HERE - Legal Bloc

“Disaster Management and Law:
Issues and challenges”
The disasters either Natural or Man-made result in
enormous loss of life and property, extreme human suffering,
irreparable devastation, displacement of people and impact on
the environment. Asia is more susceptible to disasters and
experienced nearly 60% of the world’s natural disasters. India is
more prone to disasters. India, having its peculiar climatic
conditions, natural geographical position, topographic
characteristics and geological setting is worst affected country in
the Asian region as well as in the world. According to the
statistics of National Disaster Management Division,
Government of India, about 85% of the total geographical area
in India is vulnerable to one or more disasters and about 57% is
in high seismic zone and 25 million people are affected by
disasters every year.
The Latur (Osmanabad, Maharashtra State)
earthquake in September 1993, Gujarat in January 2001, the
deadliest Tsunami in Southern Asia on 26th December 2004 and
the recent earthquake cum atomic disaster in Japan are the best
examples for natural disasters in which thousands people died
and lakhs of people are injured and displaced. The Chernobyl
Nuclear disaster in 1986 and the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 are
the major examples for Man-made disasters, where in thousands
of innocent people died. Apart from these two categories of
disasters, there is a third kind of disaster which may be more
dangerous with respect to natural environment and human
security. In the name of globalization, liberalization and
developmental activities, the natural environment is being
destroyed by deforestation to accelerate planning of
developmental projects, depletion of ozone layer in the
atmosphere due to the reckless activities of Industrialists and
also by the issue of global earning. Therefore along with the
natural and man-made disasters, the third category disasters ie,
the Environmental degradation must be addressed with adequate
infra-structural, organisational and regulatory measures. The
disasters are borderless, not bound by political boundaries and
have no social and economic considerations. The effect of
disaster does not end with occurrence of disaster. They have
long-term and negative consequences. The disasters would
leave to the survivors and the people of locality with broken
houses, completely shattered infrastructure, irrepairably
damaged property, collapsed economy and greatly destroyed
ecology. The disaster leaves psychological and mental scars to
the survivors and result in disfigurement and other physical
infirmities to the future generations.
Though the natural disasters like Earthquakes,
Landslides, flood, cyclone, Tsunami, Avalanche, Draught,
Famine, Fire, Hurricane and volcanic erruptions are not
controllable by human agency and the man-made disasters-like
Nuclear explosions, Power outages, Aviations, Terrorism and
Space disasters-are unavoidable under certain circumstance. But
efforts could be taken to prevent and mitigate all types of
disasters and to alleviate suffering of the people. Some
measures have already been taken at National and international
level to prevent, mitigate, regulate and rehabilitate the victims of
disasters. The United Nations had proclaimed international
Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction during 1990 and 1999, in
pursuance of which yokohama strategy and plan of action for
safer world 1994, Istanbul declaration on human settlement
1996, declaration on Natural Disaster Prevention, land use
planning and Sustainable Development 1999, Geneva mandate
on Disaster Reduction 1999 and a number of regional
instruments were adopted. Again the General Assembly of the
UN has reviewed the above declarations in January 2005 and
further adopted two important declarations i.e Hyogo
Declaration and Hyogo Frame Work for Action 2005-2015. At
national level, a High power committee was appointed by the
Central Government in 1999 for the preparation of disaster
management plans and national Core Group was also set up
after Latur and Gujarat Earth quakes to draw up plans for land
use in terms of natural hazards and revised building codes and
building bye-laws for construction. The parliament has enacted
the Disaster management Act 2005, in which the authorities
have been constituted at national state and District levels.
Training institutions on disaster management are created and a
provision has been made for National disaster Response force. It
also lays down the guidelines for state and local authorities and
provides funds and other supportive mechanisms.
Despite the number of measures taken by the
Government of India and other National and International
organizations, the problems of the victims of disaster are yet to
be addressed meaningfully. The victims of disasters are subject
to deprivation of their basic human rights such as Right to food,
health, water, right to education, rehabilitation and right to
family. The victims of disasters are also subject to psycho-social
and mental health issues. Therefore, all these issues are to be
discussed and addressed by Academicians, Advocates, Doctors,
Social Scientists, Human Right Commissions & Courts,
Officials of all the Govt. Departments, NGOs and other
professionals.Keeping these issues, the Department of
Environmental Law and Legal Order, the Tamil Nadu
Dr.Ambedkar Law University, Chennai proposes to organize a
One day National Seminar on “ Disaster Management and
Law : Issues and Challenges” on 13th October 2015 on the eve
of International Disaster Reduction Day. The Sub-themes of the
seminar are mentioned hereunder.
 Disasters and Early Warning systems
 Environmental impact of disasters
 Disaster Management - National and International Legal
 Nuclear disaster, Terrorism and Principles of Liability
 Climate change and disasters
 Disasters, Risk Management, Mitigation and Preparedness
 Disaster Management and Rehabilitation
 Role of Government and international organizations in
mitigating the problems of victims.
 Role of NGOs and Civil Societies
 Disaster affected people and Human Rights.
 Disaster Victims, Psycho-social and mental health issues
 Enquiries and Investigations for Disaster
 Post disaster developments.
“Disaster Management and Law:
Issues and Challenges”
13 October, 2015
Name :
Sex :
Male[ ]
Female [ ]
Designation :
Department/Institution/ University :
Call for Papers:
Well researched and well documented papers will be permitted
for presentation in the seminar. The abstract of the papers on the
identified sub-themes not exceeding 250 words in MS Word
with Times New Roman for and Size 12, Single Line spacing
should reach the director of the seminar on or before 30.09.2015
Through Email:
National Seminar
The full paper shall be submitted by the participants not
exceeding 10 pages, typed in double space on A4 Size to the
Director on or before 10.10.2015 through Email:
On the eve of
International Disaster Reduction Day
Mobile : The participants are also required to
Presenting a Pater :
pay the registration fee along with the submission of full
13th October,2015
Phone No: Land Line :
E-mail :
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Title of the Paper :
Registration Fee :
Signature :
Faculty Members/Advocates/ Others
: 400/-
Research Scholars / Students
: 200/-
Details of Payment
Registration Fee Amount :
D.D.No :
Date :
In favour of the Registrar, TNDALU, Payable at Chennai
The Registration fee shall be paid through DD drawn in the
favour of The Registrar, TNDALU payable at Chennai
No TA/DA will be provided by University. However, Local
hospitality will be provided to all the participants by TNDALU.
Address for Correspondence :
Students must forward the registration form through
Head/Dean/Principal of the institution. For further details
contact the Director of the Seminar.
For Students :
Year of Study
PG/UG Branch
Signature of the Head / Dean/ Principal
Date :
Office Seal:
Note : Photo copies of this form may also be used.
Prof. Dr. D. Gopal
Director of the Seminar,
HOD Environmental Law and Legal Order
TNDALU Chennai – 600 028.
Mobile : 94445 71101
Organized by
Dept. of Environmental Law and
Legal Order
The Tamil Nadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University
P.G. & Research Block,
The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar
Law university, Chennai