no-one wants to contribute to fixing the road.
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
Joan Butts – spoke regarding contaminated sites in Golden Bay and reminded the
Board that Council’s Jenny Easton was to speak to groups to identify contaminated
sites in the Bay. She said the meeting did not occur and it is very important that the
sites are identified.
The Chair reported that Paul Sheldon is the now Council’s Resource Scientist –
Contaminants; she asked that the Minute Secretary contact Mr Sheldon to say that
Cr Sangster, Board member Gamby and Joan Butts will work with him to identify
contaminated sites in Golden Bay.
Charlotte Squires – introduced herself as the Golden Bay reporter for the Nelson
Alan Kilgour – Port Tarakohe Update
Mr Kilgour reported on the following items:
Some negative comments in the media from visitors to the Bay regarding the
ramp fees. Mr Kilgour explained that they do not need to buy a card – they
can pay each time they visit instead.
It has been noticed that one person is letting several others through; this
results in their card being null and void.
The old rotten pontoon has been replaced with money from the ramp fees
The ramp fee system - $45 to join the Boat Club, plus ramp fee of $65 = $110;
non-members pay $150 for the card.
There has been a second visit from an oil company support vessel; up to 20
people on the support vessels.
Port water supply – now a top rate system. He acknowledged Port Tarakohe
Limited who upgraded the system down to the Port.
The Port purchased a 25,000 litre tank for marina users during an emergency.
The Port paid the fire brigade for water deliveries over the emergency
recovery period.
Mussels from Tasman Bay are coming over Port Tarakohe wharf; they are not
happy about paying the wharfage fees.
Chief Executive, Mr McKenzie explained that the wharfage fee is $10 per ton for fish,
and by default that applies to mussels. The mussel people consider the weight in the
shell makes it expensive; the working party will be talking to them.
Prices are being obtained for a walkway system on the main wharf through the
fenders for Health and Safety purposes.
There have been record tonnages of commercial fish over the wharf over the
last two months.
The marina is completely full and vessels are being turned away.
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
Mr Kilgour is to meet with the CEO of Cruise Ships NZ, who is looking
favourably at the Nelson area, including Golden Bay. The cruise ship visit that
is expected at Christmas 2014 will be firmed up.
Dolomite is still going through the Port.
There are no scallops in the Bay and visitor numbers (recreational fishers) are
The Chair reported there is a late agenda item – Takaka Service Centre – 7.2.
Moved Board members Gamby/Brookes
THAT the report and correspondence contained in the agenda be received.
Minutes of the meeting of the Golden Bay Community Board held
on 11 September 2012
Moved Board members Brookes/Symmons
THAT the Minutes of the Golden Bay Community Board meeting held on 11
September 2012 (containing resolutions GB12-09-01 – 07) be confirmed as a
true and correct record.
The Chair spoke to her report.
Old Library Site – Options for Development
It was reported that the boards showing the options for development are still not up;
Mrs Westley said she would contact the staff member concerned.
Old Library Insurance Money
The Chair reported the Board has met with the Manager Property Services (Jim
Frater) and the Board’s first choice is to rebuild.
Moved Board member Gamby/Cr Bouillir
THAT the Golden Bay Community Board advises its first choice regarding the
insurance money for the old library is to rebuild commercial premises on the
triangle of reserve land next to the new library.
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
Further, the Board’s second choice is to purchase an existing building in
Takaka that can be used for commercial premises.
Board member Symmons commented that the recommendation reflects the Board’s
concerns about the limited commercial space available in Takaka.
Dog Control Consultation
Mr McKenzie explained that the Board’s August recommendations had ‘fallen through
the cracks’ and the matter of the dog control consultation has been rescheduled to go
on the Environment & Planning agenda.
Coastal Erosion
The Chair reported that there had been a meeting of Mayor Kempthorne, D BushKing, M Day, and the Board Chair and Deputy Chair to look at the erosion problem at
Pakawau. Mayor Kempthorne commented that erosion is a significant issue in many
places, but it was good to see the sites at Pakawau and Rangihaeata with their
obvious problems and to work out how best to deal with them.
Cr Sangster said he had met with both landowners and there is a proposal where
they can do something themselves. He said it is easier to deal with now the erosion
is on private property.
Natural Burial
The Chair thanked Council’s Parks and Reserves Manager for allowing the first
natural burial to occur at Rototai before all the development work was completed at
the site.
River Meetings
It was reported that these have now been held.
The CEO has undertaken to look into an outstanding application which has not been
processed. He will report back on this matter. Council is to do an Environmental
Impact study and once that is completed the applicant can reapply.
Presentations Cont
Lisa Lewis – Riding a Pump Track
Ms Lewis thanked those involved for the work done on the track down by the river
however she considered it to be in the wrong place – being close to the river is not an
ideal place for the youth. She suggested a good site would be by the skate park on
the corner at the entrance to the carpark as the pump track does not require a lot of
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
She explained that a pump track teaches the riders better bike skills and they can
naturally progress to mountain biking; a pump track would also be a good addition to
what is already there. Ms Lewis suggested “Way2Go” to advertise it.
