ET& C Perspectives “Do pharmaceuticals present a risk to the environment and what needs to be done to answer the question?” John P Sumpter (Convener) “Although human pharmaceuticals are currently considered as emerging contaminants, many will have been present in the aquatic environment for decades. Two facts make the Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (PIE) issue of concern. One is that there are a few thousand different pharmaceuticals, and the other is that all of them are biologically active, at east in humans. These two facts lead us, in turn, to the two key unresolved issues in the PIE field: ‘how should we conduct a prioritisation exercise to identify those pharmaceuticals likely to be of the greatest environmental risk?’ and ‘are typical environmental concentrations of those pharmaceuticals anywhere close to the concentrations that produce adverse effects in ecotoxicity tests?’ This perspective addresses those two key issues.” Response A Ross Brown (Industry perspective) Pharmaceuticals are the most rigorously tested products in the world in terms of assessing their impact on human health. Development of a new medicine can take over 10 years and only 1 in 10,000 new chemical entities progresses from concept stage to market, passing all required efficacy and preclinical and clinical safety tests, including those supporting the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) [1]. Since 2006, approximately 200-300 new pharmaceutical products have been tested under current regulatory ERA guidelines in the EU [2] and none of these have been shown to present a significant risk to the environment through routine patient use. Similarly, according to retrospective risk analyses compiled by the Swedish Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (LIF) [3] only 2 out of 200 products are categorized as ‘high risk’ to the environment (Figure 1), again suggesting that the risks are low or insignificant for the vast majority of pharmaceuticals. That said, there are two exceptions where potential and known risks to the environment have been identified. The first is the synthetic estrogen 17-ethinylestradiol (EE2), which has been the subject of numerous research projects, including studies on potential adverse effects on wild fish populations [4, 5]. This has led to the inclusion of EE2 (together with 17β-estradiol (E2)) in the EU ‘Watch List’ under the Water Framework Directive [6]. The second is the antiinflammatory drug diclofenac, which has been causally linked to the near extinction of three species of vulture in Asia [7], due to its veterinary use in cattle and secondary poisoning of vultures. The impact of diclofenac on populations of fish or other aquatic taxa is unknown, but the scale of the impact on vultures has raised sufficient stakeholder concerns such that this compound has also been placed on the EU Watch List. In addition there are also 30004000 legacy pharmaceutical products on the market which pre-date the 2006 EU ERA guideline, and for many of these there are little or no data available to assess the risks [8]. Thus, whilst most assessed drugs are predicted to present no significant risks to the environment, the above exceptions point towards three clear needs for better understanding the risks of pharmaceuticals in the environment: We need to ensure that ERA tools are fit for purpose and are able to identify any potential risks. We need tools and approaches to help prioritize and identify whether any of the existing legacy products present a risk. We need to know what further assessment and management options exist if a potential risk is identified. These three needs are explored in more detail in the following sections. Ensuring ERA tools are fit for purpose: ERA generally consists of an exposure assessment, generating the Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC), and an effects assessment, generating the Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC). Both the PEC and PNEC are needed to characterize risk. The principal environmental exposure pathway for pharmaceuticals is excretion from patients, collection in sewage, sewage treatment and aqueous discharge to surface waters, since the majority of pharmaceuticals are hydrophilic by design [9]. However there are exceptions to this rule. There are also differences in practices and infrastructure in different countries, which may be important to the ERA. For example, different countries have different processes and efficiencies of wastewater treatment. Similarly, in the EU, irrigation of land using wastewater is not considered a significant exposure pathway, but this is commonplace in drought stressed parts of the world [10]. The need for careful evaluation of exposure pathways, including the consideration of local climates, demographics, cultural practices, and infrastructure is exemplified by the diclofenac/vulture story mentioned earlier. Within exposure assessment, there is also