Rationale and Critical Self Evaluation

Further Education and Training
Rationale and Critical Self Evaluation for Observed Sessions and Identification of Professional Standards 2015 - 16
Trainee Name: ..................................................... Date: ……………………………………………… Observation number: …………………………………………
Cohort Analysis Identify the key features of the cohort discussed in this Rationale.
Award body
Duration of Course & end date
QCF level
Duration of module/unit & end date
Entry requirements
(e.g. qualifications or
Formal assessment requirements &
dates (course work/portfolio/exam etc.)
Student cohort: number
Student cohort: age, gender
Preferred learning styles
Specific learning needs identified
participation factors
Study support requirements
In this section you should write under each of the bullet points to identify and justify what has shaped your choices for this lesson.
Observer Targets:
Trainee Targets: Note the targets identified by you as a result of previous observation report(s) (if applicable).
Note targets identified by Observer as a result of previous observation report(s) (if applicable). Justify your strategy for addressing these.
 Learning Objective and Outcomes. List your objectives and outcomes for this session and justify your choice by reference to the cohort analysis, scheme of
work and the assessment schedule, referring to the qualification specification/syllabus where appropriate
Further Education and Training / observation rationale and self-evaluation –2015 – 2016
Updated 12 August 2015
Professional Standards
Identify the Professional Practice Standards you intend to demonstrate during the observed session and explain, with reference to appropriate theoretical
perspectives, how you intend to demonstrate the standards. The standards have been grouped into four categories: Planning, Teaching and Learning,
Assessment and Feedback, and Reflection and Evaluation.
You should aim to address each of the Limiting Standards (highlighted and in bold) in every observed session, plus one or two others. Note: You must achieve
all Standards by the end of the programme. The Priority Standards will determine your overall grade for Teaching and this grade will inform your final
Professional Standards
Articulation: Explain and justify what you will be doing to
meet the standards, using examples and references as
Critical Reflection on the Standards articulated, with
reference to observer feedback, wider reading and
strategies for improvement, referenced as appropriate
Articulation: Explain and justify what you will be doing to
meet the standards, using examples and references as
Critical Reflection on the Standards articulated, with
reference to observer feedback, wider reading and
strategies for improvement, referenced as appropriate
4. Be creative and innovative in
selecting and adapting strategies to
help learners to learn
5. Value and promote social and cultural
diversity, equality of opportunity and
7. Maintain and update knowledge of your
subject and/or vocational area
8. Maintain and update your knowledge of
educational research to develop evidencebased practice
9. Apply theoretical understanding of
effective practice in teaching, learning and
assessment drawing on research and other
14. Plan and deliver effective learning
programmes for diverse groups or
individuals in a safe and inclusive
Professional Standards
Teaching and Learning
Further Education and Training / observation rationale and self-evaluation –2015 – 2016
Updated 12 August 2015
3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations
of learners through your enthusiasm
and knowledge
6. Build positive and collaborative
relationships with colleagues and learners
11. Manage and promote positive
learner behaviour
15. Promote the benefits of technology and
support learners in its use
16. Address the mathematics and
English needs of learners and work
creatively to overcome individual
barriers to learning
Professional Standards
Assessment and Feedback
Articulation: Explain and justify what you will be doing to
meet the standards, using examples and references as
Critical Reflection on the Standards articulated, with
reference to observer feedback, wider reading and
strategies for improvement, referenced as appropriate
Articulation: Explain and justify what you will be doing to
meet the standards, using examples and references as
Critical Reflection on the Standards articulated, with
reference to observer feedback, wider reading and
strategies for improvement, referenced as appropriate
13. Motivate and inspire learners to
promote achievement and develop their
skills to enable progression
17. Enable learners to share responsibility
for their own learning and assessment,
setting goals
that stretch and challenge
18. Apply appropriate and fair methods
of assessment and provide constructive
and timely feedback to support
progression and achievement
Professional Standards
Reflection and Evaluation
Further Education and Training / observation rationale and self-evaluation –2015 – 2016
Updated 12 August 2015
1. Reflect on what works best in your
teaching and learning to meet the diverse
needs of learners
2. Evaluate and challenge your practice,
values and beliefs
10. Evaluate your practice with others and
assess its impact on learning
12. Understand the teaching and
professional role and your responsibilities
19. Maintain and update your teaching and
training expertise and vocational skills
through collaboration with employers
20. Contribute to organisational
development and quality improvement
through collaboration with others
Further Education and Training / observation rationale and self-evaluation –2015 – 2016
Updated 12 August 2015
Observer Name:
Observer comments on rationale:
Targets for developing rationale:
Trainee Summative Evaluation of the observed session (using Brookfield’s Critical Lenses):
Further Education and Training / observation rationale and self-evaluation –2015 – 2016
Updated 12 August 2015
Further Education and Training / observation rationale and self-evaluation –2015 – 2016
Updated 12 August 2015
Observer comments on Self-Evaluation:
Trainee self-evaluation and justification of academic level of Rationale and Self-Evaluation (NB. Use the Grading Criteria for Assessments for the academic level
you consider you are demonstrating in the rationale and self-evaluation and write a concise justification with reference to the indicative grade you consider you are
demonstrating. This self-evaluation does not refer back to how the lesson went, it is purely an evaluation on the academic level of your rationale )
Personal Tutor feedback on justification of academic level and overall academic level of the rationale and self-evaluation (NB. This should be formative feedback to
enable the trainee to understand how to improve the academic quality of their writing). Note: Trainees only self-evaluate their academic grade on the 4 Personal Tutor
observed sessions. Mentors are not expected to give this feedback.
Trainee self-evaluation and justification of academic level
Personal Tutor Feedback and suggestions for improvement Indicative
Grade and
Use of source
Use of source
Relevance to
set task
Relevance to the
set task
Use of
Use of
Further Education and Training / observation rationale and self-evaluation –2015 – 2016
Updated 12 August 2015