She said the Mountain Bike Club had intimated they may help with maintenance of
the track, and the two cycle shops would also encourage use of the track.
With regard to costs to install the pump track, Ms Lewis said about $15,000 would
cover it if all the materials and labour had to be bought, but it would be a lot cheaper
if materials were donated.
Having the pump track next to the skatepark would free up the skatepark as the bikes
go around the track.
There was some discussion on ownership of the land.
The Chair said the Board would write to Community and Engineering services, as the
first step is to get it into the Annual Plan.
Chair’s Report Cont
With regard to the Rivers meetings, Cr Sangster asked for a meeting of the CEO,
Mayor, Board members and Merv Solly, Contractor. Cr Sangster said Mr Solly has a
wealth of knowledge about rivers and he would like to hear what he has to say about
the effect of the banks of gravel in the rivers.
It was agreed that Mayor Kempthorne and Mr McKenzie’s secretary be approached
regarding the setting up of the meeting after the November Board meeting in
Collingwood if possible.
Integrated Family Health Centre
The Chair reported that the mauri kohatu was laid. She said there is to be a
celebratory garden party on Sunday 28 October, weather permitting and if wet,
Sunday 11 November 2012.
Pohara Hall
Cr Sangster reported that there are five commercial properties in Takaka that are
also an earthquake risk; he said 3 of these could be accommodated in a new
commercial building. He considered that the Takaka Service Centre is one of the
better buildings.
In response to questions Mr McKenzie clarified that the Takaka Service Centre is a
building consent authority and failing the building code made the building a safety
and insurance issue.
He concurred that with regard to halls, if people are willing to take the risk, Council
would probably be happy with the hall being used, depending on useage and the
weighting used to determine the risk.
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
Presentations Cont
MENZSHED Presentation – Mike Rodwell and Alan Kissell
Mike Rodwell thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak about the MENZSHED
organisation. Prior to his presentation he said he was sorry to hear that the Takaka
Service Centre had to be vacated; he commented on the night sky issue – at
Mangarakau the night sky is remarkable; and said he had noticed the heritage trough
on the Takaka Hill (he is a member of the Heritage Society in Nelson), and made a
donation towards the work on the trough. The Chair said the money would be
passed to Heritage Golden Bay.
Mr Rodwell also commented on the importance of local government and ‘doing it
Alan Kissell took up the presentation. He is a retired builder and co-ordinator of the
Richmond Menzshed; they have a membership of 100 and their shed is open more
days and hours than any other shed in New Zealand. He said the organisation is
gaining momentum around the world; there are 45 registered sheds in New Zealand.
He said members share their skills and learn new ones; they fix things, make things
and it is also a good social time too where men talk about personal things that
otherwise would not be discussed; it is good for them to keep their identity and fill
their time. Members make things to sell and have garage sales. Membership is $25
a year; most of the machinery and tools are donated. The organisation is open to
everyone; they run classes for the intellectually handicapped, boys and girls and
home schooled children.
Their organisation is hosting a national conference in Richmond in February next
year as they are working towards setting up a national body. Mr Kissell considered it
would be good for Golden Bay to have a Menzshed.
In response to a question from the Board about OSH issues, Mr Kissell said they
initially contacted the Labour Department who didn’t want to know about it. They
have their own detailed health and safety plan and supervisors ensure people do not
use inappropriate machinery.
Mr Rodwell said they are providing a really good community space and are supported
by Tasman District Council. Other fund-raising activities include projects for Nelson
City Council and DIYs at Bunnings on a Saturday morning. They are a non-profit
organisation. They are intending to lobby government to raise their profile.
Chair’s Report Cont
Carparking in Takaka CBD
The differentiating of each carpark in the Takaka CBD was discussed. The Board
suggested it could monitor how the marked carparks work and if necessary revisit the
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
It was suggested that a park for campervans could be around by the old Waitapu
Engineering site, off Motupipi Street.
Cr Sangster said he had spoken with Council’s Steve Elkington (Transportation
Projects Engineer) regarding having a blue sign at the entrance to town showing
people where the carparks are so they do not have to park in the main street.
It was agreed that signage directing campervans to either of the current carparks be
It was agreed to contact Mr Elkington and Jenna Voigt of MWH with the Board’s
80kmph Speed Limit for Golden Bay?
The Chair reported that the feedback she has received about having an 80kmph
speed limit in Golden Bay is in opposition.
Cr Bouillir said she had received a ‘mixed bag’ response. She said there had been
sensible suggestions that supported 80kms for the Pohara area and Paynes Ford to
Following discussions it was agreed that a questionnaire go out in the Newsline
publication. Mr McKenzie cautioned the Board to be careful that an 80kms speed
restriction does not result in lesser engineering standards. He agreed to do a
preamble on the questionnaire.
The Board agreed to contact Chris Choat regarding this method of consultation.
Mayor Kempthorne left the meeting at this point being 11.46am.