considerable scope to refine the PEC for each environmental compartment. This is initially based on total concentrations of drug residues in the environment, estimated from product use, and ‘worst-case’ assumptions of 100% excretion from patients and zero removal or degradation in sewage treatment plants [2]. In reality, actual environmental concentrations may be much lower than these predictions, but measured data are often lacking and few studies have sought to evaluate removal efficiencies in sewage treatment works or quantify variability [11]. Generic models capable of linking influent and effluent concentrations in sewage treatment works and predicting or extrapolating environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals potentially offer powerful tools for refining exposure assessments, providing they are appropriately calibrated with reliable monitoring data. Such data will also support additional refinement of risk assessments concerning metabolites or degradation products [12]. Effects assessment typically focuses on chronic developmental or reproductive endpoints in model species representing a range of taxonomic groups, trophic levels and environments [2]. Other more targeted endpoints reflecting the specific ‘mode of action’ (MOA) of each pharmaceutical potentially offer increased sensitivity, provided therapeutic concentrations and effects reliably ‘read-across’ from mammalian (human) models to wildlife or surrogate test species [13]. Assumptions still have to be made concerning the conservation of function of proteins targeted by drugs, along with their secondary targets and associated side-effects, which should not be overlooked in wildlife. Nevertheless, the increasing availability of data, including pre-clinical test data, and rapid scientific development in this area add to the future potential of MOA/read-across based ERA of pharmaceuticals [14]. Prioritising legacy compounds: Given the number of legacy products on the market, the fact that the ERA process is resource-intensive and requires animal testing, and since the vast majority are likely to be of low or insignificant risk, it is clear that effective risk-based prioritization is needed. One simple approach would be to consider usage volume alongside therapeutic potency. An API with high potency and high total usage would obviously be a higher priority than an API with low potency and low usage. While the sensitivities of environmental species do not always match those of the targeted therapeutic endpoints in humans, the minimum therapeutic doses for APIs can provide some insight into the potential for physiological responsiveness of environmental species, at least in vertebrates. This approach has been applied in principle to generate a shortlist of pharmaceuticals designed to arrest cell division and growth or modulate hormonal and reproductive function, i.e., MOAs which might relate to adverse effects in non-target organisms [15, 16]. This ‘MOA/readacross’ approach may offer further potential for prioritizing the ERA of other legacy pharmaceuticals, however, this potential has yet to be realized. This is because very few empirical studies have related internal doses of pharmaceuticals to specific MOA endpoints and adverse effects measured according to traditional apical endpoints [17]. Nevertheless, there are a number of toxicological properties in mammals (reproductive and developmental toxicity, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity) and therapeutic targets (hormonal, anticancer, antimicrobial) that are known for pharmaceuticals and could be used to support a screening assessment in a prioritization context. Once a list of prioritized compounds is agreed to, a programme of testing can be initiated to generate the data needed to conduct the ERA. The commitment to do this will require significant resource, so it will be important that the criteria used to prioritise are agreed by all stakeholders. To this end, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Trade Associations (EFPIA) and the European Commission have just launched a call for proposals under the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) to develop tools and approaches for ERA screening [18]. If successful, this programme will not only develop the tools needed but will also engage stakeholders across industry, academia and regulators to agree how this should be done. What to do next if a risk is identified: This is less about refining the PEC:PNEC (discussed above under the development of fit-for-purpose tools) and more about what to do if a refined PEC:PNEC is >1, as exemplified by EE2. In such cases there is a need to go beyond the PEC:PNEC approach and consider ecological significance in the receiving environment. Including EE2 on the ‘Watch List’ may result in considerably more data on environmental concentrations but will do little to inform the risk assessment, unless the significance or ‘consequence’ of the observed environmental concentrations can be established. A key requirement in chemical and pharmaceutical ERA is to extrapolate from individual organism to ‘population-level’ effects, for example, using population modelling, since the protection of wildlife populations is the widely stated minimum protection goal in environmental legislation [19]. This is rarely done in ERAs across all chemical sectors, although suitable tools are becoming increasingly available [20]. Extrapolating risks based on laboratory tests to field populations could also benefit from a ‘cumulative’ risk assessment approach, in which the exposure and effects of pharmaceuticals and other components of environmental mixtures are considered. To some extent these cumulative effects can be accounted for in population models. However, the inherent variation of the environment and the complexity of sewage effluents containing pharmaceuticals make defining a ‘typical’ environmental chemical mixture virtually impossible in prospective ERA. Instead, effort could focus on the retrospective assessment of ‘hotspots’ using sensitive biomonitoring and chemical monitoring tools and improving wastewater treatment in those areas where ecological health is potentially degraded. This may ultimately be the most pragmatic and economically attractive approach for society and deliver the greatest ecological benefits, without necessarily having to relate adverse effects in the environment to any one specific cause, let alone one specific chemical. In summary, the current weight of evidence suggests that the risks to the environment are low or insignificant for the vast majority of pharmaceuticals. Where potential risks have been identified, several tools exist to help refine the ERA, particularly with respect to the exposure assessment, and there are several possibilities for the development of screening tools to help prioritise testing of legacy products. Ultimately, the role of ERA is to maximize the chances of identifying a risk to the environment before any harm occurs and, in this respect, further research is needed to understand how we can better utilize the wealth of clinical and pre-clinical data which are uniquely available for pharmaceuticals compared to any other class of chemical. If, after undertaking laboratory studies, a potential risk is not excluded, further risk refinement may lead to population-level risk assessment or monitoring in the receiving environment. In this context, pharmaceuticals are no different to any other chemical entering the environment and accepted, validated tools are needed to assess risk at the population-level and provide reliable indicators of ecological health. Refererences [1] 2013. Drug Discovery and Development: Understanding the R&D process. url:, accessed November 2013. [2] European Medicines Agency 2006. Guideline on the environmental risk assessment of medicinal product for human use. EMEA/CHMP/SWP4447/00, London. [3] Swedish Association of Pharmaceutical Industries 2013. database URL:;jsessionid=tLbXSlMf9kGSVh15L5j0BYZhKrpZxGqMrQp1w Rp3fNYt7GC1GfGw!1576736423?0, accessed April 2014 [4] Kidd KA, Blanchfield PJ, Mills KH, Palace VP, Evans RE, Lazorchak JM, Flick RW. 2007. Collapse of a fish population after exposure to a synthetic estrogen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U S A. 104:8897-8901. [5] Harris CA, Hamilton PB, Runnalls TJ, Vinciotti V, Henshaw A, Hodgson D, Coe TS, Jobling S, Tyler CR, Sumpter JP. 2011. The consequences of feminization in breeding groups of wild fish. Environmental Health Perspectives 119:306-11. [6] European Commission 2012a. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2000/60/ec and 2008/105/ec as regards priority substances in the field of water policy. COM(2011) 876 Final, 2011/0429 (COD), 31.1.2012. [7] Oaks JL, Gilbert M, Virani MZ, Watson RT, Meteyer CU, Rideout BA, Shivaprasad HL, Ahmed S, Chaudhry MJ, Arshad M, Mahmood S, Ali A, Khan AA. 2004. Diclofenac residues as the cause of vulture population decline in Pakistan. Nature 427:630-633. [8] Boxall AB, Rudd MA, Brooks BW, Caldwell DJ, Choi K, Hickmann S, Innes E, Ostapyk K, Staveley JP, Verslycke T, Ankley GT, Beazley KF, Belanger SE, Berninger JP, Carriquiriborde P, Coors A, Deleo PC, Dyer SD, Ericson JF, Gagné F, Giesy JP, Gouin T, Hallstrom L, Karlsson MV, Larsson DG, Lazorchak JM, Mastrocco F, McLaughlin A, McMaster ME, Meyerhoff RD, Moore R, Parrott JL, Snape JR, Murray-Smith R, Servos MR, Sibley PK, Straub JO, Szabo ND, Topp E, Tetreault GR, Trudeau VL, Van Der Kraak G. 2012. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment: what are the big questions? Environmental Health Perspectives 120:1221-1229. [9] Lipinski CA, Lombardo F, Dominy BW, Feeney PJ. 2001. 