Manipulating Volume Rendered Images Using Intuitive Gestures Requirements Document Richard Paris I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. Mission Statement Once implemented this system will allow the user to have control over various aspects of volume rendering within a virtual environment using intuitive gestural interfaces. This will increase the user’s ability to analyze and plan surgeries and give patients the ability to see what exactly the surgery will entail. This system will also allow for quicker and simpler research to be performed as a result of the interface that will be created. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. Background Information In volume rendering there are seven key aspects that must be addressed; the first being the color transfer function which determines how the any voxel will be colored. The second aspect is the opacity transfer function which determines the opacity of a given voxel. The next three are scale, rotation, and translation of the object; these are important to consider because humans naturally want to pick up move and examine an object. Next is the ability to view 2D slices of the volume which allows for a greater amount of detail to be shown. Finally segmentation is the process of splitting up the volume into the discrete objects. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. Users and Stakeholders Researchers This group will consist of Dr. Landman, Dr. Bodenheimer and his graduate students but may be extended to other medical researchers. The motivation of this group is to gain a better understanding of the data that is being visualized and will use the system often. These users can be considered expert users given their extensive knowledge of volume rendering and computing, additionally these users have a familiarity with virtual environments as it relates to visualization of medical data. Typically this user will use the system with only soft time constraints; additionally these constraints will be in the days rather minutes or hours. For this group the system will be used in a professional setting, these users are paid researchers who are working together in a collaborative environment to better understand the data. The actual use will take place mainly within a lab or office environment, this is a result of the current limitations of virtual environments. Dr. Landman and Dr. Bodenheimer are the stakeholders of the project while the graduate students are the primary users. Medical Students The second group will be medical students who will use the system as a means of learning about surgical procedures and understanding the organ or system of organs being viewed. These users can be mainly classified as beginners as they have little to no experience with volume rendering or virtual environments in general. For users of this type the task nature can be considered very calm, they will be given guidance and will use the system for a given amount of time regardless of how much interaction is completed. The system will be used in a teaching lab with instruction from an expert I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. user, this should be considered a work environment and be less collaborative and more instructional. This group consists of secondary users. Surgeons This group will consist of medical professionals, specifically surgeons, who will use the system as a means to plan surgeries and other medical procedures. This user group will have varying degrees of frequency of user because it will not be required in all surgical procedures. This user represents the intermediate user, surgeons typically have some knowledge of volume rendering and most certainly have a great deal of knowledge related to the human body, but likely have no experience with virtual environments or motion capture. The surgeon will be able to use this system to plan surgeries which results in the task being time critical depending on the severity of the operation. The surgeon can use this system in a lab or office provided the equipment can be set up in the room. This can be collaborative, either with fellow and subordinate surgeons or with the patient or patient’s family. This can also be and individual exercise as for planning rather than demonstrating the plan as it would be in a collaborative setting. This group consists of secondary users. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. Inputs Medical Data The first input to the system will be the medical data to be visualized, the user should be able to preselect data to load into the program before entering the virtual environment. This data will be the primary interaction point for the user, i.e. the user will work mainly with this data under the scope of this system. At this time the data will be soft coded (determined at compile time) into the system for ease of development and testing. Gestures The second input will be a set of gestures that will be developed, for this system, at a later date. These gestures will be distinct from one another and will encompass nearly all of the interaction with the medical data. This input will be collected using one of three systems, the 5DT data glove, the Cyber Glove, or the Leap Motion. The former two device are gloves that the user wears and the tension of the gloves can be measured to determine the relative positioning of the finger joints. The latter device tracks up to 10 pointing devices (which includes fingers) within a certain space and gives those locations to the system. Hand Position and Orientation The next input is the position and orientation of each hand and will be used primarily in determining the context of each gesture but will also be used in conjunction with certain gestures to make the interaction more fluid. This will be the remainder of the interaction with the medical data. The position of the hand will use an array of I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. motion capture cameras and two wrist bands (one for each wrist) that have motion tracking spheres attached. Head Position and Orientation The final input will be the head position and orientation which will be used to determine the camera position and orientation, this input will not have an effect on the interaction with the medical data. This input will be captured using a precise precision tracking mechanism that utilized four motion capture cameras. This will be mounted on the head mounted display and calibrated to track the device. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. Outputs Rendering The only output of the system is the rendered data and tools to be used within the system. These tools may be widgets, virtual objects, and/or simply the user’s hands and will be rendered so that the user can interact with the data. This 3D rendering will be sent to the head mounted display for viewing by the user. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. Constraints Computational The system will be run using 3 computers, the first will take care of hand position tracking. The next will be responsible for tracking the position and orientation of the head. The final computer will be responsible for rendering the environment. Therefore the system requires three computers each capable of performing the outlined tasks as well as a head mounted display, a motion capture system, and one of the 5DT glove, Cyber Glove, or Leap Motion. Physical The system will be confined to a lab or office environment because it requires a great deal of computational power as well as three computers to run the system. The lab will need to be open and have a large area to walk around in, as required by the motion capture systems. Finally the area will need to be closed off from various outside effects such as light which can cause errors in the motion capture system. The virtual environment can only be a certain size, and this size is based on the physical dimensions of the room. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. Requirements Functional Requirements #01 Color Transfer Function Control The Rationale for this requirement is that the user needs to be able to control the coloring of the objects for the purposes of visualization and this is done using the color transfer function. The Description of this requirement is that the user needs to be able to create a piecewise linear function from one variable to three within the system which represents the color transfer function. The Validation for this requirement is to see if a semi-experienced used can create a transfer function. #02 Opacity Transfer Function Control The Rationale for this requirement is that the user needs to be able to control the opacity of the objects for the purposes of visualization and this is done using the opacity transfer function. The Description of this requirement is that the user needs to be able to create a piecewise linear within the system that represents the opacity transfer function. The Validation for this requirement is to see if a semi-experienced used can create a transfer function. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. #03 Object Scale Control The Rationale for this requirement is that the user needs to be able to expand and contract the volume rendered object to allow for increased detail or a higher level view of the object. The Description of this requirement is that the user needs be able to scale the object interactively while maintaining proper spatial relationships. The Validation for this requirement is to have a user scale an object to a set of sizes and ensure that all of these sizes are possible #04 Rotation Control The Rationale for this requirement is that it will be easier to rotate the object rather than walk around it. The Description of this requirement is that the user needs to be able to rotate the object along any given axis which will be indicated by a certain gesture. The Validation for this requirement is to test and ensure that various axes of rotation can be created and that the user can rotate the object to a given set of orientations. #05 Translation Control The Rationale for this requirement is that it is easier to move the object around in the space than to walk to the object. The Description of this requirement is that the user needs to be able to move the object to any 3D position within the room. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. The Validation for this requirement is to have the user move the object along various directions and have the user move the object to a set of locations. #06 Object Occlusion Control The Rationale for this requirement is that certain objects do not always contain the most pertinent information and it would be useful to be able to look behind the less important objects. The Description of this requirement is that the user needs to be able to hide any object in the data. The user then needs to be able to unhide any of those objects The Validation for this requirement is to have the user hide every object in the system in a given order, then unhide them in a different (not reverse) order. #07 Cutting Plane Control The Rationale for this requirement is that viewing slices of data can give a better more traditional look at the specific object, it can also be easier to interpret a 2D image in certain circumstances. The Description of this requirement is that the user should be able to create a cutting plane along any of the three Cartesian axes. The Validation for this requirement is for the user to create a cutting plane in multiple spots along these three axes. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. Non Functional Requirements #08 Fluidity of Visualization The Rationale for this requirement is that if the frames per second is too low the experience diminishes and the user no longer feels as if the system is interactive. The Description of this requirement is that the rendering must achieve at least 10 frames per second. The Validation for this requirement is to track the frames per second and ensure that during testing the value stays above 10 for at least 90% of the interactions. #09 Robustness The Rationale for this requirement is that a similar system would be of benefit for visualizing a number of different data sets such as brain, heart, lungs etc. rather than just the abdominal data for this project. The Description of this requirement is that the system must be transferable to the other data sets. The Validation for this requirement is to use these other data sets and ensure the requirements still hold true. #10 Input Accuracy The Rationale for this requirement is that precise and accurate gestures are necessary to control the functions of the system. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. The Description of this requirement is that the system should be able to routinely identify the gesture being performed as it is being performed. The Validation for this requirement is to display the gesture being performed as soon as it is identified and determine if the gesture identified is the same as intended by the user. User Requirements #11 Medical Background Knowledge The Rationale for this requirement is that users need some medical background in order to understand the system. The Description of this requirement is users must have at least some domain knowledge. This requirement has no Validation it is up to the user to decide this. Usability Requirements #12 Gesture Based Interface The Rationale for this requirement is that the system is based on using gestures as input so all actions should be gesture based rather than menu based. The Description of this requirement is that all actions should be gesture based rather than menu based. The Validation for this requirement is that all of the functional requirements can be achieved without the use of a menu or touch based system. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. #13 Gesture Response Rate The Rationale for this requirement is that the system should quickly respond to gestures to ensure that the user is able to control the object as the interaction is occurring. The Description of this requirement is the gesture must be determined within 100 milliseconds. The Validation for this requirement is to display the gesture being performed as soon as it is identified and see if a typical user can notice any undue delay between the action and the response. I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. Schedule Determine what the Leap Motion can do - September 18th Determine what the users need to be able to do - September 19th Design gestures for each - September 24th Implement gestures for cyberglove - September 26th Implement gestures for 5DT glove - September 28th Implement gestures for leap motion - September 30th Develop virtual environment - October 3rd Design criteria for evaluation - October 5th Design survey/form to test criteria - October 15th Perform user evaluation - October 16th - November 5th Interpret data to decide on the best system - November 12th Deliver completed project - November 19th