Collingwood Broadband Capacity
It was reported that the work is running behind and that the hospital and schools (as
planned) will be the first to go onto ultrafast broadband.
Golden Bay Community Board Garden Competition
Moved Board members Brookes/Gamby
THAT the Golden Bay Community Board donates $500 towards the garden
Mr McKenzie left the meeting at this point, being 11.54am.
Takaka Hill (Motueka Side) Historic Horse Trough
Moved Cr Sangster/Board member Brookes
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
THAT the Golden Bay Community Board writes a letter of support to Heritage
Golden Bay to support the restoration of the historic horse trough on the
Motueka side of the Takaka Hill, and to install an Heritage Information panel at
that site. The Board’s letter is to accompany the Heritage Golden Bay
application to NZTA seeking permission to do work adjacent to a state highway
and to have this historic site recognised and signposted.
Dark Night Sky
Moved Crs Sangster/Bouillir
THAT the Golden Bay Community Board:
1. Writes to Engineering Services submitting that all new lighting, both public
and private be of the type which does not allow light spill and will support a
Dark Night Sky policy, and
2. Asks that as any public lighting is replaced it be replaced with lighting
consistent with a dark night sky.
3. Writes to the Environment & Planning Department requesting that light
pollution regulations be added to the TRMP and that the TRMP support all
endeavours to work towards a dark night sky throughout Tasman.
Policy Review: Rural Land Use and Subdivision
Moved Board members Symmons/Gamby
THAT Golden Bay Community Board writes to both Rainbow and Tui
communities thanking them for their assistance and hospitality on our recent
visit with Policy Planners Mary Honey and Maxine Day.
Takaka Village Market – Report from Peter Pontier
This item was received earlier.
Multipurpose Sports Facility – Golden Bay Genealogy Group
Moved Board members Gamby/Brookes
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
THAT the correspondence be received, its contents noted and the letter
referred to Peter Blasdale and Dean Lund for their information.
Riding a Pump Track – Lisa Lewis
MENZSHED Organisation – Mike Rodwell and Alan Kissell
These items were received earlier
Memorial Gardens and Cenotaph – Golden Bay RSA
The Chair commented that the memorial has gone to the new library and there was
considerable consultation at the time.
Moved Cr Bouillir/Board member Brookes
THAT the suggestions put forward in this letter be referred to the meeting on
26 October with Glenn Thorn (Reserves Officer) to discuss the submissions
and options for the old library site, Takaka, reminding staff that there was
consultation at the time.
Invitation to Morning tea – Golden Bay SPCA
Board member Brookes will attend the SPCA morning tea as she is the Board’s
Moved Cr Bouillir/Board member Brookes
THAT the Golden Bay Community Board writes to the Golden Bay SPCA
congratulating Carol Wells on her medal for her ongoing support and
dedication to SPCA Golden Bay, and to Nicola Blasdale on achieving her
Inspector’s Badge.
Ruataniwha Drive Reserve, Request for Development – Tracy
Nalder and Chantelle Riordan
Moved Board member McLellan/Cr Sangster
THAT the letter regarding upgrading the Ruataniwha Drive Reserve be
forwarded to Community Services requesting that a meeting is arranged with
the residents of the area to discuss how they would like to see this reserve
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
It was agreed that Mrs Westley talks to the Manager of Parks & Reserves (Beryl
Wilkes) with a view to the meeting being held on November 13, which is the next
Board meeting day at Collingwood.
Calendar of Art Work on Broadband Cabinets – Chorus
Board member Gamby took the calendar to show the Arts Council the art work that
has been done on cabinets around New Zealand and ascertain whether there is any
interest from Golden Bay artists in this project, bearing in mind there will funding for
materials only.
Takaka Wastewater Treatment Plan – Engineering Services
Swiftsure Street Update No 6 – Utilities Asset Engineer, David
These two items of correspondence were received earlier in the meeting.
Submission on Resource Consent RM120569, Vodafone NZ Ltd –
Golden Bay Community Board
This item was received earlier in the meeting.
Late Agenda Item – Takaka Service Centre
Due to the Takaka Service Centre having to be vacated as it is an earthquake risk,
the Board discussed other options for community board meetings, with the following
venues being suggested:
Kahurangi Function Centre
Takaka Bowling Club
GB Community Centre
Takaka Fire Station
Going around various halls in Golden Bay
It was agreed that the venues for Board meetings would be decided at the preceding
The matter of the two large wall hangings and the Cedric Savage painting in the
Takaka Service Centre meeting room was discussed; it was agreed in the first
instance the Takaka Library be asked whether there is wall room for them as these
works will deteriorate if put into storage.
Mrs Westley explained that Jim Frater (Manager Property Services) is investigating
what can be done to make the building safer (such as the removal of the parapets;
the costs for strengthening the building.
It was agreed that Mr Frater be invited to attend the November meeting to update the
Board as to the future of the Takaka Service Centre.
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 12.31pm.
Date Confirmed:
Minutes of the GB Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2012