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A theoretical model for utilizing mammalian pharmacology and safety data to prioritize potential impacts of human pharmaceuticals to fish. Human & Ecological Risk Assessment 9:1789-1799. [14] Winter MJ, Owen SF, Murray-Smith R, Panter GH, Hetheridge MJ, Kinter LB. 2010. Using data from drug discovery and development to aid the aquatic environmental risk assessment of human pharmaceuticals: concepts, considerations and challenges. Integrated Environmental Assessment & Management 6:38-51. [15] Schreiber R, Gündel U, Franz S, Küster A, Rechenberg B, Altenburger R. 2011. Using the fish plasma model for comparative hazard identification for pharmaceuticals in the environment by extrapolation from human therapeutic data. Regulatory Toxicology & Pharmacology 61:261-75. [16] Roos V, Gunnarsson L, Fick J, Larsson DG, Rudén C. 2012. Prioritising pharmaceuticals for environmental risk assessment: Towards adequate and feasible first-tier selection. Science of the Total Environment 421-422:102-110. [17] Rand-Weaver M, Margiotta-Casaluci L, Patel A, Panter GH, Owen SF, Sumpter JP. 2013. The read-across hypothesis and environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science & Technology 47:11384-11395. [18] European Commission, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations 2014. Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). Directory of ongoing projects URL:, accessed April 2014 [19] Forbes VE, Calow P, Grimm V, Hayashi T, Jager T, Palmqvist A, Pastorok R, Salvito D, Sibly R, Spromberg J, Stark J, Stillman RA. 2010. Integrating population modeling into ecological risk assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment & Management 6:191193. [20] European Commission 2012b. Addressing the new challenges for risk assessment: Discussion paper approved for public consultation in view of receiving feedback from stakeholders for its further development. Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR), Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS), Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER). ISBN 978-92-79-XX. % of pharmaceuticals per risk class Figure 1: 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 amoxycillin acetlysalicylic acid allopurinol mycophenolate permethrin propranolol raloxifene sertraline Insignificant Low Moderate High Risk class Environmental risk prioritization for pharmaceuticals ( database) enthinylestradiol estradiol Response Gerd Maack (governmental perspective) The answer to the question: “Do human pharmaceuticals present a risk to the environment” is gaining knowledge and closing data gaps. In Germany alone there are about 1,200 human pharmaceutical substances on the market (IMS MIDAS®, 2013), which are likely to occur at physiologically relevant concentrations in the environment. The majority of them lack a proper Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA). This is especially true for those substances that received European Medicines Agency (EMA) marketing authorization before 2006, i.e., before ERA became obligatory in Europe [1]. Even for well known substances such as ibuprofen, diclofenac and carbamazepine there are insufficient data available for a complete ERA, thus, not fulfilling the legal requirements according to the EMA guideline. It is necessary to develop a concept, which allows a proper judgment of the environmental impact of these substances, individually and in mixtures with other substances, including pesticides, biocides, and industrial chemicals. So far, this concept is far away from being available. Such a concept needs to include all available information, in-vitro, in-silico, and also the translation of existing non-clinical toxicological data. The fundamental requirements from this knowledge base are: knowledge regarding the translation of in-vitro data into quantitative population information, knowledge regarding the calibration of models for a more accurate read-across and knowledge of how the effects data and also the “no-effects” data from toxicological studies can be used for an ERA. However, up to now, this knowledge is not available. Not even for the best understood pathway, estrogen receptor activation. A search in literature databanks with the search terms “*estradiol” and “fish reproduction” reveals more than 8,000 publications (ScienceDirect, June 2014). However, not even for this pathway is a quantitative risk assessment is possible. Molecular and biochemical endpoints usually do not provide sufficient information for a quantitative risk assessment for any one chemical. Even the extensive knowledge of how a potent estrogen receptor (ER) agonist such as 17-α ethynylestradiol (EE2) behaves, informs only how one would approach the evaluation of other potential estrogenic compounds in a focused, cost-effective manner [2]. An ERA for a human pharmaceutical needs to be conducted prior to the market application, but at an advanced stage of development of a new substance, meaning that quite a lot of therapeutic information is already available. Unfortunately, this information from the preclinical studies is often not usable and not