
Members That Participated
tRaGgIc.HeRo- John Proctor
Sweaty.Stallion.Lover- Abigail Williams
2Holy4U- Reverend Parris
goody-Housewife-proctor68- Elizabeth Proctor
AreYouThereGodIt’sMeHale- Reverend Hale
ms.goody2shoes- Mary Warren
hismosthonorablejudge-truthseeker- Judge Danforth
tRaGgIc.HeRoGod’s teeth! Has the whole town gone mad?!?!?! My wife is been accused and
the culprit lies close. I know this.
Sweaty.Stallion.LoverOh Mr. P, It be the Lord’s work. . . . . On a totally different topic, what shall you
be doing the afternoon after your wife’s hangin’ ;).
2Holy4UHave this to do with me perhaps? I believe someone is accusing me of insanity.
Tis’ happened B4.
tRaGgIc.HeRoGet over urself Parris. Some1 is bound to wind up shanking you sooner or later.
2Holy4UWAS YOU?!?!?! I knew it. You’ve wanted me dead since day 1. I’ll not have it! I
shall not have it!
*2Holy4U has left the chat room
goody-Housewife-proctor68@Sweaty.Stallion.Lover I am still alive you lecherous child! How dare you!
Sweaty.Stallion.LoverJohn wasn’t calling me a child last night.
*AreYouThereGodIt’sMeHale, ms.goody2shoes, and hismosthonorablejudgetruthseeker have entered the chat room
tRaGgIc.HeRoWHORE! She is a liar both in and out of the courtroom!
AreYouThereGodIt’sMeHaleSalem lies with the Devil. Not in the way we originally believed him to be. We are
all murderers! DO YOU SEE THE BLOOD ON MY HEAD!?!?! I beg you Danforth; let
us postpone the trials so that I may attempt to reconcile the transgressions which
I have thus far so grievously committed.
hismosthonorablejudge-truthseeker@AreYouThereGodIt’sMeHale There shall be no postponement of the trials. We
shall hang these criminals high above the town!
tRaGgIc.HeRo@hismosthonorablejudge-truthseeker U cannot fool us. U have been fooled by
Sweaty.Stallion.LoverSo, Elizabeth, I guess you shall have to push the pin into the poppet deeper next
time. I’ll be dancin’ on ur grave w/ John B4 you can try again.
goody-Housewife-proctor68That was Mary Warren’s poppet and you know it! Tell them Mary. Please!
ms.goody2shoesIt were pretense. . .
Sweaty.Stallion.LoverIt was WHAT Mary? Think carefully B4 u speak?
tRaGgIc.HeRoDon’t be 1 of her puppets Mary. Answer 4 urself. Remember, God damns all
hismosthonorablejudge-truthseeker@ms.goody2shoes Do not let HIM witch you, and do not u try to witch Abby
again. This may not be my courtroom, but I’ll be damned if I do not have full
jurisdiction over anything concerning my case.
ms.goody2shoesI-I’ll not be hanged with u and ur wife Mr. Proctor. I <3 God! I’m sorry Abby!
Sweaty.Stallion.Lover*hugs* I forgive you Mary.
ms.goody2shoes@Sweaty.Stallion.Lover I’ll never hurt you more!
hismosthonorablejudge-truthseeker@tRaGgIc.HeRo The evidence is damning Proctor. What should u say in regard to
these facts?
tRaGgIc.HeRoWhy it IS true; this whole town be cray.
AreYouThereGodIt’sMeHaleWhy must we point fingers? This is too much even for a sinner such as myself.
*AreYouThereGodIt’sMeHale has left the chat room
goody-Housewife-proctor68I must go. Prisoners have restrictions. B4 I go, I would like 2 make my opinion
known. I will support John and any decision he chooses. . . .Goody Proctor 4 life!
Sweaty.Stallion.LoverCan we say attention whore much?
*goody-Housewife-proctor68 has left the chat room
hismosthonorablejudge-truthseeker@Sweaty.Stallion.Lover May I be so forward as to ask why you harbor such angst
toward Goody Proctor?
tRaGgIc.HeRoTis’ be because I have known her. . .
hismosthonorablejudge-truthseeker@tRaGgIc.HeRo Known her?!?! You confess to lechery? What of your wife?
tRaGgIc.HeRoThis be the true reason Abigail was removed from our household.
hismosthonorablejudge-truthseekerWould your wife say the same on the matter I wonder?
tRaGgIc.HeRoIn her life, sir, she have never lied. There are them that cannot sing, and them
that cannot weep- my wife cannot lie.
hismosthonorablejudge-truthseekerShall we proceed to find out? I shall summon her to the courtroom. We shall go
from there.
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