transferrable to an ERA. This is mainly because toxicological studies need to answer different questions and also the protection goal is different. For environmental studies, the protection goal is the population compared to the individual in pre-clinical toxicological studies. This makes the translation of information difficult in the first instance. It is often not possible to extrapolate the assessed endpoints of toxicological studies to population effects. Table 1 compares the different endpoints and differences in designs in toxicological and ecotoxicological studies. The same applies to the “read-across” process: Although many drug targets and enzyme molecular structures are conserved in human (mammals) and in vertebrates e.g. fish and even in invertebrates [3], the mechanism of action in wildlife for most pharmaceuticals is not yet completely understood [4]. For most pharmaceuticals, insufficient laboratory studies and/or environmental monitoring data are available to answer the question as to whether environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals are anywhere close to those that produce adverse effects in ecotoxicity tests. However, for a few pharmaceutical substances the answer is “Yes”. An assessment according to the EMA guideline identifies a potential environmental risk for the environment for some hormones, some neurological drugs, and some cytostatics. Furthermore, as global consumption of pharmaceuticals rises, an inevitable consequence is an increased level of contamination of surface and ground waters with these biologically active drugs, and thus in turn a greater potential for adverse effects in aquatic wildlife [5]. How can we prioritize and identify pharmaceuticals of the greatest environmental risk? This ranking of pharmaceutical active substances has to include effect and exposure. It is necessary to assess the potential effect concentrations but also the amount of a specific substance actually entering the environment. Giving two extreme examples: (i) ibuprofen, with a steadily increasing consumption in Germany of now nearly 1,000,000 kg/year and (ii) EE2, where the consumption is slowly but continuously reducing to 47 kg/ year in 2012 (IMS MIDAS®, 2013). The effect concentrations of ibuprofen for the aquatic compartment are in the µg/L range e.g. [6], whereas the highly specific receptor-mediated effects of EE2 are in the low ng/L range or even less [7, 8]. Beside this, fate and degradation also have to be accounted for. EE2 is relatively stable and therefore found in surface waters in the range of the effect concentration. On the other hand ibuprofen is easy degradable under aerobic conditions, but due to the high consumption rate, it can be found in surface waters in the range of the effect concentrations as well [9]. In addition, metabolites and transformation products should not be ignored, as for several products, such as carbamazepine, different environmentally relevant transformation products exist. To assess an environmental concentration of a specific substance normally the Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC) of an individual product will be estimated. This results in short-comings in both directions. It either overestimates the environmental concentration, as potential degradation is not included, but it also underestimates the environmental impact as the PEC is calculated for individual products only, neglecting the fact that nearly all active ingredients are used by more than one pharmaceutical product. This is especially true for the high consumption products like the above mentioned ibuprofen, diclofenac and carbamazepine. Therefore, for highly consumed products, Measured Environmental Concentrations (MEC) would be the alternative; however, these are lacking for most pharmaceuticals. Although several monitoring programmes measure selected pharmaceuticals on local, national and international levels, a general co-ordination is lacking. As a consequence, there is basically not a single pharmaceutical measured all over Europe. The European Community recognised this and is now considering, for the first time, three pharmaceuticals, diclofenac, 17-α ethynylestradiol and 17-β estradiol (E2) as candidates for future control via environmental quality standards (EQS). Johnson et al. [10] estimated the concentration of these three substances in European rivers by using a geographic based water model and found that the concentration of EE2 would exceed the EQS standard in 12 % of the European rivers, whereas the concentration of E2 and diclofenac would exceed it in 1% and 2% of the rivers, respectively. After identifying the priority substances for testing, the next step has to be: Testing to a level and quality acceptable for an ERA. For substances receiving marketing authorisation before 2006, UBA has recommended for several years a monographic system, where the results of environmental relevant data are made publically available in a substance-specific monograph. In this way the industry, both research based and generic companies, can share the financial burden. In very rare cases companies have already formed a consortium to gain the data for a shared ERA. This testing can be done, even without waiting for “the final” prioritisation list. There are several substances and transformation products, other than diclofenac, ibuprofen, and carbamazepine, that rank highly in prioritization schemes. [11]. For these compounds, testing should be started immediately, as the environmental relevance of these substances is more than obvious. In conclusion, the marketing authorisation of human pharmaceuticals alone, especially for substances authorized before 2006, is not sufficient to evaluate the long term potential risk for the environment. The basis for ERA is reliable data; therefore additional post marketing, environmental monitoring is a suitable option for gaining these data. Gerd Maack Department of Pharmaceuticals Federal Environment Agency (UBA) Dessau, Germany References [1] EMA. 2006. Guideline on the environmental risk assessment of medicinal products for huma use. (Doc Ref EMEA/CHMP/SWP/4447/00 corr 1*). [2] Ankley GT, Bennett RS, Erickson RJ, Hoff DJ, Hornung MW, Johnson RD, Mount DR, Nichols JW, Russom CL, Schmieder PK, Serrrano JA, Tietge JE, Villeneuve DL. 2010. Adverse outcome pathways: a conceptual framework to support ecotoxicology research and risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 29:730-741 [3] Gunnarsson L, Jauhiainen A, Kristiansson E, Nerman O, Larsson DG. 2008. Evolutionary conservation of human drug targets in organisms used for environmental risk assessments. Environmental Science & Technology 42:5807-5813. [4] Rand-Weaver M, Margiotta-Casaluci L, Patel A, Panter GH, Owen SF, Sumpter JP. 2013. The read-across hypothesis and environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science & Technology 47:11384-11395. [5] Corcoran J, Winter MJ, Tyler CR. 2010. Pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment: a critical review of the evidence for health effects in fish. Critical Reviews in Toxicology 40:287-304. [6] Flippin JL, Huggett D, Foran CM. 2007. Changes in the timing of reproduction following chronic exposure to ibuprofen in Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes. Aquatic Toxicology 81:73-78. [7] Parrott JL, Blunt BR. 2005. Life-cycle exposure of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to an ethinylestradiol concentration below 1 ng/L reduces egg fertilization success and demasculinizes males. Environmental Toxicology 20:131-141. [8] Zha J, Sun L, Zhou Y, Spear PA, Ma M, Wang Z. 2008. Assessment of 17αethinylestradiol effects and underlying mechanisms in a continuous, multigeneration exposure of the Chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus). Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 226:298-308. [9] Ternes TA. 1998. Occurrence of drugs in German sewage treatment plants and rivers. Water Research 32:3245-3260. [10] Johnson AC, Dumont E, Williams RJ, Oldenkamp R, Cisowska I, Sumpter JP. 2013. Do concentrations of ethinylestradiol, estradiol, and diclofenac in european rivers exceed proposed eu environmental quality standards? Environmental Science & Technology 47:12297-12304. [11] Miao X-S, Metcalfe CD. 2003. Determination of carbamazepine and Its metabolites in aqueous samples using liquid chromatography−electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 75:3731-3738. Table 1: Comparison of study designs and endpoints in toxicology and ecotoxicology Toxicology Ecotoxicology Protection goal: the individual (humans) Protection goal: the population (the death of a certain amount of individuals in a specific population is acceptable) Testing on individuals (mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, mini-pig, monkey) Study design is flexible: in vitro and in vivo exposure varies (substance-specific effects) Testing on small groups / populations (microoragnisms, algae, daphnids, fish, sediment organisms, plants) Study design is fixed: standard battery is used (tiered approach) Duration of the study depends on: concentration formulation indication/administration Duration of the studies fixed Study types: general toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, reproduction toxicity, mutagenicity, local tolerance, antigenicity, CNS safety, pulmonary function, cardiovascular safety, juvenile animal, abuse potential, phototoxicity nephrotoxicity Hershberger assay Study types: activated sludge: respiration, algae: growth inhibition, daphnia: reproduction, fish: early-life stage, full lifecycle, sediment organisms: development, plants: growth inhibition Endpoints: body weight, mortality, behaviour, pathology-histology (organic weights, macro- and microscopic change in several tissues) Endpoints: mortality, growth, development reproduction (fish: pathologyhistopathology and behaviour possible)